Alexander Hamilton (to Burr) :
God, I wish there was A War!
Then we could prove that we're worth more than anyone bargained for...

Kneel before Me.
I said KNEEL!
Is •not• this SIMPLER?
Is this •not• Your Natural State?
It's The Unspoken Truth of Humanity,
that you crave Subjugation.
The bright lure of Freedom
diminishes your Life's Joy
in a mad scramble for Power,
You were •made• to be RULED.
In The End, you will •always• kneel.

From Alexander Hamilton to Edward Stevens, 11 November 1769
To Edward Stevens
St Croix Novemr. 11th 1769
Dear Edward
This just serves to acknowledge receipt of yours per Cap Lowndes which was delivered me Yesterday. The truth of Cap Lightbourn & Lowndes information is now verifyd by the Presence of your Father and Sister for whose safe arrival I Pray, and that they may convey that Satisfaction to your Soul that must naturally flow from the sight of Absent Friends in health, and shall for news this way refer you to them. As to what you say respecting your having soon the happiness of seeing us all, I wish, for an accomplishment of your hopes provided they are Concomitant with your welfare, otherwise not, tho doubt whether I shall be Present or not for to confess my weakness, Ned, my Ambition is prevalent that I contemn the grov’ling and condition of a Clerk or the like, to which my Fortune &c. condemns me and would willingly risk my life tho’ not my Character to exalt my Station. Im confident, Ned that my Youth excludes me from any hopes of immediate Preferment nor do I desire it, but I mean to prepare the way for futurity. Im no Philosopher you see and may be jusly said to Build Castles in the Air. My Folly makes me ashamd and beg youll Conceal it, yet Neddy we have seen such Schemes successfull when the Projector is Constant I shall Conclude saying I wish there was a War.
I am Dr Edward Yours
Alex Hamilton
PS I this moment receivd yours by William Smith and am pleasd to see you Give such Close Application to Study.
“It isn’t just that the self-appointed organizers of the ‘gay community’ have a particular view of politics. They also have a specific view of the alleged responsibilities that being gay brings with it.
In 2013 the novelist Bret Easton Ellis was reprimanded and banned from the annual media awards dinner by the gay organization GLAAD.
He had been found guilty of tweeting views about the asinine nature of gay television characters that GLAAD said ‘the gay community had responded negatively to’.
This censorious tone – the prim schoolmaster tone – is the same one Pink News unleashed with a straight face in 2018, with its list of ten ‘dos and don’ts’ for straight people on ‘how they should behave in gay bars’.
In all of these cases the normal instinct is to say ‘Just who the hell do you think you are?’
But after his reprimand for wrong-think Ellis managed to sum up what had become a whole part of the new gay problem.
This was, as he said, that we had come to live in ‘The reign of The Gay Man as Magical Elf, who whenever he comes out appears before us as some kind of saintly E.T. whose sole purpose is to be put in the position of reminding us only about Tolerance and Our Own Prejudices and To Feel Good About Ourselves and to be A Symbol.’
The reign of the magical gay elf has indeed been settled for the time being as one of the acceptable ways in which society has made its peace with homosexuality.
Gays can now marry like everybody, else can pretend that they have children in exactly the same way as everybody else, and in general prove – as Dustin Lance Black and Tom Daley do on their YouTube channel – that gays are unthreatening people who actually spend their lives being cute and making cupcakes.
As Ellis wrote, ‘The Sweet and Sexually Unthreatening and Super-Successful Gay is supposed to be destined to transform The Hets into noble gay-loving protectors – as long as the gay in question isn’t messy or sexual or difficult.’
The former enfant terrible of American fiction had put his finger on something here.”

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