Sunday 24 October 2021

….because You are Trying to Have Heaven without God

“Now, Post-Modern Theology is quite a proposition — because you’re saying you want to have Theology without God.

Shatner :
Did you realize that The Next Generation, 
it was possible to characterize it as 
Gene Roddenberry's 
Dream of Heaven? 

Branon Braga :
I would never have thought that at the time
but now that we're talking,  
with his conception of The Future 
and Human Beings in The Future, 
and Q — Q is God

I mean, just look at the character, 
look at everything about 
the character. 

Shatner :
Gene was a well-known Atheist, 
but he invents Q

Q. :
Typical, so Typical. 
Savage Life Forms 
never follow even 
Their OWN Rules.

Ronald D. Moore :
As I sit here it's pretty startling — 
God's a character, a LITERALISED character, 
on Star Trek : The Next Generation. 

Shatner :
By An Atheist. 

Ronald D. Moore :
By An Atheist. 
Very interesting.

Gene's IDEAS about 
The Future and about Man  — 
are wacky doodle

He sees Us now in Our Infancy 
where we just gather and accumulate 
like a three-year-old in a crib,

That's Mine, that's mine, 
give me this, you can't have that 
I need this, I need that.

He believed that Mankind in the twenty-fourth century had •resolvedALL Conflict between themselves.

Dorothy Fountuna
That developed between the first Star Trek 
and the second Star Trek. 

David Gerrold
Back in the 60's, Gene wanted 
to be The Womaniser and always 
gets the beautiful woman and always 
punches out The Bad Guy 
and always wins. 

And in 1986, Gene is not going to be 
down there on the front lines punching, 
but he WILL be The All-Seeing ADVISOR
The WISE Man.

The real Trouble in Year One
is the dictumshow to 
get a good script OUT. 

If you tell A Writer that the characters can't have conflict between them, you're just cutting his legs off. 

Some writers really chaffed against 
Gene's Vision of A Better Future 
where there was No Conflict —
The ESSENCE of Drama is Conflict.

“There was No Evil.”

“There's No Money anymore. 
There was No Jealousy
There's No Fighting anymore. 

No separate Individual 
We just negotiate

No Tension, what?”

Branon Braga :
I liked the Dramatic Constraints 
it put on ME as A Writer.”


Branon Braga :
Well, I had to find new ways 
to tell stories.”

“When you look at The Original Series 
there's a LOT of Conflict between 
those characters, they argue a lot, 
and crewmen on The Enterprise 
are YELLING at each other — 

If Our People are Perfect and have No Conflicts 
or Problems between them, 
there is no STORY here. 

We would walk around in each others' offices going, 
"I don't know how to write about that, 
I don't know how to write about Perfect People.

Hurley :
That was Gene's vision of 
Star Trek: The Next Generation, take it or leave it 
and work within it or DON’T.

I don't think you can sustain a show 
where the characters are not 
accessible to the audience. 

Where you don't see somebody 
over coming A Flaw, 
if there's no Conflict and no tension 
between people, then there's no relationship 
between people and that show will wither

And that's what was happening. 

I tried to make it sustainable, 
I wanted to create this new adversary, The Borg
I want the Federation to form allies against this OVERWHELMING, awesome adversary. 

At the end of the first season 
there's an episode called ‘The Neutral Zone’, 
which was the arc for the second season, 
and the arc for the second season was going to be 
Here come The Borg.

At the end of the second season 
they DEFEAT The Borg.”

Shatner : 
Then what happened? 

Hurley :
Writers Strike

End of the first season, 
Writers Strike begins. 
Couldn't talk to The Writers, 
couldn't talk to Roddenberry. 

And the hiatus dragged on and on and on, 
it was five and a half months

“Patrick kept saying the trouble with the show is 
there's not enough f-ing and f-ing. 

Fighting and Fornicating.

Patrick Stewart : 
And I said I have a feeling Our Audience 
might like to see Our Captain just getting 
blown away by meeting Somebody New.

Ira Stephen Behr :
The Writers were real excited. 
Well Rick says,You've got to 
go in to see Gene.’ 

So I go in and he's very nice but he says, 
‘I like the idea of The Pleasure Planet 
and I want it to be a place where 
you see women FONDLING and 
KISSING other women, 
and men HUGGING and 
holding hands and KISSING 
and we can imply that 
they're having SEX 
in the background.’ 

Huh? Really

I'm going, "Oh, man, I'm in 
The freakin' Twilight Zone." 

I go back to Rick, he goes, 
‘Pft, pay no attention to that, 
just get The Captain laid."

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