Friday, 24 January 2025

Finally and Definitively WRONG


“I think it is one of the greatest stupidities
greatest mistakes of The 20th Century
there's something finally and definitively 
WRONG about Psychoanalysis.

All my figures in my films are not really 
psychoanalysis; they are not captured with 
psychoanalysis and I believe that 
explaining EVERY dark little 
corner that we have in our soul 
is a very unhealthy and a very stupid 
and a very dangerous thing —
We should NOT do that. 

Q. : Why? 

Because when you inhabit A House 
and you illuminate every last corner 
of The House with strong lights
The House becomes uninhabitable;
and Human Beings illuminated to 
the very last corner of their darkest soul
become inhuman and uninhabitable — 

And sometimes I make a comparison 
with The Spanish Inquisition;
The Spanish Inquisition has not done 
Good to anyone at all, and it's a big 
mistake of the 14th and 15th century, 
16th Century because — 

They are, by force of Tortureyou had 
to explain the very deepest nature 
of Your Faith; because they tried to 
eliminate remaining Muslim traces 
from, from Society — it has not 
done Good to anyone

The Spanish Inquisition 
was a catastrophic event, and 
in my opinion, Sigmund Freud 
and psychoanalysis is a 
catastrophic event of 
similar magnitude —”

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