Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Counsel for The Defence :
Were you part of what 
might be loosely termed 
this Quiz community?

Tecwen Whittock :
I enjoyed having 
a connection to 
people of shared
interest, yes.

Counsel for The Defence :
Now, you didn't have the easiest 
of upbringings, did you?

You were born in 
a psychiatric hospital
where your mother 
was a patient.
Raised in foster homes.

And yet despite all that, 
You became A Teacher.
And you have A Family 
of your own now, too.

Tecwen Whittock :
Yes. Yes.

Counsel for The Defence :
Would you risk all that?
Are you the third mastermind 
in a conspiracy to 
steal million pounds
Mr Whittock?

Tecwen Whittock :
I would never do 
anything like that.
I would NEVER cheat.

It's you... 
You tricked me.

No, it's not what you think.
I just wanted to meet, all right?

It's not illegal
what we do.

I know.

Those were your weaknesses
your vulnerabilities that you 
left in Your own System.

I'm not trying to trap you.

Please, come, come and have a drink.
I tip my hat to you, you beat us.

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