Wednesday, 8 January 2025

She Walked Out, Her Cooperation Stopped There.

Mrs. X : I was never told a thing about sex, 
not the way it really happens….

Q. : Would you try not to 
grip the sides of the chair — relax
Just relax and talk about it as it really was.

Mrs. X : Well it was “strange men who might touch me”; 
it was “be careful of the boys” — one day one DID put his hand out; 
I remember thinkingnow that is clear — I remember thinking….

Q. : Do you remember when you thought of things ?

Mrs. X :
I remember thinking “Shall I let him touch me…? 
No, I love my parents, I want them to love me
I'll let them down if I let him.”

First time I let a boy do it properly
it was disgusting….

Q. Why? 

Mrs. X :
Well, we didn't know what to DO — 
it….. it was shameful, shameful.

Q. : At the time or afterwards?

Mrs. X :  Both.

Q. Who TOLD you it was disgusting? 

Mrs. X :
Some girl at school said it was marvellous
that's why I did it; my parents were right
it was disgusting….

Q. Your parents told you it was disgusting? 

Mrs. X :
Oh no they never mentioned it.

Q. Why did you say they DID? 

Mrs. X :  I didn't. 

Q. : You said, 
My parents were right it was disgusting”. 

Mrs. X :
….I don't know why I SAID that
they never talked about it.

Q. Your parents brought you 
up to be A Good Girl? 

Mrs. X :
they thought they did —
I was a thief at school, 
I used to steal things;
they never found out — 

Q. : If they HAD found out
would they have thought that 
was disgusting

Mrs. X :
oh, no — wrong, bad
they wouldn't have been disgusted.

Q. : What do you MEAN by ‘disgust

Mrs. X :
Well, when it's…. 

Q. : What else is disgusting?

Mrs. X :
I don't know —

Q. : Excrement

Mrs. X : Oh yeah 

Q. : Your mother having a baby…? 
…..try to answer 

Mrs. X : I can't, you're making me cry 

Q. : Then cry. 

Mrs. X :
No, I'm not going to cry 
What are you trying to 
make me say…..?
What are you up to? 

Psychiatrist :
She walked out, her cooperation stopped there.

What did I ask her to do
I had asked her to imagine, well, 
several things — her mother and father copulating;
possibly indulging in some practice 
which she would regard as perverted 

Anglican Bishop :
Why should you? 

Not-Mary Whitehouse :
That's what I want to know — 
Why should you ask her these things? Why

Because Dr tarant is a psychiatrist Mrs chesy her parents had severed all connection between their own sexual experience and their child child as most parents do the simulated intercourse on the stage at the princess theater although she hadn't even witnessed it was the exposure of a suspected obscene act by her parents I saw it and it was an obscene act I know sex are hand UPS about my parents sexual habits what about oral sex oh Mr chairman Mr oh Mr Garrison introduced his parents I didn't it was Freud who made it clear that sexuality and procreation are not the same thing the sexual instinct is deeply rooted in the biological basis of our organism now vilhelm Reich the eminent psychoanalyst extended the Freudian concept by showing that the sexual instinct is deeply rooted in all our living functions he called it biological energy the Fountain of our being he said if you repress this energy you produced a stunted person now Mrs X is that kind of person she is maladjusted in a way that we haven't begun to understand in law in religion in politics in education even in science I believe Reich was expelled from the International psychoanalytical Association of course he was Mrs X you know is Not Unusual she is what you would call Mrs cresy a very decent person she is what you would call ordinary and she is intelligent but she has read so many violent head headlines about depravity drugs obscenity filth and disease that she has committed her first violent act I want to make the strongest possible recommendation to this committee that if the law is changed to bring penal sanctions into effect instead of some kind of therapy and education program in fact a recognition of her sexuality we should have swept the problem right under the carpet and perpetuated it are you suggesting that I am stunted Dr tarant or Mr Garrison here we have inquired extensively over these last few weeks into the representation in our media of elements of a pornographic and obscene nature we've heard from filmmakers television and radio people psychologists societies who want to change the law we have read reports on the effects of such material on children on controls of different kinds we must now turn our attention to the subject of vience Doom watch yes ma'am well it's about time the government sat up and paid some attention we've been on to him lon

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