Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Stanley Uris

"Reflecting on The Meaning of what I just read, 
the word "Leshanot" comes up a lot which 
means "to change, to transform." 

Which makes sense I guess, because today 
I'm supposed to become A Man. 
It's funny, though. 

Everyone, I think, has some memories 
they're prouder of than others, right? 
And maybe that's why Change is so scary. 
Cause the things we wish 
we could leave behind... 
the whispers we wish 
we could silence... 
the nightmares we most 
wanna wake up from... 
the memories we 
wish we could change... 
the secrets we feel like we have to keep... 
are the hardest to walk away from. 

The good stuff? 
The pictures in our mind 
that fade away the fastest
Those pieces of you it 
feels the easiest to lose

Maybe I don't want to forget
Maybe if that's what today is all about... 
forget it, right? 

Today I'm supposed to become A Man
but I don't feel any different. 

I know I'm a Loser. 
And no matter what... 
I always fucking will be."

― Stanley Uris' 
speech on Change 
at his bar mitzva

"Dear Losers... 

I know what this must seem like... 
but this isn't a suicide note. 

You're probably wondering 
why I did what I did
It's because I knew I was 
too scared to go back
And I knew if weren't together... 
if all of us alive weren't united... 

I knew we'd all die

So, I made the only logical move. 
I took myself off The Board. 

Did it work? Well, 
if you're reading this, 
you know the answer. 

I lived my whole life afraid
Afraid of what would come next
Afraid of what I might leave behind. 

Don't. Be who you 
want to be. Be proud
And if you find someone 
worth holding on to...  
never ever let them go. 
Follow your own path. 
Wherever that takes you. 

Think of this letter as A Promise. 
A promise I'm asking you to make. To me. 
To each other. An oath. 
See the thing about being a Loser 
is you don't have anything to lose
So... Be true. Be brave. Stand
Believe. And don't ever forget... 

We're Losers... 
and we always will be."

― Stan's posthumous letter to the other Losers

Was a strong baseball player.

Despite having 'jet black' hair, he is said to also have ginger pubic hair. This may be due to vitiligo affecting his scrotum.

Seemed largely unaffected by Richie's antisemitic jokes, even replying that his father had killed Jesus, not him.

Stan is one of the two members (alongside Eddie Kaspbrak) of the Losers Club to die, although Stan committed suicide due to his fear of Pennywise, while Eddie is killed by Pennywise.

Was upset with doctors for suggesting that he and Patricia were unable to conceive due to stress, and advising them to 'not think about conceiving' when having sex, as he said he "never thought about it during."

Was a fan of Paul Anka.

Stan is diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Complusive Disorder).

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