Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Because You Wish It

"Their whole civilization, their whole 
culture, is a monument to the Art of War.

The early campaigns - Yes, the Klingons were toying with us.

They were using a strategy known to the Klingon people as vuvHa'chu'wI' to'

" vuvHa'chu'wI' to' "

Which loosely, roughly translates as
"The Strategy of Least Respect."

His Mind's a void
It seems, Admiral, that 
I've got all his marbles.

Is there anything we can do?

Only one thing, sir :
Get him OFF this planet. 
His ageing is part of 
what's going on around us.

(Kirk discovers a Klingon communicator)

Klingon Commander —
This is Admiral James T. Kirk. ...I am alive and well 
on The Planet's surface.

I know this will come as a pleasant surprise for you.

Our Ship was the victim 
of an unfortunate accident
Sorry about Your Crew, but as 
we say on Earth, ...'c'est la vie'

I have what you want
I have The Secret of Genesis
You're gonna have to bring us up there to get it. 

Do you hear me! 
I'm waiting for you! 
What is Your Answer?

Kruge appears in a transporter beam, 
pointing a gun at him.

Drop all weapons! 

Over there, All but Kirk.

Prisoners are at 
beam coordinates.

You should take 
The Vulcan, too.
[ And he was going to …. ]


But Why?

Because you 
Wish it.

(in Klingonese) 
...Maltz! Activate beam!

(Sulu, Chekov, Saavik Scott and McCoy are beamed up)

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