Sunday 17 March 2024

What We Have To Understand About Russian Leaders

What We Have To Understand About Russian Leaders

What we have to understand that as far
as The Russians are concerned 
uh, that they at one moment can
be very Russian and another woman can be
very communist uh it's like a Dr Joo Mr
Hyde syndrome that works uh I have such
vivid Recollections of that both with
regard to Kruschev but also with regard to
Brezhnev uh we would have for example 
a very very tough argument uh with
Brezhnev uh and then we go up to dinner as we
did at adasha afterwards and he would be
raising his glass and toasting the
grandchildren etc etc etc now I don't
mean by that that it was an act either
the first time or the second time what I
mean is that there are split
personalities there and my conclusion
basically is this we have to understand
the world as it is Russians and
Americans can be friends
and everybody must remember that we were
friends and we were allies too Russians
and Americans were were
too but the governments of the United
States and the Soviet Union can never be
friends because our goals are totally
different so what we have to do then is
to find a way uh to deal with the
Russian leaders as much as we can as
Russians recognizing also that as
Communists uh that they do not have our
best interest to put it mildly in mind I
think too that uh another recollection
that I have of brf that is interesting
is the way that he was so physical in
his contact he he was a man uh who was
always grabby in his conversation or
when I was riding along uh after being
in the Crimea to the airport in the car
and he put his hand over on my leg and
this and it I felt that I was in the
Oval Office with Lyndon Johnson uh cuz
Johnson also I did I just think it's a
shame that those two never got together
it would really been a a a bear wrestle
uh but uh the but on the other hand I
would say
that that while
brf uh was without question a ruthless
tough uh communist he could be a very
warm generous Uh Russian he could be
like a little boy with his collection of
cars for example uh and he drove like a
madman practically scared me to death
one time when we' given him a new lincol
and he drove over the single Lane roads
up in Camp David uh going around curves
that I wouldn't even take a 30 mil hour
we were going 60 and he got after we got
out of the car he said you know this car
handles very
well one of the prices of

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