“I want My Daddy..!!”

Mr Gary Grooberson :
...are you okay...?
Callie :
Ah -- yeah. First Day.
Can you imagine who they've
got teaching Summer School...?
Mr Gary Grooberson :
I can -- I teach it.
Callie :
Oh, I'm sorry.
Mr Gary Grooberson :
Look -- most of the kids around here --
they're not very bright.
[a little boy pushes past them.]
Hey, Colin. He's....
I can get them to do
whatever I want.
whatever I want.
Callie :
[Unenthusiastically/Not-Listening/Doesn't Care.]
Mr Gary Grooberson :
DREAM job...(!)
VHS-Summer School Survival Skills
Lesson 1 : Good Dog, Lie Down…
Just Lie Down, now…
Lie Down and Die.
Good Morning Class!
How's Everybody Doing Today...?

My Name's
Mister Grooberson.
....I know.
You don't wanna be here.
I don't wanna be here, either.
Now, apparently--
Your School is still operating on VHS --
But, I found this gem in The Teacher's Lounge :
It's called 'Cujo' : It's about a rabid St.Bernard that...
You know what, I don't want to give too much away, but --
Imagine 'Beethoven',
if he contracted Rabies,
and then just started mauling children...!!
You get an idea -- Enjoy.
Here in My Car
I feel Safest of All
I can lock all My Doors
It's the only way to Live, in Cars —
Here in My Car
I can only receive
I can Listen to You
It keeps me stable for days, in Cars
Here in My Car,
Where The Image breaks down
Will You visit Me please
If I open My Door in cars —
Here in My Car
I know I've started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right, in Cars
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