Tuesday 31 August 2021

The Nest

“It was Jor-el’s idea —

But — But it’s My EARTH Parents who raised me to THIS.

I think of all Jor-El’s SECRETS.

All his Dirty Little Secrets….

It started with one.

They started to pile up….
But it started with one secret.

Oh bye bye, Adam, travel safe.

It was a pleasure.

Yeah, bye bye now.

Sorry about that.

Allison's fucking crazy.

So it went well, right?

Yeah, it was fine.

It didn't go fine, it went well, capiche.

Come on let's get...

I'm all right.

I missed the last train.

I can't go home.

Stay out with me.

Stay out with me.

I'm just a bit tired.

Fuck off!

When have you ever said 'no' to a night out with me?

Come on.

I can't, you know that.

Me, why?

I can't control her.

She's mental, it's nothing to do with me.

They weren't impressed by your bullshit, Rory.

It wasn't necessary.

You're getting wound up about nothing, this'll be fine.

I'll follow up with them next week, relax.

When you stepped out,

they said they just want to work with me.

Well of course they want to work with you,

it's your account, I'll take a backseat.

No no no no no no, you're off this, mate.

You got nothing to do with this deal.

Well, no offense, but there wouldn't be a deal without me.

You were gonna sit on it for a year.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, and the way you were structuring your shit.

All right, all right, you do things your way, I'll do things my way.

Can we just talk about this in the office on Monday?

You're angry because Allison fucked things up.

I'm not angry, I'm not angry, but I am going home.

You're serious?

I'll see you Monday.

Dracula’s Driver :

Big night then?

The Father :

No, not really.

Just been working too hard.

Dracula’s Driver :

What line of work you in?

The Father :

….I pretend I'm rich.

Dracula’s Driver :

Why do you pretend?

The Father :

….I don't know.

Dracula’s Driver :

That sounds tiring.


The Father :

It is.

I had a million dollars once.

I was living in New York City.

I had one million dollars in the bank.

I thought it'd just keep coming.

I thought that was it, 

I was rich for the rest of my life.

And then,

over time it just, it went.

Now I have nothing.

Dracula’s Driver :

You have kids?

The Father :

Yeah I do, two.

Dracula’s Driver :

What are you going on about then?

That's all that matters.

Everything else is nonsense.

It's the only reason 

we're put on this Earth —

Well, that and football.

The Father :


Dracula’s Driver :

You a good dad?

The Father :

Yeah, I'm The Best.

I keep a roof over their head,

I give them the best of everything,

and I never laid a hand on them, never would.

Dracula’s Driver :

That's the bare minimum mate,

don't pat yourself on the back for that.

The Father :

Well that's more than I ever fucking had.

Dracula’s Driver :

We have to give our kids more than we had, that's it, That's Life.

Sort yourself out mate, get a job.

Make a wage, you'll be all right.

The Father :

I want more than that, thanks.

Dracula’s Driver :

What do you want then, mate?

The Father :


…..I don't actually know.

I don't know.

I don't fucking know.

He stops The Cab.

The Father :

What are you doing?

Dracula’s Driver :

Well you just told me that 

You're Broke,

and that 

You're a Liar.

Do you really have the rest of the money for this fare?

The Father :

Not on me, I said that.

But at the house I do.

Dracula’s Driver :

I'll have to let you off.

The Father :

Are you fucking joking?

Dracula’s Driver :

I won't take you any further, mate.

Sorry, Don't Trust Ya —

You can Walk.

The Father :

Mate, I'm miles from my house.

I can't fucking walk.

Dracula’s Driver : 

Get out My Car.

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