Friday 20 August 2021

The Miser's Coat

Batman Begins - "Thats a Nice Coat"

Bruce Wayne has been turned out violently onto The Street by Falcone's bodyguards in front of Falcone's Place, a scene witnessed by nobody except for the crazy homeless man across The Street

The Prophet of Gotham Harbour :
Shoulda tipped better..!!

Bruce approaches him and offers him some cash

The Prophet of Gotham Harbour :
For what?

Your jacket.

The Prophet of Gotham Harbour :

He indicates Bruce's own, very expensive, 
very warm designer coat --

The Prophet of Gotham Harbour :
Hey, hey, hey. 
Let me have it.

Pulling it on, he suddenly realises 
the richness of the fabric, 
how well-made and tailored it is --

 It's a nice coat.

Bruce Wayne :
Be careful who sees you with that.
They're gonna come looking for me. 

The Prophet of Gotham Harbour :

Bruce Wayne :

The Prophet of Gotham Harbour :
It's a nice coat.

Ra's al Ghul :
When you lived among The Criminals, 
did you start to pity them?

Bruce Wayne :
The first time I stole so that I wouldn't starve, yes.
I lost many assumptions about 
The Simple Nature of Right and Wrong.

And when I traveled...
...I learned the fear before a crime...
...and the thrill of success.
But I never became one of them.

Fool. What do I care what your name is? 
You're a criminal.

Bruce Wayne :
I'm not a criminal.

Tell that to the guy who owned these.

Ra's al Ghul :
You've traveled the world to understand the criminal mind...
...and conquer your fears.
But a criminal is not complicated.
And what you really fear is inside yourself.

You fear your own power.
You fear your anger, the drive to do great or terrible things.
Now you must journey inwards.

You are ready.

Breathe in your fears.
Face them.

To conquer fear, you must become fear.
You must bask in the fear of other men.
And men fear most what they cannot see.

You have to become a terrible thought.
A wraith.
You have to become an idea!

Feel terror cloud your senses.
Feel its power to distort.
To control.

And know that this power can be yours.

Embrace your worst fear.
Become one with the darkness.
Master your senses.
You cannot leave any sign.

Bruce Wayne :
I haven't.

Ra's al Ghul :
We have purged your fear.
You are ready to lead these men.
You are ready to become a member of the League of Shadows.
But first, you must demonstrate your commitment to justice.

Bruce Wayne :
No. I'm no executioner.

Ra's al Ghul :
Your compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share.
That's why it's so important.
It separates us from them.
You want to fight criminals. 

This man is a murderer.

Bruce Wayne :
This man should be tried. 

Ra's al Ghul :
By whom?
Corrupt bureaucrats?
Criminals mock Society's laws.
You know this better than most.
You cannot lead these men unless you are prepared to do what is necessary to defeat evil.

Bruce Wayne :
And where would I be leading these men?

Ra's al Ghul :
As Gotham's favored son you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality.

Bruce Wayne :

Ra's al Ghul :
Gotham's time has come.
Like Constantinople or Rome before it, 
The City has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice.
It is beyond saving and must be allowed to die.
This is the most important function of the League of Shadows.
It is one we've performed for centuries.
Gotham... must be destroyed.

Bruce Wayne :
You can't believe in this.

Ra's al Ghul :
Ra's al Ghul rescued us 
from the darkest corners of our own hearts.
What he asks in return is the courage to do what is necessary.

Bruce Wayne :
I will go back to Gotham and I will fight men like this...
...but I will not become an executioner.

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