Of course! A Gestalt! A Telepathic Gestalt!
Welcome, welcome.
This is The Gang.
I've got a Gang.
With you? They're with you?
Are they the new Us?
Is that why we haven't seen you?
They're just people.
They're not Ponds.
I thought we might need a new gang.
Not really had a gang before.
It's new.
'Graham" means 'Grey Haired One".
That's why Graham is called Graham.
Orion is the Youth God of The New Gods and The Fourth World.
That's why Ryan is called Ryan.
And, he's his own father (kind of)
'Yasmin' or 'Jasmine' means 'Beautiful Flower....
And she's God on Angel.
That's why Yaz is called Yaz.
Dr. Disco :
Just stick one into the Tardis console.
That'll bring you to me.
The Maid :
[on monitor]:
Dr. Disco :
And make sure you hang on to the console, otherwise the Tardis will leave you behind.
My Lady :
So what do we do?
Doctor? Huh?
Doctor, what do we do?
Dr. Disco :
My Lady :
Dr. Disco :
We don't do anything.
I'm sorry, Clara.
I can't help you.
My Lady :
Of course you can help.
Dr. Disco :
The Earth isn't my home.
The Moon's not my moon.
My Lady :
Come on. Hey.
Dr. Disco :
Listen, there are moments in every civilisation's history in which the
whole path of that civilisation is decided.
The whole future path.
Whatever future humanity might have depends upon the choice that is made
right here and right now.
Now, you've got the tools to kill it.
made them.
You brought them up here all on your own, with your own
You don't need a Time Lord.
Kill it.
Or let it live.
I can't
make this decision for you.
My Lady :
Yeah, well, I can't make it.
Dr. Disco :
Well, there's two of you here.
My Lady :
Well, yeah.
A school teacher and an astronaut.
Dr. Disco :
Who's better qualified?
My Lady :
I don't know! The President of America.
He makes far too many decisions anyway.
The Widow :
Dr. Disco :
Oh, take something off his plate! He makes far too many decisions anyway.
The Widow :
Dr. Disco :
She. Sorry.
She hasn't even been into space.
She hasn't been to another planet.
How would she even know what to do?
My Lady :
I am asking you for help.
Dr. Disco :
Listen, we went to dinner in Berlin in 1937, right?
We didn't nip out
after pudding and kill Hitler.
I've never killed Hitler.
And you
wouldn't expect me to kill Hitler.
The Future is no more malleable than
The Past.
My Lady :
Okay, don't you do this to make some kind of point.
It's time to take the stabilisers off your bike.
It's your moon, womankind.
It's your choice.
Dr. Disco :
Sorry. Well, actually, no, I'm not sorry. It's time to take the stabilisers off your bike.
It's your moon, womankind.
It's your choice.
My Lady :
And you're just going to stand there?
Dr. Disco :
Absolutely not.
(The Tardis arrives, and Courtney comes out.)
My Lady :
Dr. Disco :
A teenager, an astronaut and a schoolteacher.
The Widow :
Hang on a minute. We can get in there, can't we? You can sort it out with that thing.
Dr. Disco :
No. Some decisions are too important not to make on your own.
My Lady :
(The Doctor goes into the Tardis and shuts the door. It dematerialises.)
The Widow :

The Widow :
Oh, what a prat
(A well build man with red hair and beard has entered. He stops in front of each of them in turn. Please note this actor really is deaf.)
(He goes and stands on his dais. Picard steps forward but is gestured to stop. Two men and a woman in white enter and stand in front of Riva)
Please, come closer. Before I start, is there anything you need? Food, refreshments?
Thank you, no.
(the man in the hat)
Then proceed.
Greetings from the United Federation of Planets. I am Captain Jean Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise. This is Counsellor Troi. Lieutenant Worf.
ADONIS: Greetings.
SCHOLAR: Welcome to Ramatis.
WOMAN: I have been expecting you.
ADONIS: You are empathic.
TROI: Yes.
(Riva walks towards Troi)
Then although you already know my feelings toward you, allow me to put them into words.
I am looking forward to this journey, now more than ever, because it gives me the chance to be in your company.
I am flattered. I too am look forward to learning more about you.
(Riva goes back to his dais)
There are aspects to Riva of which we have not been informed.
Precisely. Our way of communicating has developed over the centuries and its one that I find quite harmonious.
Then Riva the mediator...
WOMAN: ..is deaf.
WOMAN: Born, and hope to die.
PICARD: And the three of you speak for him?
We serve as translators. We convey not only his thoughts, but his emotional intent as well. I am the Scholar. I represent the intellect, and speak in matters of judgement, philosophy, logic. Also, I am the dreamer, the part that longs to see the beauty beyond the truth which is always the first duty of art. I am the poet who ...
Artists, they tend to ramble, neglect the moment. I am passion, the libido. I am the anarchy of lust, the romantic and the lover. I am also the warrior, the perfect line which never wavers.
I am that which binds all the others together. I am harmony, wisdom, balance.
Remarkable. And so these...
(Riva steps forward, angry)
SCHOLAR: Speak to me!
SCHOLAR: Speak directly to me.
PICARD: The uniqueness of this presentation provoked this inadvertent breach in protocol. No insult was intended.
SCHOLAR: Then none is perceived.
PICARD: I'm curious about how this rare form of communication came about.
WOMAN: The gene for hearing is not present in my planet's ruling line.
SCHOLAR: Not that unusual, indeed it is similar to the House of Hanover of your planet Earth, all who had haemophilia. Or the leaders of Fendaus Five, who were without limbs.
WOMAN: Many of the galaxy's greatest contributors have been similarly special.
SCHOLAR: My Chorus is so attuned, they can hear my thoughts and translate to you. It is a relationship which goes back for centuries. Their ancestors provided the same service to my ancestors.
TROI: Your method of communication is most elegant and quite beautiful.
ADONIS: It takes a fine mind to realise that, Counsellor Troi.
TROI: This part of you doesn't speak very often.
ADONIS: Only when the spirit moves me.
PICARD: Riva, if you are ready, the situation at Solais Five is very critical. We should not delay.
SCHOLAR: Very well.
WORF: With your permission, Captain.
PICARD: Make it so, Mister Worf.
WORF: Enterprise, this is the away team. Seven to beam up.
O'BRIEN [OC]: Commander Riker. The away team, plus four, is on board.
RIKER: Acknowledged. Ensign, set your course for Solais Five.
WESLEY: Course is set.
RIKER: Velocity, warp eight.
WESLEY: Warp eight, aye.
RIKER: Engage, Ensign.
WESLEY: Yes, sir.
(The party enters the Bridge)
RIKER: What is this?
PICARD: Riva is deaf. These three speak for him. Treat them as interpreters. Address yourselves directly to Riva. Now, may I present my First Officer.
SCHOLAR: First, Captain, may I say it is an honour to be on board such a fine vessel. Now, please, continue with the introductions.
PICARD: This is my First Officer, Commander Riker.
SCHOLAR: It is an honour to meet you.
(Riva places his right hand in the centre of Riker's chest)
PICARD: Lieutenant Commander Data.
SCHOLAR: It is a pleasure to meet such a unique individual.
DATA: Thank you.
PICARD: Lieutenant La Forge.
LAFORGE: It is my pleasure to meet you, sir.
WOMAN: What is that you're wearing?
LAFORGE: A visor. It interprets the electromagnetic spectrum and then carries the readings to my brain.
WOMAN: And without it, can you see?
LAFORGE: Without it I'm as blind as a stump.
WOMAN: Then your visor serves the same function as my Chorus, which interprets my thoughts and translates them into sound?
SCHOLAR: And you don't resent it?
LAFORGE: The visor or being blind?
SCHOLAR: Either.
LAFORGE: No, since they're both part of me, and I really like who I am, there's no reason for me to resent either one.
SCHOLAR: What is your position on the ship?
LAFORGE: I'm the Chief Engineer, sir.
WOMAN: It's a blessing to understand we are special, each in his own way.
LAFORGE: Yes. Yes, that's the way I feel exactly.
PICARD: I offer the hospitality of my vessel. And at your convenience, there is a briefing on the Solari wars. If you wish, I'll have you conducted to your quarters.
WOMAN: Thank you.
ADONIS: Perhaps, if it is not inconvenient, Counsellor Troi could escort me. With your permission.
TROI: This way.
(Troi leaves with Riva and the Adonis)
RIKER: What about you?
WOMAN: At times like this, we become an encumbrance.
SCHOLAR: So, if you have rooms for us?
PICARD: Lieutenant Worf will escort you.
Riva's not what I expected.
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