Aaron is the name of The Patriarch,
who gets everything wrong.
God made him
A Priest
Pharaoh :
It's True, The Hittite Army has 16,000 troops camped outside Kadesh.
What's less clear is why.
Prince Rameses :
The Hittites are trying
to cross The Border.
Obviously. What else would They be doing?
Anticipating an invasion by us, according to our information.
They think we are...
preparing an attack,
which we are not.
What I don't want to do,
and won't do, is sit here...
And wait until we're
fighting Hittite armies
outside the palace walls.
What do the entrails say?
They don't "say" anything.
They imply.
And that's open to interpretation.
So, interpret them —
We'll Win or We Won't,
in a preemptive attack?
It's a Yes or a No.
And it's not clear.
But Something Else is —
In The Battle,
A Leader will be Saved,
and His Saviour
will someday lead.
Then the entrails should also say that we will abandon reason,
and be guided by omens.
Great Sekhmet,
Pharaoh Drinks in Your Name,
and Prays for Victory
over The Hittites at Kadesh.
Your first order of business when the time comes, you retire her.
I will. I don't know why my father hasn't.
But, just in case -
If you see me in any real danger out there, ride the other way.
I'm serious.
When I look at you, I still see the two boys who grew up together, close as brothers.
If, for any reason you ever forget that...
Let these remind you.
Long enough to be effective from horseback,
not so long that you trip over them.
This is his.
You've got mine.
That's right. That's how I want it.
You have each other's, to keep each other safe.
Promise me you'll do that... always.

Treat me like a fool...
Elvis' Dead Twin Brother was Aaron Presley.
Vernon and Gladys named their surviving son Elvis Aron Presley, so that their son would always remember the duties and responsibility placed upon him to live TWO Lives for the Second Soul he was born into This World.
The King has TWO SOULS - See Richard II
The King took up residence in Memphis, building his Palace upon a Land of Grace.
Elvis' Dead Twin Brother was Aaron Presley.
Vernon and Gladys named their surviving son Elvis Aron Presley, so that their son would always remember the duties and responsibility placed upon him to live TWO Lives for the Second Soul he was born into This World.
The King has TWO SOULS - See Richard II
The King took up residence in Memphis, building his Palace upon a Land of Grace.
[The Palace of GRACE]
The Elder:
The Elder:
You've landed on my chair!
Our Lady:
The Elder :
You've broke my chair!
Our Lady :
Well, if you will leave chairs around the place.
The Elder :
This is my front room!
Our Lady :
Where's your kitchen?
I just need to get some eggs
to check the protein alignments in the goo.
to check the protein alignments in the goo.
(Graham points, and the doorbell rings.)
Our Lady :
Oh! Is that your intruder alert or mine?
Orion :
It's the doorbell.
Our Lady :
Oh yeah. Sorry.
(Graham opens the front door.)
The Elder :
(And shuts it again.)
Orion :
Who was it?
Wrong number.
Our Lady:
Intruder alert again?
The Elder:
It's a doorbell.
Orion :
I'll go tell 'em to go away.
The Elder :
No, Ryan. Oh.
The Damesel:
Is everything all right?
The Elder :
Not really, Yaz, no.
(Ryan opens the front door, then comes into the front room, followed by an older man.)
The Damsel :
Ryan, you okay?
This is Yaz and The Doctor.
The Patriarch Who Gets Everything Wrong :
The Patriarch Who Gets Everything Wrong :
This is me Dad.
Our Lady + The Damsel :
Our Lady :
Hi, Ryan's Dad.
The Patriarch Who Gets Everything Wrong :
The Patriarch Who Gets Everything Wrong :
(He holds out his hand.)
Our Lady :
You weren't at Grace's funeral.
The Patriarch Who Gets Everything Wrong :
Our Lady :
Ryan waited for you.
You let him down.
(Long pause.)
(Long pause.)
The Patriarch Who Gets Everything Wrong :
I was thinking maybe we could grab a coffee.
Er, yeah, right. Er, sure.
Er, is it all right if we er...?
We're just gonna go...
(to Graham) Is that okay if er...?
The Damsel:
If you're needing somewhere to go,
café around the corner's open.
Orion :
Yeah. Yeah, good shout, good shout.
I'll just get me coat.
The Elder:
Aaron, can I have a word?
Aaron, can I have a word?
(Graham and Aaron follow Ryan out of the room.)
Our Lady :
Ryan's Dad.
The Damsel:
It's complicated.
Our Lady :
Yeah. Dads are, so I've heard.
(In the hallway.)
The Elder :
So, why are you here?
New Year's Day.
Turning over a new leaf.
The Elder :
Right, well, er, be gentle.
He's been through a lot.
I know.
The Elder :
No, You Don't.
You have no idea.
I just want me and him to be family again.
The Elder :
Family isn't just about DNA, Aaron, or a name.
It's about what you do.
And you haven't done enough.
Orion :
We off, then?
See you later, Gramps.
See you later, Son.
(Aaron is trying to sell a Matsoki microwave to the owner, and Ryan is fed up.)
(Aaron is trying to sell a Matsoki microwave to the owner, and Ryan is fed up.)
But this one's a combination.
Microwave and full oven.
Both functions are the best quality you can get.
I swear, this is the best you can have.
Sorry, not for me, mate.
(Aaron and his box return to the table.)
This is a new thing you're doing?
Only so long a man can work offshore.
RYAN: Given up being on the rigs?
Let's just say I've been examining my life choices lately. I'm not sure if this is the answer.
Get them online, can't you?
Yeah. Yes. Yes, except for this one. It's actually really good.
A mate of mine makes it.
I helped him with some of the specs. It's the best working oven you can get.
But I make it sound like a con, so maybe I'm not cut out for that.
Maybe it's back to engineering.
We'll see.
So, how you been doing?
That's where you start?
Orion :
That's all you got?
How do you think I'm doing?
I know it's been hard for both of us.
Okay, stop. I don't care how it's been for you. This ain't about us commiserating with each other. This is about you making things right.
This how you talk to your dad?
Orion :
I don't know cos he ain't been around.
So don't come walking back in demanding respect, cos that ain't where we are.
What do you need me to say, hmm? Because I want to say it.
Okay. You say,
Ryan, I'm sorry.
I've messed up.
I haven't been good enough.
I've let you down a lot.
And I know that's made life hard for you.
And if it meant that over the years, you ever felt lonely or abandoned or didn't know where to turn or who to talk to or how to be.
Then I'm sorry. Cos...
'Cos you mustn't ever think that you didn't deserve my love.
You didn't ever think that..?
Yeah. Why wouldn't you?
Okay, listen. Here's what you find out when you get older.
There are things you've done in your life to others, the decisions you've made maybe when things were difficult, and you get it wrong.
But by the time you realise you got it wrong, it's too late.
You can't fix it because the damage is done.
And so you run cos you're too ashamed to make it right.
That's what I did.
No. You hid when I needed you. First Mum, then Nan.
I'm not hiding any more.
[Graham's home]
(Ryan and Aaron are back, with the microwave.)
RYAN: Hello? It's us.
AARON: I need to use the... you know.
RYAN: Dad, you know you can say toilet, you know.
[Graham's home]
(Graham returns with a jar of Sainsbury' peanut butter.)
[Graham's home]
(Ryan and Aaron are back, with the microwave.)
RYAN: Hello? It's us.
AARON: I need to use the... you know.
RYAN: Dad, you know you can say toilet, you know.
[Graham's home]
(Graham returns with a jar of Sainsbury' peanut butter.)
Where'd they go?
Did they take the cabinet?
They've gone without me.
[Graham's home]
(Graham carries in a plastic storage box, not a Really Useful one, I have to say.)
[Graham's home]
(Graham carries in a plastic storage box, not a Really Useful one, I have to say.)
Since you're here.
What's this?
Have a look.
(Child's paintings, toys.)
When my mum died, my dad got rid of all her things super quick.
He couldn't bear to have it in the house.
She's gone now and that's the end of it, that's what he said.
Funny old bloke, my dad.
Course, now I realise that was his way of dealing with it.
When your mum died, I had to go through all her stuff.
But this is all mine.
Yeah, I know. She kept it all.
She once said to me, if anyone ever asks about me after I'm gone, you tell them I was lucky.
Tell them
I gave someone life,
and I watched 'em grow, and I was proud.
Why didn't you come, Aaron?
Not for your mum or for Ryan, but for yourself.
I don't know. Maybe I thought if I wasn't there, she wasn't gone. I wish I was better at life, Graham.
Well, there's still time.
Our Lady :
Our Lady :
Oh, huge heat signal, and a non-terrestrial form moving away from it fast.
I'm on its tail.
Sorry, The TARDIS isn't designed for these short hops.
(A jolt makes a certain cardboard box slide across the floor.)
Our Lady :
A microwave?
Who brought a microwave with them?
It's actually an oven and a microwave.
Our Lady :
What is this place?
This is where I've been since Nan died.
Travelling the universe with these guys.
Even if we track this Dalek thing, how do we stop it?
Our Lady :
I'm still working on that.
MITCH: The Custodians managed it. If we take the same approach as those drawings.
Those documents aren't reliable, Mitch.
Except all the rumours have proved to be true. It's shown here.
Short version.
Alien psychopath, in its own tank, trying to bring loads more to Earth.
I guess this is how they attacked it last time.
What's it made of?
Our Lady :
Remnants of its original shell, patched up with all sorts of spare parts. Mainly metal.
We can use my oven.
It's not going to fit in there.
That's not what I meant. Help me break it up.
(An alarm sounds.)
Our Lady :
That Dalek's moving fast but where's it going?
Ryan, help me get the element out.
It's metal.
Our Lady :
Oh, you're good, Ryan's Dad.
You're almost making up for your parenting deficit.
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