Saturday, 15 June 2024

We Have Lost Out Way

Species that don't change, die.

The Killing Game - Alpha Hirogen Monologue

[Ready room]

(Redecorated in the Hirogen style. 
The Hirogen SS officer enters.)

I've been studying Voyager's database 
looking for our next simulation

There are many to choose from. 
These people have a violent history. 
I believe I've found a worthy prey. The Borg. 
When World War Two is over, we will recreate 
a notorious battle known as Wolf-359.

I look forward to it.

I thought you might. But if you continue to 
disobey me, this is one hunt you will never see. 
You nearly destroyed two of my 
favourite prey. You were careless.

I've become impatient. We penetrated this vessel, 
overcame their defences, and 
in the moment of the kill, you 
forced us to stop. Now we play 
these incessant games....

It's time we took our trophies 
and moved on.

Your lust for the kill has blinded you, 
like many young hunters. If you took 
the time to study your prey, to understand 
its behaviour, you might learn something.

There is nothing to be learned.

You're wrong. Each prey exposes us 
to another way of life and makes us 
re-evaluate our own. 

Have you considered our future? 
What would become of us when we have 
hunted this territory to exhaustion?

We will travel to another part of space, 
search for new prey, as we have always done.

A way of life that hasn't changed 
for a thousand years.

Why should it?

Species that don't change, die
We've lost our way. We've allowed 
our predatory instincts to dominate us. 

We disperse ourselves throughout the quadrant, 
sending ships in all directions. 
We've become a solitary race, isolated. 

We've spread ourselves too thin. 
We're no longer a culture. 
We have no identity. 

In another thousand years, 
no one will remember 
the name Hirogen

Our people must come back together
combine forces, rebuild our civilisation.

What of The Hunt?

The Hunt will always continue, but in a new way
I intend to transform this ship into a vast simulation, 
populated with a varied and endless supply of prey. 

In time, this technology can be 
duplicated for other Hirogen. 
These holodecks will allow us 
to hold onto our past, 
while we face the future.

Even if I were persuaded, others wouldn't be.

Then you are with me? I must continue my research. 
I'll see you tomorrow on holodeck one.
 The Americans are due to invade.

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