Superman 2 - Lex Luthor talking with Jor-El
Kitty Kowalski:
Lex, your friends give
me the creeps.
Lex Luthor:
Prison is a creepy place, Kitty.
One needs to make creepy friends in order to Survive.
Even a man with my vast talents
is worth less inside than a carton of cigarettes
and a sharp piece of metal in your pocket.
Do you know The Story of Prometheus?
No, of course you don't.
Prometheus was a God
who stole The Power of Fire
from The Other Gods
and gave Control
of it to Mortals.
In essence, he gave us Technology.
He gave us Power.
Kitty Kowalski:
So we're stealing Fire?
In The Arctic.
Lex Luthor:
Actually, sort of.
You see, whoever controls Technology
controls The World.
The Roman Empire ruled The World
because they built roads.
The British Empire ruled The World
because they built ships.
America, The Atom Bomb,
and so on and so forth.
I just want what
Prometheus wanted.
Kitty Kowalski:
Sounds great, Lex, but
you're not a God.
Lex Luthor:
(freezes, turns on his heel)
....Gods are selfish beings who
fly around in little red capes,
and don't share Their Power
with Mankind.
Minion :
Hey, boss.
We found something.
Lex Luthor:
No, I don't wanna be a god.
I just wanna bring fire to The People --
And I want my cut.
Kitty Kowalski:
Was this his house?
Lex Luthor:
You might think so. Most would.
This is more of a monument
to a long dead and extremely
powerful civilization.
This is where he learned who he was.
This is where he came for guidance.
Endless Possibilities.
Kitty Kowalski:
You act like you've
been here before.

My Son. You do not remember me.
I am Jor-El. I am Your Father.
By now I will have been dead for many thousands of your years.
Lex Luthor:
He thinks I'm his son?
Embedded in the crystals before you is the total accumulation of all literature and scientific fact of dozens of other worlds spanning the twenty-eight known galaxies.
Kitty Kowalski:
Can he see us?
Lex Luthor:
...No, he's dead.
There are many questions to be asked.
Here, in this.... Fortress of Solitude, we will try to find the answers together.
So, my son...Kal-El...speak.
Lex Luthor:
Tell me everything.
Starting with crystals.

Thor :
What good were you in your cell?
Loki :
Who put me there?
Thor :
[pins Loki]
Thor :
[lets go of Loki]
She wouldn't want us to fight.
Loki :
Well, she wouldn't exactly be •shocked•.
Thor :
I •wish• I could trust you.
Loki :
Trust my rage.
Lex Luthor:
You're asking yourself, "How?"
Didn't your dad ever teach you to look before you leap?
Crystals. They're amazing, aren't they?
They inherit the traits of the minerals around them... kind of like a son inheriting the traits of his father!
You took away five years of my life,
I'm just returning the favor!
Superman :
I'm still Superman!
Lex Luthor:
Get up! Come on!
Now, fly.
So long, Superman.
So here’s what God as a Father is like :
You can enter into a Covenant with it,
so you can make a bargain with it.
It responds to Sacrifice.
It Answers Prayers
It Punishes and Rewards.
It Judges and Forgives.
It’s not Nature.
It built Eden for Mankind
and then banished us for disobedience.
It’s Too Powerful to be Touched.
It granted Free will.
Distance from it is Hell.
Distance from it is Death.
It reveals itself in dogma
and in mystical experience, and it’s
The Law.
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