So, imagine the girlfriend going off to college, discovering all these new ideas and brilliant professors. The blue-collar boyfriend tries to read some of her books... You know, to show that he has an interest in her interests. So the girl breaks up the relationship. The boy's world is shattered. His own personal apocalypse. But in his madness, he finds...
Now, this is very good.
In his madness, he finds an explanation for his unhappiness.
Nostradamus, you see, wasn't predicting world events.
He was predicting the cataclysmic events of this poor boy's life. So, fulfilling the prophecies as he interpreted them, he kills his ex-girlfriend's teacher... With a pickax.
What the hell's going on here?
The Writer :
I'm profiling.
Based on what?
The Writer :
The coded message. I cracked it.
You see, "The voice in holy woods"...
Refers to the hollywood movie house theater,
currently showing an orson welles film festival.
Orson welles was the voice-over narrator
of a film called the man who could see tomorrow,
a documentary about... Nostradamus.
Mr. Chung, can I have a word
with you just for a moment?
The Writer :
Yes, uh, excuse me, please.
The Writer :
I thought that was very good.
I thought you promised
you'd be An Observer here.
The Writer :
Well, that was before I realised
how similar our jobs are --
You see, based on some vague details and notions,
you try to sketch out a person's past,
in order to imagine their future actions.
Detection. Dramaturgy — It's all the same.
Yeah. You can't
erase blood.
"Don't be dark," say Selfosophists.
But how can you not be when your job is to
the agony and humiliation of being a human... Is in every line I've ever written, and it's written in every line... On the face of Frederick Blork. God, I love his face... Not in that way. No one could love his face that way. It's hideous. But beauty is not always found in the beautiful. Just as sanity is not always found in the insane. There's nothing to connect ratfinkovich's assailant... With chung's threatener, and yet... Such a frustrated reaction to the story... Suggests someone unaccustomed to insubordination. His profession might be dictatorial in nature... Complete control over his underlings. A management executive or a foreman... Or maybe a writer. Mr. Chung is writing. He's not to be disturbed by anybody. Mcgrane: by anybody? I'm rocket mcgrane. Mcgrane punches newton right in the balls, knocking him out. Boy, my writing's really improved since I got this new software. Dissolve to... Rico chung's office... Night. In his palatial office, the cocky hack cranks out more venomous fiction, cackling with snotty glee.
We've still gotta track down this killer...
Before he attacks his third targeted
Before he attacks his third targeted
Antichrist as your profile predicted.
No, that wasn't mine...
It was Chung's profile that
predicted this murder.
Peter Watts :
Are you suggesting we recruit Jose Chung
to be in The Millennium Group?
Jose Chung :
I've come up with a new profile.
My secret admirer is A Writer.
Frank Black :
That conforms with my profile.
How did you come up with that?
The Writer :
Well, he... He sent me another gift today.
Now, read... Read the inscription.
Frank Black :
Uh, "Here's what a real Writer does...
Enlightens while he entertains.
Plus, the murder victim is
a famous author. Hint, hint."
The Writer :
Only The Writer would send that.
A Writer needs everybody
to read and love His Work,
even people he wants to kill.
Frank Black :
This was written
by Onan Goopta.
The Writer :
Ghostwritten and "Ghostbought" by Selfosophists.
On a regular basis, they go into stores and
buy multiple copies of Goopta's books, just so
they land on the best-seller list. It's so brilliant.
You know, I've been thinking of creating
my own army of surplus-book buyers.
Frank, come join me.
Mr. Chung, the continuation of your threateners... You know, maybe he'll be there tonight. Be where tonight? Oh, I'm doing a signing at bartleby's books. Mr. Chung, you're already courting disaster by staying here, let alone making a public appearance. Monsieur noir, unlike serial-killer profiling, writing is a very depressing and lonely profession. Any chance I get to make contact with my readers, I must take. It gives me the will to go on. ♪♪ this is how it will all end. Not with floods, earthquakes, falling comets... Or gigantic crabs roaming the earth. No. Doomsday will start... Simply out of indifference. I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little bitter... Because nobody came for me to sign my freakin' books! If you don't mind my asking... You're writing a book about the millennium, and yet you don't believe in any of the prophesies. At the start of the '90s, they predicted major breakthroughs for the neurosciences. "The decade of the brain," it was supposed to be. Instead, it was the decade of... Body piercing. Now, why should the millennium predictions be any more accurate? But there's the religious component. Do you not believe in god, either? Oh, there are times when I've been, yes, a devout believer. And other times, I, uh, have been a staunch atheist. And sometimes, I've been both... During the course of the same sexual act. Don't be dark. Oh. Personally, I think this is a very significant time in mankind's history. But that's what every man throughout history has said about his time. Look at all these books. So much significance. But will they still exist a thousand years from now? One, maybe two writers will still be read. Can you name the two? Well, shakespeare and... That's one. Shakespeare and chung. Oh. No. Thank you. No. Shakespeare and goopta. Goopta? Selfosophists have gone to great lengths... To safeguard the eternal circulation of his writing. They may not be read by the end of the next millennium, but they still certainly, certainly will literally exist. How the hell would they preserve these for that long? If I told you, I would have to kill you. How I wish that was a joke. I'm sorry I haven't read more of your books. Oh. I'm sorry I had to cut you and your group out of my new book.
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