Friday 18 December 2020

A whole empire held together by people just being terribly nice to each other.

Yes, we have indeed been visited by Evil many times. 

Our compassion for these poor distorted creatures seems to attract them like moths to 

A Flame. 

Sometimes they are redeemed.

The Fosters are the guardians of the spiritual welfare of our capital.

They name such creatures


Melkur. Literally, 'a fly caught by honey'. 

The Fosters know there's nothing to fear from these visitations.

It's baleful influence will not extend beyond The Grove, 

and even here it will only produce a few weeds. 

Like others before it, 

the creature will calcify 

and pass harmlessly into 

The Soil. 

But the demise of any living thing is painful to us.

"I, nearing the time of my passing, 

Bless the marriage of these two, 

Tremas and Kassia, 

truest of my five true consuls, 

together with Nyssa, 

now daughter to you both.


I speak for the many peoples of 

The Traken Union. 

They ask why crops fail, 

why droughts and floods 

disturb our planets. 

And now, violent death 

in the very precinct of 

The Court itself. 

What do we tell them?


Normal events, Consul, 

when the span of Our Keeper 

nears its end.


NOTHING is normal 

at such a time. 

This Keeper, 

whose protection we have 

enjoyed for a thousand years, 

is dying. 

The Power is growing 

weaker day by day.


Trakens have survived 

times like this in The Past. 

We shall do so now, 

through Science and Understanding.


Brave words, husband, 

but no great comfort to a people 

being stripped of their 

Traditional Protections.


The Keeper knows our situation. 

He'll speak when the time is right.


All right, all right, Melkur. 

There's no need to show off your powers as Keeper. 

We know what you can do.


Only a beginning, Doctor. 

Persuade your friend to cooperate.


Tremas, why don't you do as he asks? 

It's only a bit of paper

after all. 

You know why he wants it. 

He doesn't want you to show it to me.

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