Mrs. Marvel :
Once you learn to harness your emotions, the sky's the limit.
Nimbus III
In the Neutral Zone
"The Planet of Galactic Peace"
(out of a dust storm a horseman approaches an alien drilling for water. The horseman dismounts and addresses the alien)
I thought weapons were forbidden on this planet.
... Besides, I can't believe you'd kill me
for a field of empty holes.
It's all I have....
Your pain runs deep.
What do you know
of my pain?
Let us explore it ...together.
...Each man hides a secret pain.
It must be exposed
and reckoned with.
It must be dragged from the
darkness and forced into the light.
Share your pain. ...Share your pain
with me and gain strength from it.
Where did you get
This Power?
The Power was
within you.
It is as if a weight has been lifted
from my heart.... How can I
repay you for this miracle?
Join My Quest.
What is it you seek?
What you seek. What all men have sought
since time began, ...the ultimate knowledge.
To find it, we'll need a starship.
A starship? There are no
starships on Nimbus III.
Perhaps I have a way
to bring one here.
But how?
Have faith my friend.
(throws back the hood
of his desert cloak --)
There are more of us
than you know.
You're a Vulcan...?!??
Mind if we drop in for dinner?
Nimbus III Desert
Paradise City
Nimbus III
[Paradise City saloon backroom]
Gentlemen, I'm Caithlin Dar.
TALBOT: Ah, yes. Our new Romulan representative. Welcome to Paradise City, my dear, capital of the so-called 'Planet of Galactic Peace.' I'm St. John Talbot, the Federation representative here on Nimbus Three and my charming companion, here, is the Klingon consul Korrd.
KORRD: Ugghhhh!
CAITHLIN: I expect that's Klingon for hello.
TALBOT (OC): Won't you come in, my dear?
(Sybok and his followers approach Paradise City)
CAITHLIN: Twenty years ago, our three governments agreed to develop this planet together. A new age was born.
TALBOT: Our new age died a quick death. And the settlers we conned into coming here, they were the dregs of the galaxy. They immediately took to fighting amongst themselves. We forbad them weapons, but they soon began to fashion their own.
CAITHLIN: Right! Then it appears I've arrived just in time.
(a klaxon sounds and the three of them rush outside as Sybok and his followers storm the city)
[Paradise City saloon backroom]
J'ONN: Get away from that transmitter!
SYBOK: Romulan. ...Terran. ...Klingon. Consider yourselves my prisoners.
TALBOT: Prisoners? We're already prisoners here on this worthless lump of rock. What possible value could we be to you?
SYBOK: Nimbus Three may be a worthless lump of rock, but it does have one unique treasure. It's the only place in the entire galaxy that has the three of you.
CAITHLIN: I don't know who you are or what you want but I can tell you this. Our governments will stop at nothing to ensure our safety.
That's exactly what I'm counting on.
McCOY: Ah, this must be the hostage tape.
CAITHLIN (on viewscreen): A short time ago we surrendered ourselves to the forces of the Galactic Army of Light. At this moment, we are in their protective custody. Their leader assures us that we will be treated humanely as long as we co-operate with his demands. I believe his sincerity. He requests that you send a Federation starship to parlay for our release at once. Be assured we are in good health and would appreciate your immediate response.
SYBOK (on viewscreen): I deeply regret this desperate act but these are desperate times. I have no desire to harm these innocents but do not put me to the test. I implore you... I implore you to respond, ...immediately.
KIRK: What is it? You look like you've just seen a ghost.
SPOCK: Perhaps I have, Captain.
[Enterprise-A forward observation room]
KIRK: Spock, what is it? Do you know this Vulcan?
SPOCK: I cannot be sure.
KIRK: But he does seem familiar.
He reminds me of someone
I knew in my youth.
Why, Spock, I didn't
know you had one.
I do not often think of the past.
Who is it he reminds you of?
There was a young student, ...exceptionally gifted,
...possessing ...great intelligence. It was assumed
that one day he would take his place amongst
the great scholars of Vulcan.
But he was a revolutionary.
What do you mean?
The knowledge and experience he sought
were forbidden by Vulcan belief.
He rejected his logical upbringing.
He embraced the animal passions
of our ancestors.
He believed that the
key to self-knowledge
was emotion, ...not logic.
Imagine that.
A passionate Vulcan.
When he encouraged
others to follow him,
he was banished
from Vulcan,
never to return.
KIRK: Fascinating.
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