Sunday 13 October 2024

Don't Get Pulled Off Your Horse.

Neely Fuller- Always Keep Your Cool

but that doesn't say that it means anything it only means something something if you decide that you're going to let it mean something and I do use the word 'let' because the person who is calling you the name is also jocking for position to call the rest of the shots and uh either way that will go the non-white person will probably lose one way or another because in a system of white supremacy the deck is stacked so the basic philosophy is the basic concept is anybody can call any person a name who is classified as non-white black brown red yellow that's nonwhite anywhere at any time and you're not even supposed to budge on account of the name calling as far as responding in a retaliatory manner not verbally and not physically any name that is called you should not bother you in the least at any time at any place under any circumstance doesn't make any difference who's calling the names it it should absolutely not bother you and you should not respond why for a very logical reason they are doing it 
to get a response and since 
you did not initiate the show you don't buy into somebody else's show particularly when you don't know in advance how it's all going to end and when I say all I mean all down from you know forever as of that moment might line up in gunfire and all like that and you don't know which way that might go and either way it goes it means that you have walked into something of someone else is making the person who calls you a name that's their setup don't walk into somebody else's setup always have plans of your own for the next five minutes for the next day rest of the day and for the next weeks and months and years to come and don't get pulled off your horse to use a slang expression by somebody's name calling and you're left standing in the road and your horses run off and you realize at some point how did I get drawn into that because always without exception you're being drawn into something that is not a plan of your own always have a plan of your own and part of that plan is you absolutely under no circumstances respond in a counter manner to name calling meaning in a practical sense anybody anywhere for any reason can jump up and call you any bunch of names that they want to call you in public or elsewhere and you are not supposed to move a muscle not because you're traumatized but because you're not paying any attention to it other than you just heard it but it's supposed to mean absolutely nothing to you no matter what the names are even if some of the names refer to people who are you might think are considered to be near and dear to you mother sister cousin son daughter and you pass that word on to them why because it's functional and it works for you doesn't work against you responding in a non-predictable manner and I say it's nonpredictive overcost unless you can predict the total outcome of everything that's going to happen as a result particularly if there's going to be an altercation if you say get it in your head I'm not allowing anybody to call me that I'm going to retaliate and I'm going to retaliate either right now or I'm going to retaliate later then you better start thinking about you are ready to kill ready to die and all of the consequences that go with that ready to kill ready to die ready to be locked up forever ready for everything that you didn't plan for if you respond in that manner you should have it in your mind that this is your last day on Earth or if not today somewhere down the road or because of [Music] this locked up in the greater confinement thinking it over down through the years now suppose I had handled that differently by simply not letting someone else dominate that little part of power that I do have have and that is to pay no attention to what was said other than I know that it was said that's the only attention that it it really warrants it doesn't warrant anything else doesn't call for anything else but you can always take note of things that happen around you because that's something that happens around you it has nothing to do with you directly unless you decide that it has something to do with you but even when you make that decision that it has something to do with you you're actually saying to everybody around including the person who is doing the name calling that they are in control of your destiny just by calling you a name now you have decided you have to respond to their agenda if you're going to be heading toward Universal Man and Universal woman you should have your own agenda and not be wired to respond in a way that's going to be harmful to you ultimately to everything that's going on around you each and every day forever you're being jerked around and don't even know it get out of that mode context of white supremacy uh if you're interested in dialing in the number is 760

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