Saturday 20 July 2024

"Human Society consists of a bunch of people who basically have this program, which the great New York psychologist Albert Ellis defined way back in The 50s as, "I am a No-Good Shit." --

Ellis, I regard as my great predecessor in using Honest Language in books about Psychology, describing the way people really think and feel :

"I am a No-Good Shit." 

That is the basic program that most people are operating on -- 

The second program is, "If I pretend hard enough, nobody will guess I'm a No-Good Shit", and the third program is,  "The way to Do it, is to convince everybody else that they're No-Good Shits."  --

The people who become most adept at this, find An Ideology which allows them to go around correcting Everybody Else, all the time, which explains why there are so fucking many Marxists in The World, even after Marxism has totally collapsed everywhere outside of China, Cuba and Pacifica Radio.... 

Marxism is basically a maneuver to put Other People down -- you just wait for them to Say something,  you got a long list and as soon as they violate one of The Taboos, you jump : "A-ha! Bourgeois-Thinking!",  uh…. "Male-chauvinism!", uh, --  whatever is the latest thing....

Now, why are people so devoted to putting one another down, why do they all have this basic program, "I am a No-Good Shit"? 

Pope BOB, R.A.W,
Northern California, 1991

Well, infants are born without any culture — every infant, as Bucky Fuller once said, is born naked, hungry and intensely curious —

And that's about it.  Naked, Hungry and intensely Curious — so the principle role of parents, is to take this naked hungry intensely curious being and persuade it, cajole  it, browbeat it, terrorise it, or one way or another, convince it that The Way We Do Things in this tribe is the natural way, ordained by God, and anything you feel like doing or want to do, or that seems ‘natural’ to youif it doesn't fit into tribal customs, you [have]  got to stop it right away —

now most people have been so thoroughly conditioned by their culture that they really are horrified when they become parents if they become parents they really are horrified when they notice that their children do not have the tribal taboos firmly in place the children are born without the tabos they do all sorts of things that according to Social standards are immoral unethical disgusting perverse uh and not what not the way human beings are supposed to behave so the parents are really shocked oh my God we gave birth to a monster so so then they put on more pressure so the process of growing up from infancy to toddler to uh young child ready getting ready for school there a process of learning continually that you are in no good and you got to learn to put on this mask and act like everybody else and repeat all the social customs and then nobody will notice you're a no good and this creates so much tension that people spend most of their adult lives still trying to recover from this by finding other no good shits and and denouncing them so Human Society consists of a search and destroy mission against no good shits let's find the no good shits and get rid of them in California right now it's the cigarette smokers according to George Bush it's the pot smokers uh they talk a lot about crack babies but uh judge sweet when he uh had his Awakening or whatever it was and decided the War on Drugs was the craziest thing that ever happened to this country and started speak out against the judge swe pointed out that 70% of the budget for the War on Drugs goes to the pursuit of pot smokers so if they're so worried about crack babies why aren't they spending 70% and fighting cocaine why are they spending 70% fighting pot well it seems uh I don't know uh that has a lot to do with it probably those of you 

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