Monday 22 July 2024

British Intelligence

Full episode available to watch - After Dark: British Intelligence

"This is an example I've been involved [in] :
As far back as 1938, after Munich, there were two individuals 
who volunteered to assassinate Hitler -- one was Mason Mcfarland
who was our military attacher in Berlin, the other was My Wartime Chief, 
in New York -- he was then living in England, and was A Director of a company 
called PressSteel, Sir William Stevenson -- well, he was Mr William Stevenson, then --
well both of these gentlemen volunteered to assassinate Hitler --

and they were informed by Lord Halifax, who was then Foreign Secretary 
that Diplomacy had not yet been superseded by assassination --" =D

"But you were in America, working for BSC with Stevenson, 
Didn't you assassinate people in America...? 

Didn't BSC knock people off in America, 
who were opposed to America joining The War....?" 

"I think ONE was, on a SHIP, as far as i know -- It was only --"

"Only one! Only one --"

"I don't know who would be giving out information to The Enemy it should be said that in 1939
why was this trap assassinated i'm tired didn't get that only one man was assassinated
to my knowledge in in the united states by the uh
british security coordination which was under the direction of william stevenson
there was one seaman on a a neutral ship i think it was a
portuguese ship who was detected giving information to the
germans and as far as i know he was liquidated but i only know this is in
the water case no this is before america joined
which as i understand it was an attempt to to get the united states to join the war
right did the operation intrepid not consist in in very broad and general terms of a series of essentially Dirty Tricks-- yeah? 

I know there were any dirty tricks about um there is some uh persuasive effort
made and with the help of a men like general donovan um
american destroyers were offered to the british and accepted in return for bases
in bermuda and the caribbean but um there were any specific dirty tricks i
mean is it not true that the to the british intelligence uh and uh
two of the things that british intelligence uh did through one of their agents was uh
to um capture the italian naval ciphers
and also uh the vichy french cyphers the italian cyphers helped the
battle of cape matapan to uh that's not dirty i'm sure that's not dirty jason what about forge letters what about
blackmail there was i don't think it was blackmail but there were certainly fabricated uh documents
fabricated letters there was um one letter which
uh apparently emanated from the bolivian minister
in in berlin to uh the bolivian prime minister
um suggesting that the germans should
be encouraged to take over bolivia but you see
this important uh this was significant because into what it what it meant was
the germans through the politicians used to strengthen uh uh aircraft no wait wait

there isn't there's a point here and i think you're right and i think mr hyde's forgotten his own book room 303 if you read that alongside a man called
intrepid you will see that was indeed a fairly serious campaign of disinformation and dirty tricks in north america aimed at the isolationist
opponents of america john in the war done by the british state british government 

...I just finished and say that
the result of this letter was that um
The German Mission in La Paz, 
the capital of Bolivia was closed down 
and The Germans were turned 
out of the country, and 
the actual documentwhich 
I mentioned, was delivered 
to President Roosevelt 
who read it out in one of 
his fireside chats, indeed

And The Individual who was responsible 
for uh producing this document, 
which was written in the kind of 
Spanish that was customary in Bolivia 
at that time was -- 
your humble servant 
[ I.e. - "Me. I wrote it." ]

"And did you work with Cecil Roberts on this...?"

"Uh uh no, not Cecil Roberts, Cedric Belfridge
who was the chap -- Cecil Roberts wasn't that --

"Let me ask this do we feel ... 
Is it is it a general feeling 
that in fact these kind of "Dirty Tricks", 
in inverted commas, are perhaps 
perfectly legitimate if 
The Cause is right....?"

"I mean, in Wartime, yes
but in Wartime --"

"But America wasn't at WAR --"

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