Showing posts with label MeMe/Gene Interaction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MeMe/Gene Interaction. Show all posts

Friday 23 September 2022

Co-Interactive MeMe/Gene Co-Evolution

"I would make this response, here, about the difference between MeMes and Archetypes --

Archetypes are there, whether we have MeMes or not

"Yes, That's True."

“All of that History of Evolution is there; 
so, we have ideas about Sex Differences, or ideas about -
- Dominance is a very good example
- that don't require MeMes — 
they can then BECOME MeMes,
and MeMes by Definition, as  Dawkins started it out, is, 
"That which is Imitated.", or, 
"That which is Copied from 
Person to Person."

So The IDEA of Dominance Hierarchies can be a MeMe;
and all of the 
ideas we build 
on top of that,
so long as we are 
passing them 

from Person to Person." 

"Well, so you can certainly think of Hierarchies of MeMes,
you know, from once they're 
no-more than fads, 
that wash across The Culture, 
to where they become 
more Permanent and Enduring."

" We have The First Replicator 
on The Planet : Genes;
And we know the consequences of that --
Producing all these Organisms.

But, the idea about MeMes
is that they are a SECOND Replicator --

So, Genes are copied by chemical processes in bodies,
MeMes are copied by Imitation
and other kinds of interactions between 
Human Beings, and
very little in ANY other species at all --
and THAT'S what gives rise to Hunan Culture (it now seems quite pleasing to you — )
(or what passed for it, back in The Dog Days, of Long ago and blesséd Memory —)

So, the whole 
Theory about MeMes 
is ONE, of MANY ways of trying to 

The Evolution of CULTURE(s)."