Friday 4 February 2022

The Super-God

It is REQUIRED that you see ‘Psycho

The manager of this theatre has been instructed, at the risk of his life, not to admit to the theatre any persons after the picture starts.

Any spurious attempts to enter byside doors, fire escapes, or ventilating shafts will be met by FORCE.

The entire objective of this extraordinary policy, of course, is to help you enjoy ‘Psycho’ MORE.

Alfred Hitchcock.

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
Mr. Bates... 

Norman Bates, SuperGod :

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
I'm writing on the insanity defence and the rehabilitation of mentally ill murderers.

Many people think 
they can't be rehabilitated and 
there shouldn't be
an insanity defence.

We hear the objections of the victims
and relatives, 
but the murderers,
who can't help themselves, 
are victims too
What do you think?

Sherif John Hunt :
If this lady's bothering you, 
I'll have her leave.

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
Isn't your coffee break over, sheriff?

Anything else, Norman?

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
What do you think?

Norman Bates, SuperGod :

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
What we were just saying.
You were incarcerated for 20 years.

Norman Bates, SuperGod :

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
Right. For 22 years, you were locked away.
The State Says You're Sane.
You paid your debt.
Then Lila Loomis starts to persecute you.

Norman Bates, SuperGod :
Because of what happened 
to Her Sister.

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
Yes. Marion Crane. Right?

Norman Bates, SuperGod :

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
But that was 20 years ago.
A long time to harbor revenge.
Aren't you bitter about what Lila Loomis tried to do to you?

Norman Bates, SuperGod :
I understand.

My cure couldn't cure the hurt I caused.
My return to sanity didn't return the dead.
There's no way to make up that loss.

The past is never really past.
It stays with me all the time.

No matter how hard I try,
I can't escape. It's always there.
Throbbing inside you.
Coloring your perceptions of the world,
and sometimes controlling them.

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
That's my point, Norman. 
You have A Conscience. 
You live with Guilt.
You punish yourself all the time.
Why does the rest of Society have to?
Take Mrs. Spool's disappearance.
What if a well-meaning citizen thought that you had something to do with it?
I'm not upsetting you, Norman?
All this talk is only hypothetical.

What's yours, babe?

Tracey Venable, 
True Crime Author :
She is only an example of how people might, given your past history,
tend to automatically blame you
for any murder in the area.

You're not going, Norman?
I'd like to talk to you again.

You're not going to stiff us, Norman?

Excuse me. Could you tell me,
is there an inexpensive place to stay here?

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