Sunday 14 February 2021


Sheila the mecha secretary - AI Artificial Intelligence (2001)

[Ood Conversion]

(The Doctor sonics the door lock.)

DONNA: Hold on. Does that mean we're locked in?

DOCTOR: Listen. Listen, listen, listen, listen.

(The ethereal music.)

DOCTOR: Oh, my head.

DONNA: What is it?

DOCTOR: Can't you hear it? The singing?

(Groups of Ood are sitting in cages. They turn away from the Doctor and Donna.)

DONNA: They look different to the others.

DOCTOR: That's because they're natural born Ood, unprocessed, before they're adapted to slavery. Unspoilt. That's their song.

DONNA: I can't hear it.

DOCTOR: Do you want to?

DONNA: Yeah.

DOCTOR: It's the song of captivity.

DONNA: Let me hear it.

DOCTOR: Face me.

(The Doctor makes a mind meld with Donna.)

DOCTOR: Open your mind. That's it. Hear it, Donna. Hear the music.

(The song is sad and beautiful. Donna cries.)

DONNA: Take it away.


DONNA: I can't bear it.

(The Doctor disconnects her from the telepathic field.)

DONNA: I'm sorry.

DOCTOR: It's okay.

DONNA: But you can still hear it.

DOCTOR: All the time.

[Outside Ood Conversion]

HALPEN: Come on. What's the hold up?

RYDER: It's the experimentation lab. Maximum security. He's fused the system.

HALPEN: Don't just stand there, get the bolt cutters. Rip that door off. Solana, go back to the reps, I don't want any of them wandering off and seeing this. And get them away from the Ood, just in case. Hurry up!

SOLANA: Yes, sir.

[Ood Conversion]

(The Doctor sonics open the cage.)

DONNA: They're breaking in.


Ah, let them.

(The Ood cower in the corner.)


What are you holding? 

Show me. Friend. 

Doctor, Donna. 

Friend. Let me see. 

Look at me. 

Let me see. That's it. 

That's it, go on. Go on.

(The Ood opens his hands. He is holding a small brain.)


Is that....?


It's a brain. A hind brain. 

The Ood are born with a secondary brain. 

Like the amygdala in humans, it processes memory and emotions. 

You get rid of that, you wouldn't be Donna any more. 

You'd be like an Ood. 

A processed Ood.


So The Company cuts off their brains?


And they stitch on the translator.


Like a lobotomy. 

I spent all that time looking for you, Doctor, because I thought it was so wonderful out here. 

I want to go home.



They're with the Ood, sir.

(The Doctor locks himself and Donna in with the Ood.)


What you going to do, then Arrest me? 

Lock me up? Throw me in a cage? 

Well, you're too late. Ha!


(The Doctor and Donna are handcuffed to some pipes.)


Why don't you just come out and say it? 

FOTO activists.


If that's what Friends Of The Ood are trying to prove, then yes.


The Ood were nothing without us, just animals roaming around on the ice.


That's because you can't Hear Them.


They welcomed it!

It's not as if they put up a fight.


You idiot. 

They're born with their BRAINS in their HANDS. 

Don't you see, that makes them peaceful

They've GOT to be, because a creature like THAT would have to Trust Anyone it Meets.


Oh, nice one.


Thank you.

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