Wednesday 22 September 2021


See ... I've had a lot of people talking at me the last few days. 

Everyone just lining up to tell me how unimportant I am. 

And I've finally figured out why :

“And then I realised, like I was shot — like I was shot with a diamond...a diamond bullet right through my forehead —

And I thought: 
“My God, the genius of that. The GENIUS

The WILL — to do that: perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, PURE. 

And then I realised, 
They were stronger than We, 
because THEY could stand it.

“For the first time in a LONG time — 
I feel SORRY for MYSELF.

And there’s NOTHING worse than THAT.” 

— Power Girl

Are You in a Tight Spot?

Do I Feel Sorry for You…?

Because There’s People 
WAY Worse-off Than YOU.

Clark? You live in a perspective SO different from EVERYONE Else.


I'm kinda in the same situation... 
I'm still getting used to it 
and I have to remind myself of it 

But IF you haven't had THIS conversation with anyone....
Then NO ONE has seen this from Your Perspective.

NOBODY understands what you've been through, but you. 

And even YOU are still unpacking it.

Maybe NO one gets to 
Judge you on this.

Not even you.

" Superman can do anything. 
He's made a LIFE outside of The CAPE. 
As Clark Kent, he has a CAREER and a WIFE. 

I met them twice. 
The first time when they thought 
I was their son's RELATIVE. 
The second time when 

As NICE as those people were, 
Ma Kent actually got a little UPSET at me.

"I don't know WHO you really are, 
or WHERE you're really from --
-- but you deserve An Answer. 

And so does My Son. 

He may not SAY it, 
he may not SHOW it, 
but all he's ever wanted to be 
is NOT alone."

I know she didn't mean to make me feel like a CON ARTIST or a FRAUD, but I did. 
I kept my DISTANCE since then. 
And I promised myself it would be the last time I felt sorry for myself.

But damn, I can't tell you how many times I thanked the STARS I didn't take the name SUPERGIRL. 
It would've been a CONSTANT reminder that 
I'm NOT [related to Superman]  "

-- Power Girl

“Imagine You and Your Daughter are on a cruise ship. The Cruise Director’s job is to make sure Your Daughter is reasonably happy and entertained. There are scheduled activities, and if by chance she hurts herself, someone will be there to get her back on her feet. 

She knows most of the people on The Ship and everything is familiar. But all of the sudden, girls start •telling• each other The Ship is STUPID and BORING and it’s TIME TO GET OFF.

As you watch helplessly, she leaves behind everything that is safe and secure, gets into a life raft with people who have little in common with her except their age, and drifts away.

  Once in The Raft she may ask herself how she got there or why she even left in the first place, but when she looks around, she sees that The Ship is •impossibly• far away, the waves are TOO big, and there are a •limited• number of •supplies•; she quickly realises that Her SURVIVAL •depends• on bonding with the other girls in that life raft. But Your Daughter isn’t •stupid•. This realisation is quickly followed by another one : She’s TRAPPED.”

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