Saturday 7 September 2024


"I could comment more about Borderline Personality Disorder -- I think I have enough mental energy to DO that tonight....

So, technically speaking it's often considered the Female-variant of Antisocial-Personality Disorder.

So it's classified or it's classified in the domain of externalising disorders; Acting-out disorders - 

And I think what happens....

We don't understand Borderline personality disorder very WELL : and it's characterised by tremendous impulsivity, radical confusion of identity and then this pattern of idealisation of people with whom the person afflicted with the disorder, is associating with :

Radical Idealisation of those people, and then radical devaluation of them --

And then there's another theme that sort of weaves along with it, which is : the proclivity of people with Borderline Personality Disorder, to PRESUME that they will be ABANDONED; --

and then to ACT in a manner that MAKES such abandonment, virtually CERTAIN -- 

And so, it's a very complicated disorder, but that, I think gets at The Crux of it..."

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