Tuesday 10 September 2024

Hidden Killers of the Post-War Home - Full Documentary

Hidden Killers of the Post-War Home - Full Documentary

The shadow of World War II loomed long;
it was a desperate need to rebuild bomb-damaged towns and cities 
because above all people wanted safe place to live and 
to bring up their families. 

In the 1950s, The Government was under pressure to build new 
homes and started an ambitious 
building program —

The time to look forward 
had come at last and 
The British wanted everything 
around them to 
reflect that sense 
of optimism.

Into the nation's living rooms 
and kitchens came 
bright new materials, 
man-made fabrics and 
labour-saving devices.

For The post-War generation 
of homeowners, domesticity 
had never been
more comfortable
but there were problems —

Some of the new products and innovations they welcomed into The Home were killers.

with the aid of modern science I'm going to search out these hidden assassins and
reveal them this is unbelievable just by burning that flame we're going
to produce a deadly gas yes we are

The post-War Home 
was the most dangerous
place you could be.

Welcome to the Hidden Killers 
of The post-War Home

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