People will always be
there who will tell you
“Betting on a Sure Thing…?
It Doesn’t Exist —
No such animal.”
….usually they are the ones
who don’t want you
to bet against THEM.
Corporate America :
(flipping through a clipboard)
Mercy. What a gruelling
line of Inquiry.
The Law Man :
(poking The Bear --)
....Must have a familiar ring,
The Questions in advance --
That Mitchell and Webb Look - Apprentice
" you can see it's
just not working."
It's a shame -- I thought it'd be interesting
to watch talented business people competing
for a prestigious job --
“I wonder maybe that's
The Problem...”
“Go on --“
“Well, how would it
be if instead of lots
of talented Business-people competing
for a prestigious job, it was Idiots
competing for a relatively
Junior job....?
Yeah -- We deliberately pick 16 Idiots,
REAL Idiots, arseholes, as well, and then
We get to watch them screw everything up;
it'll be brilliant !!!
But if it's so obvious from the start
that They're Idiots, surely everyone would
just EXPECT them
to screw everything up,
so what's The Point....?”
“The Point is, that
everyone will think that
THEY'RE the only person
to have NOTICED that
The Contestants are all
idiots; I've got a hunch
that for some reason,
people will think that this
NEVER stops being worth commenting-upon.”
"About The Prize -- I mean, in The Pilot,
it was a one million pound-job; we can't
give a million pounds to An Idiot...
That's what The Lottery is for.
So, what's the smallest
LARGE amount of Money...?
You know, the sort of amount
that an idiot would consider it
worth totally humiliating himself for?
It's £10-Grand -- the smallest LARGE
amount of Money is £100 Grand.
Err, I think I can see it working,
but surely only for one series --
I mean, once people can SEE
that all the contestants are idiots,
no one will want to apply...”
Idiots will -- in fact, they'll make
the application process a lot easier,
'cuz We'll ONLY get idiots!”
So it's coverage of Idiots,
behaving idiotically for
An Audience of Idiots..?
Not JUST An Audience of Idiots --
there'll be a lot of other people
who flatter themselves they're watching
with a sense of irony and in some way
haven't been taken in --
And remind Me -- How do these
"ironic non-Idiots" show up in The Ratings....?
They show up the
SAME, My Friend!
.....They show up
JUST The Same.....
Quiz Show - "An Inkling..." - Rob Morrow
x David Paymer x Hank Azaria
Dan Enright :
He blames Charles Van
Doren for his downfall.
And of course, the real downfall of
Herbert Stempel has always been,
… Herbert Stempel —
Albert Freedman :
— Herbert Stempel, absolutely.
Well, you met him : Does he
seem…. stable to you….?
The Law Man :
Well, I definitely have an inkling
of what you're talking about …..
He told me this whole story about
how when A Jew is on The Show,
he always loses to A Gentile, and then,
The Gentile wins more money.
Dan Enright :
Albert Freedman :
I mean, who could dream-up
A Scheme like that?
Dan Enright :
A Symptom of his
Van Doren fixation!
The Law Man :
The thing of it is...
I looked it up.
It's True —
Dan Enright :
……we could check..?
Quiz Show - "Even More Insulting" - Rob Morrow x Martin Scorsese
The Law Man :
The Chairman's instructions are for me
to get you up there as promptly as possible.
The Questions are to take no longer than 15 minutes;
You're to receive The Questions in advance...
and I'm to thank you for The Courtesy
of attending this hearing.
Corporate America :
(flipping through a clipboard)
Mercy. What a gruelling
line of Inquiry.
The Law Man :
(poking The Bear --)
....Must have a familiar ring,
The Questions in advance --
Corporate America :
Would you excuse us for a moment,
please? And take this, please. Thank you.
The Wolf, The Ram and
The Hart clear The Room --
Corporate America :
Young Man --
The Law Man :
The ratings went up
if the same contestant
came back week after week.
There was only one way
for that to happen.
You had to know that.
Corporate America :
Young Man -- I sell over $ million
a year worth of Geritol. Geritol.
That's the kind of Businessman I am.
That show, Twenty-One, cost me
$ - / million year in, year out.
Sales went up 50% when
Van Doren was on.
Fifty percent.
So the very idea that
I was unaware of
every detail or
aspect of that show's operation...
well, frankly, it's.... it's
very insulting.
The Law Man :
So you knew.
Corporate America :
That's even more insulting.
The Law Man :
You had to know.
That's what you just said.
Corporate America :
It's not about "What I Know";
It's about what you "know".
The Law Man :
You don't know
what I know.
Corporate America :
You "know" that Dan Enright
ran a crooked quiz show.
The Law Man :
Oh, he never informed you?
Corporate America :
(irridescent smirk) .....Did he?
The Law Man :
Let's see what he says.
Corporate America :
Dan? Look, Dan Enright wants
A Future in Television. Okay?
What you have to
understand is that
The Public has a
The Public has a
very short memory.
But Corporations,
They never forget.
The Law Man :
He's not that stupid.
He knows he's through.
Corporate America :
Oh, no. He'll be back.
NBC's gonna go on.
Geritol's gonna go on.
It makes me wonder what you hope
to accomplish with all this.
The Law Man :
Don't worry. I'm
just gettin' started.
Corporate America :
But even The Quiz
Shows'll be back.
Why fix them?
Think about it, will ya?
You could do exactly
the same thing
by just making
The Questions easier.
See, The Audience didn't tune in to watch
some amazing display of intellectual ability :
They just wanted to
watch The Money.
The Law Man :
(gobsmacked) Imagine if
They could Watch You --
Corporate America :
(smiles) You're a bright young kid
with a bright future --
Watch yourself out there.
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