Sunday, 8 July 2018

Eskimo Carol

You were right. 

I knew it when you said it. 

I wish it didn't have to end, not this way. 
It was never my intention to hurt you, 
but it's how it has to be. 

We have so much here-- 
people,  foodmedicinewalls
everything we need to live

But what we have other people want, too
and that will never change
If we survive this threat and it's not over, 
another one will be back to take its place, 
to take What We Have

I love you all here. I do

And I'd have to kill for you
And I can't. I won't

Rick sent me away 
and I wasn't ever gonna come back, 
but everything happened 
and I wound up staying. 

But I can't anymore. 

I can't love anyone 
because I can't kill for anyone. 

So I'm going, like I always should have

Don't come after me, please.ā€

Eskimo Carol

Well, if you ask me, the Eskimos had the right idea. 
They knew how to handle The Elderly and The Permanently Baffled. 
Middle of the night, they'd take them out into the blizzard, remove their pyjamas, and just leave them to it.

And that's how the Eskimos cared for their old people?

That's why there's no Eskimo word for "Eastbourne."

( crickets chirping
The Great Mother :
 Those things'll kill you. 

The Spirit Guide :
You got another one? 

The Great Mother :
Not for you. 

The Spirit Guide :
 And why is that? 

The Great Mother :
'Cause, asshole. 
( chuckles

Okay. Couldn't sleep either? 

The Spirit Guide :
 I never could sleep. 
Worried about tomorrow

The Great Mother :
You going? 

The Spirit Guide :
No. You are ā€”
 You can do things that-- that just terrify me. 

The Great Mother :
How do you think I do those things? 

The Spirit Guide :
 You're a Mom. 

The Great Mother :
I was. 

The Spirit Guide :
You are

It-- it-- it's not the cookies or the smiles. 
It's-- it's the hard stuff. 
The scary stuff. 

It's how you can do it. 
It's strength

You're a Mom to most of the people here. 

The Great Mother :
To you, too? 

Spirit Guide :
No. You're something else to me. 

The Great Mother :
Well, it's not tomorrow yet.

( crickets chirping ) Those things'll kill you. You got another one? Not for you. And why is that? 'Cause, asshole. ( chuckles ) Okay. Couldn't sleep either? I never could sleep. Worried about tomorrow. You going? No. You are. You can do things that-- that just terrify me. How? How do you think I do those things? You're a mom. I was. You are. It-- it-- it's not the cookies or the smiles. It's-- it's the hard stuff. The scary stuff. It's how you can do it. It's strength. You're a mom to most of the people here. To you, too? No. You're something else to me. Well, it's not tomorrow yet.

Read more at:
( crickets chirping ) Those things'll kill you. You got another one? Not for you. And why is that? 'Cause, asshole. ( chuckles ) Okay. Couldn't sleep either? I never could sleep. Worried about tomorrow. You going? No. You are. You can do things that-- that just terrify me. How? How do you think I do those things? You're a mom. I was. You are. It-- it-- it's not the cookies or the smiles. It's-- it's the hard stuff. The scary stuff. It's how you can do it. It's strength. You're a mom to most of the people here. To you, too? No. You're something else to me. Well, it's not tomorrow yet.

Read more at:
( crickets chirping ) Those things'll kill you. You got another one? Not for you. And why is that? 'Cause, asshole. ( chuckles ) Okay. Couldn't sleep either? I never could sleep. Worried about tomorrow. You going? No. You are. You can do things that-- that just terrify me. How? How do you think I do those things? You're a mom. I was. You are. It-- it-- it's not the cookies or the smiles. It's-- it's the hard stuff. The scary stuff. It's how you can do it. It's strength. You're a mom to most of the people here. To you, too? No. You're something else to me. Well, it's not tomorrow yet.

Read more at:

"It Feels Good to Help Another Person...!

And You Know, You Can't Just decide to Help Another Person Because You want to ā€”

You Have to be Given The Power to Help that Other Person..."

- Bro. Steve Cokey

Carol :
I told Richard no more visits.

King Ezekiel I

I am aware.

Your desire is Solitude.

That's what I've ordered 
to be facilitated.

My men are here clearing The Wasted.

The Dead are quite inconsiderate when it comes to those who are wanting to be alone.

I thought our efforts would be quiet enough to fall beneath your notice.

You're the one who opened The Door.

Carol :
Tripped my wire.

Sir Jerry :
Thought I caught it in time.

You hid them well, lady.

Lady Knight :
Don't call her "lady."

Sir Jerry :
Ma'am, Ms., missus...

Lady Knight :
You can shut up now.

Sir Jerry :

Carol :
Goodbye, Your Majesty.

Steward at The Court of King Exekiel : 
Hold up.


King Ezekiel I :
Kevin said you like it.

Just in case you did open the door.

Carol : 

[Door closes]


[Knock on door]

[And It's DARYL DIXON, Ladies+Gentlemen..!]

ā™Ŗ ā™Ŗ


Carol : 


ā™Ŗ ā™Ŗ

Daryl Dixon,
Orion, The Hunter :
Jesus took us to The Kingdom.

Morgan said you just left.

I was out here.

I saw you.

Why'd you go?

Carol :

I had to.

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