The North Tower (WTC1) was struck at 8.46am.
The South Tower (WTC2) was struck at 9.03am.
I contend that it is neither feasible be nor even perhaps physically possible to make the the journey via elevator and emergency stairs from around Floor 72 to the main WTC lobby, back up Floor 72 under emergency evacuation conditions in less than 17 minutes.
This man is a liar.
"To read A.N. Wilson’s article on Philpott you would think that the murders were state sponsored.
Unfortunately, it’s not difficult to imagine that this is what he genuinely believes when he writes about “the pervasiveness of the evil born of welfare dependency.” "
"What kind of person makes up stories about killing her own children to get attention?
Well, it turns out it's the same kind of person who makes up stories about being a Holocaust survivor to get attention, which is what she did next."
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
― Lenin
"I am The Walrus"
― Lennon
"Her's had all the elements... It was a Perfect Story"
"It seems no one cares about how much I suffered, what I saw... How can that help people in the future?
People have to know about it because, just like knowing what happened in the concentration camps, only by understanding the true horrors of the day can we do something to prevent it from happening again."
Tania Head
"In the camp [Buchenwald] there was a cage with a bear and an eagle.
Every day, they would throw a Jew in there.
The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones."
"But that's unbelievable," whispered a visitor.
"It is unbelievable," said Mr. Hubert.
"But it happened."
"Not far from us, flames were leaping from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load -- little children.
Babies! Yes, I saw it -- saw it with my own eyes ...
Those children in the flames.
(Is it surprising that I could not sleep after that? Sleep has fled from my eyes.)"
-Elie Wiesel, Night
“In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.”
-Elie Wiesel speaking of his book Night,
from his Memoir: All Rivers Run to the Sea
Observation by a Jewish sociologist/camp survivor:
“...most of the memoirs and reports [of 'Holocaust survivors'] are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic exaggeration, dramatic effects, overestimated self-inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks...”
—Samuel Gringauz,
"Jewish Social Studies" (New York),
January 1950, Vol. 12, p. 65.
The Woman Who Wasn't There from Spike EP on Vimeo.
THE MOMENTUM of her memories sometimes causes Tania Head to tell a tour group about the horribly burned man who handed her his wedding ring as she escaped the south tower. On occasion, she also tells the visitors that her own husband perished in the north tower. She always begins by introducing herself to those who come for a first-person account of 9/11 from one of the 122 volunteer guides at the new Tribute WTC Visitor Center.. "My name is Tania and I'm going to be your tour guide today," she said the other afternoon. "I was there at the towers. I'm a survivor. I'm going to tell you about that.
" She led the group of a dozen around the perimeter of what is no longer there. An observant visitor would have noticed that Head's right hand was scarred from the injuries suffered that morning five years ago. "Those of us who were here always talk about how blue the sky was," she began. She had been at an 8:30 a.
m. meeting on the 96th floor of the south tower. "We heard very loud sounds coming from outside the meeting room," she recalled. A plane had struck the north tower, which was, by her precise account, 113 feet away. The fire was so intense that the windows of her tower were too hot to touch. She saw people begin to jump from the north tower. "And it wasn't just one. It wasn't just two," she said. She went to the 78th floor, where several hundred people waited in the Sky Lobby for the express elevators. "This woman started saying, 'There's another plane coming! There's another plane coming!
' " Head recalled. "We didn't believe her at first.
" The tip of the wing tore through the crowded Sky Lobby. "The first thing you feel is a tremendous increase in pressure, all the air being sucked out of your lungs," she said. "The next thing you feel is flying through the air.
" She was knocked unconscious and awoke in searing pain. A young man was patting out her burning clothes. His name was Welles Crowther and he wore a red bandana his father had given him to filter smoke should he ever get caught in a fire. He saved dozens that day. "He will forever be known as the man with the red bandana," she recalled. "His calm made me calm.
" Burned, bleeding, nearly blinded by dust, she struggled toward the stairway. "Blood. Body parts. I crawled through all that," she recalled. "I realized everybody around me was dying.
" She then encountered the first figure in FDNY bunker gear. "I always like to say for me it was like seeing God," she recalled. "It was like, 'Okay, we're gong to make it.
' " The firefighter continued up toward her stricken co-workers and was among the 343 members of the department killed that day. The man in the red bandana also died, having gone back in after leading a group to safety. Head had managed to reach the street when the south tower came down and a firefighter pulled her under a rig. "That was it for me. I woke up in a hospital five days later," she now told the tour group. Head had not told this group that her husband died in the other tower. She also did not say that as she crawled through the carnage on the 78th floor a man charred from head to toe placed a wedding band in her palm. She stuck it in her pocket and forgot about it until months later, when her mother went through the personal possessions the hospital had bagged. An inscription inside the ring led to the dead man's wife, who at first did not want to speak with Head. The woman then wanted to hear everything. One way that Head has learned to cope with her own loss and horror is to tell her story to those who come to the Tribute Center, whose permanent exhibits opened with appropriate fanfare yesterday. She stood by the entrance with a beautiful smile that is her ultimate message to everyone these five years later. To behold Head's smile is to know the terrorists did not come even close to winning. To see that smile is also to be challenged to be as decent and positive as this true survivor. "If I get sad and cry, then everybody cries," she will tell you. "You have to keep that smile coming.
Survivors Pursue Effort to Save Stairway That Was 9/11 'Path to Freedom'
These were the final steps.
After hundreds of workers made a terrifying floor-by-floor descent from their offices in the sky on 9/11, as the twin towers shuddered and rained ruin, they found a gangway to safety from the elevated plaza down the Vesey Street stairs.
''They were the path to freedom,'' recalled Kayla Bergeron, the chief of public and government affairs for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Her own 68-story journey ended as she walked down that staircase with Patty Clark, a senior aviation adviser at the authority, hand in hand for the last few yards to Vesey Street.
These are the final steps in another sense. The Vesey Street staircase, also called the ''survivors' stairway,'' is the World Trade Center's last above-ground remnant.
It escapes much public attention because, from the street, it is almost unrecognizable.
Closer up, however, two flights of stairs come into view, next to what looks like a concrete slide but was once the base of an escalator. The upper steps still have their crisp granite treads. The lower steps are as craggy as a Roman antiquity. They convey a sense of human scale on the gigantically emptied landscape of ground zero.
But they also stand within the outline of the future Tower 2, an office building planned by Silverstein Properties. That is why a preservation effort has begun. Possibilities include moving the staircase elsewhere on the trade center site, making it an architectural feature attached to or enclosed by Tower 2, or -- far less likely -- redrawing the Tower 2 outline to avoid it.
''It's certainly a very significant remembrance of what happened that day,'' said Charles A. Gargano, vice chairman of the Port Authority, on a visit to the staircase last week with Ms. Bergeron and Ms. Clark. ''Somehow I would hope that it can be preserved somewhere in the site, if not within Building 2.''
The World Trade Center Survivors' Network hopes the stairs can stay rooted. ''There's a great power in their being where they were,'' said Gerry Bogacz, a founding member of the group. ''After the south tower collapsed, that was the only way anyone could get off the plaza.''
Peg Breen, the president of the New York Landmarks Conservancy, and Frank E. Sanchis III, the senior vice president of the Municipal Art Society, have also asked that the staircase be permanently preserved in place.
''There will never be another original element of the World Trade Center complex in its original street-level location,'' they wrote to the site's developer, Larry A. Silverstein, on Nov. 10.
Silverstein Properties had no comment.
On Sept. 11, 2001, Ms. Clark and Ms. Bergeron separately made their way down more than 40 stories of 1 World Trade Center, the north tower, and found each other on the 23rd floor. As they reached a landing in a stairwell on the fourth or fifth floor, the south tower collapsed. There was a terrific noise, then a violent vibration. ''At that point,'' Ms. Bergeron said, ''I thought we were going to die.''
Ms. Clark looked up to see the stairwell itself twisting. Then the lights went out. ''You just closed your eyes and you prayed that it be over,'' she said, adding, ''And then it stopped and the lights came back on.''
Getting out of the tower proved hellish, too, through calf-high water, under dangling electrical wires, by a dim emergency light that faded to darkness. They felt their way along a row of lockers, until a firefighter opened a door.
What greeted them outside was a dust cloud so opaque and white that it appeared luminous. ''It was light,'' Ms. Clark said, ''but you could not see.'' Rather than dash across the open plaza, they made their way under the protective eaves of the United States Custom House and 5 World Trade Center to Vesey Street.
''What we had to walk over getting out of 1, if we had to negotiate out to Church Street -- I'm not certain that we'd be having this conversation,'' Ms. Clark said.
Their trial did not end when they reached the Vesey Street staircase. A large man ahead of Ms. Clark began to clutch his chest. ''I hit him,'' she recalled. ''I'm like: 'Buddy, keep going. You cannot have gotten this far and not get out of here.' ''
At the base of the stairs, Ms. Clark said, a Port Authority police officer heading back into the building stopped to allow the man to use his respirator -- a gesture that may have saved the officer's life.
Speaking personally, Ms. Clark called the Vesey Street staircase a ''monument to all of us'' that embodies the metaphorical power of steps.
''It's religious. It's literary,'' she said. '' 'Ladder of success.' 'Jacob's ladder.' It's all of those things. 'Step program.' It's all very much woven into how we explain things. 'Stairway to heaven.' ''
Ms. Clark said: ''Your image of the World Trade Center is two towers piercing the sky. This is the only thing that's above grade. And the only remnant that was part of that thing that pierced the sky.''
Monday, Apr. 25, 2005
How to Get Out Alive
By Amanda Ripley
When the plane hit Elia Zedeno's building on 9/11, the effect was not subtle. From the 73rd floor of Tower 1, she heard a booming explosion and felt the building actually lurch to the south, as if it might topple. It had never done that before, even in 1993 when a bomb exploded in the basement, trapping her in an elevator. This time, Zedeño grabbed her desk and held on, lifting her feet off the floor. Then she shouted, "What's happening?" You might expect that her next instinct was to flee. But she had the opposite reaction. "What I really wanted was for someone to scream back, 'Everything is O.K.! Don't worry. It's in your head.'"
She didn't know it at the time, but all around her, others were filled with the same reflexive incredulity. And the reaction was not unique to 9/11. Whether they're in shipwrecks, hurricanes, plane crashes or burning buildings, people in peril experience remarkably similar stages. And the first one--even in the face of clear and urgent danger--is almost always a period of intense disbelief.
Luckily, at least one of Zedeño's colleagues responded differently. "The answer I got was another co-worker screaming, 'Get out of the building!'" she remembers now. Almost four years later, she still thinks about that command. "My question is, What would I have done if the person had said nothing?"
Most of the people who died on 9/11 had no choice. They were above the impact zone of the planes and could not find a way out. But investigators are only now beginning to understand the actions and psychology of the thousands who had a chance to escape. The people who made it out of the World Trade Center, for example, waited an average of 6 min. before heading downstairs, according to a new National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) study drawn from interviews with nearly 900 survivors. But the range was enormous. Why did certain people leave immediately while others lingered for as long as half an hour? Some were helping co-workers. Others were disabled. And in Tower 2, many were following fatally flawed directions to stay put. But eventually everyone saw smoke, smelled jet fuel or heard someone giving the order to leave. Many called relatives. About 1,000 took the time to shut down their computers, according to NIST.
In other skyscraper fires, staying inside might have been exactly the right thing to do. In the case of the Twin Towers, at least 135 people who theoretically had access to open stairwells--and enough time to use them--never made it out, the report found.Since the early days of the atom bomb, scientists have been trying to understand how to move masses of people out of danger. Engineers have fashioned glowing exit signs, sprinklers and less flammable materials. Elaborate computer models can simulate the emptying of Miami or the Sears Tower, showing thousands of colored dots streaming for safety like a giant Ms. Pac-Man colony. But the most vexing problem endures. And it is not signage or architecture or traffic flow. It's us. Large groups of people facing death act in surprising ways. Most of us become incredibly docile. We are kinder to one another than normal. We panic only under certain rare conditions. Usually, we form groups and move slowly, as if sleepwalking in a nightmare
Zedeño still did not immediately flee on 9/11, even after her colleague screamed at her. First she reached for her purse, and then she started walking in circles. "I was looking for something to take with me. I remember I took my book. Then I kept looking around for other stuff to take. It was like I was in a trance," she says, smiling at her behavior. When she finally left, her progress remained slow. The estimated 15,410 who got out, the NIST findings show, took about a minute to make it down each floor--twice as long as the standard engineering codes predicted. It took Zedeño more than an hour to descend. "I never found myself in a hurry," she says. "It's weird because the sound, the way the building shook, should have kept me going fast. But it was almost as if I put the sound away in my mind."
Had the planes hit later in the day, when the buildings typically held more than 32,000 additional people, a full evacuation at that pace would have taken more than four hours, according to the NIST study. More than 14,000 probably would have perished, Zedeño among them.
In a crisis, our instincts can be our undoing. William Morgan, who directs the exercise-psychology lab at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, has studied mysterious scuba accidents in which divers drowned with plenty of air in their tanks. It turns out that certain people experience an intense feeling of suffocation when their mouths are covered. They respond to that overwhelming sensation by relying on their instinct, which is to rip out whatever is in their mouths. For scuba divers, unfortunately, it is their oxygen source. On land, that would be a perfect solution.
Why do our instincts sometimes backfire so dramatically? Research on how the mind processes information suggests that part of the problem is a lack of data. Even when we're calm, our brains require 8 to 10 sec. to handle each novel piece of complex information. The more stress, the slower the process. Bombarded with new information, our brains shift into low gear just when we need to move fast. We diligently hunt for a shortcut to solve the problem more quickly. If there aren't any familiar behaviors available for the given situation, the mind seizes upon the first fix in its library of habits--if you can't breathe, remove the object in your mouth.
That neurological process might explain, in part, the urge to stay put in crises. "Most people go their entire lives without a disaster," says Michael Lindell, a professor at the Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center at Texas A&M University. "So, the most reasonable reaction when something bad happens is to say, This can't possibly be happening to me." Lindell sees the same tendency, which disaster researchers call normalcy bias, when entire populations are asked to evacuate.
When people are told to leave in anticipation of a hurricane or flood, most of them check with four or more sources--family, newscasters and officials, among others--before deciding what to do, according to a 2001 study by sociologist Thomas Drabek. That process of checking in, known to experts as milling, is common in disasters. On 9/11 at least 70% of survivors spoke with other people before trying to leave, the NIST study shows. (In that regard, if you work or live with a lot of women, your chances of survival may increase, since women are quicker to evacuate than men are.)
People caught up in disasters tend to fall into three categories. About 10% to 15% remain calm and act quickly and efficiently. Another 15% or less completely freak out--weeping, screaming or otherwise hindering the evacuation. That kind of hysteria is usually isolated and quickly snuffed out by the crowd. The vast majority of people do very little. They are "stunned and bewildered," as British psychologist John Leach put it in a 2004 article published in Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine.
So what determines which category you fall into? You might expect decisive people to be assertive and flaky people to come undone. But when nothing is normal, the rules of everyday life do not apply. No one knows more about human behavior in disasters than researchers in the aviation industry. Because they have to comply with so many regulations, they run thousands of people through experiments and interview scores of crash survivors. Of course, a burning plane is not the same as a flaming skyscraper or a sinking ship. But some behaviors in all three environments turn out to be remarkably similar.
On March 27, 1977, a Pan Am 747 awaiting takeoff at the Tenerife airport in the Canary Islands off Spain was sliced open without warning by a Dutch KLM jet that had come hurtling out of the fog at 160 m.p.h. The collision left twisted metal, along with comic books and toothbrushes, strewn along a half-mile stretch of tarmac. Everyone on the KLM jet was killed instantly. But it looked as if many of the Pan Am passengers had survived and would have lived if they had got up and walked off the fiery plane.
Floy Heck, then 70, was sitting on the Pan Am jet between her husband and her friends, en route from their California retirement residence to a Mediterranean cruise. After the KLM jet sheared off the top of their plane, Heck could not speak or move. "My mind was almost blank. I didn't even hear what was going on," she told an Orange County Register reporter years later. But her husband Paul Heck, 65, reacted immediately. He ordered his wife to get off the plane. She followed him through the smoke "like a zombie," she said. Just before they jumped out of a hole in the left side of the craft, she looked back at her friend Lorraine Larson, who was just sitting there, looking straight ahead, her mouth slightly open, hands folded in her lap. Like dozens of others, she would die not from the collision but from the fire that came afterward.
We tend to assume that plane crashes--and most other catastrophes--are binary: you live or you die, and you have very little choice in the matter. But in all serious U.S. plane accidents from 1983 to 2000, just over half the passengers lived, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. And some survived because of their individual traits or behavior--human factors, as crash investigators put it. After the Tenerife catastrophe, aviation experts focused on those factors--and people like the Hecks--and decided that they were just as important as the design of the plane itself.
Unlike tall buildings, planes are meant to be emptied fast. Passengers are supposed to be able to get out within 90 sec., even if only half the exits are available and bags are strewn in the aisles. As it turns out, the people on the Pan Am 747 had at least 60 sec. to flee before fire engulfed the plane. But of the 396 people on board, 326 were killed. Including the KLM victims, 583 people ultimately died--making the Tenerife crash the deadliest accident in civil aviation history.
What happened? Aren't disasters supposed to turn us into animals, driven by instinct and surging with adrenaline?
In the 1970s, psychologist Daniel Johnson was working on safety research for McDonnell Douglas. The more disasters he studied, the more he realized that the classic fight-or-flight behavior paradigm was incomplete. Again and again, in shipwrecks as well as plane accidents, he saw examples of people doing nothing at all. He was even able to re-create the effect in his lab. He found that about 45% of people in his experiment shut down (that is, stopped moving or speaking for 30 sec. or often longer) when asked under pressure to perform unfamiliar but basic tasks. "They quit functioning. They just sat there," Johnson remembers. It seemed horribly maladaptive. How could so many people be hard-wired to do nothing in a crisis?
But it turns out that that freezing behavior may be quite adaptive in certain scenarios. An animal that goes into involuntary paralysis may have a better chance of surviving a predatory attack. Many predators will not eat prey that is not struggling; that way, they are less likely to eat something sick or rotten that would end up killing them. Psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr. has found similar behavior among human rape victims. "They report being vividly aware of what was happening but unable to respond," he says.
In a fire or on a sinking ship, however, such a strategy can be fatal. So is it possible to override this instinct--or prevent it from kicking in altogether?
In the hours just before the Tenerife crash, Paul Heck did something highly unusual. While waiting for takeoff, he studied the 747's safety diagram. He looked for the closest exit, and he pointed it out to his wife. He had been in a theater fire as a boy, and ever since, he always checked for the exits in an unfamiliar environment. When the planes collided, Heck's brain had the data it needed. He could work on automatic, whereas other people's brains plodded through the storm of new information. "Humans behave much more appropriately when they know what to expect--as do rats," says Cynthia Corbett, a human-factors specialist with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
To better understand how the mind responds to a novel situation like a plane crash, I visited the FAA's training academy in Oklahoma City, Okla. In a field behind one of their labs, they had hoisted a jet section on risers. I boarded the mock-up plane along with 30 flight-attendant supervisors. Inside, it looked just like a normal plane, and the flight attendants made jokes, pretending to be passengers. "Could I get a cocktail over here, please? I paid a lot of money for this seat!"
But once some (nontoxic) smoke started pouring into the cabin, everyone got quiet. As most people do, I underestimated how quickly the smoke would fill the space, from ceiling to floor, like a black curtain unfurling in front of us. In 20 sec., all we could see were the pin lights along the floor. As we stood to evacuate, there was a loud thump. In a crowd of experienced flight attendants, still someone had hit his or her head on an overhead bin. In a new situation, with a minor amount of stress, our brains were performing clumsily. As we filed toward the exit slide, crouched low, holding on to the person in front of us, several of the flight attendants had to be comforted by their colleagues.
Remember: those were trained professionals who had jumped down a slide at some point to become certified. I could imagine how much worse things might go in a real emergency with regular passengers and screaming children. As we emerged into the light, the mood brightened. The flight attendants cheered as their colleagues slid, one by one, to the ground.
Mac McLean has been studying plane evacuations for 16 years at the FAA's Civil Aerospace Medical Institute. He starts all his presentations with a slide that reads IT'S THE PEOPLE. He is convinced that if passengers had a mental plan for getting out of a plane, they would move much more quickly in a crisis. But, like others who study disaster behavior, he is perpetually frustrated that not more is done to encourage self-reliance. "The airlines and the flight attendants underestimate the fact that passengers can be good survivors. They think passengers are goats," he says. Better, more detailed safety briefings could save lives, McLean believes, but airline representatives have repeatedly told him they don't want to scare passengers.
And so most passengers are indeed goats. Should the worst occur, says McLean, "people don't have a clue. They want you to come by and say, O.K., hon, it's time to go. Plane's on fire."
If we know that training--or even mental rehearsal--vastly improves people's responses to disasters, it is surprising how little of it we do. Even in the World Trade Center, which had complicated escape routes and had been attacked once before, preparation levels were abysmal, we now know. Fewer than half the survivors had ever entered the stairwells before, according to the NIST report. Thousands of people hadn't known they had to wind through confusing transfer hallways to get down.
Early findings from another study, sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, found that only 45% of 445 Trade Center workers interviewed had known the buildings had three stairwells. Only half had known the doors to the roof would be locked. "I found the lack of preparedness shocking," says lead investigator Robyn Gershon, an associate professor of sociomedical sciences at Columbia University who shared the findings with TIME.
Until last year, it was illegal to require anyone in a New York City high rise to evacuate in a drill. That is absurd, of course. Under regulations being debated, building managers will probably have to run full or partial evacuation drills every two years so most people in those buildings will have entered their stairwells at least once. Some people may even descend to the bottom, and they will never forget how long it takes. The disabled will figure out how much assistance they need. The obese will see that they slow down the whole evacuation as they struggle for breath.
Manuel Chea, then a systems administrator on the 49th floor of Tower 1, did everything right on 9/11. As soon as the building stopped swaying, he jumped up from his cubicle and ran to the closest stairwell. It was an automatic reaction. As he left, he noticed that some of his colleagues were collecting things to take with them. "I was probably the fastest one to leave," he says. An hour later, he was outside.
When I asked him why he had moved so swiftly, he had several theories. The previous year, his house in Queens, N.Y., had burned to the ground. He had escaped, blinded by smoke. Oh, yes, he had also been in a serious earthquake as a child in Peru and in several smaller ones in Los Angeles years later. He was, you could say, a disaster expert. And there's nothing like a string of bad luck to prepare you for the unthinkable.
The tragedy of 9/11 continued long after the towers collapsed. Survivors suffered from countless ailments both physically and emotionally, and in the wake of the disaster, America was a bit too busy dreaming about all the terrorist ass we were going to kick to pay much attention. But then, a hero emerged: Tania Head's brave and terrible tale finally gave recognition to 9/11 survivors -- the woman went on to head the World Trade Center Survivors' Network. There was only one problem: Head was entirely full of shit.
According to Head, she was working at Merrill Lynch on the morning of September 11th when the second Boeing 767 plowed into her floor. A desperate colleague made a dying request for her to return his wedding ring to his wife. Head agreed, being the heroine that she was. She descended the stairs with the man's ring, and she passed out. She claims she was then carried to safety by Welles Crowther, whose name is hyperlinked there because he's an actual 9/11 hero who sacrificed himself in the process of saving at least a dozen lives.
So Head was miraculously saved, receiving only minor burns to her arm. Unfortunately, her beloved fiance (and in some tellings, husband) Dave wasn't so lucky. He died when the other tower collapsed. And with that, her story now officially had everything: tragedy, action, romance, near-misses, a hero, villains ... if she'd gained some powers in the process, you'd have a pretty solid superhero origin story there. It's no wonder that her tale galvanized the public to the plight of 9/11 survivors, and was hailed in the NY Daily News, The Journal News, Time, and elsewhere.
So we've already told you the story was fake, but the next question is, how fake? Was she in the building, but just didn't have as close a call as she claimed? Was the wedding ring thing fabricated? Well, a quick phone call, the kind of thing one does when fact-checking, would have revealed she didn't even work at Merrill Lynch. It also would have revealed she wasn't even in New York that day.
Hell, she wasn't even in the country.
Oh, and when someone finally asked, "Dave's" surviving family said they had never heard of her.
Her story had more holes in it than the jungle in Predator, and it's not like she invented concocting fake 9/11 stories to get attention. Still, when a victim crawls from the rubble of our country's worst disaster with a dead fiance, it's a very risky move calling bullshit. So, nobody did.
So how long did it take anyone to look into her story? Oh, only about six years. Before that, she literally became the president of the aforementioned World Trade Center Survivors' Network, which we're sure does great work but, you know, it has certain membership requirements. The New York Times finally started looking into it in 2007 and found out that she was just one of those serial liars -- she also didn't have the degree from Harvard she had claimed, and had not in fact defeated Jean-Claude Van Damme in an underground fighting tournament in 1996 (the fight was a draw).
To read A.N. Wilson’s article on Philpott you would think that the murders were state sponsored.
Unfortunately, it’s not difficult to imagine that this is what he genuinely believes when he writes about “the pervasiveness of the evil born of welfare dependency.”
Wilson’s article also glibly sidesteps Philpott’s actual crimes in order to concentrate on the much more important “bleak and often grotesque world of the welfare benefit scroungers — of whom there are not dozens, not hundreds, but tens of thousands in our country.” Mr Wilson would make a much more persuasive case if he provided any figures. The irrational vitriol with which one isolated crime is taken as representative of a whole section of society, ascribed to innocent people as though they were in some way complicit, is indefensible bigotry.
More worrying still is the dehumanising language, the lack of respect for the dead children; they were “bred” by Philpott as though they were animals. This is not untypical of a newspaper that has for a long time misrepresented benefit claimants as worthless, stupid, lazy, immoral and essentially other. Let’s be in no doubt that the Mail doesn’t just hate the welfare system but the very people who are forced to use it. This goes a long way to explaining why the real human tragedy of this affair was sidestepped in preference of a cheap shot; to the Daily Mail these people aren’t humans, they’re “scum”, “scroungers” and “skivers”.
No reasonable person can take seriously such sweeping generalisations. Or can they? Apparently so: opinion polls repeatedly point to a majority in support of welfare cuts. According to ComRes 64% of Brits believe the benefits system is failing while a staggering 40% believe that at least half of all benefit claimants are “scroungers.” A TUC poll last year reported that on average Britons think 27% of the welfare budget is claimed fraudulently while the actual figure is 0.7%. Furthermore, few attempt to distinguish those on unemployment benefit from those on benefits because of low wages, or are unable to discern between the two; in effect, they don’t know what they dislike about the welfare system but they know that they dislike it. But from where does such ignorance and cynicism arise?"
"What kind of person makes up stories about killing her own children to get attention?
Well, it turns out it's the same kind of person who makes up stories about being a Holocaust survivor to get attention, which is what she did next. She adopted the identity of Laura Grabowski, a Polish Jew experimented on by mad scientists in a concentration camp who writes poems about it.
She collected donations from people who believed her story until Cornerstone magazine blew the lid off the scam in 1999. "
children’s lives
by Paul Linford Published 11 May 2012 Last updated 14 May 2012
A regional daily printed its second special edition in the space of a week after a house fire claimed the lives of five children early today.
Seven days after publishing an on-the-day edition to report a change in control at the city council, the Derby Telegraph pulled out the stops again after this morning’s tragic blaze in the city’s suburb of Allenton.
The Northcliffe-owned title printed 10,000 copies of the late edition, which included the revelation that Mick Philpott was the father of the five children who died.
Father-of-18 Mr Philpott achieved national notoriety in 2006 after the Telegraph revealed he was demanding a bigger council home for himself, his wife, his mistress and eight of their children.
Cornerstone Magazine

Many who said they were adult survivors of SRA, and who had recovered their repressed memories in a therapeutic setting, pointed to Satan's Underground as external support for their subjective, directed counseling experiences. The book was promoted by its author, publisher, and major Christian personalities such as Johanna Michaelsen, Hal Lindsey, Mike Warnke, and Bob Larson as documented, factual, and corroborated by a wealth of evidence.

Our investigation, published in late 1989, was the first in-depth analysis of a particular testimony of satanic ritual abuse. 2 It provided the first concrete evidence that at least some such stories could be the result of troubled minds, bad therapy, and credulity regarding Satanism, and not the result of actual events.
Although the evidence was overwhelming and the original publisher and Lauren even admitted that she repeatedly said things that were not true, some continued to believe her. Another publisher reissued Satan's Underground and her two subsequent books, I Know You're Hurting and Stripped Naked. 3 Although she never enjoyed the same fame or fortune, she continued to speak in churches and before other groups, to participate in support groups and SRA survivor advocacy groups, and to counsel. She continued to advance her Satan's Underground story and assumed the position that anyone who doubted her or asked for proof was "wittingly or not" a pawn of the satanic conspiracy. As she had done in the past when her stories were found out, Lauren turned the focus on herself as a victim of callous disbelief and advanced her falsehoods as prima facie evidence that she must be a victim of what she said she was, or she wouldn't have been so emotionally disturbed as to tell so many untruths. In Stripped Naked, she tried to compare the SRA survivors' lack of evidence with the clandestine nature of Nazi atrocities, saying,
"Where's the evidence?" you cry. I quote Raoul Hilberg, the great historian who spoke on Claude Lanzmann's epic film, SHOAH: An Oral History of the Holocaust. "In speaking of the Nazi Germans and their hideous atrocities, Mr. Hilberg says, '. . . . they did not copyright or patent their achievements, and they prefer obscurity'." This is also true of those who are the perpetrators of cult crimes. They do not copyright or patent their achievements, and they prefer obscurity. 4This and other references to the Holocaust in Stripped Naked have turned out, in retrospect, to foreshadow the next incredible story of abuse told by Lauren Stratford. 5
From Lauren Stratford to Laura Grabowski, Jewish Holocaust Survivor: In the years since the discrediting of Satan's Underground, Lauren developed a new story that put her in the midst of another survivor support community this one for actual survivors of a massive horror shamefully hidden by its perpetrators, but chillingly documented by overwhelming amounts of both eyewitness and historical evidence.

Lauren Stratford may have hoped that her old identity and old story would remain secret from her newfound Holocaust survivor friends, but the echoes of her past continue to reverberate through her new life.
Different but Still the Same: She didn't write a book this time, but she did copyright a poem, "We Are One," in honor of her fellow sufferers from the camps, available on several Internet sites devoted to memory of the Holocaust.6 She didn't launch her story on the television and radio talk show circuit, but she did perform an original composition, "Ode to the Little Ones," before a crowd of Holocaust survivors and supporters. She then granted an interview to a Jewish publication. 7 She didn't collect royalties or honorariums for her new testimony, but she did collect funds for Jewish Holocaust survivors in need. 8 Replacing her cross with a Star of David, and her "In Christ" with "Shalom," she joined a community where she believed she would be relatively safe from scrutiny and unlikely to encounter those who were aware of her many previous stories.
As before, she attributed her physical ailments to the abuse she had suffered. Before she pointed to the scars of her self-mutilation as the work of her abusive parent(s), the pornographers, or the Satanists; now she points to the scars on her arms and whispers, "Mengele's child" the work of Dr. Mengele and his medical experiments. 9Before she feigned blindness for sympathy; now she claims Dr. Mengele injected chemicals into her eyes. 10 Before she claimed a rare blood disease as a consequence of the years of torture and abuse at the hands of the pornographers or Satanists; now she claims she is afflicted with a life-threatening blood disorder because of Dr. Mengele's experiments. 11 In previous stories, she claimed either that she was forced to have children that were killed for pornography and/or Satanism or that she was rendered sterile by sexual abuse from her parent(s) and others; now she says Dr. Mengele sterilized her. 12
In her satanic stories, the abuse (whether from her mother, the prostitution ring, the pornographers, or the Satanists) began when she was four and continued throughout her childhood and into her adulthood. Now she says she was in Auschwitz-Birkenau until it was liberated at the end of the war, and then in a Krakow orphanage until her adoption by American Gentiles in 1950.13
In all her stories, past and present, she repeats common refrains. For example, each new confidante is told that Lauren has never been able to tell her horrible secret before. In a letter to a Holocaust survivor couple, she said, "I have remained silent about being a child survivor for over fifty years."14 In another letter she said that she was still "fearful about coming out of the closet." 15
Over the years a succession of her confidantes heard her say that she had never had "family" before, that she had always been alone but now experienced real love for the first time. She told Holocaust survivors at group meetings that they had become her family, that, "Now I won't die alone . . . I'm among friends."16 Of someone else she said, "he is like a brother to me. . . . We cried together and hugged each other and shared things of little kids in the barracks."17
The Proof that Lauren Stratford Is Laura Grabowski: Some of her Holocaust survivor friends are reluctant to believe that she is not telling the truth about her identity and past. Some of her friends in the SRA survivor support system seem willing to defend and protect her no matter what. 18 Most of both kinds of acquaintances want nothing to do with the issue at all, 19 sensing (properly, we believe) that even if Lauren is lying, her reasons are psychologically complex and not merely for profit. Even those Holocaust survivor acquaintances who doubted her claims were concerned that she not be accused without convincing evidence.
As Christian journalists working for a Christian publication, we take biblical mandates regarding criticism and accusations seriously. The Bible explicitly encourages constructive public criticism of what has been done publicly, especially by public figures. 20 However, public criticism must be done according to the biblical principle that rejects hearsay, uncorroborated opinions, and unfounded accusations. The principle of "two or three witnesses" is established in the Old Testament (Deut. 17:6; 19:15), affirmed by Jesus Christ in the Gospels (Matt. 18:16, 20; John 5:31-47, 8:14-18), and reiterated in the Epistles (1 Tim. 5:19). This is the pattern we followed in coming to the conclusion that Lauren Stratford is now claiming to be Laura Grabowski, Holocaust survivor, and that she could not have had a secret origin as a Polish Jewish concentration camp orphan.
The Written Evidence: Two days after her birth, Laurel Rose Willson was the name recorded on her birth certificate in Washington State on August 18, 1941.21Laurel was born to an unwed mother, Marrian Disbrow, and adopted at birth by Frank and Rose Willson. 22 Rose Willson's parents, Laurel's maternal grandparents, were Polish Catholics named Anton and Rosalio Grabowski. Anton immigrated to the United States in the late 1890s and became a leader among Polish Catholics in Tacoma, Washington. Although Rosalio died before Rose was grown, Laurel knew her grandfather and visited him during her childhood. He and Rosalio are buried in the Tacoma cemetery.23
The name documentation does not stop there. In a letter to a Holocaust survivor, Lauren signed her name "Lauren Grabowski" and then typed beneath that "Lauren Grabowski-Stratford." 24 In various meetings, interviews, letters, Internet postings, and published pieces, she identifies herself variously as Laura or Lauren Grabowski.
On the same letter where she designates herself as "Lauren Grabowski-Stratford," she types her address and phone number (on file). The identical phone number and address is in the records of the Child Holocaust Survivors Group of Los Angeles, the World Jewish Restitution Organization application, and another letter signed "Laura Grabowski." 25 This is the same address that appears on the credit header information for Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson from 1990 to present,26 on the public record of Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson's bankruptcy of 1994,27 and on an envelope hand-addressed by Lauren Stratford to us.28
In addition to corresponding name and address evidence, the social security number listed on Lauren Grabowski's World Jewish Restitution Organization application matches that of Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson and was issued in the state of Washington between 1956 and 1959.29
Laurel Willson's birthdate of August 18, 1941, is the same one Lauren Grabowski listed on her application to the World Jewish Restitution Organization, on Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson's credit header report and social security report, Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson's California Department of Motor Vehicles Driver's License record, Laurel Willson's University of Redlands Alumni file, and Laurel Willson's marriage certificate.30
The location of her birth in Washington State--not Poland--is listed on her birth certificate, the bill from the hospital where she was born,31 alumni records, driver's license, and marriage license.
The signature identification of Laura Grabowski with Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson is also overwhelming. A comparison of the following signatures, some of which are reproduced below, shows that the same individual signed them all: 32
The Photographic Evidence: There are two significant issues that photograph evidence addresses: First, that Lauren Stratford/Laurel Willson and Laura Grabowski are the same person; Second, that there is no possibility that little Laura, the Auschwitz survivor, could have been switched in 1950 (or at any other time) with little Laurel from Washington State.

A clearly characteristic picture of Laurel at about four years old with her sister Willow is overlaid with the photographer's stamp reading "Classic Portrait Studio, Tacoma, WA."
A Sunday school class picture from around the same time shows a portrait of Jesus on the wall behind Laurel and her classmates. In the tattered photo album that Laurel made for her childhood pictures, next to the bill from St. Joseph's Hospital for her care as a newborn, are five photographs of her as a newborn.
Amidst many photographs chronicling her growth from newborn through preschool is a striking photograph of toddler Laurel with her sister Willow in front of three Catholic nuns who worked at St. Joseph's Hospital, where Laurel was born and where their father worked as a doctor. Another photograph shows Laurel and her friends at her fifth birthday party, cake, candles and all.

Three photographs from when Laurel was six years old are especially arresting: they were taken in 1947 (the date on the car license plate in one picture) and show Laurel, her sister Willow, and father Frank on a trip to Yellowstone National Park. One picture shows the girls in front of the west entrance sign to the park, the other shows them in front of the sign for the Old Faithful geyser. The picture of Laurel with her kindergarten classmates couldn't have been taken in a concentration camp or a Krakow orphanage: the healthy, well-dressed children in the midst of their toys are in front of a wall with an American flag, pictures of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and an Easter bunny drawn on the chalkboard. A jolly American Santa Claus holds Willow and five or six year old Laurel on his lap in another picture.
The photographic evidence is conclusive: Laurel Willson was born and raised in Washington State and is the same individual who now claims to be Laura Grabowski, child survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau, subject of gross experimentation by the notorious Dr. Mengele, and orphan from a Krakow orphanage.
Is There Any Evidence to Support Laurel's Holocaust Story? Because we were unable to contact Lauren directly despite our best efforts,34we were especially diligent to uncover any evidence or argumentation we could that might support the validity of her current Holocaust story.
While some child survivors of the Holocaust would not be able to amass a wealth of documentation for their experiences, most have a continuity of memories, consistent acknowledgment and recognition of their background during their childhood and adulthood, connections with relatives and other survivors, often Nazi documentation in the form of tattoos, records, and other materials, and the testimony and/or records of their liberators and others who helped them immediately subsequent to the war. Laura has none of this.
What she has are her own statements noted previously in this article and a mutual affirmation of child Holocaust survivor status with another individual who calls himself Binjamin Wilkomirski. Space precludes our chronicling his fascinating claims as told in his many public appearances and in his best-selling book, Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood (1995). Wilkomirski has none of the common supports for his story, and in fact, voluminous evidence has been uncovered that he is not a Latvian Jewish Holocaust child survivor but instead is Swiss-born Bruno Grosjean, adopted and renamed Bruno Dossekker. This evidence has been examined on television, such as on 60 Minutes early this year (1999) and in several outstanding journalistic pieces, including Philip Gourevitch's "The Memory Thief," The New Yorker, June 14, 1999, and Elena Lappin's "The Man with Two Heads," Granta, June 1999.
Lauren first contacted Wilkomirski in 1997 after reading his book. She said that his book touched her deeply.35 He then claimed to remember her from the camp and later the orphanage. The two met for the first time in Los Angeles in April 1998 and performed together (she is an accomplished pianist and vocalist, he an equally accomplished clarinetist) on April 19 for the Child Holocaust Survivors Group of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, and Congregation Shaarei Tefila. Although the two support each other's stories, they don't have even a modicum of corroboration or evidence to counter the overwhelming evidence that neither story is true.
Lauren says, "I think only the individual can decide if he/she is a survivor."36 In a letter to someone who was looking for corroboration to help Wilkomirski, she explained,
I don't know if I know the things you need to help him fact wise. He & I corroborate each other more with memories of the heart. . . . He & I are really in the same position. . . . We cried together and hugged each other and shared things of little kids in the barracks. He remembers my [friend] Ana and that we were always holding hands. He described me as having blond hair, almost snow-white, before he ever saw a photo of me. These are the things I have to offer. Not names and dates and places and the hows and whys and whos and whens. . . 37Regardless of the credibility problems facing Wilkomirski, Lauren has worse than what she described in her letter. She not only has a lack of evidence or corroboration for the story she tells: this article has presented an embarrassment of contraryevidence that flatly and completely contradicts her story.
Conclusion: Laura Grabowski is Lauren Stratford. She is not a child survivor of the Holocaust, nor is she an adult survivor of satanic ritual abuse. As in the past, she has found a group with which she can identify and that will provide her with the nurturing attention she craves.
So why did we pursue first her Satan story and now her Holocaust story? Because she has betrayed the public trust she solicited in each instance, and by claiming a victimization that is not hers, she dishonors and cheapens those who are genuine victims. There are those who point to her false Satan story and say that she was able to fool Christians because Christians are basically ignorant and gullible. There are those who point to her false Holocaust story as an example of a Christian exploiting Jewish suffering for her own benefit.
Neither prejudice is warranted, but both are to be expected because we as Christians have failed Lauren. By shrinking from public accountability, excusing ourselves from rehabilitative love in truth, and continuing a platform and acceptance for one who has a lifelong pattern of storytelling, we have partnered in Lauren's deception of the Jewish community. It may be easier to pretend nothing's wrong and either ignore the problem or excuse it, but such Christian irresponsibility harms Lauren, Christian credibility, and a Jewish community that has suffered unspeakably through perhaps the darkest events of this century.
Look at the pictures of Mengele's child victims at the beginning of this article. Look at the pictures of Lauren. That's why.
1. Laurel Willson legally changed her name to Lauren Stratford after our article was published at the end of 1990 (Los Angeles County Clerk--Civil Division, Case Number LS 963).[return]
2. Gretchen and Bob Passantino and Jon Trott, "Satan's Sideshow," Cornerstone, 18, issue 90, (October-November 1989), 23-28.[return]
3. Pelican Publishing, P.O. Box 3110, Gretna, LA 70054 (504-368-1175), Milburn Calhoun, publisher.[return]
4. Lauren Stratford, Stripped Naked (Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Company, 1993), 223. See also, for example, the BBC interview in the television program Panorama, "Satanic Abuse," 12 July 1992.[return]
6. See, for example, A copy is also posted here. [return]
7. The concert took place 19 April 1998, and was mentioned in Naomi Pfefferman, "Memories of a Holocaust Childhood," The Jewish Journal, 24 April 1998.[return]
9. In conversation with Holocaust survivors at various meetings of the Child Holocaust Survivors Group of Los Angeles in 1997 and 1998, testimony on file.[return]
13. On application to World Jewish Restitution Organization, affidavit on file; in discussion with Holocaust survivors in private and at various meetings of the Child Holocaust Survivors Group of Los Angeles in 1997 and 1998, testimony on file; in conversation with others including Binjamin Wilkomirski, testimonies on file; in credit for her "We Are One" poem on the Internet" Laura Grabowski, Child survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau"; in a listserv posting on the Internet from 24 January 1999 (H-HOLOCAUST@H-NET.MSU. EDU); in an interview, "Memories of a Holocaust Childhood," Naomi Pfefferman, The Jewish Journal, 24 April 1998.[return]
16. Recounted by attendees at various meetings of the Child Holocaust Survivors Group of Los Angeles in 1997 and 1998, testimony on file.[return]
18. We've even been warned that if we wrote this article we would be in danger of exposure ourselves and of God's judgment against us (tape and letters on file).[return]
19. Christian supporter Johanna Michaelsen, for example, refused to answer numerous messages. Lauren Stratford's publisher, Pelican, not only ignored numerous phone calls and faxes, but refused even to tell us if they had contacted her (at our request) to give her an opportunity to make a statement or defense for this article. Publishers have an obligation to their authors to inform them about media inquiries and requests to the author made through the publisher, especially if the media coverage might be critical. All contacts were made by us between 20 and 22 September 1999, records on file.[return]
20. See, for example, Gal. 2:14; 1 Tim. 3:7; 5:20; and "Truth and Consequences: Exposing Sin in the Church," Bob and Gretchen Passantino, afterword in Selling Satan: The Tragic History of Mike Warnke (Chicago: Cornerstone Press Chicago, 1993), 407-418.[return]
22. See our previous article, Passantino and Trott, "Satan's Sideshow," Cornerstone, 18, issue 90, October-November 1989, 23-28.[return]
27. California Bankruptcy, Los Angeles County, Filing Number 9442300, 1 September 1994.[return]
29. World Jewish Restitution Organization application affidavit on file, Safescan (Equifax Inc.) Address History report, 10 May 1999 and 23 August 1999, Social Security additional names report.[return]
30. Ibid; also University of Redlands Alumni file records, on file; marriage certificate (11 March 1966), on file; and Driver's License record information, on file.[return]
34. We tried every address and telephone number we had for her, attempted to reach her repeatedly through her publisher, Pelican, asked both Christian and Jewish friends of hers to contact her for us, but she never responded.[return]
Bob & Gretchen Passantino are the co-directors of Answers In Action.
First published on Cornerstone Magazine Online October 13, 1999. Published in Cornerstone (ISSN 0275-2743), Vol. 28, Issue 117 (1999), p. 12-16, 18
© 1999 Cornerstone Communications, Inc.
Electronic version may contain minor changes and corrections from printed version.
© 1999 Cornerstone Communications, Inc.
Electronic version may contain minor changes and corrections from printed version.
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