"Evil... Evil since the Dawn of Time..."
"Phenomenal Cosmic Power...
Old Norse:
Ǫnd þau né átto, óð þau né hǫfðo,
lá né læti né lito góða.
Ǫnd gaf Óðinn, óð gaf Hœnir,
lá gaf Lóðurr ok lito góða.
Benjamin Thorpe translation:
Spirit they possessed not, sense they had not,
blood nor motive powers, nor goodly colour.
Spirit gave Odin, sense gave Hœnir,
blood gave Lodur, and goodly colour.
Henry Adams Bellows translation:
Soul they had not, sense they had not,
Heat nor motion, nor goodly hue;
Soul gave Othin, sense gave Hönir,
Heat gave Lothur and goodly hue.
A Short Course on the Djinn
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
In Arabian lore, djinn (also spelled jinn) are a race of supernaturally empowered beings who have the ability to intervene in the affairs of people. Like the Greek daimones, djinn are self-propagating and can be either good or evil. They can be conjured in magical rites to perform various tasks and services. A djinni (singular) appears as a wish-granting “genie” in folk tales such as in The Book of 1001 Nights collection of folk tales.
In Western lore djinn are sometimes equated with demons, but they are not the same. They are often portrayed as having a demonic-like appearance, but they can also appear in beautiful, seductive forms. The djinn are masterful shape-shifters, and their favored forms are snakes and black dogs. They also can masquerade as anything: humans, animals, ghosts, cryptids, and other entities such as extraterrestrials, demons, shadow people, fairies, angels and more.
The djinn are not confined to the Middle East, or to the past. They exist in their own realm, probably a parallel dimension, and they have the ability – and the desire – to enter our world and interact with us. The djinn have been among us in antiquity and they are among us now.
According to pre-Islamic lore, the djinn are born of smokeless fire (which in modern terms could be plasma). They live very long lives but they are not immortal. According to some accounts, they live with other supernatural beings in the Kaf, a mythical range of emerald mountains that encircles the Earth. In modern terms, they live in a parallel dimension.
The djinn like to roam the deserts and wilderness and inhabit caves. They are usually invisible, but have the power to shape-shift to any form, be it insect, animal, human, or entity. They have long been regarded as malicious and dangerous, capable of bringing bad luck, illness, disaster and death. Even when granting favors, they have a trickster nature and can twist events for the worse.
Though the djinn can be conjured in magical rites, they are difficult to control. One individual said to have complete power over the djinn was the legendary Biblical King Solomon. God gave Solomon a copper and iron magic ring that enabled him to subdue djinn, and which protected him from their powers. In some accounts, the ring was inscribed with a pentacle, and in other accounts it was set with a gem, probably a diamond, that had a living force of its own. With the ring, Solomon branded the necks of the djinn as his slaves and set them to working building the first Temple of Jerusalem and even the entire city of Jerusalem.
One story tells that a jealous djinni (sometimes identified as Asmodeus) stole Solomon’s ring while he bathed in the river Jordan. The djinni seated himself on the king’s throne at his palace and reigned over his kingdom, forcing Solomon to become a wanderer. God compelled the djinni to throw the ring into the sea. Solomon retrieved it, and punished the djinni by imprisoning him in a bottle.
According to another story, Solomon summoned the djinn to his crystal-paved palace, where they sat at tables made of iron. (In folklore, iron weakens supernatural entities.) The Qur’an tells how the king made them work at building palaces, making carpets, and creating ponds, statues and gardens. Whenever Solomon wanted to travel to faraway places, the djinn carried him on their backs.
Djinn in Muslim lore
Islamic theology absorbed the djinn; an entire chapter in the Qur’an concerns them. According to the Muslim faith, humans were created from clay and water, and angels from a special and pure spiritual light. Djinn were created from the smokeless fire, or the essential fire (plasma in modern terms). They are invisible to most people except under certain conditions; however, animals, especially dogs and donkeys are able to see them.
Djinn were on the earth before man, but it is unknown for how long. By some accounts, they were created 2000 years before Adam and Eve, and were equal to angels in stature. When Allah created Adam, he told the angels to bow to him. The angels complied but Iblis, the leader of the djinn and who had access to heaven, refused, and so he and his kind were cast out of paradise. Iblis appealed to Allah, and the djinn were granted the opportunity to redeem themselves by Judgment Day. Iblis (also called Shaytan) became a figure comparable to the Devil. His evil-minded followers are called devils, and they behave in ways similar to Western demons.
Like humans, djinn have free will, and are able to understand good and evil. The Qur’an states that the purpose of their creation is the same as that of humans, which is to worship Allah. They are responsible for their actions, and will be judged at the Last Judgment.
Muhammad had encounters with the djinn. He warned the people to cover their utensils, close their doors and keep their children close to them at night, as the djinn spread out at night and take things. He also warned people to put out their lights, as the djinn drag away the wicks and start fires. However, they will not open a locked door, untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel.
If a djinni is harmed or killed, even inadvertently, djinn will take revenge, bringing misfortune, illness and even death to the offenders. Muhammad said that if people find a snake in their house, they should call out to it for three days before killing it. If the snake is a shape-shifted djinn, it will leave. If it remains after three days, it is an ordinary snake and can be killed.
The Djinn can be converted to the faith, and Muhammad converted some of them by reciting the Qur’an to them.
Djinn life
The life span of djinn is much longer than humans, but they do die. They are both male and female, and have children. According to the Qur’an, they eat meat, bones, and the dung of animals. They play, sleep, and have their own pet animals, especially dogs. They live in communities organized into families and clans, and ruled by kings.
Although they can live anywhere, they prefer remote and lonely places, such as deserts, ruins, caves, and tunnels. In Middle Eastern lore they also inhabit places of impurity such as graveyards, garbage dumps, bathrooms, and camel pastures. They can live in houses occupied by people. They like to sit in the places between the shade and the sunlight, and move around when the dark first comes. They also like marketplaces, and Muslim lore holds that it is not a good idea to be the first to enter a market or the last to leave it.
Some djinn become attached to human beings and function like companion spirits. The joining of humans and djinn in marriage is still a practice in some parts of the world. A mixed marriage is believed to be capable of producing offspring, though this is not desirable. In lore, the Queen of Sheba, who fascinated King Solomon, was rumored to be part djinn.
Possession by djinn
Djinn are capable of possessing human beings. They are said to enter the blood stream and circulate rapidly through the body. They cause mental and physical problems, and also disrupt marriages and relationships. Asking a djinni to leave, or bargaining with it, may not be enough to get it to go, and someone who is trained may be needed to perform an exorcism to get it out of the body.
Modern experiences of djinn
Djinn encounters occur everywhere, and they may be interpreted as other entities rather than their true selves. This is especially the case in areas where little is known about them. Encounters with angels, fairies, demons, elementals, extraterrestrials, mysterious creatures and ghosts of the dead may be djinn in disguise, either playing tricks or carrying out an agenda.
David Morehouse, a retired remote viewer for the U.S. military, relates in his book Psychic Warrior how a head injury enabled him to have temporary visions of djinn, normally invisible to most people. He was among American troops camped with Jordanian troops for training exercises in Jordan at Baten el Ghoul, which means “Belly of the Beast.”
The Jordanians considered it a haunted valley, where the demons came out at night to murder people. It was not unusual to have one’s sleep interrupted by the screams and howls of frightened Jordanian soldiers who swore in the light of day that they had seen a demon…Baten en Ghoul was a desolate and jagged valley carved out of the desert that spilled over from Saudi Arabia. It was renowned for its spiders.
Morehouse was accidentally shot in the helmet, which left a huge lump on his head. After this, he temporarily experienced seeing the elusive djinn. He described the conditions as:
Sometime in the night, my eyes opened to a surreal light outside the tent. It was like the light of an eclipsed sun and wasn’t coming from any stove. It filled the night sky. The entire Baten en Ghoul and the hills beyond were bathed in the strange bluish gray light; I walked to the edge of the bluff and stared into the valley. Dark figures moved effortlessly across its floor, like apparitions. They poured from the rocks in various heaps and shapes and moved about the clusters of tents. I could hear muffled cries from the Jordanian encampment, and momentarily I thought we were being overrun by thieves or Israelis. Panicked, I turned to run for help. Colliding with one of the figures, I reflexively closed my eyes, except I didn’t collide. I walked right through it. Turning around I watched the figure disappear over the edge of the bluff.
After that, the lump on his head was gone.
The Djinn of the Rings: Further thoughts on the ‘Jingle Jangle’ phonetic charm

Savile pictured making occult hand gestures whilst casting spell with wand in left hand and forming a magical ‘mudra’ with his right hand
During our recent film ‘Was Jimmy Savile A Wizard?‘ we discussed Savile’s catch-phrases and rhetorical devices.
Jimmy Savile had many catch-phrases, or as we have deciphered them, magickal incantations. These were then repeated by millions across the land thus enhancing their power. Savile the Magician dripped in gold jewellery. His chains and bracelets made a ‘jingle jangle’ sound. Words that are spelt to phonetically imitate the sound of that which they are describing are known as ‘onomatopoeias’.
Let’s take a look at the phrase ‘Jingle Jangle‘.
In the photo above Savile appears to be commanding feminine energies by forming a ‘mudra’ or OK sign with his right hand and the phallus cigar-wand he holds in his left hand commands male energies. His trick probably results in a third type of energy – a combination of the marriage between the mudra and the cigar-wand. This same concept of male-female energies resonating with each other to create a third ‘Horus’ energy can be seen in architecture around the world with the placing of ‘obelisks’ and ‘domes’ within close proximity to each other. We have collected examples of this from around the world in earlier posts.
The letter ‘J’ is sometimes pronounced with a ‘y’ sound so the two letters are interchangeable in certain contexts. So ‘Jingle Jangle‘ can be pronounced ‘Yingle Yangle’.
In Chinese philosophy ‘Yin and Yang’ describes the interconnectedness of opposite or contrary forces.
Breaking the words down a stage further we discover the letter ‘g’ followed by the letters ‘l’ and ‘e’ or ‘el’ spelt backwards. The letter ‘G’ is symbolic of ‘God’ or the Milky Way galaxy and ‘El’ is representative of Saturn or Satan.
As previously mentioned in the Jinn Witches of Britain post
The Arabic word ‘Jinn’ comes from the Arabic root ‘g-n-n’ which means ‘hide, conceal’. ‘Jinn’ means ‘those who are concealed’. It is the name given to a group of spirits who are said to cohabit Earth alongside Humans, but in another realm. The singular term is ‘Jinni’. The French translator of ‘The Book of One Thousand and One Nights’ used the word ‘Génie’ for the Arabic word ‘Jinni’ because he felt it was so similar in meaning and sound.
‘ “Jingle Jangle you see – I’m in charge“..And he was’
Mike Read on Jimmy Savile

Jinns kept captive in the gold rings of the magician Savile? Courtesy of trafficker from Icke Forums
The djinn like to roam the deserts and wilderness and inhabit caves. They are usually invisible, but have the power to shape-shift to any form, be it insect, animal, human, or entity. They have long been regarded as malicious and dangerous, capable of bringing bad luck, illness, disaster and death. Even when granting favors, they have a trickster nature and can twist events for the worse.
Though the djinn can be conjured in magical rites, they are difficult to control. One individual said to have complete power over the djinn was the legendary Biblical King Solomon. God gave Solomon a copper and iron magic ring that enabled him to subdue djinn, and which protected him from their powers. In some accounts, the ring was inscribed with a pentacle, and in other accounts it was set with a gem, probably a diamond, that had a living force of its own. With the ring, Solomon branded the necks of the djinn as his slaves and set them to working building the first Temple of Jerusalem and even the entire city of Jerusalem.
One story tells that a jealous djinni (sometimes identified as Asmodeus) stole Solomon’s ring while he bathed in the river Jordan. The djinni seated himself on the king’s throne at his palace and reigned over his kingdom, forcing Solomon to become a wanderer. God compelled the djinni to throw the ring into the sea. Solomon retrieved it, and punished the djinni by imprisoning him in a bottle.
Djinn are magical beings. Whereas most mortals were formed by the Creator from earth mixed with other elements, Djinn were formed from smoke and fire.In the distant past, the different tribes of Djinn had a lot of interaction with mortals. In some terminologies Demons also referenced towards Djinns.Unlike Djinn, Angels are not. Creature of free will and strictly obeys the commands of God.Djinn are also called Genies.Jinn; Jinnat.
The control rituals that are performed are done for a variety of different reasons, and certain rituals are designed to summon different beings in it. People have been fascinated by the practice, and all of the beliefs that are part of the rituals. There are powerful beings that are considered to be demons, genies and djinn and each of the classes and groups of the beings within it are able to have different powers and abilities that can be summoned using the different rituals that are performed. The beings that are considered to be a part of Djinn can be powerful and it takes professionals who know what they are able to do to help summon them with the process of the rituals that are done. There is lot of great information available online about the different kinds of the Djinn, the practices that are done and the rituals that are performed.
Ring of the Djinn
King Solomon supposedly bound 72 djinn to his own magick ring of copper and iron through the use of secret geometry.
However, Solomon was not the first to bind djinn into their service; the worldsingers had learned the secret of doing so long before. In fact, many of those djinn that served the forces of light and darkness during the Great Wars had been bound against their will into service by powerful mages. Today there are still slaves of the lamps and slaves of the rings, as djinn call the enslaved members of their own race.
Their elemental form is that of a cloud of smoke. They tend to be treacherous, deceptive, hedonistic, power-hungry, greedy, and manipulative.
The ghul (ghoul) are shape-shifting cannibalistic and blood-drinking creatures that feed on the flesh of human beings, especially travelers, children or corpses stolen out of graves. The oldest references to ghul in Arabian lore are found in The Book of 1001 Nights. There are several types of ghul. The most feared is a female type (ghula) which has the ability to appear as a normal, mortal woman. According to lore, such a creature marries an unsuspecting man, who becomes her prey.
The ghul are nocturnal creatures who inhabit graveyards, ruins and other lonely places. Sometimes they are described as dead humans who sleep for long periods in secret graves, then awake, rise and feast on both the living and the dead. Ghul also personify the unknown terrors held by the desert.
In Persian lore the ghul has the legs of a donkey and the horns of a goat.
The marid is unruly and rebellious, and the most powerful of djinn. The marida (plural) possess great knowledge of magic and have assisted kings and priests. They are also known as “blue” djinn and are the ones most often associated with wish-granting genies. jim’ll fix it?
The shaitan (shaytan (satan)) is a rebellious, malevolent djinni associated with demonic forces.
The si’lat are expert shape-shifters and the smartest of the djinn. They can mimic human appearance with ease.
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