Sunday 2 May 2021

That's How I Got Here.

Charlie Skinner :

....Name That Tune.

Will McAvoy :

Play a little more —

Tom T. Hall :

"That's How I Got to Memphis."

Charlie Skinner :

You do play a little guitar on 

The Side.

Will McAvoy :

I do a little news anchoring on 

The Side.

Since when do you listen to Country? 

Charlie Skinner :

My Grandson Bo, Katie's oldest, 

has a garage band.

Ask me what instrument he plays.

Will McAvoy :


Charlie Skinner :

All of them.

Seriously, he's a savant.

You put an instrument in his hands, give him a day, 

and he can play it.

So I was at their house last weekend, 

and I wander out to the garage 

and see Bo teaching 

"That's How I Got to Memphis"

 to his friends.

And I ask him, 

"What's a kid from New Rochelle doing singing about Memphis?" 

He said, 

"Memphis is a stand-in for 

wherever you are right now.”

That it really means, 

“That's How I Got Here.”

Whenever One Move Out of The Transcendent, One Comes into a Field of Opposites.

“This, am I.”


Whenever one moves out of 

The Transcendent

one comes into 

A Field of Opposites

These Two,

Pairs of Opposites 

come forth as 

Male and Female 

from the two sides. 

What has eaten of 

The Tree of The Knowledge

not only of good and evil

but of male and female

of right and wrong

of this and that

and light and dark

Everything in The Field of Time is Dual

past and future

dead and alive. 

All This, 

being and nonbeing

is, isn’t.


And what’s the significance 

of them being beside 

The Mask of God, 

The Mask of Eternity? 

What is this sculpture 

saying to us?


The Mask 


The Middle


The Two 


The Two Opposites



Come in Pairs

And —

Put Your Mind 

in The Middle.

Most of us put 

Our Minds on 

The Side of The Good 


What We Think of as ‘Evil’

It was Heraclitus, 

I think, who said, 

For God, all things are 

Good and Right and Just

but for Man, some things are

Right and others are not.” 

You’re in The Field of Time 

when you’re Man, 

and one of 

The Problems of Life 

is to 

Live in the realisation of

 both terms. 

That is to say, 

“I know 

The Centre 

and I know that 

Good and Evil 

are simply 

temporal apparitions.”


Well, are some myths 

More or Less 

True than others?


They’re True in 

different sensesdo you see? 

Here’s a whole mythology 

based on 

The Insight That 

Transcends Duality. 

Ours is a mythology that’s based on The Insight of Duality

And so, 

Our Religion tends to be 

ethical in its accent, 

Sin and Atonement

Right and Wrong

It started with a sin, you see. 

In other words, moving out of the mythological zone, the garden of paradise where there is no time, and where men and women don’t even know that they’re different from each other, there the two are just creatures. And God and man are practically the same: “He walks in the cool of the evening in the garden where we are.” And then they eat the apple, the knowledge of the pairs of opposites, and man and woman then cover their shame, that they’re different; God and man, they’re different; man and nature, as against man.

“You get a totally different civilization, a totally different way of living according to your myth 

as to whether Nature is fallen 

or whether Nature is itself a manifestation of Divinity, 

and The Spirit being the revelation of The Divinity That’s Inherent in Nature.” 

— Joseph Campbell

I once heard a wonderful lecture by Daisetz Suzuki

you remember, this wonderful old 

Zen philosopher, who was over here. 

He was in his 90s. 

He started to lecture in Switzerland that I heard in Ascona. 

He stood up with his hands on his side, and he said, 

God against Man —

Man against God —

Man against Nature —

Nature against Man —

Nature against God —

God against Nature —

Very funny religion.....”

Now, in the other mythologies, 

One puts Oneself 

in accord with The World. 

If The World is a mixture 

of Good and Evil

you do not put yourself 

in accord with it. 

You Identify with The Good 


You Fight against The Evil, 

and this is a religious system 

which belongs to 

The Near East, following Zarathustra’s time. 

It’s in the Biblical Tradition

all the way, in Christianity 

and in Islam as well. 

This business of 

not being with Nature, 

and we speak with sort of derogation of 

The Nature Religions.”

You see, with that 

Fall in The Garden

Nature was regarded as corrupt

There’s a Myth for you that 

Corrupts The Whole World for Us. 

And every Spontaneous Act is Sinful

Because Nature is Corrupt 


Has to be Corrected, 

Must not be yielded-to

You get 

A Totally Different Civilisation, 

a totally different way of living 

according to your myth as to whether 

Nature is Fallen or whether Nature is itself 

A manifestation of divinity

and The spirit being the revelation of the divinity that’s inherent in nature.

Just down the road and a turn to the left.

Papa Fury: 

One of our tech boys flagged this, 

splashed down in the Banda Sea. 

Could be the Quinjet. 

But with Stark's stealth tech, 

we still can't track the damn thing.

The Widow :


Papa Fury: 

Probably jumped out and swam to Fiji. 

He'll send a postcard.

Natasha Romanoff: 

"Wish you were here." 

You sent me to recruit him, way back when. 

Did you know then what was going to happen?

Papa Fury: 

You Never KNOW — 

You Hope for The Best 


Make Do 

with What You Get. 

I got A Great Team.

The Widow :

Nothing lasts forever.

Papa Fury: 

Trouble, Miss Romanoff. 

No matter who wins or loses, 

Trouble still comes around.

“The Grail Castle is always just down the road and a turn to the left. If anyone is humble enough and of good heart, he can find that interior castle. Parsifal has had the arrogance beaten out of him by twenty years of fruitless searching, and he is now ready for his castle.


  Just down the road, turn left, and cross the drawbridge, which snaps closed ticking the back hooves of your horse. It is always dangerous to make the transition of levels that entry to the Grail castle involves.

Parsifal finds the same ceremonial procession going on; a fair damsel carries the sword that pierced the side of Christ, another damsel carries the paten from which the last supper was served, yet another maiden bears the Grail itself. The wounded Fisher King lies groaning on his litter, poised between life and death in his suffering.

Now, wonder of wonders, with twenty years of maturity and experience behind him, Parsifal asks the question which is his greatest contribution to mankind: Whom does The Grail serve?

What a strange question! Hardly comprehensible to modern ears! In essence the question is the most profound question one can ask: where is the center of gravity of a human personality; or where is the center of meaning in a human life? 

Most modern people, asked this question in understandable terms for our time, would reply that 

I am the center of gravity; 
I work to improve my life; 
I am working toward my goals; 
I am increasing my equity; 
I am making something of myself—

or most common of all—

I am searching for happiness, 

which is to say that 

I want the Grail to serve me

We ask this great cornucopia of nature, this great feminine outpouring of all the material of the world—the air, the sea, the animals, the oil, the forests, and all the productivity of The World—we ask that it should serve us. But no sooner is the question asked than the answer comes reverberating through the Grail castle halls — the Grail serves the Grail King. 

Again, a puzzling answer. 

Translated, this means that life serves what a Christian would call God, Jung calls the Self, or and we call by the many terms we have devised to indicate that which is greater than ourselves.

Another language, less poetic but perhaps easier, is available. Dr. Jung speaks of the life process as being the relocation of the center of gravity of the personality from the ego to the Self. He sees this as the life work of a man and the center of meaning for all human endeavor. 

When Parsifal learns that he is no longer the center of the universe—not even his own little kingdom—he is free of his alienation and the Grail is no longer barred from him. 

Though he may come and go from the Grail castle during the rest of his life, now he will never be alien to it again.

Even more astonishing, the wounded Fisher King rises, healed, in triumph and joy. The miracle has happened, and the legend of his healing has been accomplished. 

In Wagner’s opera, Parsifal, the wounded Fisher King rises at this moment and sings a wondrous song of triumph and power and strength. It is the culmination of the whole tale!

Now who is the Grail King whom we have not heard mentioned before? He is the true king of the realm and he lives in the center of the Grail castle. He lives only on the Host and the Wine of the Grail. He is a thinly disguised figure of God, the earthly representation of the Divine, or in Jungian terms, the Self. It is humbling to learn that we hear of this inner center only when we are ready for it and when we have done our duty of formulating a coherent question.

The object of life is not happiness, but to serve God or the Grail. All of the Grail quests are to serve God. If one understands this and drops his idiotic notion that the meaning of life is personal happiness, then one will find that elusive quality immediately at hand.

This same motif appears in a contemporary myth, The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien; the power must be taken from those who would exploit it. In the Grail myth the source of power is given to the representative of God. In Tolkien’s myth the ring of power is taken from evil hands that would use its power to destroy the world and is put back into the ground from which it came. Earlier myths often spoke of the discovery of power and its emergence from the earth into human hands. Recent myths speak of returning the source of power to the earth or into the Hands of God before we destroy ourselves with it.

One detail in the story is worth special observation: Parsifal need only ask the question; he does not have to answer it. When one is discouraged and certain he will never have the intelligence to find the answer to insoluble riddles, he can remember that although it is the duty of the ego to ask a well-formulated question, he is not required to answer it. To ask well is virtually to answer.

Rejoicing bursts forth in the Grail castle; the Grail is brought forth, it gives its food to everyone, including the now-healed Fisher King, and there is perfect peace, joy, and wellbeing.

Such a dilemma! If you ask the Grail to give you happiness, that demand precludes happiness. But if you serve the Grail and the Grail King properly, you will find that what happens and happiness are the same thing. A play on words becomes the definition of enlightenment.

An identical theme is found in very different language in the “Ten Oxherding Pictures” from Zen Buddhism. This is a series of ten pictures prescribed for an artist to portray the steps toward enlightenment. In the first the young hero searches for the ox—his inner nature; in the second he sees the footprints of the ox; in the third he sees the ox. The series proceeds to the ninth picture in which the hero tames the ox, forges a peaceful relationship with it, and sits quietly surveying the scene. The question rises at this pointBehold the streams flowing, whither nobody knows; and the flowers vividly red—for whom are they? Author Mokusen Miyuki reflects that these words could be translated literally into “The stream flows on its own accord, and the flower is red on its own accord.” The Chinese term tsu, “of its own accord,” is used as a compound, tsu-jan, in Taoist thought. It can mean “naturalness,” an occurring of the creative spontaneity of nature, within and without. In other words, tsu-jan, can be taken psychologically as the living reality of selfrealization or the creative urge of the Self manifesting itself in nature.

The series of pictures culminates in the tenth when the hero, now perfectly at peace, walks unnoticed through the village streets. There is nothing extraordinary about him now except that all the trees burst into blossom as he passes by.

This questioning of the meaning of the stream or the redness of the rose from such a different source as Zen Buddhism enhances our understanding of this quest.

A Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, came to America more than a century ago and made some astute observations about the American way. He said that we have a misleading idea at the very head of our Constitution : The Pursuit of Happiness. One can not pursue Happiness; if he does he obscures it. If he will proceed with the human task of life, the relocation of the center of gravity of the personality to something greater outside itself, happiness will be the outcome.

In this year of our Lord we are just beginning to ask the Grail question : Do we have the right to cut down the trees, impoverish the soil, and kill all the pelicans? The answer is beginning to come clear; the first lisping syllables of the question are audible. If we can hear this old tale of an innocent fool blundering into the Grail castle for the first time and earning his way there a second time, we can find some sage advice for our own modern way.

Excerpt from : 
"He: Understanding Masculine Psychology" 
by Robert A. Johnson.

Saturday 1 May 2021

Do What Thou Lovest Shall Be The Law of The Whole


“I don't care about traditions. 

And I don't care about 

respectable’... Wait. 


You're a Doctor, right? 


That's Respectable — 

You could Marry Us.


Everyone is saying it's a New Future. 

We make Our Own Traditions now.”

The Doctor's Speech on Love | Demons of the Punjab | Doctor Who
Do What Thou Lovest 
Shall Be The Law of The Whole
The Law is Will --
Will under Loving
Take Your People and go.
You would've done The Same.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
We can already see I haven't.
Now get The Hell off My Ship.
Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.
Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.
Life-support failure.
Check oxygen levels at once.
Real beauty.
Serenity's not moving.
When your miracle gets here--
Come with us.
Everybody dies alone.
I'll run up and scrape off a piece.
You'd do that for me?
I'd do anything for you.
Zoe Washburn : 
I don't think it's something he should see  when he wakes up.
Welcome Back, sir.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
I go someplace?
Shepherd Book :
Verrrrrry nearly.
We thought we'd lost you.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
I've been right Here.
Wash, you okay?
Yeah, Mal, I'm fine.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
You got A Thing in your arm.
Dr. Simon Tam :
Try Not to Speak.
You're heavily medicated and you've lost a lot of blood.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
I thought I ordered you all off The Ship.
I call you back?
No, Mal, you didn't.
I take fuII responsibiIity, captain.
That decision saved your Iife.
Won't happen again, sir.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
And thanks. I'm grateful.
It was my pIeasure, sir.
Hey, we'd have been back first. . .
. . .except there's something wrong with Inara's shuttIe.
She done something to it.
Smells funny.
I toId you, that's incense.
So you say.
-Hey, captain.
You fixed The Ship.
Good work.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
SIMON: AII right.
I have to insist, the captain
needs to rest.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
Yeah. I think the doc might not be wrong about that one.
Just gonna need a few. . . .
You all gonna be here when I wake up?
We'll be here.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds :
That's good.
Yep. Real beauty, ain 't she?
Yes, sir, a right smart purchase,
this vesseI.
I'II teII you what, you buy this ship,
treat her proper. . .
. . .she'II be with you for the rest
of your Iife.
Hey, son?
You hear a word I've been saying?
(A flash of light outside, then the Doctor appears.)
Where've you been? 
You've been gone hours.
The Thijarians, they told me everything. 
I know what happened. 
And I know what happens.
I want to know what happens.
Prem dies today.
We can't let that happen.
It has to. 
For Umbreen to become your nani, 
for you to exist, Prem has to die.
You mean the Thijarians have come to kill Prem?
That's not why they're here. 
They're not assassins. 
They honour those who die alone.
Aliens with compassion.
Umbreen loses her husband on the day she marries. 
Of course she never wants to talk about it.
I'm sorry, Yaz. 
We should leave.
No. I want to be sure she's safe, 
whatever happens. 
I want to look after my nani.
I'm with Yaz.
Yeah, me, too.
We can't tell them what we know.
“My friends, I woke this morning to the sight of smoke over the hills. 
More villages burned, more homes ransacked. 
It seems these savage mobs cannot be satisfied.”
“I urge you to stay safe, and stay strong. 
Protect yourselves however you must.”
[Prem's house]
(Prem is wearing his Army uniform, complete with turban. 
The patterned piece with tassels would denote caste or brigade or regiment, I think. Graham places a garland around his neck.)
Well, the flowers don't help much. 
You still look like a schoolboy on manoeuvres.
These are the best clothes I have.
You look great.
No Manish?
He was out early. 
He'll be here.
Did you hear the noises in The Valley during The Night?
The violence is getting closer.
Who's doing this stuff?
Ordinary people who've lived here all their lives, whipped into a frenzy to be part of a mob.
Nothing worse than when Normal People lose their minds. 
We've lived together for decades, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh, and now we're being told our differences are more important than what unites us. 
Like we learned nothing in The War. 
I don't know how we protect people, 
when hatred's coming from all sides.
Well, all we can strive to be is 
Good Men. 
And you, Prem, 
are A Good Man.
(Graham hugs Prem.)
I er, I... Come on. 
(By the border fence that Manish placed. Prem by the orange flag, Umbreen by the green.)
This is The Spot you choose?
I'm going to be the first woman married in Pakistan.
Of course you are.
Are you all right, sweetheart?
I always cry at weddings.
(The Doctor sonicks The Fence, and The Rope falls into Thw Water.)
I know there aren't many certainties in any of our lives, 
but Umbreen, Prem, what I see you in you is the certainty you have in each other. 
Something I believe in My Faith. 
Love, in all its forms, 
is the most powerful weapon we have, 
because love is a form of Hope 
and, like Hope, 
Love Abides in the face of everything. 
You both found Love 
with each other. 
You believed in it, 
you fought for it, 
and you waited for it. 
And now, 
you're committing to it. 
Which makes you, right now, 
The Two Strongest People 
on This Planet. 
Maybe in This Universe
I’m not sure 
How We Formalise This.
I am.
(She picks The Rope out of The Water.)
(to Yasmin) 
Will you?
That's a Hindu thing, isn't it? 
Tying The Hands together.
Now it can be our thing, 
if we want it to be.
(Yasmin finishes wrapping the rope around their joined hands. Manish watches from a distance.)
(Decorated with the garlands.)
I'm not often lost for words 
but I never thought this day would come. 
It's been tough. 
People who I wish 
were here to celebrate...
They are, bheti.
The drought was nearly the end of us. 
But we get to have this day because of Manish. 
You were tireless. 
When there was hardly any food, 
you took none. 
When we doubted we'd make it through to summer, 
you kept on. 
Night and day, 
we worked those fields together. 
I'm proud to have been your neighbour 
but I'm even prouder now 
to call you my brother. 
You kept us fed, Manish. 
Will you let me feed you?
(She holds out a small cake to him.)
I didn't work This Land for you, Umbreen. 
I worked it for My Brothers —
One who didn't come back, 
and the other I wish hadn't.
Enough, Manish.
No. Look at you all. 
Don't you understand what's coming? 
None of this will make a difference.
(Manish leaves.)
I'll talk to him. 
Prem, your turn.
Okay. So...
What are you doing?
(He takes off his wrist watch.)
You did a Hindu thing with The Rope. 
Only right I do 
a Muslim thing too. 
This is your mahr
Yours to keep forever.
(But it slips from their fingers and smashes on the hard floor.)
I'm sorry.
(Umbreen picks it up again.)
It's Fine
It's Perfect. 
This is us, forever. 
Our moment in time.
(They kiss.)