Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts

Monday 6 August 2018

Dark Ages Monastacism : It's The Men Who Will Bring Civilisation Back Again

I say,
'Civilisation, yes!' 

What Will Happen is -

 It’s The Men. . . 

The Men will reconstruct Civilisation while The Women cower in the houses and have The Men go out and do all The Dirty Work. 

That’s what’s going to happen again

Only Men Will Bring Civilisation 
Back Again.

Grandpa Fred
Creature —
What is it That You Want?

Brain : 
Fred, what we want is, I think, what everyone wants, 
and what you and your viewers have: 

Grandpa Fred: 
Yes, but what sort of Civilisation are you speaking of?

Brain : 
The niceties, Fred. 

The fine points: 
Diplomacy, Compassion, 
Standards, Manners, 


That's what we're reaching toward. 

Oh, we may stumble along the way, but Civilization, yes. 

The Geneva Convention, 
Chamber Music, 
Susan Sontag. 

Everything Your Society has worked so hard to accomplish over the centuries, 
That's what We aspire to - 

We Want to be Civilised.

[a Gremlin with a beanie cap acts goofy next to Brain]

Brain : 
You take a look at this fellow here.

[Brain shoots the Gremlin in the head. The Gremlins in the bar laugh. Grandpa Fred and Kujitsu leave]

Brain : 
Now, was that Civilised? 
No, clearly not. 
Fun, but in no sense civilised. 

Now, bear in mind, none of us has been in New York before. 

There are the Broadway Shows - 
We'll have to find out how to get tickets. 

There's also a lot of street crime, 
but I believe we can watch that for free. 

We want The Essentials. 

Dinettes. Complete bedroom groups. 

Convenient Credit, 
even though we've been turned down in The Past....

What-- what are you doing? 
Rick! Rick! 

( walkers snarling ) 
( grunting ) 

Rick's out There. 

Denise Didimus,
The Twin :
[ performing surgery ]
Hold on. 

He needs my help. 

Denise Didimus, 
The Twin :
Just one more suture. 

But he's out there. 

Denise Didimus, 
The Twin :
 This is His Son. 
Give me a Second. 

The Unarmed, 
Incompetent Prophet : 
He's taking them all on. 

We have to go get him. 

The Unarmed, 
Incompetent Prophet : 

We have to. This is it. 

Okay, got it. 

Knock 'em away. 
Drive 'em down. 
We can beat 'em. 

We can beat 'em! 

Rick, The Lionhearted : 
Drive 'em back. That's it. 
We can do this together! 

(Judy Christ Crying

Will you take her? 

Of course. 

Come with me. Okay, okay. Thank you. It's okay. 

Villager :
Gabriel. What are you doing? 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest :
We've been praying... together. 
Praying that God will save Our Town. 
Well, our prayers have been answered. 

God will save Alexandria... 
Because God has given us the courage 
to save it ourselves. 

Guys, it's thinning out there in front. 

We need to get out there. 
Rick's making A Stand

The Natural Coward: 
How's that? 

Rosita Espinoza, 
You Are Damn-Near Perfection :
He's Out There fighting Them 
with Michonne and some others. 

The Mom :
It's time. Up the alley. I'm going.
Denise is safe. 

Tara :
Did you see her? 

The Mom :
Yeah, she made it to the infirmary.
I'm gonna go help Rick.

Enkidu, The First Friend
Spirit of The Wilderness :
I'm going, too. 

I'm with you. 

Rosita Espinoza, 
You Are Damn-Near Perfection : 
All right, me, too. 

The Natural Coward:
Right behind you. 

Rosita Espinoza, 
You Are Damn-Near Perfection :
Eugene, you don't have to. 

The Natural Coward:
That's incorrect. I do
No-one gets to clock-out Today. 

And, Hell - This is a Story People are Gonna Tell.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Yelling at a Fool.

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest : 
Is that for you... or Negan? 

Rosita Espinoza :
It's for him. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest :
How will you do it? 

Rosita Espinoza :
I'll pull the trigger. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest :
They'll kill you. 

Rosita Espinoza :
As long as he goes first. 

Why do you have to die? 

Rosita Espinoza :
Because he has to. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest :
I agree. But... 
...Why do you? 
There's, uh... ...No need to lie to me if... 
this is our last conversation. 

Rosita Espinoza :

If Abraham was alive, we could fight. 
If Glenn was, Maggie's kid would have a Father. 
Michonne and Carl can fight. 
They have Rick. 
Aaron has Eric. 
Eugene Knows Things. 
Daryl's Strong. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest :
What about Sasha? 
Look at me, Rosita. 
It shouldn't have been you. 
It shouldn't have been anyone. 
We'll win, but we need to wait for the right moment or create it... together. 
And you're a part of that together. 

Don't Do This. 
We Need You.

I didn't find any guns.  
In case you were wondering. 
I was out there all day and not a damn one. Not a real one. 
Thing is, I had a gun. I was gonna use it to kill Negan. 
I was ready to. 
And if I had done it, like I'd planned to, Negan would be dead right now. 
And, yeah, maybe I'd be dead, too, but who gives a damn? 
Eugene would still be here. 
Olivia would still be alive. 
Spencer would still be alive. 

And now they're gone, and I'm here because I was stupid enough to listen to you. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest :
But you were. 
And you did. 

Rosita Espinoza :
You stand there telling people about their lives. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest : 
Only if they come Here. 
Like you. Right now. 

Rosita Espinoza :
You don't know shit about shit. 

Fr. Gabriel,
Warrior-Priest : 
You're right. 
I don't. 
I said that you weren't supposed to die and that you shouldn't do the thing that you were planning to do because we needed you -- still do. 

Even a fool like me could see that. 

It's easier to be dead, 
and if it's my fault you're alive, well, 
I'm just gonna have to live with that. 

I decided to meddle. 

But I did something I thought was right, and I knew the stakes were very high. 
You can certainly blame me for the fact that you have a Life, but after that what are you going to do with it? 

How are you going to make what needs to happen happen? 
Anything is possible until your heart stops beating. 

Certainly more than yelling at a fool.


Saturday 7 July 2018

The 7-Year Journey : The Walking Dead as Epic Myth

The Forerunner :
Whoa! Not Dead! 
Come on! Come on! 
Back here! Come on! Come on! 

Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood. 

You The New Sheriff 
come riding in to clean up The  Town? 

Sheriff Rick Grimes :
Not My Intention.

Glenn, The Forerunner :
Yeah, whatever. 
You're still a dumbass.

You're Welcome. 

Sheriff Rick Grimes :

Oh no. 
The bright side: 

It'll be The Fall that kills us. 

I'm a Glass-Half-Full kind of guy. 

The Father of Nations :
You know what's gonna happen, 
how This is gonna end. 
We're gonna walk out that door together. 

We Kick Shit 
Eat Snakes.

That's Us.

Spirit of Vengeance :
We can sit this one out. 
They need us here, anyway. 
Rick said to get ready for a fight. 

The Father of Nations :
How'd I die? 


Spirit of Vengance :
We were at The Beach. 
It was Before. 
Mm. You got pulled under... 
and you didn't come back up. 
I was trying to find you, but you were gone. 

And then, 
I started to drown. 

The Father of Nations :
I hate The Beach. 


End of The Day in a wet suit? 
It's like you're sandblasting your nutsack every single step you take back to the car. 


Luckily, The Seaside ain't on the agenda today. 
Just security and some road to chew. 
All right? 

So, come on.
Let's Go Help Maggie. 

Spirit of Vengance :

The Father of Nations :

Spirit of Vengance :
They can use us here. 


Just once, we sit one out. 

Someone Else... 

The Father of Nations :
It should be Us. 

Sasha, Spirit of Vengance :
Maggie's Gotta Take Care of Maggie.

It felt Real. 
It felt Real. 
Like we lost This.


And This just started.

[Sighs, sniffles

The Father of Nations :

Spirit of Vengance :


The Father of Nations :
I like the way you call bullshit.
So let me return The Favour. 
The Next Thing you're gonna tell me is that you'll go and that I can stay. 

Because I know you didn't like hearing yourself just say that, 

"Maggie's Gotta Take Care of Maggie." 

I know those words are gonna choke in your ears a good, long while and you're gonna wanna make up for even thinking that. 

Am I right? 

Spirit of Female Vengeance :

The Father of Nations :
We lay our Big Meaties across the chopping block ahead of 
Someone Else's. 

It's always for
Someone Else. 

Both of us know, if we're gonna kick, there sure as Hell better be a point to it. 

So maybe we feel there was a-a point to all of this. 

Alpha to Omega.

Whether it's on 
The Battlefield 
The Beach 
Somewhere Out There Today. 

Maggie -- 
She's carrying The Future. 

Sasha, Spirit of Vengance :
You're Right. 
I knew how This was gonna end. 

The Father of Nations :
Layin' your ass on the line for Someone Else
tearin' it to shreds for 'em -- 

You said it before. 
Oh, my, That is Living. 


Spirit of Vengance :
You're an idiot. 

The Father of Nations :
I never said otherwise.

Do you think Sasha did that herself? 

Mother of The Widow's Son: 
I don't know how
but I know she did
She gave us a chance. 

Rick :
You did. 
You made The Right Decision to come. 

Maggie :
The Decision was made a long time ago, before any of us knew each other, when we were all strangers who would have just passed each other on the street before The World ended. 

And now we mean everything to each other. 

You were in Trouble. 
You were Trapped. 
Glenn didn't know you, but he helped you. 

He put himself in Danger for you.

And that started it all -- 
From Atlanta, 
to My Daddy's Farm, 
to The Prison, to Here... 

To This Moment Now... 

Not as strangers -- 
as Family... 

Because Glenn chose to be There for you 
That Day a Long Time Ago. 

That was The Decision that changed everything. 

It started with both of you, and it just grew... 
To all of Us... 
To Sacrifice for Each Other... 

To Suffer and Stand, 
To Grieve, to Give, 
to Love, to Live... 

To Fight for Each Other. 

Glenn made The Decision, Rick. 

I was just following his lead.

Back at the tank, why'd you stick your neck out for me? 

The Forerunner : 
Call it foolish, naive hope that if I'm ever that far up Shit Creek, somebody might do the same for me. 

Guess I'm an even bigger dumbass than you.