Showing posts with label The Voice of Command. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Voice of Command. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 September 2022


She was leaning forward on her seat. “You think of everything. . . . You’ll get me off, Tom?” she asked in a gust of anguish, lifting her veil brusquely to look at her saviour.

She had uncovered a face like adamant. And out of this face the eyes looked on, big, dry, enlarged, lightless, burnt out like two black holes in the white, shining globes.

“There is no danger,” he said, gazing into them with an earnestness almost rapt, which to Mrs Verloc, flying from the gallows, seemed to be full of force and tenderness. This devotion deeply moved her—and the adamantine face lost the stern rigidity of its terror. Comrade Ossipon gazed at it as no lover ever gazed at his mistress’s face. Alexander Ossipon, anarchist, nicknamed The Doctor, author of a medical (and improper) pamphlet, late lecturer on the social aspects of hygiene to working men’s clubs, was free from the trammels of conventional morality—but he submitted to the rule of science. He was scientific, and he gazed scientifically at that woman, the sister of a degenerate, a degenerate herself—of a murdering type. He gazed at her, and invoked Lombroso, as an Italian peasant recommends himself to his favourite saint. He gazed scientifically. He gazed at her cheeks, at her nose, at her eyes, at her ears. . . . Bad! . . . Fatal! Mrs Verloc’s pale lips parting, slightly relaxed under his passionately attentive gaze, he gazed also at her teeth. . . . Not a doubt remained . . . a murdering type. . . . If Comrade Ossipon did not recommend his terrified soul to Lombroso, it was only because on scientific grounds he could not believe that he carried about him such a thing as a soul. But he had in him the scientific spirit, which moved him to testify on the platform of a railway station in nervous jerky phrases.

“He was an extraordinary lad, that brother of yours. Most interesting to study. A perfect type in a way. Perfect!”

He spoke scientifically in his secret fear. And Mrs Verloc, hearing these words of commendation vouchsafed to her beloved dead, swayed forward with a flicker of light in her sombre eyes, like a ray of sunshine heralding a tempest of rain.

“He was that indeed,” she whispered softly, with quivering lips. “You took a lot of notice of him, Tom. I loved you for it.”

“It’s almost incredible the resemblance there was between you two,” pursued Ossipon, giving a voice to his abiding dread, and trying to conceal his nervous, sickening impatience for the train to start. “Yes; he resembled you.”

These words were not especially touching or sympathetic. But the fact of that resemblance insisted upon was enough in itself to act upon her emotions powerfully. With a little faint cry, and throwing her arms out, Mrs Verloc burst into tears at last.

Ossipon entered the carriage, hastily closed the door and looked out to see the time by the station clock. Eight minutes more. For the first three of these Mrs Verloc wept violently and helplessly without pause or interruption. Then she recovered somewhat, and sobbed gently in an abundant fall of tears. She tried to talk to her saviour, to the man who was the messenger of life.

“Oh, Tom! How could I fear to die after he was taken away from me so cruelly! How could I! How could I be such a coward!”

She lamented aloud her love of life, that life without grace or charm, and almost without decency, but of an exalted faithfulness of purpose, even unto murder. And, as often happens in the lament of poor humanity, rich in suffering but indigent in words, the truth—the very cry of truth—was found in a worn and artificial shape picked up somewhere among the phrases of sham sentiment.

“How could I be so afraid of death! Tom, I tried. But I am afraid. I tried to do away with myself. And I couldn’t. Am I hard? I suppose the cup of horrors was not full enough for such as me. Then when you came. . . . ”

She paused. Then in a gust of confidence and gratitude, “I will live all my days for you, Tom!” she sobbed out.

“Go over into the other corner of the carriage, away from the platform,” said Ossipon solicitously. She let her saviour settle her comfortably, and he watched the coming on of another crisis of weeping, still more violent than the first. He watched the symptoms with a sort of medical air, as if counting seconds. He heard the guard’s whistle at last. An involuntary contraction of the upper lip bared his teeth with all the aspect of savage resolution as he felt the train beginning to move. Mrs Verloc heard and felt nothing, and Ossipon, her saviour, stood still. He felt the train roll quicker, rumbling heavily to the sound of the woman’s loud sobs, and then crossing the carriage in two long strides he opened the door deliberately, and leaped out.

He had leaped out at the very end of the platform; and such was his determination in sticking to his desperate plan that he managed by a sort of miracle, performed almost in the air, to slam to the door of the carriage. Only then did he find himself rolling head over heels like a shot rabbit. He was bruised, shaken, pale as death, and out of breath when he got up. But he was calm, and perfectly able to meet the excited crowd of railway men who had gathered round him in a moment. He explained, in gentle and convincing tones, that his wife had started at a moment’s notice for Brittany to her dying mother; that, of course, she was greatly up-set, and he considerably concerned at her state; that he was trying to cheer her up, and had absolutely failed to notice at first that the train was moving out. To the general exclamation, “Why didn’t you go on to Southampton, then, sir?” he objected the inexperience of a young sister-in-law left alone in the house with three small children, and her alarm at his absence, the telegraph offices being closed. He had acted on impulse. “But I don’t think I’ll ever try that again,” he concluded; smiled all round; distributed some small change, and marched without a limp out of the station.

Outside, Comrade Ossipon, flush of safe banknotes as never before in his life, refused the offer of a cab.

“I can walk,” he said, with a little friendly laugh to the civil driver.

He could walk. He walked. He crossed the bridge. Later on the towers of the Abbey saw in their massive immobility the yellow bush of his hair passing under the lamps. The lights of Victoria saw him too, and Sloane Square, and the railings of the park. And Comrade Ossipon once more found himself on a bridge. The river, a sinister marvel of still shadows and flowing gleams mingling below in a black silence, arrested his attention. He stood looking over the parapet for a long time. The clock tower boomed a brazen blast above his drooping head. He looked up at the dial. . . . Half-past twelve of a wild night in the Channel.

And again Comrade Ossipon walked. His robust form was seen that night in distant parts of the enormous town slumbering monstrously on a carpet of mud under a veil of raw mist. It was seen crossing the streets without life and sound, or diminishing in the interminable straight perspectives of shadowy houses bordering empty roadways lined by strings of gas lamps. He walked through Squares, Places, Ovals, Commons, through monotonous streets with unknown names where the dust of humanity settles inert and hopeless out of the stream of life. He walked. And suddenly turning into a strip of a front garden with a mangy grass plot, he let himself into a small grimy house with a latch-key he took out of his pocket.

He threw himself down on his bed all dressed, and lay still for a whole quarter of an hour. Then he sat up suddenly, drawing up his knees, and clasping his legs. The first dawn found him open-eyed, in that same posture. This man who could walk so long, so far, so aimlessly, without showing a sign of fatigue, could also remain sitting still for hours without stirring a limb or an eyelid. But when the late sun sent its rays into the room he unclasped his hands, and fell back on the pillow. His eyes stared at the ceiling. And suddenly they closed. Comrade Ossipon slept in the sunlight.


The enormous iron padlock on the doors of the wall cupboard was the only object in the room on which the eye could rest without becoming afflicted by the miserable unloveliness of forms and the poverty of material. Unsaleable in the ordinary course of business on account of its noble proportions, it had been ceded to the Professor for a few pence by a marine dealer in the east of London. The room was large, clean, respectable, and poor with that poverty suggesting the starvation of every human need except mere bread. There was nothing on the walls but the paper, an expanse of arsenical green, soiled with indelible smudges here and there, and with stains resembling faded maps of uninhabited continents.

At a deal table near a window sat Comrade Ossipon, holding his head between his fists. The Professor, dressed in his only suit of shoddy tweeds, but flapping to and fro on the bare boards a pair of incredibly dilapidated slippers, had thrust his hands deep into the overstrained pockets of his jacket. He was relating to his robust guest a visit he had lately been paying to the Apostle Michaelis. The Perfect Anarchist had even been unbending a little.

“The fellow didn’t know anything of Verloc’s death. Of course! He never looks at the newspapers. They make him too sad, he says. But never mind. I walked into his cottage. Not a soul anywhere. I had to shout half-a-dozen times before he answered me. I thought he was fast asleep yet, in bed. But not at all. He had been writing his book for four hours already. He sat in that tiny cage in a litter of manuscript. There was a half-eaten raw carrot on the table near him. His breakfast. He lives on a diet of raw carrots and a little milk now.”

“How does he look on it?” asked Comrade Ossipon listlessly.

“Angelic. . . . I picked up a handful of his pages from the floor. The poverty of reasoning is astonishing. He has no logic. He can’t think consecutively. But that’s nothing. He has divided his biography into three parts, entitled—‘Faith, Hope, Charity.’ He is elaborating now the idea of a world planned out like an immense and nice hospital, with gardens and flowers, in which the strong are to devote themselves to the nursing of the weak.”

The Professor paused.

“Conceive you this folly, Ossipon? The weak! The source of all evil on this earth!” he continued with his grim assurance. “I told him that I dreamt of a world like shambles, where the weak would be taken in hand for utter extermination.”

“Do you understand, Ossipon? The source of all evil! They are our sinister masters—the weak, the flabby, the silly, the cowardly, the faint of heart, and the slavish of mind. They have power. They are the multitude. Theirs is the kingdom of the earth. Exterminate, exterminate! That is the only way of progress. It is! Follow me, Ossipon. First the great multitude of the weak must go, then the only relatively strong. You see? First the blind, then the deaf and the dumb, then the halt and the lame—and so on. Every taint, every vice, every prejudice, every convention must meet its doom.”

“And what remains?” asked Ossipon in a stifled voice.

I remain — if I am strong enough,” asserted the sallow little Professor, whose large ears, thin like membranes, and standing far out from the sides of his frail skull, took on suddenly a deep red tint.

“Haven’t I suffered enough from this oppression of the weak?” he continued forcibly. Then tapping the breast-pocket of his jacket: “And yet I am the force,” he went on. “But the time! The time! Give me time! Ah! that multitude, too stupid to feel either pity or fear. Sometimes I think they have everything on their side. Everything—even death—my own weapon.”

“Come and drink some beer with me at the Silenus,” said the robust Ossipon after an interval of silence pervaded by the rapid flap, flap of the slippers on the feet of the Perfect Anarchist. This last accepted. He was jovial that day in his own peculiar way. He slapped Ossipon’s shoulder.

“Beer! So be it! Let us drink and be merry, for we are strong, and to-morrow we die.”

He busied himself with putting on his boots, and talked meanwhile in his curt, resolute tones.

“What’s the matter with you, Ossipon? You look glum and seek even my company. I hear that you are seen constantly in places where men utter foolish things over glasses of liquor. Why? Have you abandoned your collection of women? They are the weak who feed the strong—eh?”

He stamped one foot, and picked up his other laced boot, heavy, thick-soled, unblacked, mended many times. He smiled to himself grimly.

“Tell me, Ossipon, terrible man, has ever one of your victims killed herself for you—or are your triumphs so far incomplete—for blood alone puts a seal on greatness? Blood. Death. Look at history.”

“You be damned,” said Ossipon, without turning his head.

“Why? Let that be the hope of the weak, whose theology has invented hell for the strong. Ossipon, my feeling for you is amicable contempt. You couldn’t kill a fly.”

But rolling to the feast on the top of the omnibus the Professor lost his high spirits. The contemplation of the multitudes thronging the pavements extinguished his assurance under a load of doubt and uneasiness which he could only shake off after a period of seclusion in the room with the large cupboard closed by an enormous padlock.

“And so,” said over his shoulder Comrade Ossipon, who sat on the seat behind. “And so Michaelis dreams of a world like a beautiful and cheery hospital.”

“Just so. An immense charity for the healing of the weak,” assented the Professor sardonically.

“That’s silly,” admitted Ossipon. “You can’t heal weakness. But after all Michaelis may not be so far wrong. In two hundred years doctors will rule the world. Science reigns already. It reigns in the shade maybe—but it reigns. And all science must culminate at last in the science of healing—not the weak, but the strong. Mankind wants to live — to live.”

“Mankind,” asserted the Professor with a self-confident glitter of his iron-rimmed spectacles, “does not know what it wants.”

“But you do,” growled Ossipon. “Just now you’ve been crying for time—time. Well. The doctors will serve you out your time—if you are good. You profess yourself to be one of the strong—because you carry in your pocket enough stuff to send yourself and, say, twenty other people into eternity. But eternity is a damned hole. It’s time that you need. You—if you met a man who could give you for certain ten years of time, you would call him your master.”

“My device is: No God! No Master,” said the Professor sententiously as he rose to get off the ’bus.

Ossipon followed. “Wait till you are lying flat on your back at the end of your time,” he retorted, jumping off the footboard after the other. “Your scurvy, shabby, mangy little bit of time,” he continued across the street, and hopping on to the curbstone.

“Ossipon, I think that you are a humbug,” the Professor said, opening masterfully the doors of the renowned Silenus. And when they had established themselves at a little table he developed further this gracious thought. “You are not even a doctor. But you are funny. Your notion of a humanity universally putting out the tongue and taking the pill from pole to pole at the bidding of a few solemn jokers is worthy of the prophet. Prophecy! What’s the good of thinking of what will be!” He raised his glass. “To the destruction of what is,” he said calmly.

He drank and relapsed into his peculiarly close manner of silence. The thought of a mankind as numerous as the sands of the sea-shore, as indestructible, as difficult to handle, oppressed him. The sound of exploding bombs was lost in their immensity of passive grains without an echo. For instance, this Verloc affair. Who thought of it now?

Ossipon, as if suddenly compelled by some mysterious force, pulled a much-folded newspaper out of his pocket. The Professor raised his head at the rustle.

“What’s that paper? Anything in it?” he asked.

Ossipon started like a scared somnambulist.

“Nothing. Nothing whatever. The thing’s ten days old. I forgot it in my pocket, I suppose.”

But he did not throw the old thing away. Before returning it to his pocket he stole a glance at the last lines of a paragraph. They ran thus: “An impenetrable mystery seems destined to hang for ever over this act of madness or despair.”

Such were the end words of an item of news headed: “Suicide of Lady Passenger from a cross-Channel Boat.” Comrade Ossipon was familiar with the beauties of its journalistic style. “An impenetrable mystery seems destined to hang for ever. . . . ” He knew every word by heart. “An impenetrable mystery. . . . ”

And the robust anarchist, hanging his head on his breast, fell into a long reverie.

He was menaced by this thing in the very sources of his existence. He could not issue forth to meet his various conquests, those that he courted on benches in Kensington Gardens, and those he met near area railings, without the dread of beginning to talk to them of an impenetrable mystery destined. . . . He was becoming scientifically afraid of insanity lying in wait for him amongst these lines. “To hang for ever over.” It was an obsession, a torture. He had lately failed to keep several of these appointments, whose note used to be an unbounded trustfulness in the language of sentiment and manly tenderness. The confiding disposition of various classes of women satisfied the needs of his self-love, and put some material means into his hand. He needed it to live. It was there. But if he could no longer make use of it, he ran the risk of starving his ideals and his body . . . “This act of madness or despair.”

“An impenetrable mystery” was sure “to hang for ever” as far as all mankind was concerned. But what of that if he alone of all men could never get rid of the cursed knowledge? And Comrade Ossipon’s knowledge was as precise as the newspaper man could make it—up to the very threshold of the “mystery destined to hang for ever. . . .”

Comrade Ossipon was well informed. He knew what the gangway man of the steamer had seen: “A lady in a black dress and a black veil, wandering at midnight alongside, on the quay. ‘Are you going by the boat, ma’am,’ he had asked her encouragingly. ‘This way.’ She seemed not to know what to do. He helped her on board. She seemed weak.”

And he knew also what the stewardess had seen: A lady in black with a white face standing in the middle of the empty ladies’ cabin. The stewardess induced her to lie down there. The lady seemed quite unwilling to speak, and as if she were in some awful trouble. The next the stewardess knew she was gone from the ladies’ cabin. The stewardess then went on deck to look for her, and Comrade Ossipon was informed that the good woman found the unhappy lady lying down in one of the hooded seats. Her eyes were open, but she would not answer anything that was said to her. She seemed very ill. The stewardess fetched the chief steward, and those two people stood by the side of the hooded seat consulting over their extraordinary and tragic passenger. They talked in audible whispers (for she seemed past hearing) of St Malo and the Consul there, of communicating with her people in England. Then they went away to arrange for her removal down below, for indeed by what they could see of her face she seemed to them to be dying. But Comrade Ossipon knew that behind that white mask of despair there was struggling against terror and despair a vigour of vitality, a love of life that could resist the furious anguish which drives to murder and the fear, the blind, mad fear of the gallows. He knew. But the stewardess and the chief steward knew nothing, except that when they came back for her in less than five minutes the lady in black was no longer in the hooded seat. She was nowhere. She was gone. It was then five o’clock in the morning, and it was no accident either. An hour afterwards one of the steamer’s hands found a wedding ring left lying on the seat. It had stuck to the wood in a bit of wet, and its glitter caught the man’s eye. There was a date, 24th June 1879, engraved inside. “An impenetrable mystery is destined to hang for ever. . . . ”

And Comrade Ossipon raised his bowed head, beloved of various humble women of these isles, Apollo-like in the sunniness of its bush of hair.

The Professor had grown restless meantime. He rose.

“Stay,” said Ossipon hurriedly. “Here, what do you know of madness and despair?”

The Professor passed the tip of his tongue on his dry, thin lips, and said doctorally:

“There are no such things. All passion is lost now. The world is mediocre, limp, without force. And madness and despair are a force. And force is a crime in the eyes of the fools, the weak and the silly who rule the roost. You are mediocre. Verloc, whose affair the police has managed to smother so nicely, was mediocre. And the police murdered him. He was mediocre. Everybody is mediocre. Madness and despair! Give me that for a lever, and I’ll move the world. Ossipon, you have my cordial scorn. You are incapable of conceiving even what the fat-fed citizen would call a crime. You have no force.He paused, smiling sardonically under the fierce glitter of his thick glasses.

“And let me tell you that this little legacy they say you’ve come into has not improved your intelligence. You sit at your beer like a dummy. Good-bye.”

“Will you have it?” said Ossipon, looking up with an idiotic grin.

“Have what?”

“The legacy. All of it.”

The incorruptible Professor only smiled. His clothes were all but falling off him, his boots, shapeless with repairs, heavy like lead, let water in at every step. He said:

“I will send you by-and-by a small bill for certain chemicals which I shall order to-morrow. I need them badly. Understood — eh?

Ossipon lowered his head slowly. He was alone. “An impenetrable mystery. . . . ” It seemed to him that suspended in the air before him he saw his own brain pulsating to the rhythm of an impenetrable mystery. It was diseased clearly. . . . “This act of madness or despair.”

The mechanical piano near the door played through a valse cheekily, then fell silent all at once, as if gone grumpy.

Comrade Ossipon, nicknamed the Doctor, went out of the Silenus beer-hall. At the door he hesitated, blinking at a not too splendid sunlight—and the paper with the report of the suicide of a lady was in his pocket. His heart was beating against it. The suicide of a lady—this act of madness or despair.

He walked along the street without looking where he put his feet; and he walked in a direction which would not bring him to the place of appointment with another lady (an elderly nursery governess putting her trust in an Apollo-like ambrosial head). He was walking away from it. He could face no woman. It was ruin. He could neither think, work, sleep, nor eat. But he was beginning to drink with pleasure, with anticipation, with hope. It was ruin. His revolutionary career, sustained by the sentiment and trustfulness of many women, was menaced by an impenetrable mystery—the mystery of a human brain pulsating wrongfully to the rhythm of journalistic phrases. “ . . . Will hang for ever over this act. . . . It was inclining towards the gutter . . . of madness or despair.”

“I am seriously ill,” he muttered to himself with scientific insight. Already his robust form, with an Embassy’s secret-service money (inherited from Mr Verloc) in his pockets, was marching in the gutter as if in training for the task of an inevitable future. Already he bowed his broad shoulders, his head of ambrosial locks, as if ready to receive the leather yoke of the sandwich board. As on that night, more than a week ago, Comrade Ossipon walked without looking where he put his feet, feeling no fatigue, feeling nothing, seeing nothing, hearing not a sound. “An impenetrable mystery. . . .” He walked disregarded. . . . “This act of madness or despair.”

And the incorruptible Professor walked too, averting his eyes from the odious multitude of mankind. He had no future. He disdained it. He was a force. His thoughts caressed the images of ruin and destruction. He walked frail, insignificant, shabby, miserable — and terrible in the simplicity of his idea calling madness and despair to the regeneration of the world. Nobody looked at him. He passed on unsuspected and deadly, like a pest in the street full of men.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

There, Now We’re Even.

Q. : What is a ‘Q’…?

A. : It’s a letter of The Alphabet, 
as far as I know….

[Future - USS Pasteur Bridge]

On screen! On screen! Let's see it! 

(just a starfield

As you can see, sir, there's nothing there. 

(a little later

Still nothing, Captain. 
I've conducted a full sensor sweep 
out to one light year from the Pasteur. 

No temporal anomalies, 
no particle fluctuations, nothing. 

I don't understand. 
It was here in the other two time periods. 
Why isn't it here now

Captain. I have been monitoring 
Klingon communication channels. 
Several warships have been dispatched 
to this sector to search for 
a renegade Federation vessel. 

You're not thinking about leaving? 

There's nothing here, Jean-Luc. 

There should be! 
There has to be! 

Data, is there some other way 
to scan for a temporal disturbance? 

Something that isn't covered 
in a normal sensor sweep. 

There are several methods of 
detecting temporal disturbances, 
but we're limited by the equipment 
on the Pasteur. 

We should head back to 
Federation Territory. 

.....However, it may be possible 
to modify the main deflector 
to emit an inverse tachyon pulse, 
which could scan beyond 
the subspace barrier. 

That's it. Make it so. 

Wait a minute. 
Data, how long would this take? 

To make the modifications and 
search the entire Devron system 
will take approximately 
fourteen hours. 

All right. Data, begin to modify 
the tachyon pulse. 

Ensign Chilton, lay in a course 
back to The Federation.
We'll stay here for six more hours, 
and if we haven't found anything 
we're heading back, 
maximum warp. 

Aye, sir. 

But six more hours may not be enough
We have to stay here until we find it, 
no matter how long it takes. 

Carry out my orders
May I see you a moment?

[Future - USS Pasteur Ready room]

Beverly, I cannot believe that 
you are not willing to 
stay here until we --

Don't you ever question My Orders 
on The Bridge of My Ship again

Damn it, I was just trying to.... 
Look, there are larger concerns here. 
What you don't understand is that --

I understand that you would 
never have tolerated that kind 
of behaviour back on 
the Enterprise and 
I won't here

I don't care if you're 
my ex-Captain or my ex-husband. 

You're right. I was out of line. 
It won't happen again. 

But what you have to understand 
is what is at stake here. 

Q has said that all of Humanity 
will be destroyed. 

I know. That's why I've allowed us 
to stay here longer and keep looking. 

But I also want you to allow for the possibility
 that none of what you're saying is real. 


Jean-Luc, I care for you too much 
not to tell you The Truth. 

You have advanced Irumodic Syndrome. 
It's possible that all of this is in your mind. 
I'll stay here six hours longer and then we're heading home. 

I want you to remember, 
if it were anyone but you, 
we wouldn't even be here. 

Crusher leaves, Q appears 
as a ancient man 
with an ear trumpet

Eh? What was that she said, sonny? 
I couldn't quite hear her.

Q? What is going on here? 
Where is The Anomaly? 

‘Where's your mommy?’
Well, I don't know. 

Answer Me. 

There is An Answer, Jean-Luc, 
but I can't hand it to you. 
Although, You Do have Help. 

What help? 

You're not alone, you know. 
What You Were and 
What You are to Become 
will always with you. 

My time shifting. 
The Answer does lie there, doesn't it. 
Now, tell me one thing : 
This anomaly we're looking for, 
will that Destroy Humanity? 

You're forgetting, Jean-Luc. 
You Destroy Humanity. 

By doing what? When
How can —

Saturday 20 November 2021

The Way to Shada

[Command ship]
(A big red and orange spaceship 
complete with landing deck. 
The Tardis materialises inside. 
The sphere leads Skagra and Romana 
out into a corridor.)

ROMANA: Where are we? 

On my command ship. 

And what are you hoping to command? 

More than you can possibly imagine. 

I have a very vivid imagination. 

So have I. 

(Something approaches, viewing them through a red filter.)

Welcome Back, My Lord.


(The Doctor is playing with his yo-yo.)

So where's he taken 

Or when


Time machine. 

Ah, yes. He took Romana because 
she can operate it for him? 

So can he. He's got a copy of My Mind 
in that sphere of his. 
Everything I know is at his disposal. 

Then why did he take her with him? 

Well, probably wants someone to show off too. 

There's one thing he doesn't know. 


You're Still Alive. 

Shush, shush, shush, shush. 
I'm Dead, remember. 

PARSONS: (sotto) 
Doctor, why doesn't The Ship know that?

DOCTOR: (sotto) 
It's only programmed to obey instructions, 
not to think about them. Blind Logic. 
It Serves Skagra and doesn't 
think beyond that. 

PARSONS: (sotto) 
Does it know where Skagra's gone

Ship! Speaking to You as the late lamented enemy 
of Your Lord Skagra, I Command You 
to tell me where he has gone. 

I Do Not Have That Information.

[Command ship]
(Skagra snaps his fingers and the sphere settles on a pillar.)

Why don't you tell me
Why won't you just say what 
you're trying to do? 

(Skagra looks out of a big window.)

Tell me what you see. 


What are they doing



Well, they're just there
They're --

Exactly. Spinning uselessly through The Void. 
And around them, billions of people 
spinning uselessly through their lives. 

Says who?

I say. 

And who are you

What I am now is Not Important. 
But what I, what We all shall become... 

What do you --

Shush. Look. 
(He opens his hands.)


What do you see? 


Billions of atoms spinning at random, 
expending energy, running down
achieving nothing
Entropy, like the stars. 

But what is the one thing that 
stands against Entropy
against random decay? Life. 

(indicating himself)
See how the atoms are arranged here
They have Meaning, Purpose
And what more Meaning and Purpose 
than in here. (his head

You do not understand Me. 
Your Mind is too limited. 
My Krargs. They shall be The Servants 
of The New Generation. 

New Generation? New people?

Not new people. 
A new Person.

[Krarg generator room]
(They enter a vapour-filled room.)



(Skagra activates A Machine, and a new Krarg is created. Giant shaggy alien red yeti with post-it notes instead of fur, pretty much.

What is Your Command, O Master?

(The Doctor is working inside some panelling.)

So it's Back to Square One, then. 

DOCTOR: That's it! Ow! Ouch! 


Square One. That's where we've got to go 
if we want to find out what Skagra's up to. 

Once we know that, we know 
where to find him. 

Ship, I order you to take us to where your lord Skagra last came before arriving here. 
SHIP: Your order does not conflict with my programmed instructions. I will activate launch procedures. Launch procedures activated. Launch procedures activated. Launch procedures activated. 
(Somewhere, more Krarg are created. Skagra's ship becomes visible once it is airborne and zooms off into space.) 
DOCTOR: Ship, how long will the journey take? 
SHIP: Thirty nine astro-siderial days. 
DOCTOR: What? That's neary three months. 
SHIP: At maximum drive. We have many hundreds of light years to cover. 
PARSONS: Hundreds of light years in three months? That's incredible. 
DOCTOR: Yes, incredibly slow. Stop. 
SHIP: Repeat, please. 
DOCTOR: I said, stop. Halt. (Juddering halt knocks Parsons off his feet.) 
PARSONS: Oh, what are you doing? 
DOCTOR: Ship, I'm now going to introduce you to a few new concepts. Now listen very carefully. Reverse the polarity of your main drive feed. Right? 
SHIP: Accomplished. 
DOCTOR: Regrade your de-ossilation diagetic synthesisers by ten points. 
SHIP: Warning. Drive will explode in twelve seconds. Eleven. Ten. 
DOCTOR: Did I say ten points? Sorry, minus ten points. 
SHIP: Accomplished. 
DOCTOR: Realign your maxivectal meter on drag so they cross-connect with your radial bicentric arrows. 
SHIP: Accomplished. 
DOCTOR: Good. Now, this is the easy bit. 
(More Krargs emerge.)
PARSONS: What have you done? 
DOCTOR: I've constructed a primitive dimensional stabiliser by remote control. The journey will now only take a couple of minutes to anywhere. 
SHIP: Doctor, you are extremely ingenious, for a dead man. 
DOCTOR: Oh, well, let's not harp on that aspect too much, shall we? 
(A familiar sound is heard as the ship dematerialises.)
[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]
(Clare lies unconscious on the carpet as the lights on the control panel continue to blink. She starts to wake up, bumps her head on the underside of an occasional table, then gets up and sits on a chair. Chronotis pops up from behind the back of the chair next to her, wearing a nightcap and gown. Clare jumps out of her skin) 
CHRONOTIS: What have you done to my machine? 
(He switches off the console, and the vague background humming stops.) 
(Chronotis goes into the kitchen and comes straight out with the tea tray.) 
CLARE: May I ask who you are? 
CHRONOTIS: I was, I am, I will be, Professor Chronotis. Oh dear. We Gallifreyans have never managed to come up with a satisfactory form of grammar to cover these situations. 
CLARE: Look, I don't understand what's happening. What situation? 
CHRONOTIS: (sitting) Timelessness. Standing obliquely to the time fields. 
CLARE: Is that what we're doing? 
CHRONOTIS: Oh yes, and very grateful I am to you for arranging it. 
CLARE: Me? But all I did was just press a button and 
CHRONOTIS: Yes, I know. A very ancient Tardis, this. I rescued it literally from the scrap heaps. I'm not allowed have one really, you know. Still, just as well though, isn't it, otherwise I'd be dead still. 
CLARE: Still dead? 
CHRONOTIS: Oh, yes. Yes, I've been killed. Only your timely mishandling of this machine meant that you tangled with my time fields at the critical moment. You're not following me, are you? 
CLARE: Er, no. 
CHRONOTIS: Good. Think of me as a paradox in an anomaly and get on with your tea. 
CLARE: Oh, yes. 
CHRONOTIS: We must find Skagra. 
CLARE: Yes. 
CHRONOTIS: He has the book. 
CHRONOTIS: You know about it? 
CLARE: Well, I sort of 
CHRONOTIS: It's a very dangerous book and I have been very careless. It is the key to Shada. 
CHRONOTIS: The ancient prison planet of the Time Lords. They have been induced to forget about it.
CLARE: I see. 
CHRONOTIS: If Skagra is meddling with mind transference, mind control, he's only going to Shada for one particular reason and it is imperative that he be stopped. 
CLARE: Yes! Er, why? What on Earth's there? 
CHRONOTIS: It's not a matter of what, it's a matter of who.

[Command ship]
(An image of what the Doctor saw on the pages of the book is on a wall screen, projected by the sphere.) 

What's so important about the book? 

It is The Ancient Law of Gallifrey. 


So, what does a Gallifreyan Judge 
say when passing sentence? 

Er, 'We but administer. You are imprisoned not by this court but by the power of the Law. It is not -- '

The Power of The Law. 
It used to be quite literally true.
What? You think that book is some sort of key to --

The key with which the Time Lords used 
to imprison its most feared criminals. 
Criminals such as... 
He doesn't know. He doesn't know the code. 

I'm glad you realised that. 
It's about Time. 

Time. Time. About Time. 
Yes, of course. I should have seen that. 
A Gallifreyan code would have 
to include the dimension of Time. 
(to the sphere) 
Stop. Find me the Doctor's last reference to Time.

DOCTOR: Oh, come on, ship. What's taking you so long? 
SHIP: Estimated docking time, two minutes. 
DOCTOR: Hurry up. 
(A Krarg appears in the doorway behind them.) 
KRARG: Who are you? 
PARSONS: Doctor! 
DOCTOR: Ah, hello there. 
PARSONS: (sotto) What is it? 
DOCTOR: (sotto) I don't know. 
KRARG: You are intruders. 
DOCTOR: Well actually, I'm dead, and this is Bristol. 
PARSONS: Chris. 
KRARG: You trespass on my lord's ship. You shall die. 
(K9 fires his laser.) 
PARSONS: What on Earth is it? 
DOCTOR: What's Earth got to do with it? Looks like some sort of crystalline structure. 
SHIP: Preparing to dock. 
DOCTOR: You go ahead. Don't mind us. 
(The spacecraft materialises inside the shuttle bay.)
[FSAS Space Station - outside the shuttlebay]
(The place has gotten dark and dirty since we were last here. The Computer is still repeating the message from the top of the story.) 
COMPUTER: This is a recorded message. The Foundation for the Study of Advanced Sciences is under strict quarantine. Do not approach. Do not approach. Everything is under our control. 
PARSONS [OC]: Where is this place? 
DOCTOR [OC] How should I know? 
PARSONS [OC]: Big, isn't it? 
DOCTOR [OC]: I wonder where everybody's got to? 
(They come out of the shuttle bay.)
PARSONS: I don't know. 
DOCTOR: Neither do I. 
PARSONS: And I don't believe that we travelled hundreds of light years. 
DOCTOR: Why not? 
PARSONS: You cannot travel faster than light. Einstein. 
DOCTOR: What? Do you understand Einstein? 
DOCTOR: What? And quantum theory? 
DOCTOR: What? And Planck? 
DOCTOR: What? And Newton? 
DOCTOR: What? And Schoenberg? 
PARSONS: Of course. 
DOCTOR: You've got a lot to unlearn. Ah. 
(The Doctor spots the letters IASS ASD on a plaque on the wall.) 
DOCTOR: Institute for Advanced Science Studies. 
PARSONS: ASD Advanced State of Decay? 
DOCTOR: Shush. 
DOCTOR: Shush. Did you hear something? 
DOCTOR: Shush.
[FSAS Space Station]
(They enter the room from the first scene in the story.) 
DOCTOR: Ah ha! Think Tank. Quite interesting. 
(The Doctor turns off the broadcast.) 
PARSONS: Quite interesting? This is fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. Do you mean to say that all this means something to you? 
DOCTOR: Oh yes! It's all terrible simple. You see, when ah!
(Then they see the five remaining men huddled together, all terribly hairy and with very long nails now.)


(Skagra is reading the book as the time rotor goes up and down. Romana enters.)

Keep back. 

(The sphere pins her to the doors. She notices that the time rotor stops when Skagra ceases to turn pages. Then he notices it too.)

Exactly. Time runs backwards over the book. 
As I turn the pages within the time field of this machine, 
the machine operates. 

Turning the last page will take us to Shada.

[Command ship]
(Skagra hands Romana over to a Krarg.) 
SKAGRA: I have broken the code. 
KRARG: We can repair it, my lord. 

SKAGRA: Fool. Make all preparations for the entry into Shada. You are about to meet one of the greatest and most powerful criminals in all history. 
ROMANA: Salyavin. 
SKAGRA: A man the Time Lords chose to forget.
[FSAS Space Station]
PARSONS: Who are they? What are they, Doctor? 
DOCTOR: Victims of Skagra's brain drain. Their intellectual powers have been stolen. But their memory patterns might remain. Yes. 
(The Doctor sits in one of the central seats.) 
PARSONS: But if only they could tell us what happened to them. 
DOCTOR: Yes. What? 
PARSONS: If only they could tell us what happened to them. 
DOCTOR: Bristol? 
DOCTOR: Bristol, I'd like you to do something for me. 
PARSONS: Certainly. 
DOCTOR: It won't be pleasant. 
(Meanwhile, K9 is still holding the Krarg at bay with a continuous laser beam.) 
(The Doctor places one of the brain-drained men on a seat. Parsons is sitting on another one.) 
DOCTOR: Easy, easy. There, there. Bristol? 
DOCTOR: I'm going to allow this man access to your intelligence reserves. 
DOCTOR: It's all right, it's only temporary. But it might just allow him to function. 
PARSONS: I just hope you know what you're doing. 
DOCTOR: So do I. So do I. Now, take a deep breath. 
(The Doctor goes to the free-standing console and adjusts the controls, then goes to a wall panel and cranks up the power. The pyramid between the seats begins to twinkle, and Parson's head is pulled back between the receptors. The Doctor checks the lifesigns of the man, who then touches his head, making him jump.) 
CALDERA: Skagra! 
(K9 continues to hold the Krarg, but it is getting stronger.)
CALDERA: Who are you? 
DOCTOR: The Doctor. 
CALDERA: What are you doing here? 
DOCTOR: Who are you? 
CALDERA: My name is Caldera. 
DOCTOR: What? Not A St John De Caldera? 
(pronounced a singe on de caldera...) 
CALDERA: The same? 
DOCTOR: The neurologist. 
DOCTOR: It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. One of the great intellects of your generation. 
CALDERA: So are we all. 
DOCTOR: What? 
CALDERA: There's A S T Thira, the psychologist. G V Centauri, the parametricist. L D Ia, the biologist. R A F Akrotiri. 
DOCTOR: Some of the greatest intellects in the universe. 
CALDERA: And Doctor Skagra. 
DOCTOR: Skagra? 
CALDERA: Geneticist, and astro-engineer. 
DOCTOR: What? 
CALDERA: And cyberneticist, and neurostructuralist, and moral theologian. 
DOCTOR: Yes, and too clever by seven-eighths. Who is he? Where does he come from? 
CALDERA: We don't know. 
DOCTOR: What? 
CALDERA: But he was very impressive. He offered very handsome fees, so we agreed. 
DOCTOR: To do what? 
CALDERA: Don't you see? The Think Tank was his idea. He set it up. 
DOCTOR: He did? To do what? 
CALDERA: The pooling of intellectual resources by electronic mind transference. 
DOCTOR: What? 
CALDERA: He conceived it on the grand scale. Just how grand, we didn't realise. Not at first, not until after we had built the sphere, and by then it was too late. 
DOCTOR: Why? What happened? 
CALDERA: He stole our brains! He stole our brains. 
DOCTOR: Easy, easy. 
CALDERA: Stole. 
DOCTOR: Easy. Shush, shush, shush. 
CALDERA: The whole of humanity. 
DOCTOR: What? The whole of humanity? 
CALDERA: The whole! But he needed 
DOCTOR: What did he need? 
CALDERA: One mind.
DOCTOR: Which mind? 
CALDERA: One unique mind. 
DOCTOR: What mind? 
CALDERA: A man called 
DOCTOR: What was he called? 
CALDERA: A man called 
DOCTOR: What was he called? 
CALDERA: Salyavin! 
DOCTOR: Salyavin? 
(K9 runs out of power and backs out of the spacecraft, followed by the lumbering Krarg.) 
DOCTOR: Bristol? Bristol? Are you all right? 
PARSONS: I feel marvellous! 
DOCTOR: Good, good, it'll pass. You're fit. 
PARSONS: What did you find out? 
DOCTOR: Not much. Not enough to locate Skagra, just enough to frighten me out of my wits. 
K9: Master! 
DOCTOR: K9! Why aren't you back at 
(The Krarg is behind K9, it's upper torso and head glowing red hot. It fires energy bolts at the cowering scientists.) 
DOCTOR: K9, try and keep it back. 
K9: Power supply at danger level. 
(The Doctor tries to creep past, towards the members of the Think Tank. The Krarg raises its arm.) 
PARSONS: Doctor, look out! 
(The Doctor avoids the blast and rejoins Parsons. The Krarg advances on them.)
Part Five
[FSAS Space Station]
DOCTOR: Bristol? 
DOCTOR: You still feeling marvellous? 
DOCTOR: Right. Give me ten seconds. 
(The Doctor goes round the back of Parsons to the cowering Think Tank. Parsons takes up a boxing pose.) 
PARSONS: Well, come on then! Well, come on! 
(The Krarg turns away from him and hits the sparkling pyramid.) 
PARSONS: Doctor, it's going to blow up! 
(The Doctor stands in front of the scientists as the Krarg advances on them. Smoke starts to fill the room. Parsons runs behind the Krarg and out into the corridor, where he grabs a dangling power cable, then goes back in. K9 leaves. Parsons drags the Doctor out of the room.)
[FSAS Space Station - outside the shuttlebay]
DOCTOR: It's jammed! 
(The Krarg attacks the scientists. The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver, and the door rises. The Doctor, Parsons and K9 get underneath it just as the Krarg arrives on the scene. The door closes in front of it. The spacecraft dematerialises and the space station goes KaBOOM!!)
DOCTOR: Good ship, good ship. Good, you're learning. Which is more than we're doing. 
PARSONS: What do you mean? 
DOCTOR: Well, we're still no nearer to finding Skagra or Romana. 
PARSONS: What do you think we should do? 
DOCTOR: I don't know. 
PARSONS: Well, try looking on the bright side. At least we're
DOCTOR: I am looking on the bright side, and it's dark, very dark. Now listen to me, ship. I'm going to ask you once again. Where is your lord Skagra? 
SHIP: He did not reveal his destination. 
PARSONS: But you must have some idea? 
SHIP: I am a computer. I do not have ideas. I obey instructions. 
DOCTOR: So you've no idea where he's gone. 
SHIP: I do not. 
DOCTOR: Bah. Doesn't he have a home to go to? 
SHIP: Yes. 
DOCTOR: He has? 
SHIP: Correct. 
DOCTOR: Well, then why didn't you tell me? 
SHIP: I have orders not to. 
DOCTOR: But, will you please take us there? 
SHIP: The order conflicts with my programmed instructions. 
DOCTOR: Well, just you tell it not to worry. I'm sure your lord Skagra will be very anxious to pay his last respects to me. 
SHIP: I obey. 
DOCTOR: I do hate computers. They're so literal minded. Aren't you, K9? 
K9: Affirmative, master.
[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]
(Chronotis is dressed to go out, and he and Clare are working on components from his Tardis mechanism.) 
CLARE: Oh. Look, I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing. 
CHRONOTIS: We must get this old perambulator moving again. 
CLARE: Well, it certainly moved when I touched it. 
CHRONOTIS: Oh, a spasm, a mere spasm. I just hope it wasn't a dying spasm, because it has left us jammed between two irrational time interfaces. Time is moving away from us. If we do manage to disentangle ourselves, I'll just have to be careful, otherwise I shall cease to exist again. 
CLARE: Oh. Really? 
CHRONOTIS: Now do as I do. 
CLARE: What's that? 
CHRONOTIS: Forget about it. 
CLARE: Oh, Professor, that's easier said than done. Who is this, er, Salyavin person? 
CHRONOTIS: Salyavin? He was a criminal. His exploits have been wildly exaggerated. He was a hotheaded, brilliant young man with a peculiar talent. I can't fix this. 
CLARE: Can I help? 
CHRONOTIS: Difficult, very difficult. To repair an interfacial resonator requires two operations which must be performed absolutely simultaneously. And to be honest, my dear, I don't think you have the knowledge. 
CLARE: So we're stuck. 
CLARE: Well, I can learn, you know. I'm very quick. 
(Chronotis fetches a large wrench from the kitchen.) 
CLARE: What's the matter? 
CHRONOTIS: Listen to me. Listen to me very carefully. What I am about to do, you are never to speak of, and this is the only time I will ever do it. 
CLARE: What are you talking about? 
CHRONOTIS: Do I have your promise? 
CLARE: Well, what are you going to do to me? 
CHRONOTIS: Do I have your promise? 
CLARE: Yes, yes, all right. 
CHRONOTIS: What is that piece of equipment you have in your hand? 
CLARE: I have absolutely no idea. 
(Chronotis puts down the wrench and takes off his spectacles. His eyes glow as he stares hard into Clare's eyes.) 
CHRONOTIS: Now, what is that piece of equipment? 
CLARE: This? Er, it's a conceptual geometer relay, with an agronomic trigger, a totally defunct field separator. But it doesn't matter. We can dispense with it if we can get that interfacial resonator working again. 
CHRONOTIS: Splendid! 
CLARE: Well, let's do that then, shall we?
[Command ship]
(The spacecraft materialises on the hangar deck right next to another identical spacecraft. Lots of Krarg are still being made here.) SKAGRA: Well? 
KRARG: We have a full complement, my lord. 
SKAGRA: Good. Then we can begin. 
(The Krarg leave. A finger taps Romana on the shoulder and she gasps.) 
DOCTOR: I wish you wouldn't do that. 
ROMANA: How did you get here? 
DOCTOR: These kind people brought me. 
SKAGRA: Doctor. 
DOCTOR: Ah, hello there. 
SKAGRA: I am a little surprised to find you here. 
DOCTOR: Your ship was a little surprised 
SKAGRA: Oh, you stole my ship. 
DOCTOR: Only after you stole mine. Ah, there she is. I hope you've been looking after her. If you've been over-revving her... 
SKAGRA: I'm curious to know how you survived the attentions of my sphere. 
DOCTOR: Well, it only looks for what it expects to find. I made it look for the wrong things. 
SKAGRA: If you've come here in the hope of interfering with my great purpose. 
DOCTOR: Great purpose? Great purpose? Ha! 
SKAGRA: The very greatest purpose, Doctor. 
DOCTOR: You want to take over the universe, don't you. I've met your sort before. Any moment now a mad gleam will come into one of your eyes and you'll start shouting, the universe shall be mine. 
SKAGRA: How naive, Doctor. How pathetically limited your vision must be. 
DOCTOR: Limited? 
SKAGRA: Take over the universe? How childish. Who could possibly want to take over the universe? 
DOCTOR: Exactly. That's what I keep telling people. It's a troublesome place, difficult to administer. And as a piece of real estate, it's worthless, because by definition there'd be no one to sell it to. 
SKAGRA: Such visions are for infants. My purpose will fulfil the natural evolutionary goal of all life. 
DOCTOR: Oh yes? 
SKAGRA: With the aid of these spheres, I shall make the whole of creation merge into one single mind, one god-like entity. 
DOCTOR: You will? 
SKAGRA: The universe, Doctor, shall not, as you so crudely put it, be mine. The universe shall be me. 
DOCTOR: Ah. Have you discussed this with anyone? I mean, why don't you send one of your rocky pals off to make some tea and we can sit down and chew on a macaroon. 
SKAGRA: Doctor, your inane whitterings do not interest me. This will happen. It will start within hours. And once it has started, nothing you or anyone else can do will stop it. Take them away. They bore me. 
(Krargs bear down. The Doctor taps one.) 
DOCTOR: Jink! 
(He grabs Parsons and runs.)
SKAGRA: Kill them. 
(K9 follows the Doctor, but Romana is held fast.) 
ROMANA: What's a jink?
[Command ship corridor]
(The Doctor, Parsons and K9 hide in an alcove as the Krarg lumber past.)
DOCTOR: Clever jink that, don't you think? I made them think I was trying to get to the Tardis. 
PARSONS: What were you trying to do? 
DOCTOR: Get to the Tardis. 
PARSONS: Doctor, that man must be mad, mustn't he? 
DOCTOR: Oh, madness, sanity, it's all a matter of opinion. 
PARSONS: And what's your opinion? 
DOCTOR: He's as mad as a hatter. They've gone. Right, back the way we came. Quietly. 
(Further on they hear a stuttering sound.)
DOCTOR: Shush. 
PARSONS: (sotto) What? 
DOCTOR: That. 
PARSONS: Your Tardis. Surprised you can hear it from here. 
DOCTOR: There's something odd about it. Come on. 
(A Krarg fires a bolt that just misses Parson's head.) 
PARSONS: It's a dead end. 
DOCTOR: Then we're trapped. 
(A wooden door with a brass knob is against a wall.)
PARSONS: This wasn't here before. 
DOCTOR: Get in!
[Prof. Chronotis' rooms]
(The door bursts open and the Doctor and Parsons run in from the Carrier corridor and slam it shut again. They quietly congratulate each other then turn to see where they are. Their jaws hit the floor with a loud Thud!) 
PARSONS: Keightley! 
CLARE: Chris? 
CHRONOTIS: Cup of tea? 
DOCTOR: Tea? (Shortly afterwards, the chasing Krarg has moved off and the Doctor is sitting at the control panel.) 
CHRONOTIS: Doctor, how do you like my Tardis? 
DOCTOR: Oh, ace. Ace. 
CHRONOTIS: It's strictly unofficial. I'm not really allowed to have one. 
DOCTOR: Yes, and what better way to hide it than by living in it, you old sly boots. 
CLARE: What are you doing here? 
PARSONS: How am I'm suppose to know. Yeah, and what's the Professor's room doing here? 
CLARE: Oh, you may well ask. But ask the Professor. 
CHRONOTIS: Doctor, where is Skagra? 
DOCTOR: Shush. Not so loud. He's just outside. 
DOCTOR: He's got Romana, he's got the Tardis, he's got the book. I thought you were dead, Professor. 
CHRONOTIS: Yes, so did I. 
DOCTOR: Did you really? 
CHRONOTIS: Listen, Doctor, if Skagra has the Tardis and the book, he can get to Shada. 
DOCTOR: Shada? Shada? 
CHRONOTIS: Yes, the Time Lords' prison planet. You've probably forgotten about it. 
DOCTOR: I never forget anything. I never forget. Well, that's right. I have forgotten. The Time Lords' prison planet. Now why would I have forgotten? Got it. Of course! Salyavin was imprisoned on Shada. Yes. Ask me who Salyavin is. 
CLARE: Oh, now he was a great criminal imprisoned centuries ago by the Time Lords. 
DOCTOR: A great criminal. Unique mental powers. He had the ability to project his mind into other minds, completely take them over, didn't he, Professor? 
PARSONS: That's what Skagra's doing? 
DOCTOR: Oh no, no, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. Skagra had the capacity to take minds out of people, but he can't put minds back into them. That's why he needs Salyavin in the sphere, and that's why he's going to Shada. 
PARSONS: Of course! 
CHRONOTIS: Doctor! He must not get there.
(Skagra allows the pages of the book to turn over one at a time, as the time rotor moves.) 

The key turns slowly in the lock. 
The Door to Shada opens.