Showing posts with label Obi-Wan Kenobi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obi-Wan Kenobi. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Ben's Cave

Kayo Organa : 
Profits have been good. 
After the disaster 
of The Republic
The Empire is finally 
lining some pockets. 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
There are still some issues 
that we need to address :
Slave Labor, Taxation 
of The Outer Rim... 

Kayo Organa : 
I didn't come here 
to End Slavery, Bail—
I came to Eat Your Food
( Chuckles )
 Save The Bleeding Heart 
for The Senate. 

The Senator's Wife :
....A Drink, Senator? 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
( Sighs
Ah. Thank You.
( Alien speaking other language ) 
( C-3PO translating in other language ) 

Y-O :
( serving her a drink )
Your Highness. 

Princess Leia Organa
of Alderaan (Age 10) :
Oh. Thanks, Y-O.

 Y-O :
My Pleasure

Cousin K-O Organa
Son of Kayo :
( ScoffsYou Thank Your droids

Princess Leia Organa
of Alderaan (Age 10) :
It's Good Manners

Cousin K-O Organa
Son of Kayo :
You don't need manners 
when you're talking to 
a lower life-form. 

Princess Leia Organa
of Alderaan (Age 10) :
Then I guess I don't need manners 
when I'm talking to you

Cousin K-O Organa
Son of Kayo :
( Chuckles
You know the difference 
between You and Me, Cousin? 
I know things. 

My Father Says they never 
let you leave This Planet --
They don't want anybody 
to know about You because 
You're not One of Us. 

You're not even 
a real Organa. 

( Scoffs )

Princess Leia Organa
of Alderaan (Age 10) :
 You're scared of him. 
Your Father. 

You want him to Like You, 
so you repeat What He Says, 
even though you don't 
really know What it Means

You Think being Like Him will 
make people frightened 
of you, but really, you're 
the one who's scared. 

You've never made one decision 
for yourself in your entire life, 
and you never will

I may not have 
seen much, Cousin -- 
But I can see that

He was being horrible 
to everyone. 

He's your cousin

He's rude to droids

You have to rise above, Leia. 
You owe him an apology. 

I'd rather be digested 
by a jakobeast. 

I wanted to live out 
way past Kathou when 
I was your age. 

Chase purrgil, you know? 
had a whole plan. 

What happened? 

I got older —
Had to find some other adventures. 
Started chasing Your Mother instead. 

This is Your Future, Leia. 
In a few years, you'll 
be off to University, 
then Junior Senate. 

The Senate's boring. 
It's people in itchy clothes arguing. 

( Laughing ) 
Well, it may seem so... 

I don't want to be a Senator. 

That’s why you'll probably 
be one of the best

I'm not even a real Organa. 

What? Don't ever say that. 
You are Our Child
You are an Organa 
in every way. 

One day, This Planet 
will look to you, Leia. 

There are many ways to lead. 
You just have to find yours. 

Plus, imagine the look 
on your cousin's face 
when you get to boss him 
around for real

( Both laugh ) 

But for now, 
we will... apologise
Yes, Father. 

Hmm. I'll wait for 
you downstairs. 

( Leia sighs ) 

Thank you. 

She's gone. I thought you said 
you've really got through to her. 

You know what she's like. 

I know who she's like. 

Send a unit. She can't be far. Vect: Hello, Princess. Why are you here? Just waiting. For what? For you. ( Gasps ) ( Leia panting ) ( All panting ) ( Grunting ) ( Grunts ) ( Shouting ) ( Groans ) Leia: Help! Help! ( Panting ) Help! Help me, please! ( Groans ) ( Panting ) 
( Device beeping ) 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
We don't know who it was. 
No ransom, no leads
Whoever they are, they knew 
where she would be. 
They... They were waiting. 
( Clears throat ) 
She needs you, Obi-Wan. 
We can't Trust anyone else. 

Ben :
What about The Senate? 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
We cannot let this become public
It would draw too much attention. 

Ben :
Well, Your Guard then? 
Or a bounty hunter? 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
Only you know how important 
she really is, Obi-Wan. 
If Leia is discovered... 

Ben :
I can't leave here, Bail. 
My Duty is to The Boy... 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
What about Your Duty to His Sister
She's as important as he is. 

Ben :
( Sighs ) It's been TEN YEARS
I'm not who I used to be. 
Find Someone Else....
She'll be better off

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
She's headed for Daiyu

Ben :
….You should not have come. 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
They hid their signature 
behind a freight transport. 
The Ship is on its way there now. 

Ben :
I can't

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
She's My Daughter, Obi-Wan. 

Ben :
I told you... I'm not 
The Man You Remember.

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
 You're going to have to be! 

Ben :
I can't leave The Boy. 

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
This isn't about The Boy, 
and you know it! 

You've made mistakes
We all did. 
It's The Past. Move on
Be done with it —

You couldn't Save Anakin, 
but You can Save Her

Ben :
And what if I can't

Senator Bail Organa
of Alderaan :
….There is no-one I Trust more 
with My Child than you

Please, old friend. For her
One last fight. 

Monday 30 May 2022

Help Me.

Master Qui-Gon, sir,
Wait, I’m Tired…!

I’m trying to keep 
Something Alive
and I don’t think 
I can do it…..


Why Do We 
Fall, Bruce…?

“And so, this is one of the reasons I think 
Men are bailing-out of 
so much of academia
and maybe 
The Academic World in general

And maybe,
The World in general…..

"So, part of The Problem is,
Men actually don’t have 
any idea 
How to Compete 
with Women. 

Because The Problem is that 
if you unleash yourself completely
then you’re an 
Absolute Bully

And there’s no 
doubt about that, 
because even if 
Men unleash themselves 
on other Men
that can be pretty goddamn 
brutal, especially for 
The Men that’re 
really tough. 

And so that just 
Doesn’t Happen 
with Women, ever

So you can’t 
unleash yourself completely -- 

If You Win
You’re a Bully;
and If You Lose, 
well, You’re just 
bloody pathetic

So, How The Hell are 
You supposed to play 
A Game like that…?” 

The Father, Senex,
Lord of The Dance :
You Know — I’ve learned 
a few things over The Years :

Ye can’t…. 
Ye can’t  make An Omelette
without crackin’ some eggs

What Doesn’t Kill Ye
makes Ye Stronger;

We ARE What We Eat.

You Buy Cheap
You Buy Twice.

The Open HAND, 
has The Strongest Grip.

•NEVER• parachute 
into an area, 
Y’ve just BOMBED….

I can remember, still, 
the life of the agrarian era - 
which was for most of Human History - 
The Agrarian Era, where 
there was The World of Men
and The World of Women. 

And the sexes had very little 
to do with each other. 
Each had Power and Status 
in its own realm. 

And they laughed 
at each other, 
in essence. 

The Women had enormous power
In fact, The Older Women rulednot 
The Young Beautiful Women like today. 

But the older you were the more 
you had control over everyone
including the mating and marriage.
There were no Doctors
so The Old Women were like midwives 
and knew all the ins and outs 
and [had] inherited knowledge 
about pregnancy and 
all these other things. 

I can remember this. 
And the joy that women had 
with each other all day long. 

Cooking with each other, 
being companions to each other, 
talking, conversing. 

My Mother remembered
as a small child in Italy, 
when it was time to 
Do The Laundry 
they would take The Laundry 
up The Hill to The Fountain 
and do it by hand

They would sing, they would picnic, and so on. 

We get a glimpse of that in the Odyssey when Odysseus is thrown up naked on the shores of Phaeacia and he hears the sound of women, young women, laughing and singing. And it’s Nausicaa, the princess, bringing the women to do the laundry. It’s exactly the same thing. So there was. . . 

Each gender had its OWN hierarchy, its OWN values, its OWN way of talking. And the sexes RARELY intersected. 

I can remember in my childhood in a holiday - it could be a Christmas, it could be a Thanksgiving, whatever - women would be cooking all day long, everyone would sit down to eat, and then after that the women would retire en masse to the kitchen. And the men would go. . . I would look at them through the window and see all the men. The men would be all outside, usually gathered around the car - at a time when cars didn’t work as well as they do today - with the hood up. And the men would be standing with their hands on their hips like that. Everyone’s staring at the engine. That’s how I learned men were refreshing themselves by studying something technical and mechanical after being with the women during the dinner.

So all of these problems of today are the direct consequence of women’s emancipation and freedom from housework thanks to capitalism, which made it possible for women to have jobs outside the home for the very first time in the nineteenth century. No longer to be dependent on husband or father or brother. 

So this great thing that’s happened to us, allowing us to be totally self-supporting, independent agents has produced all this animosity between men and women, because women feel unhappy. Women today - wherever I go, whether it’s Italy or Brazil or England or America or Toronto - the upper-middle class professional women are unhappy, miserable. And they don’t know why they’re unhappy. They want to blame it on men. The men must change. Men must become more like women. No. That is the wrong way to go. It’s when men are men, and understand themselves as men, are secure as men - then you’re going to be happier. 

Peterson: There’s nothing more dangerous than a weak man. 

Paglia: Absolutely. Especially all these quislings spouting feminist rhetoric. When I hear that it makes me sick. But here’s the point. Men and women have never worked side by side, ever. Maybe on the farms when you were like. . . Maybe one person is in the potato field and the other one is over here doing tomatoes, or whatever. You had families working side by side, exhausted with each other. No time to have any clash of this. It was a collaborative effort on farms and so on. Never in all of human history have men and women been working side by side. And women are now. . . The pressure about Silicon Valley - they’re all so sexist, they don’t allow women in, and so on. Men are being men in Silicon Valley. 

Peterson: Especially the engineers. 

Paglia: And the women are demanding that. . . ‘Oh, this is terrible, you’re being sexist.’ Maybe the sexes have their own particular form of rhetoric, their own particular form of identity. Maybe we need to reexamine this business about. . . Maybe we have to perhaps accept some degree of tension and conflict between the sexes in a work environment. 

I don’t mean harassment. I’m talking about women feeling disrespected. Somehow their opinions, when they express them, are not taken seriously. Even Hillary Clinton is complaining. When a woman writes something online she’s attacked immediately. Everyone is attacked online. What are you talking about? The world is tough. The world is competitive. Identity is honed by conflict. The idea that there should be no conflict, that we have to be in this bath of approbation. . . It’s infantile. 

Peterson: That’s right. It’s absolutely infantile. Okay, so, a couple of things there. Well the first thing is that the agreeableness trait that divides men and women 16

most. . . There’s three things that divide women and men most particularly from the psychometric perspective. One is that women are more agreeable than men, and so that seems to be the primary maternal dimension as far as I can tell. It’s associated with a desire to avoid conflict. But it’s associated with interpersonal closeness, compassion, politeness. Women are reliably higher than men, especially in the Scandinavian countries and in the countries where egalitarianism has progressed the farthest. So that’s where the difference is maximized, which is one of the things James Damore pointed out quite correctly in his infamous Google Memo. Women are higher in negative emotion. So that’s anxiety and emotional pain. That difference is approximately the same size. And again that maximizes in egalitarian societies, which is extremely interesting. And then the biggest difference is the difference in interest between people and things. And so women are more interested in people, and men are more interested in things, which goes along quite nicely with your car anecdote. But the thing about men interacting with men again is that it isn’t that they respect each other’s viewpoints. That’s not exactly right. What happens with a man. . . I know a lot of men that I would regard as remarkably tough people for one reason or another. And everything you do with them is a form of combat. Like if you want your viewpoint taken seriously, often you have to yell them down. They’re not going to stop talking unless you start talking over them. It’s not like men are automatically giving respect to other men, because that just doesn’t happen. It’s that the combat is there, and it’s expected. And one of the problems. . . And so, this is one of the reasons I think men are bailing out of so much of academia and maybe the academic world in general. And maybe the world in general. Men actually don’t have any idea how to compete with women. Because the problem is that if you unleash yourself completely, then you’re an absolute bully. And there’s no doubt about that, because if men unleash themselves on other men, that can be pretty goddamn brutal, especially for the men that really tough. And so that just doesn’t happen with women ever. So you can’t unleash yourself completely. If you win, you’re a bully. If you lose, well you’re just bloody pathetic. So how the hell are you supposed to play a game like that? I’ve worked with lots of women in law firms in Canada, for example. And high achieving women, like really remarkable people I would say. And they’re often nonplussed, I would say, by the attitude of the men in the law firm, because they would like to see everyone pulling together because they’re all part of the same team. Whereas the men are like at each other’s throats in a cooperative way because they want the law firm to succeed, but they want to be the person who is at the top of the success hierarchy. And that doesn’t jive well with the more cooperative ethos that’s part and parcel of agreeableness. So we don’t really have any idea how to integrate male and female dominance hierarchies.

Friday 18 January 2019

You Can’t Win — But There ARE Alternatives to Fighting


Is that what you think it's about? 

I'm not trying to win.


You Can’t Win  
(So Don’t Even Try) — 
But There Are Alternatives to Fighting.

Obvious Next Question :-
 What are a Few of These Alternatives of Which You Speak, Master..?

The Marriage of  Luke Skywalker

The Vows :
  • ‘I want to come with you to Alderaan — I want Learn The Ways of The Force and Become a Jedi Like My Father’
  • ‘I feel The Force — I’m not afraid’ (You WILL Be [ Subtext : You SHOULD Be (And you aren’t yet, you Young Fool.)] )
  • ‘You’ve Failed, Your Highness* — I am a Jedi; Like My Father Before Me**...’

!!! CROM !!!

I have never prayed to you before. 
I have no tongue for it. 

No one, not even you, will remember if we were 
‘Good Men’ or ‘Bad’

Why We Fought, or Why We Died. 

All that matters is that 
Two stood against Many. 

That's what's important! 

There are some corners of The Universe which have bred the most terrible THINGS.... 

Things that act against EVERYTHING that We Believe In.... 

They Must Be FOUGHT.”

Here’s What We Had This Year Instead of 

Traditional Conflict/Battle/Combat :

The Woman Who Fell to Earth :


It isn’t The Point that Tim Shaw is collecting teeth or hunting sentient life forms, or Male Rites of All Passage, or ‘Toxic Masculinity’, its the fact that he is blatantly, massively CHEATING at it, and he DOESN’T.

He only care’s to the extent of Not-Getting-Caught & Punished : 

Which is The Definition of Tyranny.

The Ghost Monument

Marriage is a Project, not a Race.

Women are more interested in People

Men are more interested in Things


It’s not about ‘Social Justice’ it’s just Justice — 

and they had to go to the 51st Century to find someone who thinks that’s a bad idea.

Arachnids in The UK

Laws of Nature


Law in General

The Tsuranga Conundrum

Parasitism vs. Parenting

Demons of The Punjab

Spiritual Warfare


Corporate Social Responsibility 

The Witchfinders


(it’s not actually about ‘Women’, as such)

It Takes You Away

Alienation, Loneliness and Social Isolation

(Or, ‘Norway.’ )

The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos



...but you can’t negotiate with a Malignant Narcissist. 

Ryan’s Dad is NOT a Malignant Narcissist — he’s just a bit of a clueless d*ck.

Saturday 15 December 2018

Straight Down The Middle

Those Who Have Swords 

Know How to Use Them

But Keep Them Sheathed
Shall Inherit The World.

Jedi Order

Those Who Have Swords 

Know How to Use Them

But Keep Them Sheathed
Shall Inherit The World.

Dark Lords of The Sith

Meals at eight and five. 
Toilet privileges twice a day. 

Raise your voice, zap
Touch the glass, zap

You step out of line, you deal with me. 
Please, step out of line. 

Hmm? So how does it feel? 

To spend all that time, all that effort... 
and, to see it fail so spectacularly?"

"Did it..?”


“I’m afraid, Your Highness, We’re going to have to accept Federation control, for the time being...”