Showing posts with label Mulder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mulder. Show all posts

Friday 9 July 2021



In Scully’s mind, she is laying on a table in a white dress. All the walls are white except for one, which is a black void. Through The Void walks Her Father, dressed in his Admiral’s Uniform. 

He walks over to her :

Hello, Starbuck. It’s Ahab. 

People would say to me, "Life is short." 

"Kids, they grow up fast," and 

"Before you know it, it’s over." 

I never listened. For me, life went at a proper pace. 

There were many rewards... until the moment that I knew, 

I... understood that... 

That I would never see you again... My Little Girl. 

Then my life felt as if it had been the length of One Breath, One Heartbeat. 

I never knew how much I loved my daughter until I could never tell her. 

At that moment, I would have traded every medal, 

every commendation, every promotion for... 

one more second with you. 

We’ll be Together Again, Starbuck. But not now. Soon.

He slowly turns and walks back into the void. In "Reality", Nurse Owens is standing over her again. 

She leans in and whispers to her :


Dana? I know Death is at arm’s reach tonight, but Dana? 

Your Time is not over.

At the cafeteria, Mulder is eating lunch with Melissa.


You know, Fox… 

Sorry, Mulder --

You could spend The Rest of Your Life 

finding every person who’s responsible 

and it’s still not going to bring her back. 

Whoever Did This to Her 

has an equal horror coming to them.


Including myself?

Melissa looks at him strangely. 


William Scully walks over to a small Christmas tree with an angel ornament on top.


Are you going to leave this up all year?


Yup. All year. 

Since you always made us take the Christmas tree down the day after Christmas, I'm making up for lost time.

(She starts piling plates on the kitchen table.)


If your idea of a good time is picking up dried pine needles, treat yourself.


As if he's an authority on having a good time.

She walks over, carrying plates from the dinner table. 

William crosses over to beside Scully.


That's okay, Mom, I got that.


Oh, okay.


Okay, Maggie, let's shove off.


Oh, okay.

(She puts the plate down and goes over to Scully. She hugs her.)

Well, thank you for having us. 

Dinner was delicious as usual.


Thanks, Mom.

(Scully walks over to her father and salutes.)

Good sailing, Ahab.

(He hugs her.)


Goodnight, Starbuck.

Margaret gives William an urging look as if to ask his daughter a question.

How's Work? Good?



Yup. It's Good.



(William and Margaret cross over to the coatrack by the door and put on their coats. Scully throws down the napkin in her hand onto the table and walks over.)


Well, drive carefully.



Scully unlocks the door and kisses her mother goodbye.


Goodnight, Daddy.

The parents walk out. She watches them go, then closes the door. 

Later. It is now 1:47. 

On TV, a man is talking on an informercial under his picture, it says:

"Ron Popeil



Here on Incredible Inventions though, you're not going to spend 110 dollars for it. 

You all know that. 

You're not even going to spend a hundred dollars.

The caption changes to:

" Approximate One Month Supply

Time May Vary Depending On Frequency

of Use or Size of Area to be Covered"

There's an approximate one-month supply here...

They show two videos, one in the upper right, the other in the lower left, of "hair" being sprayed onto bald people's heads. In the upper left it reads "Only $39.92."

And all you'll spend for this entire package is just 39 dollars and 92 cents.

There is applause and cheering. 

Scully is sleeping on the couch, a blanket draped over her.

Her eyes open.


Mr. Johnson?



Scully sees her father sitting in a chair in front of her, blue light shining down on him. 

His mouth is moving but no words are coming out.


I was kind of interested that Allen used a blond and I hadn't seen anyone use a blond.


Dad? I thought you guys left.

She sits up.

Where's Mom?

There is no answer. 

He is silently mouthing The Lord’s Prayer.

The phone rings, startling her. 

She looks back at the phone, then to her father. 

The chair is empty. 

Scully is very confused as the phone rings again. She gets up, blanket still covering her, and starts walking to the phone. It rings twice more before she picks it up.


(There is no answer except for some muffled crying.)





Mom? What's the matter?


We, um... we lost your dad. 

He had a... a massive coronary... about an hour ago. 

He... he's gone.

(Scully looks back to where she saw her father sitting. The chair is still empty.)

Thursday 8 July 2021

The Mars Rock

Pres. Clinton's Remarks on the Possible Discovery of Life on Mars (1996)

This is video footage of President William Jefferson delivering remarks prior to departure from The White House.  

This footage is official public record produced by the White House Television (WHTV) crew, provided by the Clinton Presidential Library.

Date: August 7, 1996
Location: South Lawn.  White House.  Washington, DC

SCULLY is sitting alone in front of The "Jury".

Please state Your Name for The Court.

My Name is Dana Katherine Scully. 

I was assigned nine years ago to the X-Files 
to spy on Agent Mulder 
whose methods The FBI distrusted.

Assigned not just as An Agent
but as A Medical Doctor. 
A Scientist. 

And as a serious Scientist, 
you came to Believe in Agent Mulder's theories.

[Clip Sequence shown while SCULLY'S speaking:

* from The Erlenmeyer Flask (1X23): Scully pulling the E.B.E. foetus from the cryogenic container.

* from The Erlenmeyer Flask (1X23): Deep Throat getting shot and dying.]

 I came to Believe in 
The Existence of Extraterrestrial Life 
and in 
A Conspiracy inside The Government 
to keep their existence A Secret.

The Proof was overwhelming
It was even scientifically undeniable.

I Believe, as do many respected scientists that 
Life came to Earth millions of years ago 
from A Meteor, or A Rock from Mars.

[Clip shown of a meteor falling to earth.]

So, What You're Saying Is
Life -- Human Life -- 
is extraterrestrial by definition.

What does this nonsense have to do with 
Mulder murdering A Man in cold blood?

Agent Scully will prove that 
A Government Conspiracy exists 
to deny The Existence of Extra-Terrestrials.

You are not here proving 
Government Conspiracies Mr. Skinner. 
You are here to defend Fox Mulder.

And I'm trying to do that.

It's your case, Mr. Skinner.

So, A Meteor crashed to Earth 
but along with the biological building blocks on it 
there was Something Else -- An Alien Virus.

[Clip Sequence shown while SCULLY'S speaking:

* from FTF: Caveman being infected by the oil.

* from FTF: E.B.E. from virus gestating in a human.]

I Believe 
There was A Virus 
which thrived Here prehistorically. 

I Believe 
That Virus infected Early Man 
and transformed his physiology.

Changed Him into 
Something Else.

Into an alien life-form himself.

And What Happened 
to These Aliens?

They died in the last ice age, 
35,000 years ago.

And The Virus?

It lay dormant underground 
until it surfaced once again 
during our current geologic period.

And The Government knows of this?

Clip Sequence shown while SCULLY'S speaking:

* (new) Newspaper clipping from the "Daily Record" 
MAIN HEADLINE: "AAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region" 
SMALLER HEADLINE 1: Security Council Paves Way to Talks to Arms Reductions 
SMALLER HEADLINE 2: No details of Flying Disk Are Revealed

* Photograph of flying disk

* MEMO that says the following: 
CFTE DCD / (blanked out) 
ATTN: (blanked out) 
FROM: DCD / (blanked out) 
1. SOURCE'S FULL NAME IS (blanked out) 
HE IS EMPLOYED AS (blanked out) ]

The Government learned of This Virus in 1947 
when a UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico.

A UFO crash revealed A Virus?

[Clip Sequence shown while SCULLY'S speaking:

* from Terma (4X10): The oil blaze after the bomb explodes. Mulder barely making it out of harm's way.

* from FTF: the black oil moving on the ground. * from Piper Maru (3X15): Krycek infected with the black oil.

* from Vienen (8X16): the rig workers infected with the black oil.]

The Virus thrived underground 
in Petroleum deposits

In Black Oil. 
It has Sentience. It can Think

It has the ability to communicate 
and it communicated with the UFOs.

And The Government knows this, too.

SCULLY turns to look at MULDER.

[Clip Sequence shown while SCULLY'S speaking:

* from Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man (4X07): CSM & Deep Throat standing next to each other looking at something hooked up to life support through a window.

* from Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man (4X07): Man in gas mask pushing open a door.

* from Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man (4X07): E.B.E. hooked up to life support.]

In Roswell, they captured Aliens 
from The Spacecraft Wreckage.
They salvaged various Alien Technology from them 
and from their data banks 
They learned of 
The Alien plan to "re-colonise" The Earth.

Is this all leading anywhere?

Yeah. The Destruction of Mankind.

I'll warn you once, Agent Mulder.

MULDER turns to look at SCULLY. 
He has slight goofy smile on his face.

And what did The Government do with this ... 
information of An Alien Takeover?

They kept it a Dark Secret. 
If it had gotten out there would have been wild panic.

Mr. Skinner, are we finished?

No. There's the matter of Agent Scully's own abduction in 1994.

Abduction by whom?

[Clip Sequence shown while SCULLY'S speaking:

* Light moving fast across the sky (fade to white)

* from One Breath (2X08): Scully on an examining table

* from One Breath (2X08): Scully's eyes open (close-up)

* from One Breath (2X08): Machine attached to Scully's naval filling it with something. Scully's abdomen filling up. rising and expanding.

* from Memento Mori (4X15).: Mulder discovering Tanks filled with green coloured liquid and with bodies within them.

* from Memento Mori (4X15): Mulder standing next to Kurt Crawford clearing the glass on the tank with his hand to see clearer the fully grown clone within.]

By The Military 
working with The Government Conspirators 
to develop a breed of Human-Alien Hybrids 
that The Aliens would use as A Slave Race.

Thank you, Agent Scully. 
Your witness, Mr. Kallenbrunner.


All these ETs running around ... 
it's hard to keep these aliens straight without a scorecard. 

I myself have never seen An Alien. 
Could we call one as A Witness?

You're being facetious.

No, I'm not. 
I'd like to see some proof.

There are The Mars Rocks ...

No. I need Something Good
Something amazing
Something really cool.

I don't know What You Mean.

Well, What I Mean is

You have no proof 
to back up one word you just told us. 

Scully is silent.

Agent Scully, isn't it True 
that You and Mulder were lovers, 
and you got pregnant 
and had his Love Child?


Thank you. Next witness.

SCULLY turns to look at MULDER
MULDER ever so slightly shakes his head, no .. 
and mouths that its okay. 
SCULLY slowly gets up and leaves the witness chair.

Sunday 4 July 2021

Merlinus Ambrosius

 My Name is 
Jackson Van de Kamp. 

That's what My Parents called me 
when they adopted me 17 years ago. 

My original name was William
I've come to learn. 

That's what My Birth Mother called me. 
Dana Scully. 

I have never really met her properly
but I can feel her in these... 

Aah! Is this a message for me? 

...violent episodes in which I can feel us 
connected to The Future in ways 
that I'm just beginning to understand. 

Or am I sending a message to you? 

I don't know My Role in The Future, 
but I'm beginning to understand that as well. 

I-I have visions of it. 

It's A World of Confusion 
and Pain and Loneliness 
that I can't escape, 
nor can I prevent, 
but I want no part 
in the suffering that it brings. 

I've known Happiness. 
I had a happy childhood. 

Until I grew older, 
I had a life where I could dream 
of anything that I ever wanted to be, 
but even then I knew that I had... Powers

Special Powers. 

When I turned 11, 
My Powers grew. 

I got in a fight with Jerry Marriott. 

He was this bully 
who used to pick on the smaller kids 
who couldn't defend themselves. 


So I sent him to The Hospital. 

I had to change schools many times. 
The kids... would catch on that I was different. 

And then I, uh, just kind of became 
A Criminal. 

So I was sent away to a school for bad kids. 

It devastated My Parents, 
but I just couldn't help myself. 

Yeah, I guess that's why I've been lashing out. 

I talked to psychologists, 
and I would just make up stories 
and tell them what they want to hear. 

I'm so scared that I'm gonna, 
I'm gonna find out one day that 
I'm My Father, all of a sudden. 

But then this man came 
from The Government to talk to me 
and I could tell something was up, 
so I decided to just cool it. 

Then I had to come home, 
but every day there was this car on the street
 with these guys in it, 
watching our house. 

And I was smart. 
I-I didn't make any mistakes 
until I decided to play a stupid joke on these two girls. 

My Whole World came crashing down. 

My Parents were killed 
by those men on the street. 

Oh, no.

And they're hunting me now. 
They found me. 

I'm afraid they'll kill me, too... 
if they catch me. 

What I need most right now is 


About Who I Am
about How I Can Get My Life Back

You seem like a nice person. 

I want to ask My Real Mother 
these questions, but I know that 
The Truth  can only come from My Father, 
A Man I've only seen in My Visions... 
but who I know I already hate.

“But I need you to know, Fox, 
when I gave you life, 
I never fathomed a moment when I would need to end it.”

“I don't think you can do it.”

We have Our King! 
Thanks be to God! 

Arthur :
Rise, Father, please. 
I was your son before I became Your King... 
...if I am king. 

Sir Ector :
You are King —
The more so, because 
You are Not My Son —
and I am not Your Father. 

Arthur :
Not My Father? 
Then Kay is not My Brother? 

Sir Ector :
Merlin The Magician brought you to me 
when you were newly born,
and bade me raise you as My Own.

At first I did so because I feared Merlin, 
but later... because I loved you. 

Arthur :
Who is my True Father? 

Sir Ector :
Only Merlin can tell you that. 

Arthur :
And Who is Merlin? 

Merlin :
I am Merlin. 

Arthur :
Whose son am I? 

Merlin :
You are The Son of Uther and Igrayne... 
...You are King Arthur. 

We haven't forgotten you, Merlin..!! 
What Trickery is this
He's trying to foist a Fatherless boy upon us. 
Do you want A Bastard as A King!? 

Lord Leondegrance, join us against The Boy. 

Leondegrance :
I saw What I Saw
The Boy drew The Sword. 

If A Boy has been chosen --
Then A Boy Shall Be King. 

No, I challenge that. 

Leondegrance :
The Sword has been drawn. 

Are you with Us or against Us? 

Leondegrance :
Against you. 

Arthur :
Why have you done this to me? 

Merlin :
Because you were 
Born to Be King. 

Arthur :
What does it mean To Be King? 

Merlin :
You will be The Land, and The Land will be You. 
If you Fail, The Land will perish. 
As you Thrive, The Land will blossom.

Arthur :

Merlin :
Because You are King. 

Arthur :

Merlin :
What are you afraid of? 

Arthur :
I don't know. 

Merlin :
Shall I tell you what's out there? 

Arthur :
Yes, please. 

Merlin :
The Dragon. 
A Beast of such Power 
that if you were to see it whole and complete 
in a single glance it would burn you to cinders.

Arthur :
Where is it?

Merlin :
It is everywhere. It is everything
Its scales glisten in the bark of trees. 
Its roar is heard in The Wind. 
And its forked tongue strikes like.... 

Like lightning
Yes, that's it. 

Arthur :
How can I...? 
What shall I...? 
Must I...? 

Merlin :
Do Nothing
Be Still. Sleep
Rest in The Arms of The Dragon. 


Arthur :
Excalibur --
It's part of The Dragon, too. 

Merlin :
Oh, yes. Oh, you learn quickly. 
That's good. I like that. 

Arthur :
What kind of Man was My Father? 

Merlin :
Oh, he was brave, he was strong
He was A Great Knight. 

Arthur :
Was he A Great King? 

Merlin :
....Well, he was rash

He never learned 
How to Look Into Men's Hearts. 
Least of all his own

Arthur :
You loved him? 

Merlin :
....Well, it is easy to love Folly in A Child. 

Arthur :
Merlin, will you help me to be Wise, not to be rash? 
Where are you going? 

Merlin :
Where do you think? 
You have A Kingdom to Rule. 

Arthur :
But how? 

Merlin :
I don't know how. 
You knew How to Draw The Sword from The Stone. 

Arthur :
That was easy

Merlin :
Was it? I couldn't have done it. 

Arthur :
You couldn't? 

Merlin :
You're The King, not I

Arthur :
But where to start? 

Merlin :
Well, what do you think has happened since you ran off? 

King Arthur :
Sir Ector and Kay --
They must be waiting all this time. 

Most of the Great Knights were against me. 
Except Leondegrance of Camelyarde. 

But if he supports me, 
the others will turn against him. 

Merlin :
Even now They lay siege to His Castle. 

King Arthur :
I need him. 
We must help him

Merlin :
There you are. 
That was easy, too, wasn't it? 

King Arthur :
We have to get back. 

Merlin :
That's it. Now.... 
There they are. 
Well, you go and show them. 

Sir Ector :
Arthur, I knew you wouldn't fail us. 
Go on. I picked out a horse for you. 

Kay :
All these men are loyal. 
Now what do you want us to do? 
We waited here for you. 

King Arthur :
Any Man who would be A Knight,
and Follow A King --

Follow Me

Kay :
Where to? 
Where are we going? 

King Arthur :
His Castle is under siege. 

"There really are 
Four Quarters of a Whole. 

And I think that maybe threw some people 
at the beginning of last season, 
and even at the end of last season. 

But I think that you see, 
as you have seen, that they were puzzle pieces, 
Four Puzzle Pieces to A Circle.

I wanted to tell 
Mulder’s Story — Mulder's Struggle.

I wanted to tell 
Scully's Struggle.

I wanted to tell 
The Cigarette Smoking Man's Struggle,

and I wanted to tell 
William's Struggle.

For me, 
The Four Characters 
who are central to The Mythology.”

— Chris Carter.