What do we do with him?
Dr. Strange :
That’s gotta violate an ordinance.
Dr. Strange :
Ah, I’ve buried worse.
The creature that killed him, did…
did it have the same markings
as The Octopus?
Dr. Strange :
Runes -- This isn’t sorcery.
It’s witchcraft.
Do we know anyone who’s
faced such a thing?
Dr. Strange :
I think I might.
The Witch :
Hey! What did I say?
But we couldn’t wait.
But what did I say?
Go wash your hands.
Mom, come on. We’re too old for that.
Oh, okay. You can tuck me in, Mom.
The Witch :
I will. You know, A Family is forever.
We could never truly leave
each other, even if we tried.
Mom, I changed my mind.
You can come tuck me in if you want.
The Witch :
Love you.
Dr. Strange :
Apples, right?
The Witch :
Dr. Strange :
The Witch :
Dr. Strange :
I was gonna say real.
The Witch :
Oh, it’s all very real, thanks.
I’ve put the magic behind me.
Dr. Strange :
So I can see — (The orchard dissolves)
The Witch :
Well, I knew sooner or later you’d show up,
wanting to discuss what happened at WestView.
I made mistakes, and
people were hurt…
Dr. Strange :
But you put things right in the end,
and that was never in doubt.
I’m not here to talk
about WestView.
The Witch :
Then what are you here for?
Dr. Strange :
We need your help.
The Witch :
With what?
Dr. Strange :
What do you know about
The Multiverse?
The Witch :
The Multiverse.
Vis had his theories.
He believed it was
real, and dangerous.
Dr. Strange :
Well, he was right about both.
We found a girl who can somehow travel
across it, but she’s being pursued.
The Witch :
Pursued by who?
Dr. Strange :
Some kind of demon.
One that covets her
power for itself.
The Witch :
Dr. Strange :
We’ve taken her to Kamar-Taj, and
we’ve got our defenses, but we
could use an Avenger.
The Witch :
There are other Avengers.
Dr. Strange :
Yeah, but given the choice between the archer with the mohawk and several bug-themed crime fighters, or one of the most powerful magic-wielders on the planet…
(LAUGHS) …it’s an easy call.
Come to Kamar-Taj.
It’ll get you back
on the lunch box.
The Witch :
What if you brought
America here?
Dr. Strange :
The Witch :
Yeah. I know what it’s like
to be on your own, hunted for
abilities you never wanted,
and I can protect her.
You never told me
her name, did you?
Dr. Strange :
The Witch :
Dr. Strange :
No, I didn’t.
The Witch :
You know, The Hex
was the easy part.
The lying, not so much.
Dr. Strange :
The Darkhold.
The Witch :
You’re familiar with
the Darkhold?
Dr. Strange :
I know it’s The Book of the Damned,
and that it corrupts everything
and everyone that it touches.
I wonder what it’s done to you.
The Witch :
The Darkhold only
showed me The Truth;
Everything I lost can
be mine again.
Dr. Strange :
What do you want with America?
The Witch :
What do you want
with The Multiverse?
I’m going to leave this reality
and go to one where I can
be with my children.
Dr. Strange :
Wanda, your children aren’t real.
You created them using magic.
The Witch :
That’s what every mother does.
If you knew there was a universe
where you were happy, wouldn’t
you want to go there?
Dr. Strange :
I am happy.
The Witch :
I know better than most what
self-deception looks like.
Dr. Strange :
What you’re doing is a flagrant
violation of every Natural Law, and
if you take that child’s power,
she won’t survive.
The Witch :
I don’t relish hurting
anyone, Stephen.
But she’s not A Child.
She’s A Supernatural Being.
Such raw power could wreak havoc
on this and other worlds.
Her sacrifice would be
for The Greater Good.
Dr. Strange :
Well, you can kiss the lunch box
goodbye, ’cause that’s the kind
of justification our enemies use.
The Witch :
Is it the one you used when you
gave Thanos The Time Stone?
Dr. Strange :
That was A War, and
I did what I had to do.
The Witch :
You break The Rules
and become A Hero.
I do it, and I become
The Enemy.
That doesn’t seem fair.
Dr. Strange :
What happens now?
The Witch :
Return to Kamar-Taj and prepare to
hand over America Chavez by sundown.
Peacefully. After that…
You’ll never see me again.
Dr. Strange :
And if we don’t?
The Witch :
Then it won’t be Wanda who comes for her.
It will be The Scarlet Witch.
Wong :
(SOFTLY) The Scarlet Witch.
Dr. Strange :
Wanda’s gone.
She’s got The Darkhold, and
The Darkhold has her.
Wong :
The Scarlet Witch is a being
of unfathomable magic.
She can rewrite reality as she chooses,
and is prophesized to either rule
or annihilate the cosmos.
Dr. Strange :
She took over a whole town using her mind.
If she gets America’s Power, she could
enslave the entire Multiverse.
America :
So, the person you went to ask for help,
and told exactly where I am, is the person
that’s trying to kill me?
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