Tuesday 18 May 2021

I Like You

Being There //KISS vs SCREEN// Oltre il giardino //

♪ It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

Come in.

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

Have you read the newspapers?

I don't read papers, Eve.

Well, you're described as one of the principal architects of The President's speech last night.

And your comments on the television show are side-by-side quoted with The President's.

I like The President very much.
He's a nice man.

Isn't he?

-♪ Won't you please ♪
-Yes, he is.

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Please won't you be ♪

-You're very nice too.
-♪ My neighbor? ♪

- Hi, neighbor.

There's somebody at the door.
Let's see who that special person is.

It's Mr. McFeely. 
Hi, Mr. McFeely.

Speedy delivery! 
Good day to you.
I'm so glad you brought it.

Come in, will you?

I have the slides right here.
- Can I see how it works?

-Yes. Will you sit over here?
-All righty.

Got a few minutes here.

You don't mind my being here like... this?

This is the stereopticon.

That's right.

No, Eve.
I like you to be here.

I guess you look right in here, don't you?
You do?

That's right.

That's good. 
They're funny.

There's two pictures come together to look like one.

They look a little deeper too, don't they?

Yes. That's good.

There are lots of pictures here.

But right now, 
I'd like to sing about something 
even more special.

And that something is you.

♪ You are my friend
You are special ♪

♪ You are my friend ♪

♪ You're special to me ♪

♪ You are the only one like you ♪

♪ Like you, my friend, I like you ♪

♪ In the daytime, in the nighttime ♪

♪ Any time that you feel
is the right time ♪

♪ For a friendship with me ♪

♪ You seem F-R-I-E-N-D special ♪

♪ You are my friend ♪

-♪ You're special to me ♪

♪ There's only one ♪

--♪ In this wonderful world ♪

- ♪ You are special ♪
- Here.

♪ In the daytime ♪

- ♪ In the nighttime ♪

♪ Any time that you feel
is the right time ♪

♪ For a friendship with you ♪

♪ You seem F-R-I-E-N-D special ♪

♪ You are my friend ♪

♪ You're special to me ♪

♪ There's only one ♪

Chauncey, Thank You.
I'm so grateful, Chauncey. 
Thank you.

♪ You are special ♪ You are.

I would've just opened up 
at the slightest touch.

I would've just opened up, 
you know? You know that.

But you're so Strong that 
I can Trust Myself with you.

I'm glad you didn't open, Eve.

Move The Picture back and forth until it's in focus.

I see.

Is it in focus yet?


I'll show you another one.

See? There's two of that too.


Well, a long time ago people didn't have Television,
but they still liked to look
at Interesting Pictures.

And they would put
Pictures Like These
in a 
Special Viewer.

Thank you.

And they would look at them
very, very carefully.

Here, I'll show you another one.

They looked like cards.
Flash-cards from schools or something.

But they're really photographs.
Take a careful look at them.

The interesting thing 
about them is that 
They're Two.

One, Two.

And they look very much alike.

Here. I'll show you another one.

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