Thursday 6 January 2022

The Frontier

Do you know what The Trouble is? 


The Trouble is Earth


On Earth there is no poverty
no crime, no war
You look out the window 
of Starfleet Headquarters 
and You see Paradise
Well, it's easy to be A Saint in Paradise, 
but The Maquis Do Not Live in Paradise. 
Out there in The Demilitarised Zone, 
all the problems haven't been solved yet. 

Out there, there are no saints, just people
Angry, scared, determined people 
who are going to do 
whatever it takes to survive 
whether it meets with 
Federation approval or not

Makes sense to me. 

I'm glad someone understands. 


 Mister Eddington. 
I have just one question. Why? 

[on monitor]: 
Will knowing my personal motivation 
change anything at this point? 

No, I don't suppose it will. 

[on monitor]: 
Then let's table that for now. 
The only reason I've contacted you 
is to ask you to leave us alone

Our quarrel is with the Cardassians
not the Federation. 

Leave us alone and I can promise you 
you'll never hear from the Maquis again. 

Unless you see another shipment you want to hijack. 

[on monitor]: 
You keep sending replicators to Cardassia 
and you're going to have a lot more 
to worry about than hijackings. 

I don't respond well to threats. 
I thought you would know that by now. 
But I'm beginning to see that 
you don't know me at all

[on monitor]: 
I know you
I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes.
Open your eyes, Captain. 

Why is the Federation 
so obsessed about the Maquis? 

We've never harmed you, 
and yet we're constantly arrested 
and charged with terrorism. 

Starships chase us through the Badlands 
and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. 


 Because We've 
left The Federation, 
and that's the one thing 
you can't accept. 

Nobody leaves Paradise. 

Everyone should want to be 
in The Federation. 

Hell, you even want 
The Cardassians to join. 

You're only sending them replicators 
because one day they can take 
their rightful place 
on the Federation Council. 

You know, in some ways 
You're worse than 
The Borg. 

At least They tell You 
about Their Plans 
for assimilation. 

You're more insidious. 
You assimilate people 
and they don't even know it

You know what, Mister Eddington? 
I don't give a damn what you think of the Federation, the Maquis, or anything else. 

All I know is that you betrayed Your Oath, 
Your Duty, and me

And if it takes me the rest of my life, 
I will see you standing before a court-martial 
that'll break you and send you to a penal colony, 
where you will spend the rest of your days 
growing old and wondering whether 
a ship full of replicators was really worth it.

Les Miserables.

You know it?

I can't stand Victor Hugo. 
I tried reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I couldn't get through it. 
It was so melodramatic and his heroines are so two dimensional.

Eddington compares me to one of the characters, Inspector Javert. A policeman who relentlessly pursues a man named Valjean, guilty of a trivial offence, and in the end Javert's own inflexibility destroys him. He commits suicide.

You can't believe that description fits you. 
Eddington is just trying to get under your skin.

He did that eight months ago. 
What strikes me about this book is that 
Eddington said that it's one of his favourites.

There's no accounting for taste.

Let's think about it.
A Starfleet security officer is fascinated by a nineteenth century French melodrama, 
and now he's a leader of the Maquis,
 a resistance group fighting the noble battle 
against the evil Cardassians.

It sounds like he's living out his own fantasy.

Exactly. And you know what?
 Les Miserables isn't 
about The Policeman.
It's about Valjean, the victim 
of a monstrous injustice 
who spends his entire life 
helping people, making noble sacrifices 
for others. 

That's how Eddington sees himself. 
He's Valjean, he's Robin Hood, 
he's a romantic, dashing figure, 
fighting the good fight against insurmountable odds.

The secret life of Michael Eddington.
How does it help us?

Eddington is the hero of his own story. 
That makes me the villain. 

And what is it that every hero 
wants to do?

Kill the bad guy.

That's part of it. 
Heroes only kill when they have to.

Eddington could have killed me 
back in the refugee camp 
or when he disabled the Defiant, 
but in the best melodramas 
the villain creates a situation 
where the hero is forced 
to sacrifice himself 
for the people, for the cause. 
One final grand gesture.

What are you getting at, Benjamin?

I think it's time for me to become The Villain.

There are Heroes on Both Sides. 
Evil is Everywhere.

But think about those people you saw in the caves, 
huddled and starving. 
They didn't attack the Malinche.

You should have thought about that 
you attacked a Federation starship

(Sisko turns his back on the Eddington hologram

(Transmission ends)

Captain's log, supplemental. 
Resettlement efforts in the DMZ are underway. 
The Cardassian and Maquis colonists 
who were forced to abandon their homes 
will make new lives for themselves 
on the planets their counterparts evacuated. 

The balance in the region will be restored, 
though the situation remains far from stable.

He is The Chosen One.

He will bring Balance.

Are you all right? 

I talked with Worf.
 He doesn't want to have anything to do with me. 

Perhaps I should have a talk with him. 

Absolutely not. You intimidate him. 


Don't tell him I told you. 

I intimidate Worf, huh? 

You like that, don't you? 

Of course not. 

Come on. I've been a m

Assault on Precinct 13

“1977 brought 
a shift back to punk
as expressed in 
Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood’s 
clothes and music
bondage and restriction
amphetamine sulfate use, 
and angry, confrontational politics.

The comics boom of that cycle gave us 
Judge Dredd, 
Frank Miller’s 
gritty noir, 
Alan Moore’s 
harsh logical realism.”

Cop :
Well, are they out?
Then get them out!
Double your patrols.
Go ahead. Send them up there.

Don't call over here every time
another division stubs its toe.

What a night.
We've had a 3-12 every 15 minutes.
Twelve stolen cars, three burglaries,
eight aggravated assaults.
And it's not even 8:00.

Could be The Sunspots….
Pressure on The Atmosphere —
I heard it on The Radio.

At 7:00 I'm going over
to the new station on Ellendale.
You take over here
’til Weaver comes in at 4:00.

All you do is 
Answer The Telephone
Send over any strays.

There may be some
who still think 
This is a Police Station.

Are there any facilities left over here?

A couple of cells and a bathroom.

I don't understand 
why this place is still open.

Well, it is and it isn't, Lieutenant.
The result of transition.

I really think someone in 
The Central Office
wanted to give you something special on your first night out.

….That sure got around fast.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Police & Thieves


" There is No “Us” and No “Them” – There’s Just Us. And somehow We’re trying to make this thing work. And it does work.

Say, for instance… most of us here are mostly pretty counter-culture types – y’know, we like our drugs, we like this and that; we like breaking a few rules. 

But we don’t like The Police, in general. 

Who here Loves The Police? 

Hands up.

[ A single person applauds and  -- presumably -- raises their hand ]

Nice one! 

Coz I’m gonna teach you to love the police.

Why Do We Hate The Police? If we want to Change Things – everyone in here, let’s Go Down to The Local Precinct and Join Up. 

Are we gonna do it? 

Who here’s gonna do it with me? 

'Cuz I’m no' gannae Do It..!!

And why? Why are We not doing that?

["Coz they're dumb!"]

Right. So we’re hating these guys who’ve taken on this thing… we’ve chosen the biggest lunkheads in society to protect ourselves from The Fuckers in Rikers Island! 

Because We're scared of Them! 

Y’know, We are scared of Them. We are middle-class, libertarian liberals who are shit-scared of being raped in prison.

So we create The Police. And we get these lunkheads… who will obey what we tell them do to. They’ll actually obey us; those fuckers will do what we tell them

And we say to them: “Protect us from those real fuckers; those bikers, and those black guys, and all those awful guys who are gonna come and fuck us up and kill us and steal all our stuff.

We put The Police there. Right? We put Them There. And We don’t want to go There, because We are smart people; we are cool people. We don’t want to go and hit anyone. We don’t want to go and Enforce The Law – because We don’t really believe in it. But we know some poor bastard has to enforce it.

Why do We hate Those Guys when We put Them There?

Why do we hate ourselves for creating This Society?

Why are so many people in America obsessed with Marilyn Manson; corpses; dead people; misery; John Wayne Gacy… 

John Wayne Gacy’s a fucking prick. 

Y’know, he killed a few people and did some shitty paintings. What’s that? Why should we be engaged with that? And yet that has become.. what, “Apocalypse Culture“?

Where do we go from there, that isn’t that? Where do we go that isn’t playing with our own shite?

The Answer… back to The Individual.

If The Individual doesn’t work – if Patrick McGoohan was wrong; Number 6 was wrong to stand on that beach screaming “I am not a number, I am a free man!” – what do we have left?

Because ultimately the guy who’s not a number and not a free man experiences neurosis, the longer he goes down that path. I’m sure there’s a bunch of people here, like me, who eventually… you’ve worked your way through this stuff; you’ve read the books, you’ve done this shit; you’ve taken the drugs; you’ve been there, you’ve seen it. We’ve all experienced enlightenment in little bits. You know it’s out there; you know this stuff is true : 

The Consensus doesn’t explain our lives. But what does?

Imagine getting rid of the individual. Imagine getting rid of that scaffolding. What do we have left? And here’s what I’m about to offer:

The more I looked into it, the more I began to see that we have these mutants living among us, right now. 

The people from the 21st Century; from the end of the 21st Century are here. But there is no context for them. 

In the same way that – y’know, if you lived in… Tunguska two hundred years ago, and you were an epileptic, you would be a shaman. There was a context for you. In This Society, you’re an epileptic. It’s quite simple; it’s a disease, and nothing you say is of any worth because it’s considered pathology.

If, on the other hand, you look at these people, who are The Mutants… and what do they call it? Multiple Personality Disorder.

This is what lies Beyond The Personality, Beyond The “I”, Beyond The Bullshit.

Because if you take “I” to the limit – and like I said, I’m sure a lot of us here have done this – it becomes…all that happens is that Self Questions Self. 

Endlessly; repetitively

Am I doing this right? 

Is this the right way? 

Should I think about these people like this? 

Should I approach them this way?

Should I involve them this way?” 

Self questions Self, endlessly, and it reaches a peak… it goes nowhere.

On the national scale, that same thing – self questions self; self encounters not-self; equals borders, war, destruction.. that’s where it goes. That’s where it ends. That thing ends in disaster.

It ends in neurosis on a personal level. And it ends in war on the national level.

So I began to think: “What could we replace that with?” And I was looking at these poor MPD fuckers. And I realised they just don’t have a context.

What would happen if we decided to abandon the personality, and replace it with a multiple personality complex? Because as we all know – everyone in here, I’m sure.. I mean, I feel as if I can say this for certain, knowing human beings as they are: 

Sometimes you do things that you don’t want to do. 

Sometimes you do things that are contradictory to what you think

Sometimes you fuck yourself up.

Why? Because there’s not one person in here; there’s hundreds.

And if you start giving them names, and you start shuffling them about; if you start playing with them, you become a bigger human being. 

Because you’ve no longer allowed yourself to stop at your boundaries.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Redheads are The Wildcard

Q. :
Blondes or Brunettes?

David Lynch :
For Me, personally, it's BRUNETTES --

The Homeric Legends: Crossing the Threshold

Mythologist Joseph Campbell discusses one of the first adventures in Homer's Odyssey, 
Odysseus and his crew's descent across 
The Threshold of Adventure — 
The Encounter with the man-eating Cyclops 

Ambitious Asian :
I don't get it.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
What don't you get?

Ambitious Asian :
The whole thing. It doesn't make sense.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
It VIOLATE Common Sense.
That's the WHOLE Point.
That's what Einstein couldn't accept.

Ambitious Asian :
I can't accept it either --
Do you know anything about spontaneous human combustion?

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Walter, come on.
That's Schrodinger's Cat.

Ambitious Asian :
I know, I know.
So what's The Point?

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) : 
The Point is, until The Cat is Observed BY SOMEONE,
he's not in ANY definite state,
either Alive OR Dead.

He's in a wave superposition state, 
both Dead AND Alive at The SAME Time.

Ambitious Asian :

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Okay --
ONLY when WE Open The Box and OBSERVE The Cat
does he materialise into Reality, either Dead or Alive.

Ambitious Asian :
But it doesn't make sense.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
That is The ENTIRE, 
Complete Point.

It doesn't make any 
Our Common Sense 
on a subatomic level.

Ambitious Asian :
Why do I want a PhD in THIS?

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Particle beam weapons, research grants.

Ambitious Asian :
A millionaire when I'm 40 --
NOW I Remember.

Well, sleep with him. Get an "A".

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
So what about your plans?

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
I was gonna study, actually.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
Me too. I'm Brian Marsh, by the way, 
since we're spending the weekend together.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
I know. Catherine Danforth.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
I know.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
So where did you transfer from?

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
Kneale. Theoretical Physics.
I came here to study with Birack.
You're Applied Physics, right?
So why are you taking Birack for Theory?

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
I wanna know 
what The Math means.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
Birack's ruthless.
He wants Philosophers, not Scientists.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Well, I've read his books.
He's a brilliant man.
Just when I think I've got it, visualised it, it just all goes away.

I start seeing old-fashioned 
Classical Reality again.

I want The Clockwork back.
I wanna put it all into A Little Box.

But whenever I try, it just, uh, SLITHERS OUT.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
Some things aren't changed by Quantum Physics though.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Such as?

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/Jor-El :
Well, for instance,
Every Theoretical Physicist I know wonders why it is that
No one who Looks Like You ever seems to settle down 
in our end of The Building.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
That's Not True and That's An Extremely Sexist Thing to Say.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/ Jor-El :
Confirmed Sexist and Proud OF it.
Hey. I was just joking.
What Happened?

You Talk Numbers, You Get Romantic.
You Talk People, You Clam Up.

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Just a little miscue, that's all.
It's not your fault.
I'm sorry. I'll see you later.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/ Jor-El :
Hey, wait --
This Conversation isn't What I Had in Mind --
Can We Start Over?

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/ Jor-El :
Okay --

"I was hoping that you would need some help with Your Theory,
and that maybe we could discuss it over... over Dinner or Something."

BABALON, The Scarlett Woman --
(Redheads are The Wildcard) :
Well, I suppose something could be arranged.
There are other things that I need help with... over dinner.

That's Why it's Been Left up to Me and Me and Me.

Well, I'll Do My Best
but I can't make any promises

In that case, you'd better consult those 
All-Powerful superiors 
of yours for their advice.

Oh, I don't think that'd 
do any good --
At The Moment They're far 
from being All-Powerful. 

That's why it's been left up 
to Me and Me and Me.

Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor - 
This time there's three of us

The Moment : 
You wanted a big red button.

(A red, rose-like button stands on 
a stalk above the Moment box.)

The Moment : 
One big bang, No More Time Lords. 
No More Daleks. Are you sure?

The Warrior : 
I was sure when I came in here. 
There is No Other Way.

The Moment : 
You've seen the men you will become.

The Warrior : 
Those men. Extraordinary.

The Moment : 
They were you.

The Warrior : 
No. They are 
The Doctor.

The Moment : 
You're The Doctor, too.

The Warrior
No. Great Men are forged in Fire. 
It is the privilege of lesser Men 
to Light The Flame, 
whatever The Cost.

(His hand hesitates over The Button as he
 recalls the sound of children's laughter.)

The Moment : 
You know the sound The TARDIS makes..?
 That wheezing, groaning
That sound brings Hope 
wherever it goes.

The Warrior : 
Yes. Yes, I like to think it does.

The Moment : 
To anyone who hears it, Doctor. 
Anyone, however lost.

(and, in Stereo, as well..!)

The Moment : 
Even you.

(Two TARDISes park themselves in The Barn. 
Enter The Doctors and Clara.)

I told you -- He hasn't done it yet.

The Warrior : 
Go away now, all of you. 
This is for Me.

Perfect-10 : 
These events should be Time-locked. 
We shouldn't even be here.

The Chin : 
So something let us through.

The Moment : 
You clever boys.

The Warrior : 
Go back. Go back to Your Lives. 
Go and Be The Doctor 
that I could never be. 
Make it worthwhile.

Perfect-10 : 
All those years, burying you 
in My Memory.

The Chin : 
Pretending you didn't exist. 
Keeping you A Secret, even from myself.

Perfect-10 : 
Pretending you weren't The Doctor, 
when you were The Doctor 
more than anybody else.

The Chin : 
You were The Doctor on The Day 
it wasn't possible to get it right.

Perfect-10 : 
But this time...

The Chin : 
....You don't have to do it alone.

(They put their hands 
on The Button together.)

The Warrior : 
Thank you.

Perfect-10 : 
What We Do today is not 
out of fear or hatred. 
It is done because 
there is No Other Way.

The Chin : 
And it is done In The Name 
of the many lives we are 
failing to Save.

(He glances over at Clara, 
who shakes her head,
in the corner of his eye.)

The Chin : 
What is it? What....?


The Chin : 
No, it's something. Tell me.

You told me you wiped out 
Your Own People. I just.... 
I never pictured you 
doing it, that's all.

The Moment :
 Take a closer look.

(It suddenly goes dark.)

What's happening?

The Warrior : 
Nothing. It's a projection.

The Moment : 
It's The Reality around you.

(They are seeing Gallifrey at War.)

...These are the people you're going to burn?

Perfect-10 : 
There isn't anything we can do.

The Chin : 
He's right. There isn't another way. 
There never was. Either I 
Destroy My Own People or 
let The Universe burn.

Look at You. The Three of You. 
The Warrior, The Hero, and You.

The Chin : 
And What am I?

Have you really forgotten?

The Chin : 
Yes. Maybe, yes.

We've got enough Warriors. 
Any old idiot can Be a Hero.

The Chin :
Then What Do I Do?

What you've always done. Be a Doctor. 
You told me The Name You Chose was 
A Promise -- What was The Promise?

(The Fighting seems to have stopped on Gallifrey.)

Perfect-10 : 
Never Cruel or Cowardly.

The Warrior
Never give upnever give in.
(The images vanish.)

Perfect-10 : 
You're not actually suggesting that we 
change Our Own Personal History?

The Chin : 
We change History all the time. 
I'm suggesting far worse.

The Warrior : 
What, exactly?

The Chin : 
Gentlemen, I have had 
four hundred years to think about 
this -- I've changed My Mind.

(He sonics The Big Red Button 
back into The Moment Box.)

The Warrior : 
There's still a billion billion Daleks 
up there, attacking.

The Chin : 
Yeah, there is. There is.

Perfect-10 : 
But there's something those billion 
billion Daleks don't know.

The Chin : 
Because if they did, they'd probably 
send for reinforcements.

What? What don't they know?

The Chin : 
This time, there's Three of Us.

The Warrior : 
Oh! Oh, yes, that is good
That is brilliant!

Perfect-10 : 
Oh, oh, oh, I'm getting that too
That is brilliant!

The Chin : 
Ha, ha, ha! I've been thinking 
about it for centuries.

The Warrior : 
She didn't just show me any old future, 
she showed me exactly 
The Future I needed to see.

The Moment : 
Now you're getting it.

The Chin : 
Eh? Who did?

The Warrior : 
Oh, Bad Wolf girl, 
I could kiss you.

The Moment : 
Yup, that's going to Happen.

Perfect-10 : 
Sorry, did you just say 'Bad Wolf'?

So what are we doing? 
What's The Plan?

The Warrior : 
The Dalek fleets are surrounding Gallifrey, firing on it constantly.

Perfect-10 :
 The SkyTrench is holding, 
but What if the whole planet 
just disappeared?

Tiny bit of an ask.

Perfect-10 : 
The Daleks would be 
firing on each other
They'd destroy themselves 
in their own crossfire.

The Warrior : 
Gallifrey would be gone, 
The Daleks would be destroyed, 
and it would look to 
The Rest of The Universe 
as if they'd annihilated each other.

But where would Gallifrey be?

Perfect-10 : 
Frozen. Frozen in an instant of time, 
safe and hidden away.

The Chin : 

The Warrior : 
Like Painting.

Jack Parsons/Captain Marvel/ Jor-El :
Could be A Warning -- 
To show Us What's 
Going to Happen.
A sort of... remote camera 
view of The Future....
So that We can 

Someone Has FINALLY
Shown-up to Tell Us :
I Think it's Time We Stood-up 
for What We ARE.

Sleight of Hand

prince of darkness best scene