Showing posts with label Angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angel. Show all posts

Saturday 12 December 2020

The Dad God

“I leave you gentlemen now. And you will now write it. 
You will interpret it. That’s Your Right. 

But as I leave you, I want you to know: 
Just think how much you’re going to be missing. 

You Won’t Have Osiris to Kick Around Anymore. 
Because, gentlemen, this is My Last Press Conference.”

So, the next Aeon from Christ onward is The Aeon of Osiris, The Dying and Resurrected God. Osiris is also The Law Giver and He brings with Him The Written Word, so now ideas can be enshrined in books and books can outlast generations and they take on the aura of Gods Themselves.

God Himself is present in the works of the Bible. God Himself is present in the Quran. So certainly, there’s this programming code language, the instructional Dad Language, which can take people over just from reading a book and turn them into Agents of The Dad God’s Expansionist, Controlling Agenda. This is when Nature goes from Provider to something that exists to be tamed and exploited. That’s The Aeon of Osiris.

Following Osiris, comes this fiery breakdown, the child Horus is the son of Osiris and he’s every jihadi, every warrior, every rock star reformer, every young man who sees as his sacred mission the tearing down of structures, the questioning of rules. It’s punk rock, “I gotta tear it all down.” But running in tandem with that, according to Kenneth Grant, is the shadow Aeon of Ma’at, Horus’ sister and she’s the goddess of truth and balance and harmony and all that Wonder Woman stuff.

For me, having gone through the Abyss of Da’ath in the Thelema structure of initiation — having undergone that in a really experiential and exhausting way, I found myself in the Qabbalistic sphere of Binah, and The Entire World suddenly looked very different and made sense in different configurations which re-energized the work I’d been doing.  

  You remember at the height of The First Lockdown, all the churches were empty, all the sports stadiums were empty, all the mosques were empty, all the temples were empty. 
So, The Dad God had nowhere to go.

"I think that Star Wars is a Valid Mythological Perspective.

It shows The State as a Machine and asks:
"Is The Machine going to crush Humanity, or Serve Humanity?"
And Humanity comes not from The Machine, but from The Heart.

Luke. Help me take This Mask off.

But you’ll die.


I feel a little guilty.

Don't. I mean, $19 for a sashimi couscous appetizer is money well spent. 
How was it anyway? Pretty good? 
I mean, it ought to be pretty...

It's delicious but that's not what I feel guilty about.


(Sees Wesley looking at him

I 'm Not Cheap, I-I'm just Old. 

(Slipping into a slight Irish accent) 
I-I remember when a few bob got you a good meal, a bottle *and* a Tavern Wench... were saying?


"As for Captain America himself,  Steve Rogers, a skinny non-com who volunteered for a military experiment designed to turn an ordinary man into a superwarrior. Like My Dad, or Jack Kirby, Steve just wanted a crack at Hitler. And, like many men in the populations of the Allied nations, he reckoned he could take the scrawny little paperhanger if only there weren’t thousands of miles of occupied territory, barbed wire, soldiers, tanks, and minefields between the sniveling Adolf and the proud fist of retribution.

     Unlike Superman or Batman, Captain America was a soldier with Permission to Kill. Until this point, the superheroes operated on the fringes of The Law, but Captain America’s violent work was endorsed by The Constitution itself! Turned down for the military, Steve applied for an experimental treatment of Super Soldier Serum and Vita-Rays. Before the formula could be mass-produced, its creator was murdered by Nazi agents, leaving a newly brawny and supercharged Steve Rogers as Uncle Sam’s one and only supersoldier.

     Each issue of Captain America was kinetic, brutally overwrought, and sensationalistic. Every cover featured a brand-new tableau of imminent superatrocity: A girl, her blouse ripped to ribbons, writhes on a medieval torture rack while a leering hunchback, preferably sporting swastika tattoos, threatens her cleavage with a glowing poker; Captain America launches himself through a wall on a motorcycle, destroying a portrait of Hitler on the way and simultaneously repelling a hail of bullets with his Stars and Stripes shield, while his faithful teen partner, Bucky, mows down Ratzis with the feral glee of a William S. Burroughs wild boy. There would invariably be some combination of boiling oil, rabid gorillas, vampires, or fiendish snake-fanged Japanese involved. Every square inch of illustration contained a frozen moment of grotesque threat or swashbuckling derring-do.

     Kirby relied on his remarkable drawing skills to provide a living for his family and was serious about selling his books in an overcrowded market. Where Superman had flown the Axis leaders to an international court of law, Captain America took the fantasy to its far more satisfying next level. Kirby knew that wish-fulfillment pictures of American superheroes punching out Hitler’s teeth would sell magazines in a fearful world, and his instincts were right. In Captain America, Simon and Kirby gave America’s troops, in the field or at home, a hero they could call their own."



Crowley said that the general tenor of the last six thousand years of human civilization could be summed up by the personalities of a family of Egyptian gods. And the first two thousand years up to the birth of Christ, this was the Age of Isis, the Mother Goddess, where people were hunter/gatherers or early agrarians living off the land, relying on ‘Mother Earth’, the seasons and the tides. 

So, the next Aeon from Christ onward is the Aeon of Osiris, The Dying and Resurrected God. Osiris is also The Law Giver and He brings with Him The Written Word, so now Ideas can be enshrined in Books and Books can outlast Generations and they take on The Aura of Gods Themselves.

God Himself is present in the works of The Bible. God Himself is present in The Quran. So certainly, there’s this programming code language, the instructional Dad language, which can take people over just from reading a book and turn them into agents of The Dad God’s Expansionist, Controlling Agenda. This is when Nature goes from Provider to something that exists to be Tamed and Exploited. That’s The Aeon of Osiris.

Following Osiris, comes this fiery breakdown, the child Horus is the son of Osiris and he’s every jihadi, every warrior, every rock star reformer, every young man who sees as his sacred mission the tearing down of structures, the questioning of rules. It’s punk rock, “I gotta tear it all down.” But running in tandem with that, according to Kenneth Grant, is the shadow Aeon of Ma’at, Horus’ sister and she’s the goddess of truth and balance and harmony and all that Wonder Woman stuff.

For me, having gone through the Abyss of Daath in the Thelema structure of initiation — having undergone that in a really experiential and exhausting way, I found myself in the Qabbalistic sphere of Binah, and the entire world suddenly looked very different and made sense in different configurations which re-energized the work I’d been doing.  

So, I decided to accept that the Aeon of Ma’at was coming down fast and I tried to align all my thinking with that, which provided me with a new bunch of metaphors and ways of framing the world. Imagine all this division and deconstruction was just a corridor we’re passing through. All the fractioning and separation —that’s typical of Horus. We can see the hand of Horus in the modern-day tearing down of monuments and statues. He’s kicking the fuck out of formerly stable systems all around the world. That’s exactly what you would expect of this spirit that Crowley said manifested first in 1913. But for me, I think he made his presence felt quite clearly on 9/11.

You can easily organize the evidence to suggest that there is an Aeon of Horus occurring now. Where systems are being taken down, where everything’s being questioned and audited, and the past is subject to major revision. So, there’s also some fun to be had in thinking “Ok, if this is actually playing out in some symbolic fashion, then what might The Aeon of Ma’at look like, artistically?’

And to me it looks like the rise of marginalized voices, it looks like more women coming into the discourse. It looks like trans people coming into the discourse. It looks like all the opportunities for groups who were disempowered by The Patriarchy, who couldn’t speak before to have their say.

Ma’at – what would her signature disease be? Well it might be a distributed network, a viral malady that could attack all of humanity. What would happen if she emptied the houses of the old gods as a show of possibility? You remember at the height of the first lockdown, all the churches were empty, all the sports stadiums were empty, all the mosques were empty, all the temples were empty. 
So, The Dad God had nowhere to go.




It is a hot moment. Temperatures are rising, Artic ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, and people may be unconsciously registering all that, and doing a horrible job at it. Instead of dealing with one’s own sense of panic, constriction, and fear it looks like many people are just running hot.

GM: I feel like every word we say is now a potential indictment, you know. The last malignant thrashing of the passing Aeon of Osiris. 

The Echoes of The Inquisition, accusations of ‘WrongThink’, The Return of Original Sin, The Demonic GLEE taken in any stumble or falter from The Approved Path seems almost mediaeval. 

It’s terrifying. 

The potential for misunderstanding is almost infinite and its almost fated that we will struggle to abide by Rules That Grow ever more Authoritarian and Specific every day. 

Again, all that feels to me like the last ferocious attempts at asserting its fading Power by The Osiris Energy of The Last 2000 years, now gone Rotten and Unsustainable but trying HARDER to Keep Everything and Everybody under Increasingly Deranged levels of Control in every area of our lives.


Tuesday 12 February 2019

"There are Two Reasons Things Fall Apart." - Jordan Peterson

1) The Best lack all conviction. 
2) The Worst are full of passionate intensity.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre  
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere  
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst  
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.  
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out  
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert  
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,  
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,  
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it  
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.  
The darkness drops again; but now I know  
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,  
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,  
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Wednesday 23 May 2018

You're Welcome

King Lear is a Helluva Play...

Cordelia walks into Angel's office as he puts on his blazer.

(walks up to Angel)
you feel good?

I do. I just...I kind of feel bad about it.

My God, you are a piece of work.

I just don't feel like I deserve... 
I mean, all I did was beat up a tiny Texan. 
It's not like I helped anyone. 
(sits on the chair arm)

Sure you did.


Boy, I really do fall for the dumb ones. 
You know how you're always trying to save, oh, every single person in The World? 
Did it ever occur to you you were one of them?

No, it never did.

Well, you made the list, gorgeous. 
And you needed some help.

And you were the one that helped me.

I did my part. 
(sits beside Angel)

Lindsey wasted a lot of energy trying to make me doubt myself. I know it's not even close to over, but I do feel like I can do this. Wolfram & Hart, whatever's coming, I feel like we can beat it.

I know.

You do?

I always did. I... I just needed you to know it, too.

So all that stuff about the deals with the devil...

Was God's honest truth. 
(looks at Angel)
But you're bigger than that. You'll win this in the end. 
(stands, steps away)
I, uh... just wish I could be there to see it.

What do you mean? You're not...

(turns to face Angel)
I can't stay. This isn't me anymore. You can say good-bye to the gang for me, explain everything once you understand.

That's gonna be never. 
(walks toward her)
I need you here.

(with tears in her eyes)
Don't make it hard, Angel. I'm just on a different road... and this is my off-ramp. The Powers That Be owed me one, and I didn't waste it. I got my guy back on track.

Cordy, there's just—

(touches his face)
We take what we can get, champ, and we do our best with it. I'll be seeing you. 
(smiles through her tears, turns to walk out of the office)
(stops, turns around, walks quickly up to Angel)
Oh, what the hell. One for the road? 
(kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings)

You know, um... I don't...I don't need to get that.

(tenderly straightens his tie)
That you have to get. 
(Angel walks toward the phone)
Oh... and you're welcome.

(answers the phone)
Hello. Yes, I know. She's... but that's impossible. She's standing right— 
(turns to look for Cordelia, but she's not there; he becomes visibly upset)
I'm sorry. Yeah. 
(choking up)
When did she die? Did she, um... she never did wake up? I see. 
(hangs up, looks out to where Cordelia was standing moments earlier)
Thank you.

Fade to black.

Cordelia walks into Angel's office as he puts on his blazer.

(walks up to Angel)
you feel good?

I do. I just...I kind of feel bad about it.

My God, you are a piece of work.

I just don't feel like I deserve...
I mean, all I did was beat up a tiny Texan. It's not like I helped anyone.
(sits on the chair arm)

Sure you did.


Boy, I really do fall for the dumb ones. You know how you're always trying to save, oh, every single person in the world? Did it ever occur to you you were one of them?

No, it never did.

Well, you made the list, gorgeous. And you needed some help.

And you were the one that helped me.

I did my part.
(sits beside Angel)

Lindsey wasted a lot of energy trying to make me doubt myself. I know it's not even close to over, but I do feel like I can do this. Wolfram & Hart, whatever's coming, I feel like we can beat it.

I know.

You do?

I always did. I... I just needed you to know it, too.

So all that stuff about the deals with the devil...

Was God's honest truth.
(looks at Angel)
But you're bigger than that. You'll win this in the end.
(stands, steps away)
I, uh... just wish I could be there to see it.

What do you mean? You're not...

(turns to face Angel)
I can't stay. This isn't me anymore. You can say good-bye to the gang for me, explain everything once you understand.

That's gonna be never.
(walks toward her)
I need you here.

(with tears in her eyes)
Don't make it hard, Angel. I'm just on a different road... and this is my off-ramp. The Powers That Be owed me one, and I didn't waste it. I got my guy back on track.

Cordy, there's just—

(touches his face)
We take what we can get, champ, and we do our best with it. I'll be seeing you.
(smiles through her tears, turns to walk out of the office)
(stops, turns around, walks quickly up to Angel)
Oh, what the hell. One for the road?
(kisses Angel, but moments later, the telephone rings)

You know, um... I don't...I don't need to get that.

(tenderly straightens his tie)
That you have to get.
(Angel walks toward the phone)
Oh... and you're welcome.

(answers the phone)
Hello. Yes, I know. She's... but that's impossible. She's standing right—
(turns to look for Cordelia, but she's not there; he becomes visibly upset)
I'm sorry. Yeah.
(choking up)
When did she die? Did she, um... she never did wake up? I see.
(hangs up, looks out to where Cordelia was standing moments earlier)
Thank you.

Fade to black.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

The Teller of Uncomfortable Truths.

"Part of Angel's trouble is that he refuses to listen to the person who most frequently Tells him The Truth in the course of this season : Spike, who reverts to his Buffy Seasons Two to Four status as 
The Trickster Teller of Uncomfortable Truths. "

Kes is certainly an Elf or a Pixie - 
a Trickster, to be sure, but an entirely too benign one.

She lacks Danger.

What you need instead, is...
A Dark Fairy

Admiral? Some of us were talking 
before class and we were curious. 

How extensive was Seven of Nine's 
involvement with Unimatrix Zero?

I'd, er, prefer not to discuss 
Seven of Nine.

Yes, ma'am. Sorry.

[Cargo Bay two]

(Seven is regenerating. Janeway enters and turns off her alcove.)


Step down, please. 

Seven, you disobeyed my direct orders
and as a result you condemned 
A Sentient Being to its Death. 

[ But she isn't part of the Command Stucture - neither were Kes and nor is Neelix. Her subordination to the onboard hierarchy is volitional and only The Captain can give her orders. And we know this - for example - because not Chakotay or Torres can tell Neelix what to do in his kitchen, except as directed to by The Captain, when acting with her authority.  ]

By doing so, I also diverted the Hirogen attack. 
An attack which would have destroyed us. 

Maybe not. 
In any case, The Decision wasn't yours to make. 

[ It bloody well was if it could have killed her (or others), which it could. ]

The creature broke through the forcefield. 
I had no choice. 

I didn't come here to debate your decision. 
I came here to inform you of the consequences. 

When you first came to Voyager, 
I decided to grant you the same liberties and freedoms 
of any crew member, 
because I wanted you to be 
A Part of This Family.
And I've been willing to accommodate 
your unique way of doing things, 
even when you rubbed somebody the wrong way 
or violated protocol. 

But this time, 
I can't accommodate you. 

From this point forward, 
you will no longer have access 
to any primary systems on this ship. 
Not without my direct authorisation. 

If you attempt to circumvent me, 
I'll throw you in the Brig. 

I still need your expertise 
in the Astrometrics lab if you're willing. 

If not, you can spend your time here 
in the Cargo Bay. 

Is that understood? 


(Janeway turns to leave.

It is puzzling

What's that? 

You made me into 
An Individual. 

You encouraged me to stop thinking 
like a member of The Collective, 
to cultivate My Independence 
and My Humanity. 

But when I try to assert 
That Independence 
I am punished

Individuality has its limits, 
especially on a starship where there's 
A Command Structure. 

[ Which she, very explicitly, is not in. ]

I believe that you are punishing me 
Because I do not think the way you do. 
Because I am not becoming 
more like you. 

You claim to respect My Individuality, 
but in fact you are frightened by it.

As you were.