Saturday 10 December 2022

Okay. Magic Time.

Willow, The Witch :
Okay. Magic Time. 
You ready to -- Kill Me? 

Kennedy :
Starting to be. 

Willow, The Witch :
Good. Fun. Great
Brace Yourself -- 

Kennedy :
Come on, Red — Make it Happen….

Spike :
Not to be a buzz kill, luv... 
But my fabulous accessory isn't exactly 
tingling with Power.

I'm not worried. 

I'm getting zero juice here.
And I look like Elizabeth Taylor.

Cheer up, Liz —
If Willow's big spell doesn't work... 
It won't matter what you wear. 

I'm not worried. 
I'm not worried. 

Really? 'Cause I'm flashing back 
to Xander's whole bathroom speech….. 


I'm not worried. 
Long as Willow can work 
her spell before They... 
….See Us. 

Kennedy :


So here's The Part where 
You make A Choice
What if You could have 
that Power? Now

In Every Generation,
One Slayer is born... 
Because a bunch of Men who died 
thousands of years ago made up that Rule.
 They were Powerful Men. 
This Woman... 
Is more Powerful than 
All of Them combined


So I Say We Change The Rule. 
I Say My Power should 
Be Our Power. 

Tomorrow, Willow will use 
The Essence of The Scythe... 
To Change Our Destiny. 

From now on
Every girl in The World... 
Who might be A Slayer... 
Will be A Slayer. 

Every girl who could 
have The Power, 
will have The Power. 

Can stand up, 
will stand up. 

Slayers. Every One of Us
Make Your Choice :
Are You Ready to be Strong? 

These guys are dust

Willow? You... are 
a Goddess. 

And You're a Slayer. 
Get this to Buffy. 

Ha! That was nifty

Kennedy, The 
Vampire Slayer :
Buffy! Catch
…I could get used to this

They're leaving! They're retreating! 
I think they're coming. 

Anya :
Oh, god. I'm terrified
I didn't think —
I mean, I-I just figured 
you'd be terrified... And 
I would be sarcastic about it. 

Picture Happy Things --A Lake. 
Candy canes. Bunnies. 

Bunnies. Floppy, hoppy... 

I have swimmer's ear! 

Buffy! Look at this thing now. 
I think it's- 

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer :
Keep The Line Together! 
Drive Them to The Edge! 
We cannot let Them - 

Buffy takes a bad one to the gut 
and falls to the ground, bleeding.

Faith, The Vampire Slayer :

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer :
The Line…..

We call it the greenhouse effect. 
Very dangerous. 


The First Evil :
Oh, no. Ow. Mommy, 
this mortal wound is all itchy
You pulled a nice Trick. 
You came pretty close 
to smacking me down. 
What more do you want? 

I want you... To get out of my face

Oh, bollocks. - Buffy! - Spike! 

Everybody out! Now
I can feel it, Buffy. 


My Soul…. It's really there
…kinda stings
Get out of the way!


Hurry up! The Bus. 
Get 'em on the bus! 

EverybodyThis Way! 

Anya? Anya? - 

Go on, then. 
No. No, you've done enough.
You could still- 

No. You've beat them back. 
It's for me to do the clean-up. 

Buffy, come on! 

Gotta move, lamb — 
Think it's fair to say, school's out
for bloody summer. 

Spike - 

I mean it. I gotta do this. 

…I Love You. 

No, You Don't
But thanks for sayin' it. 
Now, go — I want to see 
How it Ends. 

Oh, it's okay. Look at me! 
This is nothing! Stay awake! 
This is nothing
Why didn't I die? Ease off. 
We're clear. I don't understand. 
What did this? 


So did you see? 

Andrew :
I-I was scared. I'm sorry. 

Xander Harris, 
Agent of Nothing :
Did you see what happened? 

Andrew :
I mean, was she - 
She was incredible
She Died Saving My Life. 

Xander Harris, 
Agent of Nothing :
That's My Girl
Always doing the stupid thing. 

It's not bad. You just sit here. 

I'll get someone -- hey. 

Did- did we make it? 

We made it. We won. 

Faith, The Vampire Slayer :
Looks like The Hellmouth is officially closed for business. 

Giles :
There's another one in Cleveland —
….not to spoil The Moment. 

We Saved The World.

 We changed The World --
I can feel them, Buffy. All over. 
Slayers are awakening everywhere.

We'll have to find them. 

We will. 

Yes, because the mall was 
actually in Sunnydale... 
So there's no hope of 
going there Tomorrow. 

We destroyed The Mall
I fought on the wrong side…! 
All those shops gone --
The Gap, Starbucks, Toys "r" Us….
Who will remember all those landmarks unless we 
Tell The World about them? 
We have a lot of Work ahead of Us. 

Can I push him in? 

You've got my vote. 

I just want to sleep, yo. 
For, like, a week. 
I guess we all could, if we wanted to. 
Yeah. The First is scrunched, so -- 
What Do You Think 
We Should Do, Buffy? 

Yeah, You're not 
The One and Only 
Chosen anymore. 
Just gotta live like A Person. 
How's that feel? 

Yeah, Buffy -- What are we 
gonna do now?

Buffy smiles.

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