Tuesday 20 December 2022


Int. Sleeping quarters. The Past.

An orderly wheels in RIMMER, who is strapped into a wheelchair and
dressed in hospital clothing -- a thin gown, socks and a plastic cap. 

LISTER, still dressed in his space-suit, is fast asleep on his bunk.

So, they won't come back again?

Just stay calm, keep cool….
and get some sleep.

RIMMER: (seeing LISTER) 
There he is, sleeping like a baby….
I'm gonna get better, and 
then I'm gonna kill him.

The orderly unstraps RIMMER from the chair, then helps him over to his bed.

If you need anything — Call Holly.

The orderly leaves. RIMMER sits on the edge of his bunk, thoroughly
depressed. What's about to happen will not alleviate this state.

RIMMER: (muffled
I don't want You to panic, Arnold, 
but I've had a jolly good think
and I think I know how 
to explain this to You.

He sticks his head above the table. His past self stares at him with a
mixture of fear, shock and abject horror.


Hi — I'm staying calm this time…..

He is not, although fighting valiantly for Control.


Just then CAT and LISTER enter. The past RIMMER does a double take, looking from the LISTER on the bunk to the one in the doorway.

Yo, Rimmer, there you are — 
we’ve been looking everywhere.

Not now, Lister….

RIMMER: (very tense
TWO Listers..!!! 
….and a strange man with large teeth!

Hey, I'm a Cat!

RIMMER: (not a well man
Oh, of course you're a cat! 
Come in, sit down, there's plenty of room..!

Just then who should drop by but the just-married couple, LISTER and KOCHANSKI.


RIMMER: (losing it fast
THREE Listers!! Splendid!!! 

Perhaps Listerhere would like 
to go over to the fridge 
and open a bottle of wine 
for Lister and Lister!!!!??
Rimmer, here doesn't drink, because he's dead
but I wouldn't mind a glass!!!!!

I don't want anyone 
to get into a flap here, 
but I'm the RIMMER 
who's from the double-
double future.

He rises from the dresser in the corner and steps forward. He is dressed in a tux (He has, after all, just been to a wedding), and has a thin mustache.

I'm the Rimmer who's with 
the Lister who married Kochanski

Now, from this point on
things get a little bit confusing...

Everyone begins talking at once, talking over one another, arguing and berrating both one another 
and themselves — 
(Dogs + Cats) Living,  Together

(the calm before the storm) Please
Before anyone says anything else, 
I'd just like to make a little speech —
(flipping out completely


Close-up on RIMMER's mouth as he screams, and fade out.

 The End.

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