Friday 21 October 2022


Yeah, "Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!".....
Fuck 'em.
If They had not DONE 
What I Told Them NOT to Do --

They'd still be alive.

Mr. Blonde, 
The Psychopath.

Tony Stark threatens Loki "We have a Hulk"

It's not The Gunbut 
The Hard Heart that Kills.

-- Kubrick.

One cannot Change 
what one Does Not Accept.

-- Jung.

Please Tell Me 
You're going to appeal 
to My Humanity

Tony Stark : 
Uh, actually I'm planning 
to threaten you.

Loki : 
You should have left 
Your Armor on for that.

Tony Stark : 
Yeah. It's seen a bit of mileage and You got 
The Glow-Stick of Destiny, over there -- 
Would you like a drink?

Loki : Stalling me won't change anything

Tony Stark : 
No, no no, threatening
No drink? You sure? I'm having one.

Dr. Stephen Strange
Thank you for the books 
and for the horrifying story and... 
for the threat upon my life.

Steve Rogers : 
Big man in a suit of armour. 
Take that off, what are you?

Tony Stark : 
Genius, billionaire, 
playboy, philanthropist.

Steve Rogers : 
I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage -- The only thing you really fight for is yourself. 
You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play, 
to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.

Tony Stark : 
I think I would just cut the wire.

Steve Rogers : 
Always a way out... 
You know, you may not be a threat, 
but you better stop pretending to be a hero.

Tony Stark
A Hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. 
Everything Special about you 
came out of a bottle!

Steve Rogers
Put on The Suit. 
Let's go a few rounds.

Natasha Romanoff
[all arguing in the lab]  
Are you really that dense? 
S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors potential threats.

Bruce Banner
Captain America is on threat watch?

Natasha Romanoff
We ALL are!

Tony Stark : [to Rogers]  You're on that list? Are you above or below angry bees?

Steve Rogers : I swear, Stark, one more wisecrack out of you...

Tony Stark : Verbal threat! Threatening! I'm being threatened!

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