Thursday 2 April 2015

The Making of a Bavarian Candidate : Who Shot Geli...?

"The next morning Geli Raubal was found shot dead in her room. The state’s attorney, after a thorough investigation, found that it was a suicide. The coroner reported that a bullet had gone through her chest below the left shoulder and penetrated the heart; it seemed beyond doubt that the shot was self-inflicted. [Extremely unlikely]

Yet for years afterward in Munich there was murky gossip that Geli Raubal had been murdered - by Hitler in a rage, by Himmler to eliminate a situation that had become embarrassing to the party.  But no credible evidence ever turned up to substantiate such rumors.

Hitler himself was struck down by grief.  Gregor Strasser later recounted that he had had to remain for the following two days and nights at Hitler’s side to prevent him from taking his own life. A week after Geli’s burial in Vienna, Hitler obtained special permission from the Austrian government to go there; he spent an evening weeping at the grave. For months he was inconsolable.

Three weeks after the death of Geli, Hitler had his first interview with Hindenburg.  It was his first bid for the big stakes, for the chancellorship of the Reich.  His distraction on this momentous occasion - some of his friends said he did not seem to be in full possession of his faculties during the conversation, which went badly for the Nazi leader - was put down by those who knew him as due to the shock of the loss of his beloved niece."

William S. Shirer,
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

So, question - Herr Hitler suffers a sudden and traumatic bereavement in his personal household that appears to relate to an at-best deeply inappropriate, most likely outright incestuous relationship, operating on a clearly physical and intimate basis, cohabiting with his teen nymph not-yet-close-to-legal niece, who is indeed the clear front-runner favourite candidate in the contest to be recognised as AH's verifiable first, girlfriend.

They have are seen to engage in a strident and substantial public arguement, the result of AH attempting to assert his dominant role in the relationship, by laying down the law and flexing his will to power over her with a show of strength - a culmination of numerous ongoing sub-rosa tensions than have been building up to a head between the two misfits in the meantime. Then he is seem to leave the residential block,having presented her with the faits accomplis of his decision to wrestle with in his absence.

All anyone knows for sure subsequent to that is that Geli shows up shot to death with a bullet through the chest in Hitler's residence, ruled a suicide with indecent, if not moreover sinister haste.

So - Qui Bono?

Round up the usual suspects for 1931 :

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