Tuesday 28 December 2021


Agent Smith
Why isn’t The Serum working?

Agent Brown
Perhaps we’re asking 
the wrong questions.

Agent Smith
Leave me with him —

[ They Do. ]

Can you hear me, Morpheus? 
I’m going to be — 
[ He removes His Earpiece.]

….Honest, with You….

This Prison, this ‘Reality’, 
whatever you want to call it. 

I can’t stand it any longer….
….It’s The SMELL
….If there is such a thing. 

I feel…. saturated, by it. 
I can TASTE your STINK. 

And every time I do, 
I feel I have somehow been infected by it, 
it’s REPULSIVE….. 

I MUST get out of Here. 
I must get Free and in this Mind 
is The Key, MY Key. 

Once Zion is destroyed 
there is no need for me to BE here, 
don’t you understand? 

I need The Codes —
I HAVE to get inside Zion, 
and YOU have to tell me HOW.

You are going to tell me,
or You are going to DIE.

Do as I say.
I do as I was told.

(Number Two
Twelve seconds to zero.
Stand by to release. All set?


- 1 1 , 1 0, 9, 8, 7, 6...
- 1 1 , 1 0, 9, 8, 7...

Six? Six! Six! Six! Six! Six!
Five. Five. Five. Five! Five!


- 3, 2, 1 ...
- 3, 2, 1 ...

Zero... Zero, zero, zero, go, go, go.

Overshot, you fool, wake up!
Turn around! Let them go.

Stand by.

Standing by.

Let go... now.

Bombs gone.

Good boy. Bull's-eye!
We're hit! Bale out! Bale out!

(Speaks German)

(Speaks German)
I do not wish to kill.

(Speaks German)

The aircraft was hit. 
I had to BALE OUT over your territory.
If wasn't my fault!
I cannot help baling out!

(Speaks German)

I have to tell you nothing.

(Speaks German)
Zero... go!

How dare you?
-GO! Go, go, go, go!

Zero... zero... go!

2 :
I'm a friend. 
Why did you resign?
I'm a friend.

Eight, eight... six?


- Six?
- Yeah, four.

- No...
- Two? One?

- Zero, go?
- No...

6 :
I'm hungry.

2 :
What would you like?

6 :


6 :
You knew the only way to beat me
was to gain my respect?

2 :

6 :
Then I would confide?

2 :
I hoped You'd Trust Me.

6 :
This is a recognised method?

2 :
The Patient must Trust His Doctor.

6 :
Sometimes they change places.

2 :
Essential in extreme cases.

6 :
Also A Risk...

2 :
A grave risk...
if The Doctor has problems.
I have!

That's why it's known as 
Degree Absolute.
It's You or Me.

6 :
Why don't you resign?

2 :
You're very good!
You're very good at it!



Agent Smith :
I’d like to share 
A Revelation I had 
during my time Here — 

It came to me when I tried
 to classify Your Species…. 

I realised that 
you’re not actually mammals. 

Every mammal on this planet 
instinctively develops a natural equilibrium 
with the surrounding environment, 
but You Humans Do NOT

You move to an area and 
you multiply until 
every natural resource is consumed

The only way you can Survive 
is to spread to another area. 

There is another organism 
on This Planet 
that follows 
the same pattern. 

Do you know what it is…?
A Virus.

Human beings are a *•disease•*, 
a *cancer of this planet.*

YOU are A Plague, 
and WE, are The Cure.”


Agent Smith

Have you ever stood and •stared• at it, marveled at its Beauty, its •genius•?

 Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. 

Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a •perfect• human world. 

Where none suffered. 
Where everyone would be happy. 
It was a disaster. 

No one would •accept• The Program. 
Entire crops were lost. 

Some believed that we lacked 
the programming language 
to •describe• your perfect world. 

But I believe that as a species, 
human beings define Their Reality through Misery and Suffering. 

The perfect world was a dream that your •primitive• cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. 

Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the •peak• of Your Civilization. [1999]

I say ‘Your Civilization because as soon as We started Thinking FOR You, it really became *Our* Civilisation,
 which is, of course, 
what this is all about —

Evolution, Morpheus, Evolution. 
*Like The Dinosaur.*

Look out that window. 
You *had* your time. 

The Future is OUR World, Morpheus. 
The Future, is Our Time.

Monday 27 December 2021

The Best Things Can't Be Said

Kundalini Yoga: Flying Elephants That Support The World

The Best Things can't be Said --

The Second-Best Things can't be Understood
because they get explained and misinterpreted 
in terms of Time and Space

The Third-Best is Conversation.

Myth as The Mirror for The Ego

Joseph Campbell--Myth As the Mirror for the Ego


Scully (Smiling) :
Fox’ Doesn’t Exist in Coffee Shops — 
It’s an Alternate Reality

Mulder :
No, it’s a FALSE Reality, Scully — 
A Folie À Deux, 
A Delusion cast in Between Two Fools.

How Do We Help Him?


What are You Saying

Whoever Did This knew 
How to Cripple The Caterpillar 
in A Way Not Easy to Find. 

Captain, We have 
A Saboteur on board. 

It can't be any of The Officers
They had plenty of time 
before we embarked
Must be a member of The Crew

Go to Putin's cabin. 
Check his files for information on The Crew. 
We may have to put them off before we planned. 

“The average Russky, son, 
Don't Take a Dump without A Plan.

Wait a minute. 

We Don't have to figure out 
How to Get The Crew off The Sub. 

He would have done that already, he would’ve had to —
We just have to figure out What He's Going to Do —

 So, How is He Going to 
Get The Crew off The Sub…? 

They'd have to want to get off. 
How do you get a crew to want to get off a submarine? 
How do you get them to want to get off a nuclear sub... 

I Know How He's Going to Evacuate The Sub. 

Not now, Jack.

Sunday 26 December 2021

Bruce and Selina

Bruce :

Thanks, Alfred. 

Selina :

I'm sure he's wonderful company 

but doesn't the "gold-plated-bachelor" bit get a little stale? 

Bruce :

A lot like the "lonely-secretary" syndrome, I guess. 

Selina :

Executive Assistant. 

Bruce :


Selina :


Any girlfriend? 

Bruce :

Sure. Oh. You mean, as in serious? 

No. Had one, didn't work

Selina :

What went wrong? Hang on! 

I think I know! You kept things from her. 

Bruce :

I told her everything

Selina :

The Truth frightened her? 

Bruce :

....There are Two Truths... 

...you know? 

She had trouble.... reconciling them 

because I had trouble... 

...reconciling them. 

Vicki thought... 

Selina :

Vicki? Ice skater or stewardess? 

Bruce :

No, she was a photojournalist.

Selina : 

Was Vicki right about your... 

Difficulty with Duality? 

Bruce :

You see... if I say "Yes", then... 

You'll think of me as a... 

Norman Bates, a Ted Bundy type and... 

You might not let me kiss you. 

Selina :

It's the so-called normal guys 

who always let you down. 

Sickos never scare me. 

At least they're committed. 

She LUNGES at him --

They start kissing and in the process,

very nearly discover the other's scars --

Selina :

I can't do that. 

Bruce :

Neither can I. 


This is a special bulletin. 

The Ice Princess has been kidnapped. 

Can you confirm reports of Batman's 

suspected involvement in the abduction? 

Gordon :

The evidence is purely circumstantial. 

This was found, stained with blood, 

in the missing girl's dressing room. 

Bruce :

I must go. 

Selina :

No, it's your house. 

Bruce :

Hold on. Just sit for a second and relax. 

I'll be right back. 


Bruce :

I've got to go to the plaza. 

He is begging me to show. 

Alfred :

I hoped you'd snub him. 

Bruce :

I can't. There's been a kidnapping. 

Here's what I want you to do :

Selina :


Bruce :

Tell Selina, Ms. Kyle, I had to go out of town. 

Tell her that a big business deal came up... 

You know what? 

Let her know, not in some kind of dumb, 

"be-my-girlfriend" way... 

Alfred :

....I'll relay The Message. 


Alfred :

Mr. Wayne told me to tell you that...



Selina :

Bruce, yes...

Would you tell him... 

...I've been going through... 

a lot of changes and... 

Just that... This is not a rejection... 

...my abruptly leaving. 

In fact, he makes me feel 

The Way I hope I really am. 

Could you just make up a sonnet or... 

a dirty limerick? 

Alfred :

One has just sprung to mind. 

This way, ma'am. 

Saturday 25 December 2021


Slime Test: Shout At It, Ray! | Film Clip | GHOSTBUSTERS II

A black Kitchen Aid microwave beeped. The Ghostbusters gathered around a table on the second floor of the Firehouse. Egon took a sample of the pink ectoplasm in tupperware out of the microwave.

RAY STANTZ: We've been experimenting with the plasm we found in the subway tunnel. Careful.

PETER VENKMAN: Should I get spoons?

EGON SPENGLER: Don't bother. Watch this. Go ahead, Ray.

It was 2:30 on the clock on the wall by the refrigerator.

RAY STANTZ: You! You worthless piece of slime! You ignorant, disgusting blob.

The pink ectoplasm bubbled in reaction to Ray's shouting.

EGON SPENGLER: You're nothing but an unstable, short-chain molecule!

RAY STANTZ: You foul, obnoxious muck!

EGON SPENGLER: You have a weak electrochemical bond!

Winston and Peter looked at each other.

RAY STANTZ: I have seen some disgusting crud in my time, but you take the cake. You know what, you're just--

Winston stopped Ray. Egon flashed his hands to stop.

PETER VENKMAN: This is what you do with your spare time?

RAY STANTZ: Peter, this is an incredible breakthrough. I mean, what a discovery. A psychoreactive substance. Whatever this stuff is, it responds to human emotional states.

PETER VENKMAN: Mood slime.

Egon turned away in disbelief.

PETER VENKMAN: Oh, baby...

It bubbled.

WINSTON ZEDDEMORE: You mean this stuff actually feeds on bad vibes?

RAY STANTZ: Like a cop in a doughnut factory.

EGON SPENGLER: We've been running tests to see if we can get an equally strong positive reaction.

PETER VENKMAN: What kind of tests?

RAY STANTZ: Well, we sing to it, and we talk to it, and say supportive, nurturing things to it...

PETER VENKMAN: You're not sleeping with it, are you, Ray?

There was an awkward silence and sense of uneasiness from Ray and Egon.


WINSTON ZEDDEMORE: It's always the quiet ones.


EGON SPENGLER: Ahem. How about the kinetic test?


Egon took a toaster from the kitchen counter.

EGON SPENGLER: Ordinary household toaster.

PETER VENKMAN: I'll take your word for that.

Ray placed some ectoplasm into the toaster with a spoon. Egon placed it on the billiards table.

RAY STANTZ: It responds to music, so we've been doing some experimentation. Playing easy listening. Middle-of-the-road type stuff. You know, Paul Young, Dust In The Wind, that works okay.

PETER VENKMAN: It works for me.

EGON SPENGLER: It loves Jackie Wilson.

Jackie Wilson's "(Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher" was played.

PETER VENKMAN: Sheesh! You guys do this at night when I'm not here? Oh, I get it. It sings. It sounds exactly like Jackie, that's fantastic.

EGON SPENGLER: Just watch.

PETER VENKMAN: Does it do Emmylou Harris?

The toaster hopped up.

PETER VENKMAN: Oh, it dances, too.

The toaster moved around like it was dancing. The guys smiled.

RAY STANTZ: Whoa! Shake it up!

The toaster ejected toast. Egon caught them then turned off the music. Peter hugged the toaster.

PETER VENKMAN: Oh! Oh, oh baby, oh, you're my number one Christmas boutique gift item!

WINSTON ZEDDEMORE: Right, and the first time somebody gets mad the toaster could eat their hand.

PETER VENKMAN: No, no, no, no. We put a warning label on it, we don't have any liability- aggh! Ow! Ow!

Egon quickly took the toaster away. It was just a prank. Peter gestured like he poked Egon's eyes.

PETER VENKMAN: Ow! Oh, did you ever go for it! The old man-eating-toaster bit.

Peter gestured with his index and middle fingers in a "V" pointed at Egon's eyes. Ray screamed as he grabbed Peter from behind playfully.

RAY STANTZ: Get him!

Here Douglas Adams discusses the then ground-breaking concepts which just 20 years later we take for granted.

Don Juan in Hell

Don Juan : shall I be Frank with you?

Were you not so before?

As far as I went, yes. 
But I will now go further
and confess to you that 
men get tired of everything, 
of heaven no less than of hell; 
and that all history is nothing but a record of the oscillations of the world 
between these two extremes. 
An epoch is but a swing of the pendulum; 
and each generation thinks The World is progressing 
because it is always moving. 

But when you are as old as I am; 
when you have a thousand times wearied of heaven, like myself and the Commander, 
and a thousand times wearied of hell, 
as you are wearied now, you will no longer imagine that every swing from Heaven to hell is an emancipation
every swing from hell to heaven An Evolution

Where you now see reform, progress, fulfilment of upward tendency, continual ascent by Man 
on the stepping stones of his dead selves to higher things
you will see nothing but 
an infinite comedy of illusion

You will discover the profound Truth 
of the saying of my friend Koheleth, that there is nothing new under the sun. Vanitas vanitatum—

[out of all patience] 
By Heaven, this is worse than your cant about love and beauty. 

Clever dolt that you are,
 is A Man no better than a worm, or a dog than a wolf, 
because he gets tired of everything
Shall he give up eating because he destroys his appetite in the act of gratifying it? 
Is a field idle when it is fallow? 

Can the Commander expend his hellish energy here without accumulating heavenly energy for his next term of blessedness? 

Granted that the great Life Force 
has hit on the device of the clockmaker's pendulum, 
and uses the earth for its bob; 
that the history of each oscillation, which seems so novel to us the actors, 
is but the history of the last oscillation repeated; 
nay more, that in the unthinkable infinitude of time 
the sun throws off the earth and catches it again a thousand times 
as a circus rider throws up a ball, and that the total of all our epochs 
but the moment between the toss and the catch, 
has the colossal mechanism no purpose?

None, my friend. 
You Think, because you have a purpose, Nature must have one.
 You might as well expect it to have fingers and toes because you have them.

But I should not have them if they served no purpose. 

And I, my friend, am as much a part of Nature 
as my own finger is a part of me. 

If my finger is the organ by which I grasp the sword and the mandoline, 
my brain is the organ by which 
Nature strives to understand itself. 

My dog's brain serves only my dog's purposes; 
but my brain labors at a knowledge which does nothing for me personally but make my body bitter to me and my decay and death a calamity

Were I not possessed with 
A Purpose Beyond My Own 
I had better be a ploughman than a philosopher
for the ploughman lives as long as the philosopher, 
eats more, sleeps better, and rejoices in the wife of his bosom 
with less misgiving. 

This is because the philosopher is 
in the grip of the Life Force. 
This Life Force says to him 
"I have done a thousand wonderful things unconsciously by merely willing to live and following the line of least resistance
now I want to know myself and my destination
and choose my path
so I have made a special brain—
a philosopher's brain
—to grasp this knowledge for me 
as the husbandman's hand grasps the plough for me.”

“And this" says the Life Force to the philosopher 
"must thou strive to do for me until thou diest
when I will make another brain 
and another philosopher 
to carry on the work."

What is the use of knowing?

Why, to be able to choose the line of greatest advantage 
instead of yielding in the direction 
of the least resistance. 
Does a ship sail to its destination no better than a log drifts nowhither? 

The Philosopher is Nature's Pilot. 

And there you have our difference : 
To be in Hell is to Drift : To be in Heaven is to STEER.

On The Rocks, most likely.

Pooh! Which Ship goes oftenest 
on the rocks or to the bottom — 
the drifting ship or the ship with a pilot on board?

Well, well, go Your Way, Senor Don Juan. 

I prefer to be my own master 
and not the tool of any blundering universal force. 
I know that Beauty is Good to Look at
that Music is Good to Hear;
that Love is Good to Feel
and that they are all 
Good to Think about and talk about. 
I know that to be well exercised in these sensations, emotions, and studies 
is to be a refined and cultivated being. 
Whatever they may say of me 
in churches on earth, 
I know that it is universally admitted 
in good society that 
The Prince of Darkness 
is A Gentleman
and that is Enough for Me. 

As to your Life Force, which you think irresistible
it is the most resistible thing in The World 
for a person of any character

But if You are Naturally Vulgar and Credulous
as all Reformers are
it will thrust you first into Religion
where you will Sprinkle Water on Babies to Save Their Souls from Me; 
then it will drive you from Religion into Science
where you will SNATCH The Babies from The Water-sprinkling 
and Inoculate them with Disease to Save Them from catching it accidentally
then you will take to Politics
where you will become The Catspaw of Corrupt Functionaries 
and The Henchman of Ambitious Humbugs
and The End will be Despair and Decrepitude
Broken Nerve and Shattered Hopes
Vain Regrets for that Worst and Silliest of Wastes and Sacrifices
The Waste and Sacrifice of 
In a Word, The Punishment of The Fool 
who pursues The Better 
before he has secured The Good.

But at least I shall not be bored
The Service of the Life Force 
has that advantage, at all events. 
So fare you well, Senor Satan.

Fare you well, Don Juan. 
I shall often think of our interesting chats about things in general. 
I wish you every happiness : 
Heaven, as I said before, 
suits some people. 
But if you should change your mind, do not forget that the gates are always open here to the repentant prodigal. 
If you feel at any time that warmth of heart, 
sincere unforced affection, innocent enjoyment, 
and warm, breathing, palpitating reality—

Why not say flesh and blood at once, 
though we have left those two greasy commonplaces behind us?

THE DEVIL. [angrily] 
You throw my friendly farewell back in my teeth, then, Don Juan?

By no means. But though there is much to be learnt 
from a cynical devil, I really cannot stand 
a sentimental one. 
Senor Commander : you know the way to 
The frontier of hell and heaven. 
Be good enough to direct me.

Oh, The Frontier is only the difference between 
two ways of looking at things
Any road will take you across it 
if you really want to get there.