Sunday 29 August 2021


“By the end of the New Kingdom, a tradition had developed that Set had cut Osiris's body into pieces and scattered them across Egypt. 

Cult centers of Osiris all over the country claimed that the corpse, 
or particular pieces of it, 
were found near them. 

The dismembered parts could be said to number 
as many as forty-two, 
each piece being equated with one of the forty-two nomes, 
or provinces, in Egypt.

Thus The God of Kingship becomes the embodiment of His Kingdom.

The Survivors


For the last time, SPRINGER,
I am NOT an Autobot!

I’m a Decepticon WARRIOR!
Saving Humans might be YOUR idea 
of FUN, but it ISN’T mine!
Crashed Trains, Hijacks, Burning Oil Rigs...
Is this what it’s come to?
When I agreed to join your little group of SURVIVORS, 
I thought we might get a fight or three in!
Maybe I should have STAYED with The Decepticons!
Blast! Why’d I blow my top like that?
Springer means well, but…. 
This Do-Gooding stuff 
doesn’t come EASY to me!
Though I don’t consider myself EVIL….
I’m still a Decepticon at Heart.
The Need to Fight is in My Oil!
Maybe I was WRONG to defy The Decepticons
They won’t rest until I’m DEAD!
Yeah, and all of this High-Profile Rescuing of Humans...
will probably lead them RIGHT TO ME!

Well, you’ve certainly proved yourself 
worthy of our Trust, Carnivac. 
Here we were, out for blood, 
and it took a Decepticon 
to remind us we don’t kill.
With that merciful act, 
I welcome you the ranks 
of The Earthforce!
Mercy? HAH! These SCUM murdered 
My Friend, Catilla — they deserve NO MERCY.

I just know that denying them their ‘Warrior’s Death’ 
is the WORST fate I can think of!
I may now a member of EarthForce, but let’s not forget --
I’m still 
at Heart!

We have no time to waste. 
According to the computer, we're at warp. 
We've got to figure out some way to slow the ship down before we get too far from the crew. 
That would seem to be our first priority. 
And then we have to get some weapons. 

Mister Suder, are you listening to me? 


Oh. I see. Perhaps you consider 
this an opportunity. 


To obtain your freedom from confinement. 
How foolish of me to think you would want to help. 

You're wrong
I do want to help. 

Then what? 

I'm going to have to kill 
some of them. 

EMH: is possible. Violence might 
be required to retake the ship. 

I've worked so, so hard 
over the last few months 
to control the violent feelings. 

I'm almost At Peace with Myself. 

I mean, I see the day coming 
when I could be. 

Mister Suder. If Lieutenant Tuvok were here, 
I know he would tell you there are times when 
violence is required to defend yourself
to defend Your Ship
to defend Your Crew

Yes, there is A Logical Use 
for Biolence — 
For everyone else
With me, once it begins….

We must do this together, Mister Suder. 
If You Don't Trust Yourself yet, 
then Trust Me

I will help you anyway I can

One hologram and one sociopath 
may not be much of a match for the Kazon, 
but we'll have to do.

The Man :

The Father :
What's going on?
I haven't heard back from Max Price.

The Man :
We pulled out at the end of last week.

The Father :

The Man :
Yeah, I didn't like the terms.

The Father :
What fucking terms didn't you like?

The Man :
Excuse me?

The Father :
Why didn't you tell me?

The Man :
It happened last Friday.

The Father :
I could have fixed it
why didn't you let me fix it?

The Man :
There was nothing to fix, Rory.
It just wasn't a good fit.

The Father :
Arthur, I had everything riding on this deal —
Arthur, I NEED The Deal.

The Man :
What are you going on about?
I Don't CARE What You Need.
This is MY Company, just move on.

The Father :
You're killing Your Company 
by not listening to me.

So small-minded.

Jesus, that's why I had to get away from here, 
small island, small fucking mentality.

The Man :
Watch your MOUTH in MY office, Sonny Jim.
Did you have any idea what they were going to DO here?
Shit. Did you even bother to look at the details?
Or were you too busy celebrating?

There wasn't a chance in hell 
I was gonna let them come in here 
and fuck with what I've built.

The Father :
None of that matters, 
The Bottom Line is what matters.
You brought me in, to make you money. Right?

You brought me in to make you money
and the best way to make money 
is to SELL the company.

Make The Deal.

The Man :
I've known you a long time you little bastard.
So I'm gonna be honest with you.

You have a great mind, 
and endless charm, 
but you don't pay attention 
to the detail.

I thought you'd changed, but you haven't.
Oh, you know how to ride a wave in an Up market.
Well that doesn't impress.

What impresses me, is how you deal 
with a DOWN market, 
because that's how you build 
a successful company.

You focus on the one percent at a time — 
It's boring and it's ugly.
But it's the bit of the business 

The Father :
There won't be any business, 
there won't be any company.
We'll be finished within a year.

The Man :
And we can have 
ALL the information in The World, 

Come on.
Get back to trading, Rory.
You're good at it.
VERY good at it.

For Christ's sake, do yourself a favor, 
and stop trying to make a killing overnight.

Bring me something stable.
Find solid footing on some good deals.

The Father :
.....there is something.

The Man :

The Father :
I wasn't gonna say it until it was further along, 
but I might as well tell you now.


Norwegian fish farms.

Arise, Optimus Prime

" I said ‘I’m going to an audition, Larry,’ and he said ‘What are you going to audition for?

I said ‘I’m gonna be a truck.’ He started to laugh, I started to laugh and I said 
But Larry, he’s A Hero. He’s A Hero Truck!

He looked at me and he said 
Okay, A Hero. 
Well if you’re gonna be A Hero, Peter, be a real Hero. 
Don’t be one of those pretend Hollywood Heroes - always yelling and acting tough, be a real Hero.

His voice got very low,  there was a seriousness in him and the way he talked, there was a gentle smoothness to it - and he said 
If you’re gonna be A Hero, Peter, remember : 
Be Strong Enough to be Gentle. 
Be Compassionate, you know? 

Be Understanding. 
Don’t go yelling and screaming.”

"Peter, don't be a Hollywood Hero, be a Real Hero.

Real Heroes don't yell and act tough.

They are Tough Enough to Be Gentle, 
so control yourself."

Friday 27 August 2021

I’ll CATCH You With My Death-Bag..!!

It’s an old Gnostic tradition that we don’t invent things, we just remember. The Europeans I know of who remember The Dark Side best are Robert Louis Stevenson, Joseph Conrad, and Carl Jung. 

I’ll call up a few of their ideas and add a few thoughts of my own. 

Let’s talk about The Personal Shadow first. 

When we were one or two years old we had what we might visualize as a 360-degree personality. Energy radiated out from all parts of our body and all parts of our psyche. 

A Child running is a living globe of energy. We had a ball of energy, all right; but one day we noticed that our parents didn’t like certain parts of that ball. 

They said things like: 
“Can’t you be still?” 
Or “It isn’t nice to try and kill your brother.” 

Behind us we have An Invisible Bag, and The Part of Us our parents don’t like, we, to keep our parents’ love, put in The Bag

By the time we go to school our bag is quite large. 

Then our teachers have their say: 
“Good Children don’t get angry over such little things.” 

So we take Our Anger and put it in the bag. By the time my brother and I were twelve in Madison, Minnesota we were known as “The Nice Bly Boys.” 

Our bags were already a mile long

Then we do a lot of bag-stuffing in high school. This time it’s no longer the evil grownups that pressure us, but people our own age. So the student’s paranoia about grownups can be misplaced. I lied all through high school automatically to try to be more like the basketball players. Any part of myself that was a little slow went into the bag. 

My sons are going through the process now; I watched my daughters, who were older, experience it. I noticed with dismay how much they put into the bag, but there was nothing their mother or I could do about it. 

Often my daughters seemed to make their decision on the issue of fashion and collective ideas of beauty, and they suffered as much damage from other girls as they did from men. 

So I maintain that out of a round globe of energy the twenty-year-old ends up with a slice. 

We’ll imagine a man who has a thin slice left—the rest is in the bag—and we’ll imagine that he meets a woman; let’s say they are both twenty-four. She has a thin, elegant slice left. 

They join each other in a ceremony, and this union of two slices is called marriage. 

Even together the two do not make up one person! 

Marriage when the bag is large entails loneliness during the honeymoon for that very reason. 

Of course we all lie about it. 
“How is your honeymoon?” 
“Wonderful, how’s yours?” 

Different cultures fill the bag with different contents. 

In Christian culture sexuality usually goes into the bag. With it goes much spontaneity

Marie Louise von Franz warns us, on the other hand, not to sentimentalize primitive cultures by assuming that they have no bag at all. 

She says in effect that they have a different but sometimes even larger bag. They may put individuality into the bag, or inventiveness

What anthropologists know as “participation mystique,” or “a mysterious communal mind,” sounds lovely, but it can mean that tribal members all know exactly the same thing and no one knows anything else. 

It’s possible that bags for all human beings are about the same size. 

We spend our life until we’re twenty deciding what parts of ourself to put into the bag, and we spend the rest of our lives trying to get them out again. 

Sometimes retrieving them feels impossible, as if the bag were sealed. 

Suppose the bag remains sealed—what happens then? 

A great nineteenth-century story has an idea about that. One night Robert Louis Stevenson woke up and told his wife a bit of a dream he’d just had. She urged him to write it down; he did, and it became “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” 

The nice side of the personality becomes, in our idealistic culture, nicer and nicer. 

The Western man may be a liberal doctor, for example, always thinking about the good of others. Morally and ethically he is wonderful. But the substance in the bag takes on a personality of its own; it can’t be ignored. 

The story says that the substance locked in the bag appears one day somewhere else in The City. 

The substance in the bag feels angry, and when you see it it is shaped like An Ape, and moves like An Ape. 

The story says then that when we put a part of ourselves in the bag it regresses. It de-evolves toward barbarism. Suppose a young man seals a bag at twenty and then waits fifteen or twenty years before he opens it again. What will he find? 

Sadly, the sexuality, the wildness, the impulsiveness, the anger, the freedom he put in have all regressed; they are not only primitive in mood, they are hostile to the person who opens the bag. 

The man who opens his bag at forty-five or the woman who opens her bag rightly feels fear

She glances up and sees The Shadow of An Ape passing along the alley wall; anyone seeing that would be frightened. 

I think we could say that most males in our culture put their feminine side or interior woman into the bag. 

When they begin, perhaps around thirty-five or forty, trying to get in touch with their feminine side again, she may be by then truly hostile to them. 

The same man may experience in the meantime much hostility from women in the outer world. The rule seems to be: the outside has to be like the inside. That’s the way it is on this globe. 

If a woman, wanting to be approved for her femininity, has put her masculine side or her internal male into the bag, she may find that twenty years later he will be hostile to her. 

Moreover he may be unfeeling and brutal in his criticism. 
She’s in a spot. 

Finding a hostile man to live with would give her someone to blame, and take away the pressure, but that wouldn’t help the problem of the closed bag. 

In the meantime, she is liable to sense a double rejection, from the male inside and the male outside. There’s a lot of grief in this whole thing. 

Every part of our personality 
that we do not love 
will become hostile to us. 

We could add that it may 
move to a distant placand begin A Revolt against Us as well. 

A lot of the trouble Shakespeare’s kings experience blossoms in that sentence. Hotspur “in Wales” rebels against The King. Shakespeare’s poetry is marvelously sensitive to the danger of these inner revolts

Always The King at The Centre is endangered.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

I Don’t Like You, Either.

Ben speaks to the Wookiee, 
pointing to Luke several times 
during his conversation 
and the huge creature 
suddenly lets out a horrifying laugh. 

Luke is more than a little bit disconcerted and pretends not to hear the conversation between Ben and the giant Wookiee. 

Luke is terrified but tries not to show it. 

He quietly sips his drink, 
looking over the crowd 
for a more sympathetic ear or whatever. 

A large, multiple-eyed Creature gives Luke a rough shove.

Negola dewaghi wooldugger?!?

The hideous freak is obviously drunk. 
Luke tries to ignore the creature and turns back on his drink. 

A short, grubby Human and an even smaller rodent-like beast join the belligerent monstrosity.

He doesn’t like you.

I’m sorry.

I don’t like you either.

The big creature is getting agitated 
and yells out some unintelligible gibberish 
at the now rather nervous, young adventurer.

You just watch yourself. 
We’re wanted men —
I have the death sentence in twelve systems.

I’ll be careful.

You’ll be DEAD —

The rodent lets out a loud grunt 
and everything at the bar moves away. 

Luke tries to remain cool but it isn’t easy. 
His three adversaries ready their weapons. 
Old Ben moves in behind Luke.

This little one isn’t worth the effort. 
Come, let me get you something…

A powerful blow from the unpleasant creature sends the young would-be Jedi sailing across the room, 
crashing through tables and breaking a large jug 
filled with a foul-looking liquid. 

With a blood curdling shriek, 
the monster draws a wicked chrome laser pistol 
from his belt and levels it at old Ben. 

The bartender panics.

No blasters! 
No blaster!

With astounding agility old Ben’s laser sword 
sparks to life and in a flash an arm lies on the floor. 

The rodent is cut in two 
and the giant multiple-eyed creature 
lies doubled, cut from chin to groin. 

Ben carefully and precisely 
turns off his laser sword 
and replaces it on his utility belt. 

Luke, shaking and totally amazed 
at the old man’s abilities, attempts to stand. 

The entire fight has lasted 
only a matter of seconds. 

The cantina goes back to normal, 
although Ben is given a respectable 
amount of room at the bar. 

Luke, rubbing his bruised head, 
approaches the old man with new awe. 

Ben points to the Wookiee. 

This is Chewbacca. 
He’s first-mate on a ship that might suit our needs.

[Riker's quarters]

(Riker is in casual clothes, reading, when the doorbell rings) 

Come in. 

Am I disturbing you? 

Not at all. 






Is there something 
I can do for you, Captain? 

Are you aware of our plans to attack the Cardassian invasion fleet? 

Yes, sir. I understand you've been talking to every shuttle pilot on board. 

Let's drop the ranks for a moment. 
I don't like you. 
I think you're insubordinate, arrogant, wilful, and I don't think you're a particularly good first officer. 
But you are also the best pilot on the ship. 

Well, now that the ranks are dropped, Captain, I don't like you, either. 
You are arrogant and closed-minded. 
You need to control 
everything and everyone. 

You don't provide 
an Atmosphere of Trust, 
and you don't inspire these people to go out of their way for you. 

You've get everybody wound up so tight there's no joy in anything. 

I don't think you're a particularly good Captain. 

I won't order you to fly this mission. I'm here to ask. 

Then ask me. 

Will you pilot the shuttle, Commander? 


(Jellico starts to leave) 

You're welcome.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

The Curse

The Death 
and Return 
of Superman

The Death and Return of Superman

A somewhat-mostly-accurate 
educational parody film by Max Landis, 
Produced by Bryan Basham @bryan_basham

Starring Elden Henson, Elijah Wood, Mandy Moore, Morgan Krantz and many more.

I'm not drunk in the video, 
I only get about three cups in.  

The original rant was 45 minutes long, so of course we had to cut a bunch of stuff out for time, and because it was just too stupid.  

Like for instance the part where 
Pa Kent dies of a heart attack 
and literally 

If I saw this video, I might nerd rage out so hard.  
But luckily I made it, so I'm pretty happy.  
Really I'd hope people just are with me, 
and happy that Guy Gardner 
and Bloodwynd get to be in a movie.


Capt. Jim Gordon
What about Escalation?

The Batman

Capt. Jim Gordon
We start carrying semi-automatics
They buy automatics

We start wearing Kevlar
They buy armor piercing rounds.

The Batman

Capt. Jim Gordon : 
And, YOU’RE Wearing A Mask — 
and Jumping off rooftops.

Monday 23 August 2021

The Champion

The Champion 

In every girl there is a Champion who wants to get out. —Joanna, 17 

In the last edition, I called these people the “Floaters” but I don’t think that was a clear enough definition — and way too many people insisted to me that their daughter was one. 

So now, I’m calling this person The “Champion.” 

The main goal of this book is to help your daughter have more Champion moments at every age. 

These moments are so important in shaping a girl’s character, and if encouraged by parents and other adults, these Champion moments will profoundly change not only her life but also the lives of those around her. 

The Champion is not confined or controlled by the Act Like a Woman box. 

She can take criticism, doesn’t make people choose friends, and doesn’t blow off someone for a better offer. 

She has friends in different groups and doesn’t treat people differently when groups are together. 

She can and will stand up to the Queen Bee in a way that treats them both with dignity. 

You can usually spot this girl because she doesn’t associate with only one clique. 

She has friends in different groups but can move freely among them (but remember so did the Banker who wrote to me in the beginning of the chapter). 

She’s more likely to have higher self-esteem because she doesn’t base her self-worth on how well she’s accepted by one group. 

Your Daughter Is a Champion If … 

• She doesn’t want to exclude people; you aren’t always having fights with her about spending time with people she considers “losers.” 

• Her friends are comfortable around her and don’t seem intimidated; she’s not “winning” all the conversations. 

• She’s not exclusively tied to one group of friends. 

• She can and is willing to bring another person into a group of friends. 

What Does She Gain by Being a Champion? 

Her peers like her for who she is as a person. She’ll be less likely to sacrifice herself to gain and keep social status. 

What Does She Lose by Being a Champion? 

The only thing bad about being a Champion is when she stands up for someone and, in response, people turn on her. I’ll talk about this later in Chapter 7, but suffice it to say, it can be lonely and scary to do the right thing. . . . 

Now, if you just read all those roles and have come to the conclusion that your daughter is the Champion, just take a moment

It isn’t that I don’t believe you, but I have a lot of experience with parents believing their children are something they’re not

We all want to believe the best about the people we love, but sometimes our love blinds us to reality. 

It should go without saying that just because your daughter isn’t a Champion doesn’t mean she won’t become an amazing young woman or that you haven’t done a good job raising her. 

But, if you insist on seeing her in a way that she isn’t, you won’t be able to be as good a parent as she needs you to be. 

Most important to remember is, who among us can be a Champion all the time? 

Our goal is to have more Champion momentsin all of our lives, not just those of our daughters.

Just to Tick Superman off

"Oh, COME ON!! 
It's Lex frickin' LUTHOR..!!"

The Question Confronts Lex Luthor

"President? ...Foolish, faceless man --
My Campaign is a FARCE. 
A small part of a much grander scheme. 
'President'... Do you know how much power 
I'd have to give up to be President? 

That's right, conspiracy buff -- 
I spent 75 million dollars on a fake Presidential campaign :

All just to tick Superman off."

— Luthor, 
Justice League Unlimited, 
"Question Authority"

"Evil genius.

There are a lot of ways to describe 
Lex Luthor... 
but I find "douchebag
to be the most descriptive.

— Ryan Choi, 
Crisis on Infinite Earths (2019)

I'm Against It

Horse Feathers (1/9) Movie CLIP - I'm Against It (1932) HD

I don't know what they have to say
It makes no difference anyway
Whatever it is, I'm against it
No matter what it is or who commenced it
I'm against it

Your proposition may be good
But let's have one thing understood:
Whatever it is, I'm against it
And even when you've changed it or condensed it
I'm against it

I'm opposed to it
On general principles, I'm opposed to it

He's opposed to it
In fact, indeed, he's opposed to it

For months before my son was born
I used to yell from night till morn
"Whatever it is, I'm against it."
And I've been yelling since I first commenced it
I'm against it

Knowing Dad as I do
I'd not advise you
To displease him
Or tease him
No, no!
Don't double-cross him
Or toss him
When dear old Dad
Once gets mad
He's a hound

My son is right
I'm quick to fight
I'm from a fighting clan
When I'm abused
Or badly used
I always get my man
No matter if he's in Peru, Paducah, or Japan
I go ahead
Alive or dead
I always get my man
I soon disposed
Of all of those
Who put me on the pan
Like Shakespeare said to Nathan Hale
"I always get my man."
(dance break)

He always gets his man

That's what I said

He always gets his man

That's what I mean

He always gets his man

You're telling me

He always gets his man

Oh, are you listening?
He gets his man
He gets his man

I always get
I always get
I always get
I always get
I always get
I always get
I always get my man!

Sunday 22 August 2021

So, How Does This - Work?

You're gonna die!

Wesley is almost done sawing through his ropes. 

Faith keeps hitting and kicking Angel. 

Halfway through this it starts to first rain then pour. 

You hear me? 
You don't know what evil is! 
I'm bad! Fight back!

Wesley has freed his hands and is untying the other ropes. Faith keeps whaling on Angel, sometimes he ducks, sometimes the hits connect. 

Angel grabs a hold of her: 

Angel :
Nice try, Faith.

He tosses her away from him.
 Then walks after her. 

I know what you want.

She hits him and he hits back dropping her. 

She comes back up hitting and screaming, 
but not making much of a dent. 

Wesley leans out of the window and sees Faith beating up on Angel. 

He goes into the kitchen 
and grabs a butcher knife, 
then heads for the door.

Angel as he dodges another hit: 
I'm not gonna make it easy for you.

Faith throws herself against Angel screaming: 
I'm evil! I'm bad! I'm evil! 
Do you hear me? I'm bad! 
Angel, I'm bad

She begins to sob, grabbing a hold of Angel's shirt and shaking him

I'm ba-ad. 
Do you hear me? I'm bad! 
I'm bad! I'm bad. 
Please. Angel, please, just do it.

Wesley comes running out of the house. 

Faith sobbing: 
Angel please, just do it. Just do it. 
Just kill me. Just kill me.

Angel wraps his arms around her shoulders and pulls her against him. 
She over balances them and they sink to their knees, Angel still holding her as she cries. 

Shh. It's all right. It's okay. 
I'm here. I'm right here. Shh.

The camera shows the knife dropping from Wesley's hand 
as he stands in the pouring rain, staring at them, 
while Faith cries and thunder rumbles overhead.


Faith is leaning on the Microwave in Angel's kitchen. 
The box of doughnuts is sitting on top of it still closed. 
Angel comes in.

So, how does this - work?

There is no real simple answer to that.
I won't lie to you and tell you that it'll be easy - 
because it won't be. 

Just because you've decided to change 
doesn't mean that The World is ready for you to.

The Truth is - no matter how much you suffer, 
no matter how many good deeds you do to try to make up for The Past - 
you may never balance out the cosmic scale. 

The only thing I can promise you 
is that you'll probably be haunted - 
and may be for the rest of your life.

Faith indicates the Microwave 

The Vampire Slayer :
So how does this work?

Angel blinks a couple times, then walks over to program it

Vampire with a Soul :
Uh - power level, time, start. 
Sure that popcorn is gonna be enough for you?

Yeah. I can virtually live off the stuff
Tell Cordelia I'll pay her back.

Actually I think it belonged to Wesley.

Oh, maybe we - 
just don't mention it then.

Maybe we do.

Are you saying I got to apologise?

Think you can?

I don’t' know. How do you say 
'Gee, I'm really sorry I nearly tortured you  to death?'"

Well, first off I think I'd leave off the 'Gee.' 
And secondly I think you have to ask yourself: Are you?



And what if I can't say it? 
There are some things you can't just take back, 
no matter how sorry you are, right?

Yeah, there are. 
I've got some experience in that area.

Right. And you've been doing this for a hundred years! 
I'm not gonna make it through the next ten minutes.

So make it through the next five, the next minute.

I don't think I can.

Yes, you can.
Faith walks away: 

God, it hurts
I hate that it hurts like this.

Angel follows her

Vampire with a Soul : 
Oh well, it's supposed to hurt. 
All that pain, all that suffering you caused 
is coming back on you. 
Feel it! Deal with it! 
Then maybe you've got a shot at being free.

Faith lets out something between a laugh and a sob: 
I've got to be the first Slayer in history 
to be sponsored by a vampire.

Yeah, well, I've got some experience 
in that area, too.

Oh god. 
B - how am I ever going 
to make things right with her?

Faith, this isn't about Buffy.

All my life there was only one person 
that tried to be my friend, went out of her way 
when I had no right or reason to expect her to - 
and I screwed her. 

Not to mention her boyfriend, 
only - him literally.

Faith, you and I never actually...

No, not you. The new one. 
(Angel stares for a moment then looks down
Oh, my god. 
Angel, I'm so sorry I...

No, there -- You can say it.
That's good. (Turns away to leave) Good.

I have some conditions of my own. - Just one actually. 
No harm must come to the vampire."

Oh, don't be a ponce!

Wesley pushes the syringe away: 
That's it. Unless you agree to that 
you won't get any help from me.

Collins looks at Weatherby as he pushes the syringe back: 
We have no quarrel with the vampire.

Unless you count the fact that he is a vampire!"

He's a special case. He is reformed. 
He has a soul. (The three goons look away from Wesley) 
In point of fact I've confronted more evil - slayed more demons 
(notices the waitress coming by and lowers his voice) 
slayed more demons - in short, done more good while working with Angel than I ever did while in the Council's employ.

We'll make every effort. 

No. Not every effort - no harm. 
I must have your word.

Collins holds out his hand after a moment's hesitation: 

They shake.

Faith is eating popcorn while flicking through the channels on Angel's TV. 
Some thing scampers by behind her unnoticed. 
A wet and steaming Angel sticks his head out of the bathroom.

Is everything okay in there?"

It was touch and go for 
the four minutes you left me alone, 
but somehow I got through it.

Angel goes into his bedroom to finish dressing 
while the thing skitters along the ceiling above Faith. 

She changes the channel to a police report.

Los Angeles police in conjunction with Federal authorities are looking for this woman tonight, (Picture of Faith on the TV) 
a felony suspect from the California town of Sunnydale. (Faith reaches for her drink and spills it) The young woman..."

Angel hears the glass fall as he is putting on his shirt.


"...has fled to Los Angeles in recent days."

Angel coming into the living room: 

Eyewitnesses identified her...

What is it?

Announcer: " being involved in several recent assaults. Police want your help in finding her."
Angel sees Faith's picture on the TV and crouches down beside her chair.
Angel: "Faith, it's ok, alright? We knew about this."
Announcer: "A press conference was held earlier."
Angel: "Nothing's changed, alright? Nothing's..."
Kate on the TV: "Anyone with any information about the whereabouts of this subject should get in touch with law enforcement immediately. (Angel looks over at the TV) Do not approach her. She is violent and unpredictable. I'll take a few questions."
Angel hits the power button on the remote.
Angel: "Listen to me Faith. You're safe here. You hear me? You're safe."
The thing hanging on the ceiling picks that moment to drop down on top of them. It throws Angel off Faith, then tosses Faith onto the sofa, over turning it, when Angel comes right back at it. The thing tosses Angel towards Faith and he pushes her into the kitchen to get her out of harms way then takes a hold of an overhead beam and swings both feet into the things face.
In the kitchen Faith grabs a hold of the big butcher knife and hurries back to the fight. Angel comes sliding past the opening to the kitchen. The thing is charging a slightly dazed Angel as Faith comes up behind it and stabs it with the butcher knife.
A few blows later the thing lies dying in the floor.
Faith is staring at the bloody knife in her hand as Angel picks himself up.
Faith: "No."
She drops the knife and stares at her hands, gasping and shaking her head.
Angel: "Hey. Hey. Hey. Shh. Hey. (Leads her over to the day bed) Sit down. Shh. It's- it's okay. (Faith wraps her arms around Angel's neck, careful not to touch him with her bloody hands) Hey. It's gonna be okay. Okay? (Angel holds her) Shh. Alright."
Angel looks over as he hears someone come down the stairs. It's Buffy.

Angel gets up: 
(Buttoning his shirt
I didn't know you...


Buffy looks from him to Faith still sitting on the day bed staring at her bloody hands, then back to Angel.

How... What are you doing?

She - we were attacked.

We? You and...


You and Faith.

Oh, it's not what you think."

You actually think that I can form a thought right now? 
Giles heard that - that she tried to kill you.

That's True.

So you decided to punish her 
with a severe cuddling.

Is that why you're here? 
To punish her?

I was worried about you."
Faith: "Buffy. (Buffy looks at her) Oh, god."
Buffy walks closer to Faith who is cringing away form her.
Buffy: "You didn't think I was going to find you, did you?"
Angel: "Buffy, let's talk."
Oh, I don't think talk is in order right now."

She needs help.

Buffy whips around to face Angel: 
Help? Do you have any idea what she did to me?"


Do you care?

She wants to change. 
She has a chance to..."

No. No chance. Jail.

Faith slowly gets up.

You think that'll help?

(Buffy whips around to face her) 
I'm sor...

Apologise to me 
and I will beat you to death."

Faith quietly
Go ahead.

Angel steps in front of Faith
This is not gonna happen.

You're gonna stop me? 
Because you're gonna have to.

Faith shakes her head: 
Don't - so this."

Faith, go upstairs - now.

You think I'm gonna let her out of my sight?

Buffy, just back off.

There is no way I'm letting her out of my sight."

Faith, go!

Faith goes up the stairs and Buffy moves to stop her.

Don't you move a...

Angel catches her arm and she turns 
to punch him full in the face. 

She hauls back to hit him again, 
but Angel blocks her fist and hits her across the face in return.

Angel steps back as Buffy stares at him 
with a hand over her mouth.

I'm sorry. - I'm sorry.

Faith opens the upstairs door and steps into Angel's office.

Wesley comes in from the outer office as Faith stares down the stairs.

(Faith turns to look at him) 
Going somewhere?
Faith turns to stare back down the stairs: 
No. Just wanted to be alone.

Wesley comes closer: 
Angel downstairs?



She's not gonna run, Buffy.

Well, why would she? When she has her brave knight to protect her? - Got you. - Does she cry? - Pouty lips - heaving bosom? - I thought you needed help."

You think I wanted this to happen?
Buffy: "You hit me."
Angel: "Not to go all schoolyard on you, but you hit me first. In case you've forgotten - you're a little bit stronger than I am."
Buffy: "You did it for *her*."
Angel: "You were about three seconds - from making her run - you know that. She's at a crucial stage."
Buffy: "She's playing you. She tried to kill you!"
Angel: "That was just - that was just a cry for help."
Buffy: "A cry for help is when you say 'help' in a loud voice."
Angel: "I know Faith did some bad things to you."
Buffy: "You can't possibly know."
Angel: "And you can't possibly know what she's going through."
Buffy: "And of course, you do? - I'm sorry. I can't be in your club. I never murdered anybody."
Footsteps coming down the stairs.
Angel: "Faith, I told you..."
Wesley pushing Faith down the stairs in front of him: "Slight change of plan. (To Faith) Get your coat."
Angel: "Wesley, what's going on?"
Wesley: "In about twenty minutes the Council's operations team is coming in here. They'll expect to find you gone (holds up the syringe) and her drugged."
Angel: "How many?" 

Three. Hello Buffy. 
I'm afraid you've come at a bad time.

I'm feeling that." 

Why did you bring them here?"

Couldn't shake them. 
Had to pretend I was helping them.

Why aren't you?

I know these guys. 
They're killers.

They've surrounded the building.

I'll check the sewers, if they're clear we all head out. Faith?

They turn to look for her but she is gone.

She must have slipped out."
She'd head for the roof. 
(Buffy turns to go, Angel moves to go after her) 
They may have it covered.

Wesley stops him: 
We need a plan. Buffy can protect Faith.

Angel turns towards the sewer entrance: 
I'm not sure that's her agenda."

Wesley follows him: 
The sewers are still our best route.

If they don't know about our access.

Angel, it wasn't for her.

I know.

It's because I Trust You. 
(Angel drops down into the sewers, Wesley follows) 
Well, more than three gun-toting maniacs at any rate.

Buffy comes out on the roof to see Faith standing there. We can hear a helicopter flying in the background.
Buffy: "You're not gonna run, Faith."
Faith: "What do you wanna do? You're gonna throw me off the roof -again?"
Buffy: "Any reason why I shouldn't?"
Faith turns to look at Buffy: "There is nothing I can do for you, B. I can't ever make it right."
Buffy: "So you're just going to take off again. Leave us to clean up yet another one of your messes."
Faith: "It would make things easier for you."
Buffy: "Till you got bored with the whole guilt thing - decided to come back to shake things up?"
That's not gonna happen.

You're right. It's not.

Faith, The Vampire Slayer
Angel said there was no way you were gonna give me a chance.

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
I gave you every chance…! 
I tried so hard to help you, 
and you spat on me. 

My life was just something for you to play with. 
Angel… Riley…. 
anything that you could take from me - you took

I've lost battles before - 
but nobody else 
has ever made me A Victim."

Faith, The Vampire Slayer
[ Having a Revelation — ]
And you can't stand that..!
You're all about control. 

You have no idea what it's like on the other side! 
Where nothing's in control, nothing makes sense

There is just Pain and Hate 
and nothing you do means anything
You can't even..

Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
Shut up!

Faith, The Vampire Slayer
Just tell me how to make it better.

The door to the roof bursts open and Collins steps through, machinegun in hand. Buffy tackles Faith to safety as Collins opens fire.
Angel and Wesley, standing next to the sewer entrance in his apartment, hear the shots.
Angel: "That's coming from the roof."
Just then Weatherby comes in shooting at them with his machine gun. Angel and Wesley take cover.
Wesley: "I didn't give you the signal."
Weatherby: "Shut it. (Smiles at Angel as he lifts a loaded crossbow) Vampire."
Buffy: "I think we can make it to the other building."
Faith: "Go."
Buffy: "Now."
They run but before they reach the edge a black helicopter comes to hover in front of them. Smith is in the open door, machinegun in hand.
Buffy and Faith run to hide behind a skylight. Collins has to reload and Buffy and Faith change skylights.
Wesley: "Weatherby, listen to reason."
Weatherby: "Reason. A Watcher working for a vampire. It's perversion."
Buffy: "I have to take this guy out. The guy with the gun up there will go for me. You stay here."
Faith: "Okay."
Buffy lunges over the skylight and tackles Collins. They fight with Smith unable to shoot without hitting Collins.
Smith to pilot: "Try and keep her steady."
Wesley: "Weatherby..."
Weatherby: "Do the sacred oaths you swore as a Watcher mean nothing to you now?"
Wesley: "As a matter of fact they do. I swore to protect the innocent. (To Angel) Get to the roof. Help them."
Angel: "What?"
Wesley: "Now!"
Angel runs for the stairs while Weatherby drops the crossbow and shoots at Wesley as he runs for the cover of another pillar.
Wealtherby: "Bastard!"
Buffy is fighting Collins.
Wesley takes the cap from the syringe and throws it like a dart. It hits Weatherby in the side of the neck and he drops his gun.
Wesley with a smile: "180."
Weatherby pulls the needle out. While he stands there swaying Wesley walks up to him and knocks him out with a right cross.
Wesley: "That's for calling me a ponce."
Angel is running up the stairs to the roof.
Buffy and Collins are still fighting.
Angel sees the helicopters spotlight through the milky Skylight above the top landing.
Buffy knocks Collins down and turns to face the helicopter just as Angel comes shooting through the skylight, catching it's left rung with his arms.
He reaches up and pulls Smith out of the door. Smith lands at Buffy's feet, while Angel climbs up to stand on the rung.
Angel, in vamp face to the pilot: "Down! Take it down."
Buffy watches the helicopter leave then turns around.
Buffy: "Faith.'"
But Faith is nowhere to be seen.
A bunch of police cars drive up with lights and sirens as the helicopter sets down.

Where is she?
You got one shot here Angel, where is she?

Angel just looks at her.

Arrest him. 
Start with aiding and abetting a wanted felon.

The cops cuff Angel and lead him away.
Wesley and Buffy arrive at the police station in Angel's car.

I think you're gonna like the cell we have for you, Angel. 
It faces East. 
It'll give you a great view of the sunrise in about four hours."

Buffy walking behind them: 

It's okay."

You know what he is."

Who are you?"

She's nobody."

Buffy steps between Angel and Kate 
as the reach they reach her desk.

Wait. This is murder."

Angel: "Buffy, it's alright."

Buffy: "It is not alright."

Kate: "Get her out of here!"

Buffy pushes the cop off her: 
You are not taking the fall for her, Angel."
Kate: "OUT!"
Angel looks over and sees Faith sitting at another desk with her back to them.
Angel: "Buffy."
Everyone in their group turns to look. 
A cop tries to pull Angel away and Buffy pushes his arm away. 

Faith looks over her shoulder at them 
and slowly stands up as Kate walks over to her.

I'd like to make A Confession.

Buffy and Angel are standing alone 
in the hallway of the police station.

You should have told me what was going on.

I didn't - 
I didn't think it was Your Business.

Not my business?

I needed more time with Faith. I'm not sure.."

You needed - 
Do you have any - idea what it was like for me 
to see you with her? 
That you went behind my back..."

Buffy, this wasn't about you
This was about saving somebody's soul
That's what I do here, 
and you're not a part of it. 

That was your idea, remember? 
We stay away from each other."

I came here because you were in danger.

I'm in danger every day
You came because of Faith
You were looking for vengeance.

I have a right to it.

Not in My City.

Buffy turns away for a moment then turns back.
Buffy: "I have someone in my life now. (Angel looks away from her but otherwise doesn't move) That I love. (Angel swallows hard) It's not what you and I had. - It's very new. (She steps closer) You know what makes it new? - I trust him. - I know him."
Angel lets out a sharp breath: "That's great. - It's nice - you moved on. - I can't. You found someone new. - I'm not allowed to, remember? I see you again it cuts me up inside and the person I share that with is me! You don't know me anymore. So don't come down here with your great new life and *expect* me to do things your way. - Go home!"
Buffy looks at him for a moment then goes to pick up her jacket, while Angel walks over to the wall and braces his hands against it.
Buffy: "See? - Faith wins again."
Angel without looking at her: "Go."
Buffy goes. After a moment Angel slams his hands against the wall and sighs.
Wesley: "You all right?'
Angel: "For a taciturn, shadowy guy - I've got a big mouth."
Wesley: "Did you want to go after her?"
Angel: "Yes."
Wesley: "I don't know how much my opinion counts for, but - I think you did the right thing."
Angel: "Yelling at Buffy?"
Wesley: "No. - The other thing."
Angel shakes his head: "I didn't do it. - Faith did."
We see Faith sitting alone in a jail cell, leaning back against the wall.
Wesley voice over: "I hope she is strong enough to make it. - Peace is not an easy thing to find."
Blend into a close-up of Faith's face.
Angel v.o.: "She has a chance."
Faith closes her eyes.
Fade to black.