Tuesday 10 March 2015

The Skeptical (Denialists) Movement and Their Problem with Women & Facts

For the full story, and to hear the first batch of recordings that Shermer doesn't want you to hear, please go to this link: http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/5232

Timeline of harassment and sexual assault allegations against Michael Shermer

Today’s a big news cycle in movement skepticism and movement atheism. My old timeline is woefully incomplete and drastically altered by new revelations, now, thanks to Mark Oppenheimer’s article on the state of misogyny in the atheist and skeptic movements over on Buzzfeed. 
So, I’m pulling out the relevant links and pullquotes and revamping this timeline. It’s going to be largely intact from the old one, only maybe expanded to provide more context to each individual point. As with previous timelines this will be a living document — it’s as likely new links will be added or intermixed as I have time, but you’re more than welcome to contribute links in the comments.
June 19, 2008
Alison Smith
At The Amazing Meeting, Alison Smith, then-JREF employee through August 2010, and founder of the now defunct Skeptical Analysis of the Paranormal Society (down) (cached copy), alleges that Michael Shermer plied her with alcohol to the point of losing time and memory, then brought her to his hotel room and had non-consensual sex with her. (This is known, in legal circles and to us Social Justice Warriors and feminazis, as rape.)
September, 2008
Pamela Gay
Gay has recounted in several places, without naming names, a story that while being introduced to Michael Shermer at Dragon*Con in 2008, he made a drunken lunge at her breasts instead of shaking her hand. DJ Grothe has related this story a number of times to a number of people, indicating that he had intervened to stop the public groping from happening.
May 2010
Ashley Miller
At a dinner event she attended featuring PZ Myers, Ashley encounters Michael Shermer, who allegedly spoke with her for several minutes while massaging his genitals through his jeans. She describes the incident here.
May 23rd, 2012
pseudonymous commenter Miriamne
A comment left at Friendly Atheist names Michael Shermer as allegedly having harassed her, and “trying to sleep with a new young woman every TAM”. 
August 7th, 2013
Unnamed victims via Brian Thompson
Brian Thompson, former employee of JREF, claims to personally know a number of women who have been harassed by Shermer, via Twitter. He specifies two instances of ‘being creeped at’, one of ‘being groped’ (by Shermer and/or another alleged creeper, Ben Radford). This could certainly refer to him being present for Shermer’s lunge at Pamela Gay.
Elyse Anders
Elyse describes some unwelcome salacious comments from Shermer after she drops a chicken tender at the TAM9 reception buffet.
August 8th, 2013
Unnamed victims via PZ Myers — Alison Smith
PZ Myers posts accounts by sources he trusts regarding allegations of Michael Shermer’s witnessed and experienced predatory tactics and alleged sexual assault of women he coerced into a position where they could not legally consent.
August 9th, 2013
Unnamed victim through delphi_ote
A participant at the JREF forums corroborates the existence of allegations against Michael Shermer by unnamed alleged victims.
naomibaker relates her story about how she was contacted ostensibly by Michael Shermer’s wife asking if the story she told about a cheating husband without names was talking about Michael. She listed names that Shermer had apparently had affairs with, several of the names being recognizeable.
August 12th, 2013
PZ Myers
Michael Shermer’s lawyer issues a cease-and-desist letter demanding that PZ remove the post containing the allegations and claiming that PZ did not hear directly from the alleged victim as he stated, pointing out an update suggesting that Carrie Poppy is responsible for putting the alleged victim in contact with PZ (no word on whether PZ actually spoke to the victim directly though); and claiming that PZ has a profit motive in blog hits. (DOWN) (A cached copy exists on scribd.)
PZ Myers
The post where PZ Myers linked the relevant PDF disappears after getting 70 comments within the span of an hour or so. (DOWN) (A cached copy exists on Google Cache. A second cached copy exists on freze.it.)
PZ Myers
The previous post is quickly replaced with this one stating that PZ has contacted Ken from Popehat.
August 13th, 2013
Carrie Poppy
Carrie Poppy and PZ Myers publicly state that Carrie only put the alleged victim into contact with PZ, and that Carrie is not really involved otherwise, despite the assertions in the cease-and-desist letter.
rikzilla relates a story where Shermer propositioned his wife, calling her sexy and asking her to his room for private drinks while he was present.
Dallas J. Haugh
Dallas posts a suicide note which includes allegations of rape against Shermer. It is taken down by a relative when he is secured and taken to a hospital; after he’s released, he reposts it.
August 14th, 2013
PZ Myers
The deadline given to PZ by Michael Shermer’s lawyers to acknowledge receipt has elapsed. The post is still up.
August 16th, 2013
Ian Murphy
Ian Murphy publishes an email exchange with Shermer wherein Shermer makes some comments, against his lawyer’s orders, about the allegations and his dealings with PZ Myers. 
August 22nd, 2013
Emery Emery
On a fundraiser page built by Emery Emery, the “Ardent Atheist”, to raise funds for Michael Shermer’s legal offense, Shermer himself comments in support, stating that he was aware of the effort and that any funds not used toward suing PZ Myers would be given to a charity of Emery’s choice.
August 26th, 2013
John Loftus
John Loftus claims to have personal email from Michael Shermer suggesting that he knows who made the accusations against him, and that if anyone else heard what Shermer told Loftus, Shermer’s innocence would be obvious. He then later walks all of that back when Shermer apparently suggests he DOESN’T know who made the accusation, and was just guessing. I cover this episode on my blog.
August, 2013
Taylor Proctor, Derek Colanduno
After seeing Derek Colanduno of the Skepticality podcast, lamenting “witch-hunts” and “lies” regarding the allegations of sexual harassment being made about Michael Shermer, Taylor Proctor reported some untoward behaviour by Shermer that she’d experienced at Dragon*Con 2008, expecting that he knew she was not a liar. On Sept 18th, 2014, Proctor brings up this conversation on Facebook on Colanduno’s wall. Colanduno then claims she is a liar, but Proctor provides screenshots of the conversation from August 2013, wherein he claims he’d have a talk with Shermer. In 2008, Colanduno was in fact director of the skeptic’s track at Dragon*Con, and each subsequent year through 2014. Colanduno went on to invite Shermer to Dragon*Con 2013 and 2014. 
September 5th, 2013
Emery Emery
In an update on Emery Emery’s legal offense fund for Shermer, Emery Emery states that they’ve reached the first goal of $5000 and that Michael Shermer “has no choice” but to sue PZ because the post is still up.
September 10th, 2013
Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer tweets, then deletes, a photo of himself onstage in Germany in front of a sign that says “no drinks onstage” in German. Someone managed to get a screencap before it was removed. The tweet reads:
Skeptics in the Pub Köln “No drinks on stage”? What fun is that? I like to keep my glass full w/out my knowing it…
September 19th, 2013
Emery Emery
The fundraiser closes for Michael Shermer’s legal offense fund, having raised a total of $8,289. 
November 6th, 2013
Pamela Gay
During the “Ripples of Doubt” science blogosphere event following Bora Zivkovic’s admission that he’d serially harassed women for sex, Pamela Gay talks about the fallout from her speech at TAM 2012, Make The World Better, wherein she described some of the harassment she’d encountered without naming names. Her post about that fallout and the damage the speech did to her career is called Truth Against Humanity. She again describes, without naming names, the incident with Michael Shermer attempting to grope her and being stopped by DJ Grothe.
May 31, 2014
Pamela Gay
In the months since her post on Ripples of Doubt, Pamela Gay describes how she’s sorry she’d stayed silent about the incident in 2008 when Shermer allegedly attempted to grope her, and acknowledges the psychological damage that bottling it up and hiding it to protect her career has done. She further alleges that DJ Grothe, who intervened in the incident, threatened to testify on Shermer’s behalf against her if she didn’t stop talking about the incident. Interestingly, she didn’t name any names then either, and DJ Grothe has reportedly shared the story of intervening against Shermer with a number of independent members of the skeptical community.
August 9th, 2014
Stephanie Zvan
While for a number of reasons, she was keeping relatively quiet about this milestone, Stephanie did note that the statute of limitations in California had run out on Shermer actually suing Myers. 
September 11th, 2014
Mark Oppenheimer
The NY Times contributor Mark Oppenheimer writes a very long, detailed highlights-reel on the harassment campaigns being run within the atheist and skeptical movements, including naming three of the victims of Shermer’s alleged predations. There are actually a large number of bombshells in this piece alone which had until now not been public, which I’ll further itemize:
  • The person in the “Grenade” post by Myers was actually Alison Smith, a known entity in the skeptical community
  • Shermer has actively changed his story from what he reported at the time in his rebuttal statement — from two unknown people (one with “dreadlocks”) being upset that his talking with Smith was preventing them from “getting into her pants”, so they started spreading rumors, to that he and Smith had had sober consensual sex that night, initiated by a cold proposition by Smith in a bathroom.
  • Ashley Miller apparently had a several-minute-long conversation with Shermer while he was actively massaging his penis through his jeans, and trying to arrange himself such that she had to see it and notice
  • James Randi was aware of complaints, and if only because Shermer wasn’t violent, ignored them:
    Shermer has been a bad boy on occasion — I do know that[.] I have told him that if I get many more complaints from people I have reason to believe, that I am going to have to limit his attendance at the conference. His reply, […] is he had a bit too much to drink and he doesn’t remember. I don’t know — I’ve never been drunk in my life. It’s an unfortunate thing … I haven’t seen him doing that. But I get the word from people in the organization that he has to be under better control. If he had gotten violent, I’d have him out of there immediately. I’ve just heard that he misbehaved himself with the women, which I guess is what men do when they are drunk.
  • Emery Emery gave the money from the fundraiser to Shermer’s lawyers, which, considering they didn’t sue Myers, leaves the fate of those funds in question. What did they pay for, and/or how much was returned to Shermer or Emery? If returned to Emery, what charity did he choose to contribute the funds to?
— There are a few parts of Oppenheimer’s narrative that could use some polish — the depiction of Melody Hensley as entirely shut-in is grossly inaccurate, even where being largely bedridden and having muscle atrophy is demonstrably true, and using her as a counterexample to Rebecca Watson’s “grace” handling similar harassment is irritating at absolute best. The entire elision of DJ Grothe, as President of JREF, taking then dismissing then denying numerous reports of harassment, including ones placed by Ashley Miller, could provide much-needed context in this larger battle.
The discussion of sexual harassment is being misframed. The problem here is not Shermer, nor any of the numerous people like him. The problem is misogyny, rape culture and entitlement, and Shermer and his ilk are symptoms. His defenders and his changing story are evidence of the existence of this rape culture.
September 12th, 2014
Ashley Miller
Ashley posts her fuller description of Shermer’s harassment in 2010 in response to the piece by Mark Oppenheimer.
Michael Shermer
Shermer posts his rebuttal statement in which he offers an email from Alison asking him to be a panelist on a panel about sex myths (such as regarding consent), and included a winking emoticon. This he suggests proves that her relationship with him was good.
Richard Dawkins
Dawkins tweets (as he is wont to do) a ridiculous defense of getting people drunk in order to take advantage to them. You might wonder why this is salient, if it might also just be coincidental that he’s repeated a rape-apologetics trope so shortly after a resurgence of interest in the allegations against his friend Michael Shermer.
Ophelia Benson
To explain the last point, Benson comments on her blog that during negotiations for what to say in the joint Benson/Dawkins statement against the harassment women like Rebecca Watson have received in the movement, Dawkins asked Benson to “use her influence” to curtail people insinuating that Michael Shermer has predated on women. This casts the tweets about drunken sex as premeditated.
PZ Myers
PZ shows the statement Shermer made in his rebuttal with other statements he’s made about the night in question in an exercise of compare/contrast. It seems there’s a lot in Shermer’s story that’s changed, and a number of factual statements that bear examination, such as the time frames proffered and the state of Alison Smith when they later ostensibly had consensual sex.
September 19th, 2014
PZ Myers
Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland apparently asked PZ Myers by email to retract statements against Michael Shermer and apologize to him for personal attacksvery shortly after Ophelia Benson and Richard Dawkins’ joint statement against harassment in the community, apparently carbon-copying both Benson and Dawkins on the email unsolicited. On Sept 19th, Nugent made a version of this email to PZ a sort of open letter. 
A large number of community members, myself included, interpret Nugent’s demands that rape accusations may only be levied through police reports as effectively demanding silence on the matter, especially considering the evidence is mounting that we effectively have the equivalent of a Catholic preacher in our midst. He also explicitly characterizes these events between Shermer and numerous women as “unreported”, though most if not all of them were actually reported to people that these women incorrectly thought would do something about it (c.f. DJ Grothe).
September 21st, 2014
Alison Smith
PZ Myers guest-posts some clarification offered by Alison Smith about the timeline, about witnesses, about what she experienced, and why she invited Shermer to the sex workshop. To summarize her fuller points:
– The time frame between leaving the party and calling to be picked up the first time while being witnessed to be fall-down drunk, and calling someone asking for help a second time after apparently being raped, is about two hours. (Remember also that Smith claims that Shermer offered to walk her back to HER room, but instead took her to HIS, according to the Oppenheimer piece.)
– Alison Smith was calling it rape basically immediately to the person who picked her up, not “the next morning” as a number of trolls have posited.
– The person who picked her up after the event was willing to be quoted by Oppenheimer on the timeline and how she reacted to the event, but was not approached.
– Smith had to be pushed out of the hotel in a wheelchair, which was volunteered to them by hotel staff who witnessed her drunken state.
– She expressly invited Shermer to the panel on sex in hopes that his ideas on consent would clash publicly with one other panelist. There was no intent to create a “gotcha” moment, but that the discussion would be “lively” as a result of their plainly differing ideas about consent.
September 22nd, 2014
Skeptifem’s husband, who dated Smith prior, corroborates Alison’s timeline with regard to how quickly she was referring to the event as rape after it happened.
September 22nd, 2014
Jeff Wagg
Jeff Wagg, former “General Manager” (in a time when there was no President) of JREF, comes out as the witness in question, who was willing to go on record for Oppenheimer and who corroborates every particular of Alison Smith’s story. Especially important is the fact that he was indeed a staff member at JREF at the time, and that in Oppenheimer’s piece, James Randi admits that staff member(s) had told him about Shermer — the staff member(s) could absolutely include Wagg. Shermer had said to Randi that at the time, he was so drunk that he didn’t remember what had happened (contradicting his later claims) — and that was enough for Randi to dismiss what had happened as, effectively, “boys will be boys”. (How misandrist.)
Among the questions that Jeff answers is a point blank question as to whether or not Alison Smith expressly said she’d been raped by Shermer in asking for help getting home from the hotel. Wagg answers “yes”.
It is also worth noting that Wagg’s later departure from the JREF was when DJ Grothe became president and “cleaned house”.
September 29th, 2014
Pamela Gay
In a post at Daylight Atheism, Adam Lee laments the “wall of silence” protecting Shermer, and has quotes from Pamela Gay on the record admitting that her “Person B” in her post, the person whom we already knew through inference to be DJ Grothe who both protected her when Shermer made a lunge at her and threatened Gay with consequences if she would not recant, was in fact DJ Grothe. While we already figured this out, this is the first time she was on the record with his name. If Shermer is indeed guilty of sex crimes, it’s fairly obvious that DJ Grothe is directly responsible for some of the cover-up of same.

The Firm

"[Sinatra is a] pretty strange person... He could be terribly nice one minute and, well, not so nice the next..."

Prince Charles,
[Who talks to plants and insists that he hears them answering him]
On the occasion of their third meeting,

Left to right, Frank Sinatra, Ava Gardner (1922–1990), Mrs C.J. Latta, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and American opera singer Dorothy Kirsten enjoying an after dinner joke at a Variety Club of Great Britain benefit for the National Playing Fields Association, at the Empress Club, London, 29th December 1951. 

Mrs Latta is the wife of a co-founder of the Variety Club of Great Britain.

Duke of Edinburgh at an airport in Palm Springs. 
15th March 1966

"I shall send round a couple of my friends with strong Sicilian accents to talk with you...."

Sir James "Jimmy" Savile, OBE,
Knight-Commander of the Papal Order of St. Gregory the Great

"When I became president, I had never met Frank Sinatra, although I was an enormous admirer of his... I had the opportunity after I became president to get to know him a little, to have dinner with him, to appreciate on a personal level what hundreds of millions of people around the world appreciated from afar."

President Bill Clinton,
Order of the De Molay

"[Sinatra] was the guv'nor as far as I was concerned. I was very shocked when I heard the news, although it wasn't unexpected. I think we had known it was coming for a few years... It is one of the big regrets in my life that I never met him properly. He is one of the two people I would always have loved to meet, Frank and Fred Astaire."

Sir Bruce Forsyth,

"We always thought he was creepy"

Sir Paul McCartney, MBE & Sir Bruce Forsyth

Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, with Sir Bruce Forsythe and Sir Cliff Richard (right) following a performance at the London Palladium, 1st December 1960.

Sir Fred Goodwin


Really? Who paid for your flights..?

“They suffer a great guilt complex over the Nazi period... I’m suggesting including them this time & making the occasion one of celebrating when the hatred stopped & peace & friendship began which has continued for 40 yrs.”

Ronald Reagan Personal Diary,
November 1984

“There is no way I’ll back down & run for cover... Would Helmut be wrong if he visited Arlington Cemetery on one of his U.S. visits?” 

Ronald Reagan Personal Diary,
April 1985

“They [the press] are really sucking blood & finding every person of Jewish faith they can who will denounce me.”

Ronald Reagan Personal Diary,
April 18 1985

The following day, Reagan referred to the uproar as his “‘Dreyfus’ case,” refusing his advisers’ calls to cancel the visit. Even first lady Nancy Reagan, renowned for her supportiveness, was described as “uptight about the situation.” Though peeved, Reagan remained undaunted. “I’m not going to cancel anything no matter how much the bastards scream,” he wrote.

When it ultimately came time for the May 5 visit, Reagan’s angry defensiveness returned to the cool conviction that otherwise colors most of his writing. After declaring that “we must never forget & we must pledge, ‘never again’” during a morning visit to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Reagan arrived at the Kolmeshöhe Cemetery to a large crowd of German onlookers, most of whom he believed to be approving. During a brief ceremony, an American and German general from World War II each laid a wreath at the cemetery monument. When the two unexpectedly shook hands at the close of the ceremony, Reagan called it a “truly dramatic moment.”

Polls later showed that 59% of Americans supported Reagan’s visit — up from 49% before his trip.I always felt it was the morally right thing to do,” he wrote.

While Reagan’s own account of his decision to visit Bitburg is a deeply disturbing read, it is generally considered the exception in an otherwise positive record on Jewish-relevant issues. “I think it was an episode — a sad episode,” said the Anti-Defamation League’s national director, Abraham Foxman. “The Jewish community’s attitude toward Reagan was that he was a friend, and certainly a friend of Israel. He could have been a greater friend, but [the Bitburg visit] did not tarnish him significantly.”

According to Foxman, the Bitburg visit was far more damaging to Germany’s image among American Jews. “It backfired on Germany,” he said. “We saw that they were impatient to achieve normalcy, without understanding that we can never be normal. We can have relations. We can have understanding. But it can never be normal, certainly not as long as survivors and perpetrators [of the Holocaust] are around.” 

For this reason, it was the German government — and not Reagan — that undertook efforts to repair relations with the Jewish community after the Bitburg controversy, Foxman said.

If Reagan’s visit to Bitburg soured relations with the American Jewish community, the president never seemed to notice. While Reagan continued recording his efforts to liberate Soviet Jewry, secure reparations for Holocaust victims and engage domestic Jewish groups, he never wrote of Bitburg — or the furor it engendered — again.

Eric Trager is a doctoral student in political science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Jailbait : Sinatra, Saville and International Sex Trafficking

"This is the only place in America where you can walk across the lobby and get locked up for violating the Mann Act"

- Chaiman of the Board of Showbusiness,
Mr. Frances "Frank" Sinatra,
Celebrity Room, Cal-Neva Lodge, Lake Tahoe,
August 15 1961

Agent Marilyn, Sinatra and Friend.

"That Frank, he wants more money, he wants this, he wants that, he wants more girls, he wants ... I don't need that or him. I broke my ass when I was talking to him in New York..."

- Sam Giancana,
FBI Federal Wiretap
Week preceding October 31 1962.

From Left to Right :

Lt. Col Michael Aquino, 

NATO/US Army Military Intelligrnce Corps,111the Special Operations Pay-ops  division, charter member of the Church of Satan, future founder of the schizomanic and schismanic Military/Satanic movement in the American heartland, the Temple of Set (L);

Mr. Sammy Davis Jr 

of the Boulé, and the Prince Hall False Masonry, (Centre)

And Rev. Anton Salazar LeVey 

- Founder and  Honourary ChaIrman of the board of the Church of Satan in all of the U.S. 
("So mote it be...", Nancy perhaps  murmured under her breath, lost deep in waves of warm, California thought and nostalgia....)

"Baby, let me say this - I have gotone eye, and that one eye sees a lotta things my brain tells me I shouldn't talk about.

Because my brain says that, if I do, my one eye might not be seeing anything after a while."

- Sammy Davis Jr., 
On or Around Week preceding October 31 1962.

Cal-Neva Lodge,

California/Nevada Border, Lake Tahoe,
July 29th 1962

"[Sinatra is a] pretty strange person... He could be terribly nice one minute and, well, not so nice the next..."

Prince Charles,
[Who talks to plants and insists that he hears them answering him]
On the occasion of their third meeting,

Trouble Brewing 

(And how...)

Marilyn with Billy Wilder, Director of Some Like it Hot (1959)

Billy Wilder, Director of Some Like it Hot (1959), 
with Crew and Extras, 
Buchenwald Concentration Camp, 
American Sector, Occupied Germany,
May 1945

Marilyn with Billy Wilder, Director of Some Like it Hot (1959)

"Marilyn Monroe spent a weekend at the [Cal-Neva Lodge] hotel just one week before her death on August 4, 1962. The cabin known as Monroe's and another known as Sinatra's are still part of the 219 guest accommodations.

The "Munroe" Cabin

The "Sinatra" Cabin

The Secret Underground Tunnels

Two of the cottages by the bay are connected by an underground tunnel, allowing Sinatra to visit occupants of the other cottage without being seen. 

This was open to the public for a time before the shutdown."

A Tour of the Cal-Neva Secret Underground Tunnels

Chamber Below the McMartin Pre-School

Further Tunnels Beneath McMartin Pre-School

Frank Sinatra's Lake Tahoe casino shuts down

By Martin Griffith, Associated Press Writer
On Wednesday, roulette wheels will stop spinning and blackjack games will cease at Sinatra's old resort that straddles the Nevada-California border on Lake Tahoe's north shore at Crystal Bay.
While the resort's current owner hopes to reopen the casino under a new outside contractor by year's end, some analysts think the Cal Neva might have dealt its last hand. They said Tahoe casinos are particularly vulnerable to the double-whammy of the recession and competition from Las Vegas and Indian casinos.
In 2009, gambling revenues at Lake Tahoe casinos were roughly half of the 1992 total when corrected for inflation, said William Eadington, an economics professor and director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada, Reno.
"The realities are when you have that kind of decline the weakest operators typically get pushed out," Eadington said. "The older, tired casinos — and the Cal Neva is a great example — don't have much to offer for gaming."
Sinatra owned the Cal Neva from 1960 to 1963 during its heyday, drawing fellow Rat Pack members Martin, Davis and Peter Lawford, and stars such as Marilyn MonroeJoe DiMaggio and Juliet Prowse.
Monroe spent her final weekend at the Cal Neva before she died of a drug overdose in Los Angeles in August 1962. The small cabin where she stayed still stands and is part of a tour offered by the resort.
Sinatra renovated the Cal Neva, adding the celebrity showroom and a helicopter pad on the roof. He used tunnels to shuffle mobsters and celebrities beneath the resort so they wouldn't be seen by the general public, said Carl Buehler, a bartender who leads tours at the resort. The tunnels were built in the late 1920s so liquor could be smuggled in during Prohibition, he said.
"This was one of the hottest casinos in Nevada when Frank owned it," Buehler said. "Frank had all the stars coming in and out of here, and it was always packed with people. I think the history is what keeps the Cal Neva going."
Sinatra's gambling license was stripped by the Nevada Gaming Control Board after Chicago mobster Sam Giancana was spotted on the premises.
Richard Bosworth, Canyon Capital Realty Advisors senior director, said the Los Angeles-based financial institution that has owned the rustic resort since last year has held discussions with several gambling-license holders who have expressed an interest in managing the casino.
He noted the rest of the property, including restaurants and the showroom now named for Sinatra, will remain open. The company has overseen significant turnarounds in non-gambling operations such as hotel and wedding bookings since becoming the landmark's owner through foreclosure.
"We have worked hard to successfully stabilize business operations over the past year, and we are confident that an operator shift at the casino will only further enhance the value of the Cal Neva resort," Bosworth said in a statement.
Former Nevada state Archivist Guy Rocha said he questions whether the casino will be able to reopen because of the decline in Nevada's gambling business.
The Cal Neva's colorful past isn't enough to draw younger gamblers not as familiar with Sinatra and other celebrities who entertained there more than 50 years ago, he said.
"People just aren't coming in the numbers to gamble like they used to," Rocha said. "The Cal Neva doesn't capture people's imagination the way it once did."
The Cal Neva is one of Nevada's first legal casinos. The present resort was built in 1937, when a fire destroyed the original lodge that had opened in 1926. Before Sinatra's tenure, Judy Garland first performed at the lodge in 1935 at the age of 13.
Canyon Capital took over the Cal Neva after foreclosing on a $25 million loan to its prior owner, financier Ezri Namvar. A two-state auction of the property last year netted no bidders. Namvar bought the Cal Neva from Chuck Bluth in 2005.
At a meeting last week, Lake Tahoe casino owners agreed the local gambling industry is in sharp decline and the current status quo is not a viable option.
"The cost of doing nothing is considerable," said John Koster, regional president of Harrah's Northern Nevada.
Mike Bradford, president of Lakeside Inn and Casino in Stateline, said he has had to lay off about 100 employees since 2006.
"I just couldn't afford to pay their salaries," he said.
Elsewhere on Tahoe's south shore, Bill's Casino closed and the Horizon Casino eliminated table games of chance last year, further signs of the industry's distress.
Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. 

Essential Reference Text - Nancy Reagan : The Unauthorised Biography by Kitty Kelley

Just got done ploughing through this monster, and I have officially had my fill of all the Nancy Davis one person can be expected to endure over just a single lifetime; but, now that this particular labour of endurance is complete, I can now share with you what I have learnt in the process, along with my observations and inferences we are able to draw by studying what's conspicuously not in the book....

This is Ms. Kelley herself - you'd better believe that she does the most watertight fact checking (or at least her full-time researcher does...), so that if it went in the book, you know that they really said it, and all quotes are double-sourced and verified....

HOWEVER - Kitty only gets good answers on record to those questions that she actually asks.

If she doesn't ask it, it's not in he book.

That's where we come in - asking basic, obvious questions, and listening out for the silence that follows....

Given that most (or more rather, all) of Kelley's subjects lead mutually intertwined and interconnected secret lives, it's important to do a proper side-by-side reading with Kelley's earlier/later writings, to see how consistent the narrative on particular episodes either remains or evolves over the course of many years or decades - most specifically, in this instance....

What I have learnt :

- Nancy Reagan is an totally synthetic creation - she is an absolute complete fiction, an invention. 

Everything about her is either fake or not true, or complete fabrication.

The story of the Regan candidacy, as both Mae Brussell and Dr. Emmet Brown both observed years ahead of its ultimate fruition, represents an almost text-book object lesson in political artifice and superficiality, the making of a Californian Candidate - the systematic building to-order of a photogenic, affable, politician possessing of a double-digit IQ, an absence of any form of complex moral compass, lazy, uninquisitive and gullible beyond belief - who is simply able to follow advice, take instruction, say the lines as they are given to him, and above all, to do as he is told....

Ronald Reagan was a creature birthed of Hollywood, the organised crime/organised oppinion-making Hollywood/Las Vegas/Southern Rim Military-Industrial-Entertainment Complex nexus the most literal and absolute sense.

He was just the exact same President Frank Sinatra had always dreamed of... always on call to assist The Syndicate.

And at first glance, Nancy Reagan presents the precise outward appearance, background, habits and character traits that explain her observable behaviour and actions as being those of a classic, near perfect archetype for an MK controller, assigned to supervise and direct the actions of our blank-slate-Man, Mr. Tabula Rasa, and raise him up to where anything and everything the public expects, or desires, or needs to see can be projected onto him and broadcast back.....

But it's actually a situation far more unlikely and unexpected, and by that token, far more human and random, nuanced and fascinating.....

Because Nancy Reagan herself is a completely artificial construct, not a real or genuinely existing persona..... But here, she is instead an entirely self-actualised fabrication...

Nancy Reagan made up just about every aspect about herself in order to become the person that she became, purely through an exercise of will - she decided precisely who it was she wanted to be, and then built that person from scratch, using her existing body, soul and personality as mere raw materials for the task.

She made herself into the woman she dreamed she might one day be like, and her method included navigation through life by way of astrology and a strict adherence to superstition;

Then she decided who she wanted to marry, found him, married him, and set about turning him equally systematically into the man she wanted to have as her husband, to conform to her plan for her life....

In short - Only in California.

- Before losing his mind, Ronald Reagan was a notorious and habitual Date-Rapist and Sex-Pest in the Hollywood of the 40s and 50s; its suggested that his status as President of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) afforded him a free pass to molest starlets;

- Reagan secretly had his prostate removed in 1969, which would explain his lapse into idle indolence from the fire, Blood and Thunder of his stumping for Goldwater, still present in his oratory up until the end of the 60s.

- Frank Sinatra repeatedly demonstrated an uncanny ability to penetrate Reagan's personal security and evade, elude and otherwise negate or slip past his Secret Service protection detail.
Which is somewhat worrying, to say the least...

- Reagan's insistence on visiting a German military cemetery with some SS internees to lay a wreath with Helmut Kohl during the G7 meeting of that year, to mark the 40th Anniversary of VE-Day (the stars told him to go it) in May of 1985, may well have been the final straw from the perspective of certain groups and interested parties who had been extremely supportive of him previously whilst he had been throwing US troops into Beruit, Syria and the Sinai (they are still there in the latter case, incidentally...)

Really? Who paid for your flights and loss of income?

“I think it was an episode — a sad episode.... The Jewish community’s attitude toward Reagan was that he was a friend, and certainly a friend of Israel. He could have been a greater friend, but [the Bitburg visit] did not tarnish him significantly.

It backfired on Germany...We saw that they were impatient to achieve normalcy, without understanding that we can never be normal. We can have relations. We can have understanding. But it can never be normal, certainly not as long as survivors and perpetrators [of the Holocaust] are around.” 

Anti-Defamation League National Director, 
Abraham Foxman

And nearly all of them , according to the U.S. Army Medical Corps, died of Typhus in the last 6 weeks of the war - ironically, because due to the shattering of Germany's internal infrastructure, the Camp administrators were likely unable to get resupplied with Zyklon-B in order to conduct an effective delousing protocol to stop the spread of the disease, which was at the level of an epidemic throughout Europe.

- It was Nancy who got rid of Helene Von Damme, former personal assistant to Nazi SS Col. Otto Von Bolshwing.

- When Reagan walked into the ER at GWU Hospital, before promptly collapsing, none of the nurses, doctors or EMTs realised that he had been shot and assumed he was simply having a heart attack; even after cutting off his clothes and removing his shirt, none of them were even able to locate a wound of entry, nor any significant bleeding (although, since he was coughing up oxygenated blood, he had clearly been hit with something... They eventually located a tiny inch long slit caked in a few drops of black, scabbed-over blood inside his left armpit, and during surgery, by pure fluke, they managed to find, grab hold of and extract a tiny, flattened disc about the size of a dime, with razor sharp edges lodged around a quarter-inch away from his heart.

- By Winter/Spring of 1985, for a period, Ronald Reagan was absolutely riddled with cancers. Nancy forbid the White House Press Office from ever using the word "Cancer", and many of the statements were just flat-out untrue and dishonest

- Nancy Reagan did not trust the military surgeons and their staff to operate on her husband - on both occasions during his second term (in 1985 and 1987) when he was checked into Bethesda Naval Hospital, Nancy had her own doctors and surgical team (friends of her step-father's) from the Mayo Clinic in New York flown in under tight secrecy to put Ronnie under anesthesia and remove the tumours and polyps he had begun to rapidily accumulate by that stage...

- The Reagans' eldest son Michael was sexually abused by a camp-counsellor during early childhood, but President and Mrs. Reagan, he of the Bohemia Club ("The most faggoty goddamn thing you've ever seen in your life" - Nixon), insist that they had absolutely nothing to do with it, and this was all news to them when they found out.

- Employing a tried and tested practice of Freemasonry, all of the Reagan and Sinatra "good cause" charitable foundations are merely fronts and financial conduits for other things, generally far more sinister; for instance, during the 1988 to 1991 timeframe immediately prior to Operstions Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Nancy's "Just Say No" anti-drug coalition served as a channel down which the Reagans were able to recieve many, many millions in untaxable funds from various Arab Oil interests.

Sinatra actually opened a children's home for "needy kids" in Jerusalem, and was personally honoured for his 60th Birthday gala celebrations in Vegas in 1980 both by Prime Minister Monachem Begin and President Anwar Sadat - so what's that all about....?

Sinatra's work in behalf of The International Variety Club in particular is worthy of special attention and scruitiny, as are any of his various common causes he shared with Bob Hope  of MI6...

Observations : 

- Some of the people Kitty Kelley appears to go out of her way to protect include George Bush, Barbara Bush, Alexander Haig, Henry Kissinger, David & Nelson Rockefeller, Helene Von Damme and others. Lt. Col. Oliver North and even more so, National Security Adviser John Poindexter are mentioned only in a very perfunctory and neutral manner, and there is no effort or attempt to apportion blame for Iran-Contra.

- The innate Bircher tendencies of the Reagans, specifically they harsh and resentful animosity towards Trilateralism, The House of Rockefeller in general and Kissinger and the policies of détenté specifically are conspicuously absent, as are all but a handful of Rockefeller Men, who make little more than walk-on cameos. This is especially crucial, since Reagan ran on an anti-Trilateral, anti-CFR platform in 1980, and Reagan  was scheduled to deliver an address to the Trilateral Commission when he was shot in March of '81 - Haig stepped in for him to deliver the address instead.

Haig and Donald Regan were "victims" of Nancy Reagan, notice.

- Kelley notes at one stage, towards the end of the narrative, that the Reagan Whitehouse produced a record number of instant tell-all biographies from its ex-members, almost all of which made the Administration look criminal and/or incompetent at best, all of which hit the shelves (and became bestsellers) before the end of Reagan's term of office, mostly whilst Iran-Contra was subject to ongoing investigations, which is not usual or normal - not to say probably not legal.

- Having earlier noted that Nancy exercised (from the very first) hiring and firing power of administration officials and staff, Kelley lists the most notable, high-profile "victims" of this pervasive, hen-pecked work environment to include Al Haig, Terrel Bell, James Watt, David Stockman, Anne Gorusch, Larry Speakes, Helene Von Damme, James Rosebush, Cap Weinberger, Peggy Noonan and Selwa Roosevelt - all of whom wrote shitty books accusing Nancy Reagan of being a scheming, derranged puppet-mistress, with Ronnie as her amiable, toothless sock puppet who either got them each fired, or made their jobs impossible and their position untenable, resulting in their having to quit. Further, though not explicitly stated, the firm inference is made that Reagan only fired Ollie North because Nancy told him he had to, and wouldn't have otherwise.

- The underlying thesis in play here is that Nancy Reagan was running Reagan's White House in such a toxic and corrosive manner, firing anyone she took a dislike to, being completely irrational and unreasonable and as a result, all of the fubars, dysfunctionalism and scandals of the Reagan Adminsitration were to a greater or lesser degree all ultimately attributable to being held hostage to the derranged and paranoiac whims and delusions of The Mad Old Witch-hag-Queen-Bitch of the West Wing, firing anyone she imagines might mean to do her poor little Ronnie harm, solely on the strength of advice and dire warnings issued her scrying and soothsaying coven of Southern Californian witch doctors banshee women.

- Well, that clearly wasn't true - and what's more, it's clearly and demonstrably not true.

- Notably absent from the list of tell-all books by ex-Administration officials is October Surprise by Barbara Honnegar (and also, come to think of it, October Surprise by Gary Sick, who also served (albeit briefly) on the first Reagan National Security Council at the beginning of 1981, not-quite overlapping with Lt.Col. Oliver North, in that regard) - "October Surprise" is mentioned, briefly, but largely in reference to the original formulation used internally by the Reagan-Bush Campaign, meaning the fear and risk presented by a possible early negotiated release of the Tehran Embassy personnel brokered by the Carter Administration - which did actually happen.... It had all been agreed. Warren Christopher and others had successfully negotiated a deal mutually satisfactory to both camps in Germany by mid-October 1980, details were tentatively released to the press agencies, but without warning and with no explanation, having agreed terms, the Iranians unilaterally broke off contact, stonewalled all attempts to reopen communication channels and just went dead silent, completely out of the blue.

Because they were still holding all the cards and we're just about to be approached with a much better offer....