Tuesday 3 March 2015

Lyle Stuart

Lyle Stuart's Open letter to NY Times Jan 3 1988 re Scientology Cult

Money is sucked from the victim, To reach the goal of $80,000 a customer, Scientology extracts it in chunks of $20,000 and $30,000 a year. In return, you're told you'll live forever! They even have you sign a billion year Agreement! 
Scientologists seek young people in the 19 to 25 age range. 
"Sometimes," says the former director of a Scientology Mission, "we used pretty young girls to attract young men. People are surprised to learn that our goal was to get at least $80,000 for each piece of raw meat we recruit. 
"You don't believe we can get that from a youngster? We know they can get it from their parents, the estate of their grandmother, etc." 
Dangerous Cult
No wonder Reader's Digest calls Scientology "one of the most dangerous religious cults in America!"
Young people are not the only gullibles. So are some dentists, veterinarians, and other ambitious professionals. (See below) 
Here is what one mother wrote to us: "Scientology is a plague... my son was hired by a friend to a communications course. Within months he was fully indoctrinated. He left his wife and family of 13 years. 
"When i tried to dissuade him, I was put on the Scientology ‘enemies list.' I received threatening phone calls. My husband was picketed at his place of business. Thank you for having the courage to publish your book." 
The Church of Scientology claims to be a bona-fide tax-exempt church. 
Scientology is neither a science nor a religion. Its only gods are money and L Ron Hubbard- in that order. It charges exhorbitant prices for "religious services". Many of these are not for the good of the parishioner but to gain black-mailable information or otherwise control the parishioners' lives.
Scientologists promise to make people into super beings. The Church of Scientology calls them "Operating Thetans" (Ots) who are capable of operating outside their bodies with 360 degree vision, capable of moving objects, knowing what others think, not getting old and sick. You pay your money, and you are promised that if you pay enough and study enough you'll have the attributes of a God. 
At the top level, Scientologists are trained to lie and deceive. They will use any ruse in their belief that they will dominate the world. They sue when anyone criticizes them. They have gone to court hundreds of times to suppress the truth about their operation (They are against freedom but they call their magazine Freedom.) 
The Church mounted an all-out attack on the United States Government. Two members were arrested while stealing documents from the FBI. Others broke into the deputy Attorney general's office and stole secret papers. 
In 1977, more than one hundred FBI agents, armed with warrants and sledgehammers, stormed Scientology centers in Los Angeles and Washington DC. Documents were found proving Scientologists had burglarized more than 100 government agencies including the IRS, FBI and CIA.
Hubbard Indicted 
Mary Sue Hubbard was Hubbard's third wife. Ron Hubbard himself was indicted. (He had already been convicted of fraud in France, but escaped from the country) Hubbard's mysterious death neatly avoided additional arrests. It also created a smokescreen to cover the whereabouts and distribution of the more that two hundred million dollars he took from the Church, all the while telling the gullible "Your money doesn't go to me." 
And while he was saying this, he was receiving a check each week for one million dollars!
Legal Budget 
No wonder the Church could afford to double its legal budget from one million to two million dollars a month! 
The Church of Scientology can't stand the truth. Truth will destroy it. That's why they're so upset about our book L RON HUBBARD, MESSIAH OR MADMAN? It was written by Bent Corydon with information furnished by L Ron Hubbard Jr.
They've gone to court four times on this quest. All to no avail. The book is available to anyone who wants to buy one at a book shop. 
They sued author Bent Corydon three times in a single week to silence him! They've threatened publishers, newspapers, and radio and television stations. 
Scientology lawyer Timothy Bowles warned the St. Petersburg Times not to mention our book or "you will find yourself in court facing not only libel and slander charges, but also for conspiracy to violate civil rights. If you publish anything at all about it, you may still find yourself defending charges in court. 
You can help fight this cult and the other cult exploiters of the innocent, the naive and the idealistic. 
For one thing, visit your local bookshop and purchase one or more copies of L RON HUBBARD. MESSIAH OR MADMAN?, I am putting all the profits from this book into educational ads such as this one. 
Give a copy to your teenagers and give one to the professionals you know, dentists, veterinarian, optometrist, osteopath, chiropractor or orthodontist. The Scientologists have a new front organization called Sterling Management Corp. To rake in additional millions from professionals like these. 
The fanatics in Scientology engage in burglary, espionage, kidnaping and smear campaigns to further their goals. 
According to Reader's Digest, Scientology's top echelon people are trained to make anonymous death threats to newsmen, to smear clergymen, and to rob psychiatrists offices. 
"Make Money" 
"When I ran the largest Scientology Franchise in America" says author Bent Corydon, "Ron Hubbard would issue orders to us to MAKE MONEY, MAKE MORE MONEY, MAKE OTHER PEOPLES PRODUCE SO AS TO MAKE MONEY." 
"When recruits and income dropped Hubbard punished staff by putting them on a diet of rice and beans." 
"When you become a Scientology robot, you give them all your money. They give you food and shelter and expect you to work 16 hours a day for as little as $10 or $20 a week."
The following are the policies of the Church of Scientology as laid down in Hubbard's own words: 
"A. Don't ever defend, Always attack
"B. The purpose of our lawsuit is to harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used very easily to harass and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, will generally be sufficient to cause him professional decease. If possible of course, ruin him utterly." 
Fair Game!
"Fair game" is a vicious doctrine based on a written directive from L Ron Hubbard. "Fair game" is any person who is declared an enemy of Dianetics and Scientology. That person is "a suppressive and is to be destroyed physically, mentally, spiritually and financially by any means but not limited to lying, cheating, stealing, extortion, blackmail, harassment, assault and battery, libel, slander and malicious prosecution.
One jury found the Church's conduct so fraudulent and outrageous that they awarded $2,067,000.20 in damages to 18 year old Julie Christofferson. ( This amount was later reduced on appeal ) 
Another jury awarded $30,000,000 to a man who had been exploited by this so-called Church. 
Nothing in our legal tradition requires us to shut our eyes to a racket simply because it masquerades as religion and claims immunity under our First Amendment.
Corruption and Sinister 
Courts here and abroad have labeled Dianetics and Scientology as "schizophrenic and paranoid" and "corrupt, sinister and dangerous". Hubbard was described as "a pathological liar and "a charlatan and worse." 
All this is but a taste of what you'‘ find in the book, L RON HUBBARD MESSIAH OR MADMAN? May I urge you to buy a copy today? This book is an antidote, not only to Scientology but to all cultism
By Bent Corydon and L Ron Hubbard Jr is available everywhere. 
Visit your bookseller and get a copy today! 
Sincerely, Lyle Stuart Lyle Stewart --------

CALL FOR MASS ACTION : 9/11 Schools Competion


"9/11 schools competition

SINCE 9/11 is offering UK pupils the chance to win a trip to New York this September, to include a special visit to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. 

For a chance to win this four-day adventure, all you have to do is send in an essay or a three to five-minute film answering the question: ‘How did 9/11 change the world?’

Students, who must be aged between 13 and 16, have until March 27 to enter.

A panel of judges, including TV historian Simon Schama, will choose the six winners.

Enter now at since911competition.com

Proud Zionist Simon Schama defends Israel’s action in Gaza

Simon Schama (Photo: BBC)
Simon Schama (Photo: BBC)
Historian Simon Schama has launched a stirring defence of Israel’s military operation in Gaza, strongly rejecting allegations that its forces were guilty of war crimes. 

Speaking as guest of honour at the UJIA annual dinner, Mr Schama said: “We are not the killers of children. We grieve when the blood of innocent children is spilt because rockets are stored underneath or outside schools.

“One million Jewish children were killed in the Nazi slaughter. The point of the Shoah, the Final Solution was to kill children, wasn’t it? Children who would grow up to be Jews. We do not commit genocide. This is a disgusting corruption of the term, which would have George Orwell rolling in his tomb. Genocide was committed on us by the million.”

Mr Schama told the 1,000 guests at the dinner that he was proud to call himself a Zionist despite being a strong critic of the expansion of settlements and the annexation of territory in the West Bank.

“How could you not be a Zionist?” he said. “We need to reclaim the word Zionist. It is not a word to be ashamed of or to run away from. Israel, bless it, is a democracy, there are massive differences in opinion.

“I have fierce reservations about settlement policy. It was not a good idea to annex all that territory the other week. We need to encourage the Palestinians we can talk to, needless to say, not Hamas. But I’m not going to lecture the Israeli government on how this needs to happen.
Israeli ambassador Daniel Taub also delivered a powerful speech on the situation in Israel saying that British Jews had been fed “a relentless diet of media distortions”.

“When trade unions resolve to boycott the only country in the Middle East which has a free trade union. When the media chooses to exact a price on the only country in the region which permits journalists to travel freely, and to report without intimidation.

“When at the Edinburgh festival violent rioters prevent Israeli productions from performing for the first time. When supermarkets cave in to hooliganism by taking off Israeli and even non-Israeli kosher products off the shelves.

“In this environment, a new generation of the Jewish people is coming of age. Fed on a relentless diet of media distortions, they leave school and go to universities where voices for Israel are rare and often silenced.”

The dinner, held at Grosvenor House in central London, was the charity’s largest for 15 years. It raised £3.8 million, an increase on the £3.3 million raised last year.

The event was also attended by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner of the Reform movement, Britain’s senior Sephardi Rabbi Joseph Dweck and the Board of Deputies new chief executive Gillian Merron.

UJIA Chairman Bill Benjamin asked guests to increase donations by 20 per cent to fund the Zionist youth movements, programmes for Jewish children at non-Jewish schools and educational trips to Israel.

“Transformation cannot be done on a shoestring. In fact, we have to double UJIA’s level of investment over the next five years,” he said.

He pledged to double the funding of UJIA Birthright, for 20-26 year-olds, and in Israel, to rebuild the run down Darca Danciger High School in Kiryat Shmona, create a new educational facility at Kibbutz Eshbal for disadvantaged youth, and introduce funding for a science and technology initiative in schools across the Galil.

Annual Dinner Chair Keith Black said: “The atmosphere was genuinely electric. A thousand members of our community came together to stand firm and look to the future. We are clear about what we have to do in connecting our young people to Israel and we are clear about the need to continue to improve Israel’s poorest region, the Galil. This is how our supporters can make their mark on the Jewish story and continue that story long into the future.”

Last updated: 10:55am, September 17 2014

Monday 2 March 2015


"Ship... Out of Danger...?"

He died for all your sins, you know.....

That can't possibly be the true face of Jesus, he's white.
Spock, on the other hand, looked way more Jewish.

Because the needs of The Many outweigh the needs of The Few.

Or The One.

Kobiyashi Muru.


9. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Romulus, which say they are Vulcanians, and are not, but do lie;

"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Mirror Universe sends the
beast with wrath, because he knows the time is short...

Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for, it is a Vulcan number....

its number.... is one million seven hundred and seventy-one thousand, five hundred and sixty-one... "

September 11th 1962 : "Why Kwame Nkrumah Must Die

The League Against NATO Aggression - Hands Off Russia!

"We have to be prepared for provocations"

from Spike EP on Vimeo.

Warning: This transcript contains swearing.

Voice thought to be Nuland's: What do you think?

Jonathan Marcus: At the outset it should be clear that this is a fragment of what may well be a larger phone conversation. But the US has not denied its veracity and has been quick to point a finger at the Russian authorities for being behind its interception and leak.

Voice thought to be Pyatt's: I think we're in play. The Klitschko [Vitaly Klitschko, one of three main opposition leaders] piece is obviously the complicated electron here. Especially the announcement of him as deputy prime minister and you've seen some of my notes on the troubles in the marriage right now so we're trying to get a read really fast on where he is on this stuff. But I think your argument to him, which you'll need to make, I think that's the next phone call you want to set up, is exactly the one you made to Yats [Arseniy Yatseniuk, another opposition leader]. 

And I'm glad you sort of put him on the spot on where he fits in this scenario. And I'm very glad that he said what he said in response.

Jonathan Marcus: The US says that it is working with all sides in the crisis to reach a peaceful solution, noting that "ultimately it is up to the Ukrainian people to decide their future". However this transcript suggests that the US has very clear ideas about what the outcome should be and is striving to achieve these goals. Russian spokesmen have insisted that the US is meddling in Ukraine's affairs - no more than Moscow, the cynic might say - but Washington clearly has its own game-plan. The clear purpose in leaking this conversation is to embarrass Washington and for audiences susceptible to Moscow's message to portray the US as interfering in Ukraine's domestic affairs.

Nuland: Good. I don't think Klitsch should go into the government. I don't think it's necessary, I don't think it's a good idea.

"We have to be prepared for provocations"

"The Guilt-Trip she's giving you - does it help...?" "No!!"

"I always say that The Jews are not as powerful as we think we are, but not as powerful as our enemies think that we are - it's somewhere in between." - Abe Foxman

"The first example of what Foxman is talking about was a meeting with the Special Advisor to the Ukrainian President Yushenko. The Ukrainian government would like to distance itself from the embrace of the Russians, and strengthen its ties with The West, most especially the United States - they believe that The Jews can become their allies in the U.S. Congress."

Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
By The Jerusalem Post
Russian president says predominantly Jewish Soviet government was guided by false ideological considerations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.

“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

Putin was referencing the library of Rabbi Joseph I. Schneerson, the late leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. The books, which are claimed by Chabad representatives in the United States, began being moved to the museum in Moscow this month.

According to the official transcription of Putin’s speech at the museum, he went on to say that the politicians on the predominantly Jewish Soviet government “were guided by false ideological considerations and supported the arrest and repression of Jews, Russian Orthodox Christians, Muslims and members of other faiths. They grouped everyone into the same category.

“Thankfully, those ideological goggles and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed. And today, we are essentially returning these books to the Jewish community with a happy smile.”

Widely seen as the first Soviet government, the Council of People’s Commissars was formed in 1917 and comprised 16 leaders, including chairman Vladimir Lenin, foreign affairs chief Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin, who was in charge of the People’s Commissariat of Nationalities.

The Empire Strikes Back : William Affirms Loyalty to the Family Business - Genocide

EXCLUSIVE: Obama acts on wildlife after Prince William’s plea

PRESIDENT OBAMA has declared war on wildlife traffickers after meeting Prince William and hearing his impassioned plea to stamp out the illegal trade.

US intelligence agencies, including the CIA and National Security Agency, will now become involved in targeting the £15billion-a-year black market.

It paves the way for pilotless drones to be used to track poaching gangs who have decimated endangered species such as the black rhino.

Using the resources of the CIA and its army of spies will give US officials a major advantage in their fight against the traffickers. They will be able to track their movements by monitoring phone calls and emails.

Pressure will also be brought on Asian countries, particularly China, where most of the rhino horns, ivory and other items are exported. A record 1,020 rhinos were killed in South Africa last year. Mr Obama’s announcement comes just weeks after his meeting with William at the White House.

During his visit to the US with wife Kate last December, the 32-year-old Prince announced he was forming a royal task force to help stamp out the illegal trade by working with airlines and shipping companies. In a speech in Washington, he accused poachers of “looting our planet”.

John Crudden, of the US Wildlife Service, said: “Illegal wildlife trafficking has become one of the most profitable types of organised crime and its impact has been devastating. Some species are facing extinction.”

William’s spokesman said he welcomed the US initiative and was “very pleased” to have raised the topic with Mr Obama during his visit.

This story is old, I know, but it goes on.

9 February 2014
This story is old, I know, but it goes on.
One day prior to giving a public plea on behalf of animal welfare (!), Prince William is to be found in Spain (with Prince Harry) shooting and killing as many deer and boar as they possibly can! Although William's speech (no doubt written by his publicity aides at Clarence House) will concentrate on endangered species, William is too thickwit to realize that animals such as tigers and rhino are only driven to near extinction because people who are precisely like himself and his brother have shot them off the map - all in the name of sport and slaughter. Whenever you shoot an animal in the head the outcome is usually the same: death. Just why William kills innocent and defenseless deer does not matter – the fact is, he does it, and we must go on and on asking why any form of violence is acceptable to the British establishment. It is easy for privileged people to assume jealousy to be the reason why anyone would wish to condemn them, but the British Boil Family never fails to be a colossal embarrassment to the United Kingdom. The Spanish trip is more than likely unwillingly funded by the British taxpayer, and we know very well that the British press is duty-bound to always defend and cleanse the bad behavior of the Boil Family - no matter how abysmal and hypocritical their actions. But the rationalists amongst us - who are never allowed to speak, are intelligent enough to realize that endangered species are dying out onlybecause of people like William and Harry, and, for this we can only pray to God that their hunting guns backfire in their faces.
9 February 2014, France.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Charles the Turd

Mid-September 2000: Bin Laden Message Gives Hint of Upcoming USS Cole Attack

"A videotape message featuring bin Laden calling for more attacks on the US is aired on Al Jazeera. The video ends with al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri  [MI6] saying, “Enough of words, it is time to take action against this iniquitous and faithless force [the United States], which has spread troops through Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia.”  "

[CNN, 10/20/2000; WASHINGTON TIMES, 8/26/2002] 

" Further, bin Laden is wearing a distinctive, curved Yemeni dagger. Lawrence Wright will later mention in the book The Looming Tower that this was a “teasing clue” similar to other clues he had left before other attacks. "

[WRIGHT, 2006, PP. 318] 

" DIA analyst Kie Fallis later recalls, “Every time he put out one of these videotapes, it was a signal that action was coming.” He claims that after hearing of the video, he “knew then it would be within a month or two.” But nonetheless, his suggestion to put out a general attack warning will go unheeded (see May 2000-Late September 2000). 

An al-Qaeda attack on the USS Cole follows less than a month later (see October 12, 2000). " 


FDR meets with King Ibn Saud, of Saudi Arabia, on board USS Quincy (CA-71) in the Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, on 14 February 1945. 
The King is speaking to the interpreter, Colonel William A. Eddy, USMC. Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN, the President's Aide and Chief of Staff, is at left. 
Note ornate carpet on the ship's deck, and life raft mounted on the side of the 5"/38 twin gun mount in the background.

"With momentum building in the United States for disclosure of the 28 suppressed pages of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 terrorist attacks, concerning the relationship of the Saudi royal family to those crimes, Charles cannot escape attention to his Saudi connections: Not only did Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Ambassador to the USA in 2001 and undoubtedly a subject of the 28 pages, 

The 28 pages relate to matters sensitive and likely to damage the national security in key U.S./NATO-allied countries, plural, in planning and facilitating the events that comprise the Popular Myth of 9/11, most substantially and most damagingly, the Zionist State of Israel, another vital global security partner to the criminal House of Saud in their project to export Wahabi Revolution and mayhem to every corner of the globe in the service of extending their own, private short-term threats to their stolen class privilage by just more last generation - if still they can.

pour tens of millions of dollars into Charles’s private “charities” and the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (known as “Charles’s OCIS,” because of his active patronage), but Charles himself negotiated mega-deals within the Anglo-Saudi arms trade.[1] Bandar’s brother-in-law Prince Turki bin Faisal, who resigned as director of Saudi General Intelligence 10 days before 9/11, is a member of the OCIS Board of Trustees and chairs its Strategy Advisory Committee. 

Bin Faisal and numerous of his fellow Saudi princelings were also educated in the most prestigious and elite private prep schools and colleges of the Eastern Establishment that supply the main student intake into the Ivy League schools and their multitude of secret private postgraduate fraternities.

According to the testimony of Kay Griggs, ex-wife to U.S.M.C Col. George Griggs, Head of Special Operations under Admiral Frank Kelso, former Secretary of the Navy, these Saudi Princilings, inexperienced and naive in the ways of alcohol, narcotics and homoeroticism were systematically groomed and Targetted for recruitment at these prep schools and colleges by the same homoerotic cabals as dominate all the Ivy League fraternities from Skull & Bones on down.

Working on the assumption that there is no secret and no bond like a homosexual secret, except for an Arab homosexual secret to secure loyalty on the part of the Saudi princes to the Eastern Establishment's homosexual fraternal cabal.

Prince Turki bin Fasial was specifically mentioned by Griggs in her 1998 video deposition as the target and victim for such abuse by the circle around Kissinger, Haig, Vance, and members of the Great Houses such as Rockefeller and Bundy.

The pair were among only eight foreign royals whom Charles invited to his wedding to Camilla Parker-Bowles in 2005. Both are named in the 4,000-page lawsuit filed on Feb. 4 in New York by the families of 9/11 victims. [See article in National—ed.]

Already in 2005, a book co-authored by British former prisoner of the Saudi regime Sandy Mitchell pointed out that “Prince Charles’s relationships with prominent House of Saud members have created serious problems and obstacles to UK agencies investigating claims of Saudi financing of international terrorism, according to Special Branch sources,” citing how lawyers for 9/11 families encountered such a stone wall on a visit to the UK in 2003.[2]

Outrage at the Windsor-Saud connection is now spreading. Human rights activist Joan Smith, for example, blasted Charles in a Jan. 25 column in The Independent, for “sucking up to the Saudis.” She cited the role of “Saudi Arabia, with its two-faced royal family,” in “the 9/11 attacks, Madrid, the 7/7 bombings, the kidnapping of the Chibok girls [and] the massacre at Charlie Hebdo.”

Charles is feeling the heat. A new biography of the Prince of Wales claims that he “no longer wants to promote UK arms sales in Gulf States,” according to the BBC on Feb. 4.[3] 

And with Charles visiting the Persian Gulf, including Saudi Arabia, yet again on Feb. 6-12, Clarence House (his residence) issued a defensive-sounding statement that “the Prince of Wales’s return to the region only one year after his last tour demonstrates the importance that Her Majesty’s Government places on its association with key partners in the area. These connections are underpinned by the long-standing and respectful relationships which exist between the Royal Family and the ruling families in the Gulf.” 

The BBC reported that a spokesman followed up with a pre-emptive denial of new arms deals, saying: “The Prince of Wales’ upcoming visit to the Middle East is not about sales of defence equipment.”

Die Wahrheit Macht Frei

Die Wahrheit Macht Frei

Die Wahrheit Macht Frei

The Australian Police State Declares War on Islam (and Russia)

Australia is the greatest threat existing to global peace and stability on the face of the earth today.

Because their Head of Government is a no-nothing, big-eared Human Toby Jug of a Bogan who keeps referring to religious Muslims as being members of "The Death Cult"and stating and re-stating the need to strip them of Civil Rights without any due process.
Why? Because, MH-17. Or kiddie porn.

Or some other shit.

The jug-eared little twit clearly self-radicalised himself by reading Sarah Palin's memoirs on his Kindle and sniffing his own farts.

This is worse than listening to any Nazi blood libel or propaganda - at least Dr Goebells was clever and sincere in his hate speech - this fool doesn't even believe it when he says it.

And the only thing more offensive than listening to the viscious slurs of a skilled liar like Netanyahu is listening to the droning rumblings of an unskilled one.


Lenin was sent into Russia by the Germans in the same way that you might send a phial containing a culture of typhoid or cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy.

Winston Churchill, 
On Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 
House of Commons, 
November 5, 1919

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, January 1918. 

Caption: Officers from the staff of Field Marshall von Hindenburg meet the delegation of Soviet Russia.

Soviet delegation with Leon Trotsky greeted by German officers at Brest-Litovsk, 8 January 1918

Bolshevik prisoners under the custody of US troops in Arkhangelsk 1918