Wednesday 1 April 2015


"According to the wording of the Statute of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, persecutions are crimes against humanity where they are directed against non-combatants and committed in application of a deliberate State policy for racial, religious or political motives. 

Acts perpetrated against Resistance fighters are excluded as war crimes, which are extinct due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. "

The French internment camp at Drancy, outside Paris, where Jews were confined until they were deported to the Reich.

The Trial Of Klaus Barbie Finally May Force France To Face Unpleasant Facts

PARIS -- The trial of Klaus Barbie, known as the ``butcher of Lyon`` for his wartime Gestapo activities, finally starts next week. It will be something of an ordeal for France, which never really faced up to the extent of collaboration in Nazi atrocities during the German occupation.
It should be for the United States as well.
Jacques Verges, the enigmatic lawyer who is defending Barbie, says that ``France lives on an official truth that is still not real, it is a lie.`` He plans to make the most of Barbie`s incriminating knowledge about wartime France in his arguments.
A Dostoyevskean figure -- Verges defended the Lebanese terrorist Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, among others -- he explains his choice of clients as a ``passion.`` Crime, especially political crime, fascinates him, apparently as an expression of his revulsion against the social establishment.
``By crime,`` he said at a news conference, ``man leaves the animal kingdom and becomes man, or God.`` He likes to point out that France ``has pardoned itself for deeds`` (atrocities in the Algerian war) ``which it cannot pardon in others.``
He says it would be improper for a lawyer not to use any argument that could be useful for the defense. He hasn`t yet said whether he will introduce the evidence that the U.S. employed Barbie as an intelligence agent in Germany after the war, hiding him from the French until the risk of exposure became too great and he was spirited off to exile in Bolivia in 1951, at U.S. expense.
Barbie was handed over to the French in 1983, during a brief period of civilian administration in Bolivia. That revived stories about his U.S. connection. The Department of Justice conducted an investigation, published in August 1983, and the U.S. sent France a formal note of ``deep regrets`` for its role in obstructing justice.
The report was a strange combination of shocking revelations about U.S. recruitment and protection of Nazis to spy on Communists and of excuses and obfuscations. Allan A. Ryan Jr., the special assistant who wrote it, said that the choice of army intelligence officers to use Barbie and his kind ``was neither cynical nor corrupt`` in the circumstances.
Ryan gave some details of how the U.S. paid a former Croat terrorist for Barbie`s escape on one of the ``rat lines`` helping wanted war criminals flee arrest, but he said this was a unique case, evidently untrue. He wrote that the series of illegal acts in harboring Barbie were not just the fault of a few intelligence officers and that the U.S. as a government shared responsibility. ``But,`` he concluded, ``it is not naive to believe that we have seen the end of the attitude that anything is permissible, including the obstruction of justice, if it falls under the cloak of intelligence.``
The gaps in the report and continuing charges of many similar cases led Peter Rodino, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to ask for a review of America`s role in helping Nazis to resettle, in the U.S. and other countries including Canada, and in Latin America. The General Accounting Office produced another report in June 1985 that revealed more, but again selectively and with the justification that the people in question had done ``a service`` to the U.S. by providing intelligence against the Russians.
Former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, who has steadily pushed for an honest disclosure of secret postwar support for Nazi criminals, wrote Rodino that the GAO report was ``seriously flawed and hopelessly inadequate,`` which it was.
The GAO said it was given all existing documents it requested, but ``some could not be located or had been destroyed`` and in any case ``intelligence agencies often assign projects innocuous names`` so the investigators ``cannot assure`` they asked for all the right papers.
The cover-up has never ended. It became too embarrassing to admit what had gone on, in violation of U.S. policy, U.S. law, simple morality and, furthermore, effectiveness. Michel Thomas, a former French Resistance fighter who worked for U.S. Army intelligence in Germany immediately after the war until he saw what it was doing, quit in disgust. On top of everything else, he says, the ``intelligence`` obtained was totally useless, concocted, obsolete, a fiasco in every sense.
If there is still a point in trying Barbie, and there is, there is a more important point in clearing up these scandals. As Ryan wrote, intelligence agencies do tend to ignore everything but their operational goals, but he is wrong to think it can`t happen again.
The U.S. refuses to forget what President Kurt Waldheim of Austria cannot manage to remember and declines his visit. Fine, but we should also remember to clean up our own house.

Barbie`s Lawyer Tries To Turn Nazi Trial Into Political Event

LYON, France -- It did not take very long for the trial of Klaus Barbie to become as much a contest among lawyers as a lesson in history. Barbie, whose trial opened here last week, was the wartime chief of the Gestapo in this region of France. As the trial`s main exhibit, he did offer a kind of presence here for the first two days -- the gray, pallid, strangely smiling and apparently unrepentant presence of an old Nazi. But then he walked out of the trial in the middle of its third day, which very likely means he will never be seen publicly again. Remaining were two groups of lawyers symbolizing two opposing points of view in a judicial event full of symbolism.
Most numerous, sitting in tiers in the courtroom, are some 40 lawyers representing 110 civil plaintiffs in the case. These are people who claim to have suffered during the war at the hands of Barbie. The most symbolically important of the anti-Barbie lawyers is Serge Klarsfeld, a historian and war crimes researcher who, along with his German-born wife, Beate, found Barbie in 1972 in exile in Bolivia and then led a campaign to have him brought to France to for trial. Klarsfeld explains the issue: ``It is to have justice done with this particular war criminal, who is one among many others.``
But Barbie`s trial has become a complicated affair, largely because his lawyer, Jacques Verges has been striving mightily, and skillfully, to turn the proceedings into something other than a war crimes tribunal. Verges is, like Klarsfeld, a special sort of figure in France. He is well known as a political radical, devoted to the Palestinian cause, and has gained a reputation defending many terrorist suspects put on trial in France.
In numerous interviews just before the Barbie trial, and continuing during its first days, Verges has made clear his intention of transforming it into a political event, trying to advance what he sees as Nazi-like behavior on the part of France itself, portraying his client as a sort of misunderstood human being plagued by judicial injustice, not a symbol of evil.

Rene Hardy's Epitaph Obituaries Shortchanged Resistance Hero

Sailing south from St. Thomas to Guadeloupe, I was wondering how people could complain of seasickness on a stretch of the Caribbean as smooth and green as the top of a pool table, when the rest of the world was learning that French Resistance hero Rene Hardy had died.

If I had known how the U.S. press was playing the story, I probably would have felt nauseous.

Not till a week later did I finally catch up with the New York Times, which ran its obituary under the headline:

Rene Hardy, Resistance Chief

Accused of Giving Barbie Aid

The Washington Post used a non-judgmental headline, but zapped the deceased with the lead:

"Rene Hardy, 75, a World War II French Resistance leader whose reputation was besmirched by charges that he betrayed hero Jean Moulin, died April 12 at a hospice in Melle, France . . . "

At least the Los Angeles Times strove for balance by noting that Hardy ''was a hero of the Resistance to some and the betrayer of that Resistance's leaders to others . . . "

But considering his amply documented valor as chief of railway sabotage during the Nazi occupation - and the highly dubious sources of the subsequent charges against him - Hardy rated a better epitaph.

I had tried to reach Hardy (prounounced Ar-dee) while preparing my recent series on Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie, the notorious "Butcher of Lyon."

Although I knew there were lingering suspicions that Hardy might have betrayed Barbie's most famous victim, the legendary Resistance coordinator Jean Moulin, my own research convinced me of the man's innocence. I'd hoped to convey this to Hardy, himself. But unfortunately, he was already too ill to converse.

Jean Moulin was captured when Barbie, acting on an informer's tip, raided a clandestine meeting of Resistance chiefs in a hilly suburb of Lyon. Of the eight leaders present, only Rene Hardy escaped.

Producing a pistol from a hidden sleeve pocket, Hardy shot his way out of the trap. A German bullet shattered his arm, but he made it to the edge of a clearing, tumbling down a steep slope to temporary safety. There, a pair of cyclists turned him in to the French police.

Later, while confined to a hospital prison ward, Hardy made another daring escape and fled to Paris, where he resumed active service with the Resistance.

As the lone escapee from the Lyon raid, Hardy was called before a postwar tribunal, which cleared him of any responsibility for Jean Moulin's capture. But then another tribunal was convened to hear new testimony implicating Hardy as the informer who'd told Klaus Barbie about the fateful meeting in Lyon.

Ironically, this testimony had been sworn in absentia by Barbie, who was then being shielded from the French by his new employer, the U.S. Counter Intelligence Corps!

Because of major contradictions in Barbie's deposition, the second tribunal ended in a hung jury. Barbie's CIC control officer was convinced that the Nazi simply fabricated charges against Hardy "to take the heat off himself." But the inconclusiveness of that later trial attached lasting doubts to Hardy's otherwise splendid record.

Through the years, Hardy also was badmouthed by Raymond Aubrac, one of the leaders captured along with Moulin. I had my doubts about Aubrac, because he personally escorted Moulin to the meeting. Although Moulin always stressed strict punctuality as essential to security, he arrived with Aubrac 45 minutes late. Only then did Barbie's Gestapo storm the site.

I also found it odd that Aubrac's wife, Lucie, sent a cyanide-laced food parcel to Hardy - which he intuitively declined - in the hospital prison wing.

I have since come across a recent story in Le Monde about a suit filed against the documentary film, "Que Verite est Amere" (How Bitter Is the Truth). The plaintiff charges the film wrongfully suggests his guilt in Jean Moulin's betrayal.

The plaintiff's name is Raymond Aubrac!

Why wasn't that mentioned in Hardy's obituaries?

The Prosecutor v. Klaus Barbie

CourtSupreme Court (Criminal Law Chamber), France
Case number85-95166
Decision titleArrêt
Decision date20 December 1985
  • The Prosecutor
  • Klaus Barbie
  • La Fédération Nationale pour les Déportés et Internes Resistants et Patriotes / National Federation for Deportees and Internal Resistants and Patriots
  • L’Association Nationale des Anciens Combattants de la Résistance, Comité Départementale du Rhone / National Association for Old Resistance Fighters, Rhone Committee
  • L’Association Départementale des Familles des Fusilles et Disparus Internes, Resistants et Patriotes du Rhone / The Departmental Association of Families of Gunned Down Solders, Missing Persons, Resist
  • La Ligue Française Pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen / The French League for the Defense of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
  • Nicole Gompel
CategoriesCrimes against humanity
Keywordscrimes against humanity, deportation, execution, pillage, torture, war crimes
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Klaus Barbie was a member of the German SS and later the head of the Gestapo in Lyon, Occupied France in 1942. He was wanted by the French authorities for charges of crimes against humanity committed during World War II, during which time he earned the nickname the ‘Butcher of Lyon’ in recognition of his notorious interrogation style.
After the war, he was recruited by the Army Counter Intelligence Corps of the United States, which later helped him emigrate to Bolivia. When the French authorities became aware of his residence in Bolivia, an arrest warrant was issued. Bolivia expelled Barbie and, as he was disembarking a plane in French Guyana, he was picked up by French authorities and detained.
A crucial question in his case has been the qualification of the crimes with which he is charged: crimes against humanity are not subject to a statute of limitations and may therefore be prosecuted irrespective of how long ago they were committed. By contrast, war crimes are subject to the French statute of limitations of 10 years. The present decision was an appeal by a number of civil parties and associations against a decision of a lower court, which held that proceedings against Barbie could not continue for conduct qualified as war crimes as the 10 year window had elapsed. The Supreme Court of France upheld the applicability of the 10 year statute of limitations to war crimes, but it clarified the difference between conduct which may amount at the same time to war crimes and crimes against humanity. As a result, Barbie’s case was sent back to the lower court so that proceedings could continue against him on charges of crimes against humanity, particularly persecution of innocent Jews as part of the "Final Solution". Crimes committed against resistance fighters were, however, excluded as war crimes. 
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Procedural history

On 3 November 1982, the instructing judge issued an arrest warrant for Klaus Barbie who was wanted for crimes against humanity committed in 1943 and 1944 during his time as the head of the Gestapo in Lyon, then Occupied France.
On 5 February 1983, Barbie was expelled from Bolivia where he had been hiding for many years under an assumed name to French Guyana. Whilst disembarking at the airport in French Guyana, he was intercepted by members of the Gendarmerie who questioned and detained him. That same day he was brought before the investigating judge who ordered his transfer to prison. On 12 February 1982, proceedings commenced against Barbie.
By a decision of 4 October 1985, the chambre d’accusation of the Court of Appeal of Lyon characterised the crimes with which Barbie was charged as war crimes, subject to a statute of limitations of 10 years, rather than as crimes against humanity, which are not subject to a statute of limitations. The 10 years having expired, proceedings were therefore barred on this ground. The Court sent the case back to the Cour d’assises for the crime of kidnapping minors at Isieux.
The civil parties enumerated above appealed the decision and their appeals were joined by the Supreme Court.
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Related developments

Barbie is charged with having committed acts of deportation, torture, execution and pillage in 1943 and 1944 during his time in the German SS and as the head of the Gestapo in Lyon, occupied France.
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Core legal questions

  • Is there a distinction between war crimes and crimes against humanity concerning the applicability of statutes of limitation?
  • Can Barbie be prosecuted for crimes against humanity on the basis of the same conduct which constituted the basis for war crimes, and for which he was sentenced to death in absentia by a military tribunal in 1952 and 1954?
  • What criteria may be used to distinguish conduct that may amount at the same time to crimes against humanity and war crimes?
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Specific legal rules and provisions

  • Article 6 of the Statute of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.
  • Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
  • Article 15(2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
  • Articles 2(4), 7, 575(3) and 593 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure.
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Court's holding and analysis

Unlike crimes against humanity, war crimes are committed in the specific context of hostilities between States and in the course of which perpetrators and victims come to light. After the close of hostilities, it is necessary that time erases the acts committed during this time, even if such conduct was contrary to the laws and customs of war so long as such conduct is not susceptible to requalification as crimes against humanity. There is no authority superior to French domestic law, which declares that war crimes are not subject to a statute of limitations. Thus, the 10-year statute of limitations remains applicable.
Crimes against humanity and war crimes can be committed successively or simultaneously. The conduct for which Barbie was sentenced to death as a result of jn absentia trials by the Lyon military tribunal in 1952 and 1954 can form the basis for new proceedings against him for crimes against humanity, which are not subject to a statute of limitations pursuant to the Law of 26 December 1964.
According to the wording of the Statute of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, persecutions are crimes against humanity where they are directed against non-combatants and committed in application of a deliberate State policy for racial, religious or political motives. Such persecutions are war crimes where they are characterised by the fact that they are useful for the conduct of the war. In application of these principles, the Supreme Court sent Barbie’s case back to the Cour d’assises who are to examine charges of persecution as crimes against humanity against innocent Jews in view of the Final Solution. Acts perpetrated against Resistance fighters are excluded as war crimes, which are extinct due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. 
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Further analysis

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Instruments cited

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Related cases

Jacques Verges of the Stasi

"It's the cigars you smell, not brimstone - the finest Havana cigars"

For many years suspected by the French DST (counter-espionage service) of being involved in international terrorism, Maître Vergès always denied this allegation. But in 1995 East German secret police (Stasi) files were leaked in Paris, and they disclosed the lawyer’s long-standing links with the terrorist group led by “Carlos the Jackal”. His Stasi code name had apparently been “Paula”. 

Long seen as a man of the extreme Left, Vergès became an international celebrity in 1987 when he defended the Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie in Lyon. His client, who had been commander of the Lyon Gestapo during the German occupation, received 23 life sentences for wartime crimes against humanity, but Vergès considered that his original method of defence, which essentially consisted of insulting the prosecution and the surviving victims, a notable success. 

In fact, having decided that Barbie was clearly guilty, Vergès used the occasion to bait the Jewish lawyers opposing him and attack the trial as based on “victors’ justice”. He also spent many days attacking Israeli policy towards the Palestinians. 

Vergès had recently been representing his long-time friend Khieu Samphan, Cambodia’s former communist head of state, who faces charges of crimes against humanity for his role in the reign of terror presided over by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s. Vergès insisted bluntly: “There was no genocide in Cambodia.” 

Vergès enjoyed his notoriety. In 2008 he told Der Spiegel magazine: “The interesting thing about my clients is discovering what brings them to do these horrific things. My ambition is to illuminate the path that led them to commit these acts. ... One of my principles is to have no principles. That’s why I would not turn down anyone. I would have defended Hitler. I would also accept Osama bin Laden as a client, even George W Bush — as long as he pleads guilty.” 

Jacques Vergès was born in Thailand (then Siam) on March 5 1925, the twin son of a French colonial doctor, Raymond Vergès, and a Vietnamese mother, Pham Thi Khang. The boys’ mother died when they were three, and they grew up on the island of La Réunion, both suffering, as they later recalled, from the racial prejudice of the white community. 

Jacques considered that his father had been deliberately ruined by the French colonial administration to punish him for his marriage to a native woman, and the son’s subsequent career can partly be explained by a need to avenge his father. His twin brother, Pierre, became a founder of the Communist Party of La Réunion, and was for many years a communist deputy in the National Assembly. Following military service with the Free French, Jacques also joined the PCF (the Parti Communiste Français), in 1946. As a law student in Paris he was considered the best advocate of his year, being elected First Secretary of the Conference du Stage. 

Jacques Vergès’s political engagement became more idiosyncratic in 1957, when he broke with the PCF during the Algerian war and allied himself with the Algerian armed independence movement, the FLN. This move — made at the height of a violent terrorist campaign — put him beyond the pale of French society. 

One of his fellow lawyers working with the FLN was assassinated by the French secret service. Vergès himself quoted with approval the FLN tag “a bomb is a leaflet that goes bang”. 

Among his clients was a young Algerian woman, Djamila Bouhired, who was sentenced to the guillotine for planting bombs. Vergès succeeded in winning her a reprieve, and in 1965, after she had been freed from prison, he married her and settled in Algiers. 

Following national independence the government of Algeria retained him to travel to Israel to defend the first Palestinian fedayeen, but it was not long before Vergès was expelled by the Israeli government. He then managed to obtain a loan of several million francs from the Bank of Algeria and went underground, disappearing from Paris between 1970 and 1979. He himself referred to this period as “my nine-year sabbatical”, and always refused to say what he had been doing. 

For a time it was thought that he had been working with Pol Pot, the insurgent leader and future dictator of Cambodia. In retrospect, it seems that he was living in Damascus and assisting the Palestinian terrorist leader Walid Haddad, who had founded the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. 

It was at this time that Vergès first made the acquaintance of Illich Ramirez Sanchez, the Venezuelan terrorist popularly known as “Carlos the Jackal”, who had launched an undisciplined campaign of terrorism in Britain, France, Austria and West Germany, ostensibly in the Palestinian cause. Vergès’s role was to link Carlos with established terrorist groups in Europe. 

When Vergès returned to Paris in 1979 to resume his legal practice his first prominent clients were two members of the Revolutionary Cells, a group of West German terrorists based in Frankfurt, two of whose members had been arrested in possession of explosives in France. One of his clients, Magdalena Kopp, received a four-year prison sentence. She happened to be the mistress of Carlos, who promptly started a bombing campaign solely to obtain her release. 

The outrages, during which 14 people died, included the bombing of a Jewish restaurant in the Rue Marbeuf off the Champs Elysées, the bombing of the TGV express train from Marseille to Paris, and an attack on the French cultural centre in West Berlin. 

While these attacks were going on Vergès offered his services to the French government as a mediator with the Cells, one of whose members was also a Stasi agent. As a result of his efforts the bombing campaign stopped and Magdalena Kopp was released from prison early. Vergès escorted her out of France and she was reunited with Carlos, gave birth to his daughter and retired to Venezuela to live with his wealthy family. 

When questioned about the true extent of his involvement with the Cells, Vergès always put up an elegant performance. He insisted that he had been acting on behalf of the French government, and suggested that the Stasi had very little knowledge of what was really going on. But his cover was blown when Carlos was arrested by the French secret service in the Sudan in 1994. Facing charges of murdering 83 people in France alone, Carlos at first retained Vergès as his lawyer but fell out with him after telling the French authorities that “Maître Vergès is a bigger terrorist than me”. 

In semi-retirement Vergès continued to relish his role as an enfant terrible. He was frequently seen about town in smart restaurants or at the Drouot auction rooms. He never faced criminal charges, and he survived a series of attempts by the Paris Bar’s disciplinary committee to suspend him — once for advising Magdalena Kopp on ways of escaping from prison. Vergès airily described this as “all part of his after-sales service”. 

Vergès died in Paris, in the house once inhabited by Voltaire. 

His marriage to Djamila Bouhired was quickly dissolved, and he never remarried. He had two sons and a daughter. 

Jacques Vergès, born March 5 1925, died August 15 2013

"Keep lying, some of it will stick" - Voltaire

Bob Hope

[Thunderlips makes his entrance into the arena]
Mickey: Let's get outta here.
Rocky: Aw, c'mon Mick, it's for charity.
Mickey: You're wearin' your anatomy out for charity. Nobody else does this much for charity.
Rocky: Bob Hope would.
Mickey: [pauses] That's true.

Mind Control: The Ultimate Terror

Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's
and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Sex Slave

(*This book is available directly from Brice Taylor. See bottom of page)

Table of Contents (

by Brice Taylor

reviewed by Uri Dowbenko

Brice Taylor is a valiant survivor of trauma-based mind control. Having endured a lifetime of high-tech slavery, she's written an extraordinary book, an autobiography which documents in stunning detail her abuse at the hands of celebrity perps like Bob Hope, Henry Kissinger, and many others.

 "What most of you have not been allowed to know is that years ago, at the outset of the Cold War, permission was given to a hidden group of so-called 'professionals and leaders' to experiment on the unsuspecting American populace in an effort to further a variety of advanced technology," writes Taylor in Thanks for the Memories

 "The technology gleaned by the American leaders, medical professionals and scientists was and still is in the form of bio-electromagnetic frequency medicine, genetic engineering, mind control, brain research, near-death experimentation, paranormal/psychic experimentation, remote viewing, time and space travel and other advanced research that make our everyday human understanding look antiquated." 

 Brice Taylor has suffered from man-made artificially-induced Multiple Personality Disorder, also called Dissociative Identity Disorder. This trauma-based conditioning technique can produce many discrete "personalities" inside a single person. These personalities'can then be programmed like a computer to perform specific tasks, as either sex slave-prostitutes, couriers, or 'mind-files," accessible only to the person who knows the special "codes" that will access the 'program." 

 Many years of therapy, healing and reconstruction of her own life's memories -- obscured by ritual abuse and mind control programming -- have allowed Brice Taylor to tell her horrific life story. 

 "What you read [in this book] is a glimpse into the events as experienced through the eyes of the programmed personalities who endured this abuse," she writes in the introduction. "Much of the followng information has been copied, often verbatim, from my private journals. Over the years, daily, I painstakingly documented my memories, in an attempt to deal with and sort out the often vivid, though confusing, memory flashbacks I had. What I remembered was so far from the reality I thought I had lived, that it was deeply disturbing." 

 And how did she write the book? Her memoirs are a 'composite of years of memory work describing the details and information as [she] worked to untangle the knot. " Having been programmed to have a perfect photographic memory greatly aided me toward this enhanced, often meticulously detailed account," she continues. 

 "The training my controllers gave me backfired on them," writes Taylor. "Once my secret life began leaking into my conscious mind, I experienced so many intrusive flashbacks not only in my mind but also in my body, that it forced me to recall these experiences in extensive detail to the point that it disrupted my everyday functioning... so much so that I was forced to leave my master's degree program in graduate school and enroll in daily therapy." 

 "In an attempt to understand and contain all the information that came flooding back into my mind, I was compelled for years to write out each and every memory the way I saw it in my mind's eye, and heard, smelled and felt it in my body, so I could attempt to maintain some semblance of my own personal reality." 

 "This information chronicled in my journals over the last 14 years, beginning in 1985, create a way for me to report to you what happened to me." 

 High Tech Slavery

 Taylor's book is the story of the creation of a human robot, a story that is so mind- boggling and outrageous that it's almost too horrific for words. 

 As a little girl, Brice Taylor (a pseudonym) was subjected to ongoing traumas including multiple and continual rapes by her father, who also used her for child prostitution and child pornography. 

 "For years my father performed a variety of brutal ritual type physical and psychological abuses," she writes, "among them confinement in closets, cages and coffins, while I was being told I was left to die; near drowning; isolation; needles inserted in sensitive body areas, food and sleep deprivation; electroshock via electric wires, welding equipment and cattle prods; drugging; sophisticated hypnotic and electronic programming..." 

 She was also forced to participate in torturous rituals and orgies. Then she was "sold" in a slave auction. 

 "Elitists in the market for mind control slaves attend auctions that appear at first like children's fashion shows and then progress to striptease acts, "she writes. 'I made appearances at many shows before I was actually 'sponsored' or sold." 

 Her "owner"? World famous celebrity perp Bob Hope himself, according to Taylor. 

 She later discovered that her other "sponsor" whom she learned to call "Uncle Charlie" was Charles L. Horn, owner of the Federal Cartridge Company, which later funded Olin Foundation, where he sat as President. 

 Charlie physically introduced her to Henry Kissinger who continued her mind control programming in preparation for her later use as his "mind file," programmed with a photographic memory to act as a human personal computer with classified and other government files accessible to Kissinger only. 

 Taylor endured more intensive programming based on Wizard of Oz, Disneyland, and "The Parent Trap" twin-sister themes, as well as NASA-based advanced mind control techniques. 

 Besides being prostituted to the power elite, she was also taught to perform for them. She even recited a "mind control" standup comedy routine for these high- level perverts, her jokes written by Bob Hope himself. 

 This "personality" was called Sharon and this was her repertoire. Imagine a kid delivering this monologue for the amusement of an audience of celebrity perps: 

 "I told my owners it's enough that you clowns expect me to work for free. You know that it was bad enough that they broke the child labor laws, and I told them that when I learned about it in school, they just laughed. But on top of that was slave labor and I recited the constitutional amendment that was causing a problem in my internal mind file legal system. I told Henry it kept getting thrown out and I pretended that it was repeatedly escaping and leaping out of my right ear. He thought I was funny and told me to refile it anyway. Then I was sent off for more reconditioning. I never thought they would stop with that stuff, and I was right. Zap. Zap. Zap." 

 The "zaps" are electric shocks [stun guns] to "remind" her and "recondition' her programs. Once you read the book, you'll never think of Bob Hope the same way again. 

 Life as a Mind Controlled Sex Slave

 From an early age, Brice Taylor was prostituted as a mind controlled sex slave to Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and then Governor Ronald Reagan. She was called "a million dollar baby." 

 "I overheard conversations where the President of the United States and other top politicians were offered the services of 'escorts,' the CIA!s latest human robot trechnology -- programmed sex and espionage slaves," she writes. 

 "They were encouraged to use these escorts to satify their sexual and emotional needs, instead of exposing themselves to outside individuals... As I later learned, Project Monarch Beta-trained sex slaves were called 'million dollar babies' referring to the large amount of money each slave would bring in from a very early age. In the 60s, the use of a Project Monarch presidential model sex slave cost around $1200 for an evening. Henry called me his "million dollar machine.'" 

 Kissinger also used her as a human personal computer, accessing her mind files at meetings of the Energy Commision, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commision and House Appropriations on Foreign Trade. 

 Global Power Games of the Illuminati

 Taylor also writes extensively about an Illuminati-like "Council" which directs policies and stages global events from behind the scenes. "Henry was the top dog as far as the Council was concerned," she writes. 'He had the mind they needed that could so carefully strategize plans so far in advance and so he usually got the desired results. In the Council's eyes, Rockefeller was more dispensable because he had the money and power but didn't have the mastermind that they saw in Henry." 

 "Behind the scenes, Henry controlled decisions and actions taken by the State Department in matters of foreign relations always attempting to bring about a situation where the Council was in total control globally. They saw it as a game, a lifelong plan, with the outcome hopefully being that finally this generation of the global elite would succeed in the game that their forefathers had not been able to pull off. It created ambition and drive among them." 

 The Victimization of Her Daughter Kelly

 In a chapter of the book called "Baby Monarchs Are Born," Taylor writes while Reagan was President, the Vice President was a pedophile, describing the traumatization of her daughter Kelly at the hands of George Bush. 

 "Over the years, Kelly was closely tied into the trauma I received," she writes. "Repeatedly she was tortured and traumatized in front of me in an effort to keep me in line. Her torture fragmented her psyche in order to create multiple personalities within her, so she could follow in my footsteps for later use as a 'presidential model.' Unfortunately she didn't have to wait very long for that so-called 'privilege' as our newly elected vice president at the time, George Bush, was/is a pedophile and Kelly was created to be, as I later found out from a renegade CIA operative, what was called a 'Bush Baby.'" 

 Corroboration of this heinous crime against children can also be found in a book by Cathy O'Brien (TranceFormation in America). O'Brien coincidentally or not also has a daughter named Kelly. It's been claimed by government sources that little girl 'Bush Babies' are named 'Kelly" so the pedophile won't have to remember the name of the little girl he's brutalizing wherever he may be. 

 Also coincidentally or not, Brice Taylor recounts a story of being hunted by George Bush on Bob Hope's Jordan Ranch in "The Most Dangeous Game." This deranged "sport" is also described by O'Brien in her book. 

 The depravity of the power elite criminals is consistent if nothing else. 

 Healing, Forgiveness and Mercy

 Despite the outrageous events described in her book, there is an overwhelming sense of spiritual warfare on Planet Earth, an invisible war for the lives, the free will and the souls of mankind. Mind control is one of their ultimate weapons. "I also learned that freedom is not free," writes Brice Taylor, "and we must now stand in the battle, not through violence and war, but through knowledge, truth and love, claiming our true spiritual power and willing to stand, so our voices can be heard." 

 In a chapter of her book called "What the World Needs Now," Brice Taylor writes that "healing spiritually, through a life such as mine, has been my ultimate challenge, and God has continued to keep my focus on this healing aspect, despite worldly opinion, which would lead me to seek in other directions." 

 Brice Taylor shares many powerful spiritual experiences. While she was attending a religion class at Pepperdine University in Malibu, she was prompted to find out what "Beatitudes" meant. When she went to the Malibu Presbyterian Church to speak to the minister, 'the minister ushered me into his office and after I had confessed that I had been severely abused as a child, had Multiple Personality Disorder, had been forced to participate in satanic rituals where infants, children and animals were killed -- and as I went on and on -- he looked at me in horror and said, 'Get down on your knees, and ask God to forgive you of your transgressions. You are a sinner.'" 

 "The momemt my knees hit the floor, Jesus appeared to me and said, 'Get up off your knees and leave. You, my child, are innocent. You have done nothing wrong.' 

Taking the authority of the Lord over this human who stood ministering in his name, I did as commanded and left. I couldn't understand yet what Jesus was trying to help me understand. It took time for him to reassure me that those acts, committed in a programmed state, acting from other persons' commands and not from my own free will, were not my sin."

 'In the days that followed, the Lord showed me that he wanted me to stand in the name of Mercy for others who had been similarly tortured and abused." Ending her book in a prayer for her controllers and perpetrators, she writes that "we are called to love and forgiveness." 

 "One awareness that weaves through my entire life under mind control is that the love that shown through from people's spirits even while under mind control was never wasted, nor was it ever lost; indeed it seemed to be catalogued within me on some higher plane that never goes away." 

 Thanks for the Memories -- this book of horrific crimes and coverups indeed ends on a hopeful and uplifting note. "The Holy Spirit that guides me has shown me that the outpouring of generosity in whatever form can alleviate much of the suffering and help to avert even much of the earth's calamities and chaos, for the outpouring of love for fellow humanity heals the mass consciousness of the planet," she writes. 

 "As we unite around the world in prayer and action, we create a powerful vibration of love, a frequency that unlocks and heals the hearts of those who have yet to learn the awesome power of Christ love. We stand at the crossroads to a very important time of choice, action and giving. Instead of a One World Government, we can create a One World Healing." 

 The media has scrupulously avoided this controversial and provocative issue, even though mind control atrocities directed against innocent children are the world's most terrible secret. Read Thanks for the Memories and decide for yourself. Knowledge is power, and the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity are exposed -- as mind control victims continue to tell their stories. Bob Hope's autobiography, by the way, is also called Thanks For the Memories,the name of his musical keynote. Imagine the confusion at bookstores when people try to order his book -- and they get Brice Taylor's memoirs instead. 

Copyright 1999 Uri Dowbenko.

Use this order form to order Brice Taylor's books and videos directly from her

You can also contact Brice Taylor at < for more information on obtaining her materials. 



"What the White whale was to Ahab, has been hinted; what, at dies, he was to me, as yet remains unsaid. Aside from those more obvious considerations touching Moby Dick, which could not but occasionally awaken in any man's soul some alarm, there was another thought, or ether vague, nameless honor concerning  him,  which  at  times  by  its  intensity completely overpowered all the rest; and yet so mystical and well nigh ineffable was it, that I almost despair of putting it in a comprehensible foci. It was the whiteness of the whale that above all things appdled me. But how can I hope to explain...

What is it that in the Albino man so peculiarly repels and often shocks the eye, as that sometimes he is loathed by his own Kim and kin!   It is that whiteness which invests him, a thing expressed by the name he bears, The Albino is as well made as other men - has no substantive deformity - and yet this mere aspect of all-pervading whiteness makes him more strangely hideous than the ugliest abonion. Why should this be so?"

Herman Melville,
"On the Whiteness of the Whale",
Moby Dick

And incidentally, do you know the main reason why Nazi Germany never attempted to attack, invade or incorporate Fascist Spain or Fascist Portugal into the Reich or draw them into involvement in the war on their side?

It's pretty amazing.

The Portuguese were the first European maritime nation to begin establishing a global empire based on exploration, exploitation, conquest, colonialism, chattel slavery and White Supremacy (with a Papal Bull to back it up) in the 1460s, and Lisbon is the closest European capital to the former location of Atlantis.

The Canary Islands, the Basque region and the French Pyrranees are crammed full of the remains of advanced Cromagnon settlements and Nazi archeologists and anthropologists that studied them determined that these were refugee colonies of  Atlanteans and that a variety of European groups, specifically including the Basques and Normans, plus the white Berbers of North Africa were directly descended from Atlantean Cromagnon survivors.

That is, after all what Plato says.

And he got it from Solon, the Lawgiver of Athens.

Just as Moses-Akenhaten was the Lawgiver of the Hebrew-Israelites.

It may therefore be a very worthwhile exercise in historical analysis to reexamine more closely the attitude  and treatment of the Berber population by the Germans under the military occupation by the Afrika Korpa - under Fascist Italy, it had certainly not been good, but then again Mussolini was certainly uncommitted to and likely did not believe in any of this Atlantis stuff - it's an interesting and open question as to whether a Prussian military aristocratic officer class and doctrinaire non-Nazi professional soldier like Erwin Rommel would have even known about these beliefs or engaged with that kind of thinking, or let it influence his thinking or political and military philosophy even if it did.

We know, for example, that the Serphardic Jews across all of North Africa fared remarkably well during these years - in fact, far better than the Jewish population of the Dutch East Indies under Japanese occupation, after German diplomatic insistence that they be all interred by the Japanese, dispatching small squad of SS during the war by U-Boat during 1942 to supervise the operations and ensure that the work was done and the actions carried out.

Why Don't We Call Them Cro-Magnon Anymore?

What Are Cro-Magnons?

Cro-Magnon is the informal word once used by scientists to refer to the people who were living alongside Neanderthals at the end of the last ice age (ca. 35,000-10,000 years ago). They were given the name 'Cro-Magnon' because in 1868, parts of five skeletons were discovered in the rockshelter of that name, located in the famous Dordogne Valley of France.

Scientists compared these skeletons to Neanderthal skeletons which had earlier been found in similarly dated sites such as Paviland, Wales; and a little later at Combe Capelle and Laugerie-Bassein France, and decided they were different enough from the Neanderthals, to give them a different name.

Recent research over the past 20 years or so, however, has led scholars to believe that the physical dimensions of so-called 'Cro-Magnon' are not sufficiently different enough from modern humans to warrant a separate designation. Scientists today use 'Anatomically Modern Human' (AMH) or 'Early Modern Human' (EMH) to designate the Upper Paleolithic human beings who looked a lot like us, but did not have the complete suite of modern human behaviors.

Physical Characteristics of EMH

The physical characteristics of Early Modern Human are quite similar to modern humans, although perhaps a bit more robust, particularly seen in femora--the leg bones. The differences, which are slight, have been attributed to the shift away from long distance hunting strategies to sedentism and agriculture.

A recent study by Trent Holliday comparing early and late Upper Paleolithic skeletal materials provided an average male height of 170 centimeters (early) and 168 centimeters (late), and average female height of 157.6 cm (early) and 158.4 (late). However, Formicola and Giannecchini's data revealed that "EUP [Early Upper Paleolithic] males are much taller (176.2 cm) and LUP [Late Upper Paleolithic] shorter (165.6 cm), with an average difference of 10.6 cm. Similarly EUP females (162.9 cm) largely exceed LUP females (153.5 cm)." I think the jury is still out.

Where Did EMH Come From?

In Africa, early modern humans appeared at least as long ago as 160,000 years BP at sites such as Bouri in Ethiopia, and perhaps as long ago as 195,000 years ago, if the dating of Omo Kibish, also in Ethiopia, is correct. The earliest sites outside of Africa with early modern humans are at Skhul and Qafzeh caves in what is now Israel about 100,000 years ago. There's a large gap in the record for Asia and Europe, between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago, a period in which the Middle East seems to have been occupied by Neanderthals; but around 50,000 years ago, the EMH appear again and flow back into Europe.

This is problematic, because there's very little data for these periods of time. In addition, the relationship between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens is hotly debated in some circles. Behaviorally, in Africa and the Middle East, the Neanderthals and EMH were pretty much the same; they were physically quite different and different scholars debate on our exact relationship with them.

Before the return of EMH to the Middle East and Europe, early technological glimmers of modern behavior are in evidence at several South African sites of the Still Bay/Howiesons Poort tradition, about 75,000-65,000 years ago. But it wasn't until about 50,000 years ago or so, that a difference in tools, in burial methods, in the presence of art and music, and probably some changes in social behaviors as well, became apparent. At the same time, early modern humans left Africa.

[OR, The Flood came and decimated The Earth, Utnaprishtem (the town drunk), his wife and family were rescued and spared from the Extinction Level Event (ELE) by the Annunaki Lord Ennki and his wife Ninhassan, after having their genome augmented with acoustic harmonic waveform technology at sites like the Annunaki colonies of Kmet, Kush and Great Zimbabwe, upgrading them by means of directed mutation from Neanderthal Hominds to the first generation of AFRICAN Early Modern Humans, as distinct from the Cro-Magnons, descendent fromsurvivors of the last generation of ATLANTEAN Early Modern Humans, that eventually became decadent and recessive...]

What were the Tools Like?

Beginning about 50,000 years ago, the tool kit associated with EMH is the Aurignacian, characterized by what archaeologists call a 'blade industry'. In blade technology, the knapper has sufficient skill to purposefully produce a long thin sliver of stone that is triangular in cross-section. Blades were then converted into all kinds of tools, sort of the Swiss army knife of early modern humans.
Other things associated with early modern humans include ritual burials, such as that at Abrigo do Lagar Velho, Portugal, where a child's body was covered with red ochre before being interred 24,000 years ago. The invention of the atlatl was at least as long as 17,500 years ago, the earliest having been recovered from the site of Combe Sauniere. Venus figurines are attributed to early modern humans of about 30,000 years ago; and of course, let's not forget the amazing Lascaux Cave.

So Why Don't We Still Call Them Cro-Magnon?

The more we learn about early modern humans, the less we feel confident about the early classification systems we developed more than 130 years ago. The term Cro-Magnon doesn't refer to a particular taxonomy or even a particular group located in a particular place. The word is not precise enough, and so most paleontologists prefer to use Anatomically Modern or Early Modern Humans.

Early Modern Human Sites

Sites with EMH human remains include: Predmostí and Mladec Cave (Czech Republic), Cro-Magnon, Abri Pataud, Brassempouy (France), Cioclovina (Romania), Qafzeh CaveSkuhl Cave, and Amud (Israel), Vindija Cave (Croatia), kostenki(Russia), Bouri and Omo Kibish (Ethiopia)
See Page 2 for bibliographic sources for this project.
This glossary entry is a part of the Guide to the Middle Paleolithic, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology.

Early Modern Human Bibliography

This bibliography was built for the glossary entry for Cro-Magnons, or what scholars now call Early Modern Humans. See specific site descriptions for additional articles.

Sources for Early Modern Human

This bibliography is a part of the Guide to the Middle Paleolithic, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology.
PNAS Early Edition November 11, 2005. Free download.
Brantingham, Jeffrey, Steven L. Kuhn, and Christopher W. Kerry (editors). 2004. The Early Upper Paleolithic Beyond Western Europe. University of California Press, Berkeley.
Goudot, Patrick 2002 The mandibular canal of the "Old Man" of Cro-Magnon: anatomical-radiological study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 30:213-218.
Holliday, Trenton W. 2002 Body size and postcranial robusticity of European Upper Paleolithic hominins. Journal of Human Evolution 43(4):513-528.
Thanks to Dar Habel for an update on Omo Kibish.

The Nazi Channel Islands

"Hostilities will end officially at one minute after midnight tonight, but in the interests of saving lives the 'Cease fire' began yesterday to be sounded all along the front, and our dear Channel Islands are also to be freed today."

- Winston Churchill

"Thank you for your postcard. I very nearly went to Jersey myself, as I have never been there, and hear from so many people that it is quite delightful.

If you are free tomorrow evening between six and seven, do come round for a drink and a chat.

Ever sincerely, Boothby."

Private note sent by Lord Boothby to Ronnie Kray,

June 6, 1963

Monday 30 March 2015

The Control of Diana Mary Fluck

Jason Lake: Our house was a hotbed of drugs and orgies

IF JASON DORS-LAKE'S life story has a moral, it must be that love is not all you need. No child could have been more adored than the son of the legendary Diana Dors, Britain’s own Marilyn Monroe, and her third husband actor Alan Lake. 

Jason Dors Lake reveals truth about childhood in new book Connecting Dors The Legacy Of Diana DorsJason Dors-Lake reveals truth about childhood in new book Connecting Dors: The Legacy Of Diana Dors

Jason ’s bedroom was filled with toys, he was denied almost nothing and was constantly fussed over by his parents’ famous friends – from Hollywood star Gregory Peck to associates of the Kray twins.

After two disastrous marriages to controlling men who were only too willing to live off her fame and considerable income, Diana met the love of her life in her late 30s.

Alan Lake, nine years her junior, was different. He had a flourishing career and she could depend on him to earn enough to support the family. For much of Jason’s childhood his parents managed to make sure one of them was at home with their much-loved son.

The problem was that although Jason had been born in 1969 at the very end of the swinging Sixties, neither of his parents were inclined to curb their party lifestyle. Alan, when left alone with Jason, would often push his pram to the pub and, when the toddler got restless, slip a little champagne into his bottle.

A s for his mother, her fame was built on the full figure and smouldering sexuality that she had been exploiting since she was herself a spoiled only child in Swindon, entering beauty contests with the encouragement of her adoring mother.

Many of the rooms at the Berkshire family home Orchard Manor were fitted with spy cameras and two-way mirrors. Starlets who came to Diana’s legendary parties were encouraged to seduce famous guests and it was said Diana enjoyed reviewing the filmed highlights.

Bob Monkhouse, one of her most enthusiastic regular guests, later commented: “The problem with going to an orgy is that one is never quite sure who to thank.”

Jason can recall waking late one night and finding his father hosting a drugs party with friends, one of whom was Andrew Ray, a close pal of the infamous Krays. “I want a funny candy too,” Jason said as he saw something that looked like a giant white jelly bean being handed round and everyone who put their nose to it laughing like a drain.

“Let the lad have some fun,” shouted Ray. “Here, take a sniff of this,” he said, breaking open the jelly bean to release a white smoke. Jason recalls laughing until his tummy ached. He still isn’t sure what it was but is certain it shouldn’t have been given to a five-year-old.

His parents seemed oblivious to the dangers to which they were exposing their son. On a visit to America to stay with his two teenage half-brothers in the Los Angeles house his mother had rented , he found his father smoking cannabis from a water pipe with Mark, then 19, and Gary, 17, the children from Diana’s marriage to Hogan’s Heroes actor Richard Dawson. Jason had learned from an early age that if he pestered long enough, his parents would eventually give him what he wanted. He demanded to join in and persisted until his father agreed. He was nine.

Diana knew what was going on but was reluctant to rock the boat. Her ex-husband had won custody of the two older boys when she divorced him to be with Alan and since for once she had all her boys together, she wanted no friction.

The cannabis sessions continued whenever Jason was home from boarding school and he became an expert spliff-roller for his father and for Gary who was then living at Orchard Manor . When Diana did voice concerns Alan simply said: “Better he does it among friends rather than strangers.”

In Connecting Dors, the book of Diana’s life and Jason’s childhood, he tells of a celebrity upbringing in which he never doubted he was loved but in which he also came to imagine that hosting a drug-fuelled orgy several times a month was what all parents did. ‘‘I thought it was all fairly normal. I thought everyone behaved like that at parties.”

Quite how things would have worked out had his parents lived to old age, Jason will never know because life at Orchard Manor came to a sudden and tragic halt.

The family’s happiness had already been blighted by Alan’s alcoholism but then his mother became ill. Diana died from ovarian cancer in 1984 at the age of 53. Five months later his grief-stricken father, unable to cope without her, shot himself while Jason was at school.

The only adult relatives Jason had left were his half-brothers now back in America. Within days of burying his father, closely watched by the world’s press and refusing to shed a tear for the cameras, he went to live with Gary, then only 22, and embarked on an aimless journey into adulthood.

He became a father when he was 22 but abandoned the mother and child shortly after . He was overtaken by addiction and alcoholism and even made a drug-fuelled suicide attempt by jumping off a girlfriend’s third-floor balcony.

Now 43 he lives a quiet life on the Kent coast surrounded by a small group of friends. He attends regular Alcoholic Anonymous meetings and is trying to turn his life around.

Jason Dors-Lake, Diana Dors, new book, Marilyn MonroeDiana Dors built her career on smouldering sexuality and privately her parties were equally racy

 I thought it was all fairly normal. I thought everyone behaved like that at parties 

Jason Dors-Lake

He has built a relationship with his daughter and sees her regularly. He has acquired the rights to his mother’s estate and created a small business selling Diana Dors merchandise to her many loyal fans . He is also trying to revive the musical talent his mother once hoped would provide him with a future.

The friend who wrote his story for him, Niema Ash, recalls a rare outburst of grief from him over the death of a pet bird he had raised by hand after it fell out of its nest. “Everything dies on me,” Jason told her. “Everything leaves me. My mother died, my father died.”

She believes it was possibly the first time he had ever been able to mourn the loss of his parents. Even at his father’s funeral, the 14-year-old Jason had only been able to mutter “I love you” into the grave, hoping no one would hear.

It took weeks of mourning for his dead chick before he told Niema: “It’s okay. I’ve stopped crying now.” He was almost 40 years old. It had taken him more than a quarter of a century to cry for his lost parents.

Connecting Dors: The Legacy Of Diana Dors by Niema Ash, Purple Inc Press, £14.99. To buy this book directly from the author with autograph and dedication, visit

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