Sunday 1 March 2015

A Synchronicity of Paternities

"Yet another divorce scandal broke in 1876. This time it seems the Prince of Wales played, uncharacteristicly, an almost guiltless role, his one misdemeanour amounting to writing some compromising letters to Lady Aylseford, who was being divorced by her husband in the grounds of her adultery with Lord Blandford, elder brother of Lord Randolph Churchill. Churchill obtained a packet of letters written by the Prince to Lady Aylseford which Lord Randolph described as of 'the most compromising character', adding that if they were ever published, they would would ensure the Prince 'would never sit upon the Throne of England'. As a result the Prince challenged Churchill to a duel but was curtly refused.

In 1888, the year of the Ripper murders, the name of the Prince of Wales had become so reviled that even his own nephew, the German Kaiser, threatened to cancel a visit to Austria unless the Prince, who was staying in Vienna, departed first."

Stephen Knight,
Jack the Ripper : The Final Soultion (1976) 

" I could detail to you a still more despicable opinion which General Hamilton has expressed of Mr. Burr..."
 - Friend to Alexander Hamilton, 1804

"You're despicable" 
- Daffy Duck, 1952

"The   rationale   behind   the scene  presented  here   is   the somewhat resonant chronological coincidence that links the onset of the Whitechapel murders with the conception of Adolf Hitler. Born in April 1889, simple aridimetic places Hitler's conception  some  time around the July or August of the
previous year. For obvious reasons, I've chosen August, in order to present the striking juxtaposition of a sudden inexplicable wash of blood occurring in one of the worlds most populous Jewish quarters at almost the precise moment that the future Reich-Chancellor fused into being from the no doubt splendid genetic material of his mother and father. 

Given that very little documentary material  exists  conceding  the intimate sex lives of Alois and Klara Hitler, the scene here is naturally invented, as is Frau Hitler's ominous vision. Incidental details such as location are accurate, and are drawn from Hitler, A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock (Odhams, 1952)."

Alan Moore,
From Hell (1992),
Chapter Five, Footnote 1

Sherlock - Look at the Floor

Saturday 28 February 2015

The Limited Hanging-Out of Jihadi John

Jihadi John
[Aka Paki-Spider-Man]
[Half Pirate, Half Ninja, All Rubblish]

Bible John

Bible John
[Second Suspect]

So - this is their current position on MI5 recruitment and penetration of Jihadist networks; 

(which everyone in both 5 and 6 appear to be trying to infer 5 has no interest in achieving...)

6 claim that 5 had no file on John, or refusing to say whether or not they do, whilst heavily inferring that they don't, and as a result, 5 never warned 6 he was leaving to presumably join the NATO Arab Legion in the Iraqi desert near Mosul.

I have literally no clue who this is...

It's the standard MI5/MI6, FBI on 9/11 excuse - 'We do nothing BUT gather intelligence, but we didn't know because nobody had told us, so there's no way anyone could have stopped him, so please can we have another billion on the budget.' 

That's the basic principle they are rallying around in their public account of these things.

But here's what they actually specifically say happened here, and what went wrong : 5 were mean to John and wouldn't leave him alone, and so he became a Jihadi.

Literally, that's it.

Just with ASIO in Australia (who to be fair probably don't know any better, because most of them wouldn't be able to recognise a Muslim from a toaster), we are told to believe that 5 spend their entire time being mean to teenage Muslims and persecuting them in the hopes of spotting any potential radicals and stop it before it starts.

A four year old knows better than that, Jesus...

I'm not going to comment on the individuals, but in general I think those are very specious arguments. 

These people draw attention to themselves because of their activity, their mixing, participation in extremist and sometimes terrorist circles, so of course they're going to draw attention to themselves and by an approach, if that's what happens, you give an opportunity to the individual to draw back from the terrorist groups that he - it's usually a he, sometimes a she - is about to mix with and you also give them a warning. 

But the idea that somehow being spoken to by a member of MI5 is a radicalising act, I think this is very false and very transparent.

Why indeed? 

The decision to cut him loose can't possibly reflect well on them, since it would outwardly presents an impression of just gross incompetence and ineptitude and dereliction of duty all round by suggesting that they might not know everything there is to know about him.

Or at least, it might, if preventing the radicalisation of British Muslim youth in the Jihadi Irregulars of the NATO-Arab Legion were not their primary consideration and conduiting them in, along with special forces trainers, arms and other logistical support into secular, ethnically heterogeneous and friendly foreign nation-States with whom we have diplomatic relations and with whom we we not at war has not been the main project of the British and NATO Security Services continually since at least 1992 - which of course it is.

Furthermore, anyone who pays the slightest bit of attention knows this, and even worse still, the former Foreign Secretary responsible for instructing MI6 in the carrying out of this policy in Serbia and her neighbours for the better part of 5 years during the late 90s not only owned up to doing so in print on July 8th 2005, he both repudiated the Public Myth of The Mythical Al-Qaeda Beast and intimated  that he was himself familiar with many of the personalities responsible for delivering those policy objectives on the ground.

"At the time of writing, no group has surfaced even to explain why they launched the assault. Sometime over the next few days we may be offered a website entry or a video message attempting to justify the impossible, but there is no language that can supply a rational basis for such arbitrary slaughter. The explanation, when it is offered, is likely to rely not on reason but on the declaration of an obsessive fundamentalist identity that leaves no room for pity for victims who do not share that identity.

In the absence of anyone else owning up to yesterday's crimes, we will be subjected to a spate of articles analysing the threat of militant Islam. Ironically they will fall in the same week that we recall the tenth anniversary of the massacre at Srebrenica, when the powerful nations of Europe failed to protect 8,000 Muslims from being annihilated in the worst terrorist act in Europe of the past generation. "

See the excellent documentary "The Weight of Chains" to understand why this should set all alarm bells ringing...

"Osama bin Laden is no more a true representative of Islam than General Mladic, who commanded the Serbian forces, could be held up as an example of Christianity. "

Cook himself has far from clean hands here - it is not true that Mladic commanded Serbian Forces. He commanded the Bosian-Serb Forces (and their allies) of the breakaway Republika Serbska Army, demonstrated at The Hague to be not under the control of the legal and recognised Serbian government in Belgrade, or the rump Yugoslav Army, from which it had taken most of its materiel and personnel

"Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. "

Not true. It worked perfectly, still does and always has.

"Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. "

This is actually backwards. UBL financed, laundered and distrusted the funds, but other than being videotaped riding a horse or firing an AK-47, there is no evidence of his actual operational involvement in violence of any kind.

"Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians

Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden's organisation would turn its attention to the west."

The fact that the database itself is inferred to still exist in the 1998-2005 timeframe by Cook empirically proves that it was still in use, regularly consulted or updated with the post-Afghan activities, movements and résumés of all known experienced Jihadis - so the idea that anything that occurred in those years done by any of those people was unknown, unknowable and just a massive oversight is just a complete non-starter.

If Cook knew about it in 1997, when becoming Foreign Secretary and taking over custody of British policy in the Balkan Wars, including ongoing MI6 operations in Serbia, Albania and Montenegro, that's a firm indication that "the database" at that time still existed and was in use, and that he himself had been privy to at least some of its content or raw intelligence product, when planning for the Kosovo War.

Which is to say, Mr. Robin Cook MP, after resigning from the government to repudiate his own previous position as a State Sponsor of Terror for New Labour wrote a Guardian Editorial on the day of 7/7 indicating firmly that this goes on; he ordered and approved it, MI5 and MI6, on his instruction, continued to send British Muslim Youth from places like Bradford and Hounslow up the Kybur to attend Jihadi training and indoctrination in camps in Helmand built by the Saudi-BinLaden Group for the CIA, and then from there on to Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo and all points in between.

He did that, that is British Government policy for almost 30 years and still is, and EVERYONE knows this. 

Why else does every other Security Service speak so scornfully of Londonistan...?

The UK harbours terrorists. It's what we do, we always have.

We love terrorists here, we always have, going back at least as far as the Black Magick and Enochian terrorism of John Dee and the Pirate King Sir Francis Drake, El Draco, the Dragon.

Mazzini proved that anyone with a purely self-serving sectarian ideology can be bought and used to perform a service for The Crown, creating the first real, global terror network, based in his rooms just on Gower Street. 

Today, Sherlock Holmes lives next door.

See that light on the wall, left of the door..?

NW1 is a den of spooks, terrorists and spies.
Always has been, always will be.

And they have no intention of ever stopping. 

After all, it works so well.

Yup. Same part of London as ALL the Rich Arab Families in London live in (there is a famous, exclusive Mosque on the edge of Regents Park, one of the oldest in England).

I wonder if he's a member of the MCC...


Biblical Meaning: 

The name John is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name John is: The grace or mercy of the Lord.

American Meaning: 

The name John is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name John is: The grace or mercy of the Lord.

Hebrew Meaning: 

The name John is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name John is: Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor. In the bible John the Baptist baptized Christ in the Jordan river. Variants have been created in almost every language.

Shakespearean Meaning: 

The name John is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name John is: Henry IV' Prince. 'Henry VI' John Talbot. 'King Henry VI, III' John Mortimer, Montgomery, & Somerville. 'King John'. 'Merry Wives of Windsor' John Falstaff. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Don John. 'Richard II' John of Gaunt. 'Romeo And Juliet' Friar.

SoulUrge Number: 6
People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated.

Expression Number: 2
People with this name tend to be quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathetic to others, adaptable, balanced and sometimes shy. They are trustworthy, respecting the confidences of others, and make excellent diplomats, mediators and partners. They are often very intuitive. They like detail and order, and often find change worrisome. They may sometimes feel insecure or restless.

Friday 27 February 2015

Accession : Winston SPENCER Churchill - Royal Bastard

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

Winston ChurchillAKA Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Born: 30-Nov-1874
Birthplace: Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 24-Jan-1965
Location of death: London, England
Cause of death: Stroke
Remains: Buried, St. Martin Churchyard, Bladon, Oxfordshire, England

Gender: Male
Religion: Anglican/Episcopalian
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Head of State

Nationality: England
Executive summary: WWII Prime Minister of England

Military service: British Army

Father: Lord Randolph Churchill (politician, b. 13-Feb-1849, d. 24-Jan-1895)
Mother: Jeanette Jerome ("Jennie")
Brother: John Strange Churchill (b. 9-Feb-1880)
Wife: Clementine Ogilvy Hozier (m. 12-Sep-1908)
Daughter: Diana Churchill (b. 11-Jul-1909, d. 1963)
Son: Randolph Frederick Edward Churchill (b. 28-May-1911)
Daughter: Sarah Churchill (b. 7-Oct-1914)
Daughter: Marigold Frances Churchill (b. 15-Nov-1918)
Daughter: Mary Churchill (b. 15-Sep-1922)

    High School: Harrow School
    University: Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (1895)
    Administrator: University of Bristol

    UK Prime Minister (1951-55)
    UK Minister of Defence (1951-52)
    UK Member of Parliament for Woodford (1945-64)
    Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports (1941-65)
    UK Prime Minister (1940-45)
    UK Minister of Defence (1940-45)
    Chancellor of the Exchequer (1924)
    UK Member of Parliament for Epping (1924-45)
    UK Secretary of State for the Colonies (1921-22)
    UK Minister of Munition (1917-19)
    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1915)
    UK Home Secretary (1910-11)
    UK Member of Parliament for Dundee (1908-22)
    UK Member of Parliament for Manchester North West (1906-08)
    UK Member of Parliament for Oldham (1900-06)
    Athenaeum Club (London) 
    Carlton Club 
    Conservative Party (UK) 
    Freemasonry Studholme Lodge, London (1901)
    Pilgrims Society 
    Nobel Prize for Literature (1953)
    Congressional Gold Medal 
    Knight of the British Empire 
    Kentucky Colonel 
    Time Person of the Year 1940
    Time Person of the Year 1949
    Sonning Prize 1950
    Taken Prisoner of War 
    Traveled to the USSR Aug-1942
    Traveled to the USSR 9-Oct-1944
    Traveled to the USSR Yalta Conference (Feb-1945)
    Hernia Operation (11-Jun-1947)
    Stroke (Jun-1953)
    Stroke (15-Jan-1965)
    Naturalized US Citizen 1963 (honorary)
    Huguenot Ancestry 
    Risk Factors: DepressionSmokingDyslexiaObesityStutteringAppendicitis

    Ethos (10-Feb-2011) · Himself

Appears on the cover of:
Life, 21-May-1945, DETAILS: Part I of a close-up

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Lord Randolph Churchill

Lord Randolph ChurchillAKA Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill

Born: 13-Feb-1849
Birthplace: Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 24-Jan-1895
Location of death: London, England
Cause of death: Syphilis
Remains: Buried, St. Martin Churchyard, Bladon, Oxfordshire, England

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Politician, Relative

Nationality: England
Executive summary: Father of Winston Churchill

"...He continued, for some years longer, to take a considerable share in the proceedings of parliament, giving a general, though decidedly independent, support to the Unionist administration. On the Irish question he was a very candid critic of Balfour's measures, and one of his later speeches, which recalled the acrimonious violence of his earlier period, was that which he delivered in 1890 on the report of the Parnell commission. He also fulfilled the promise made on his resignation by occasionally advocating the principles of economy and retrenchment in the debates on the naval and military estimates. In April 1889, on the death of Bright, he was asked to come forward as a candidate for the vacant seat in Birmingham, and the result was a rather angry controversy with Chamberlain, terminating in the so-called "Birmingham compact" for the division of representation of the Midland capital between Liberal Unionists and Conservatives. But his health was already precarious, and this, combined with the anomaly of his position, induced him to relax his devotion to parliament during the later years of the Salisbury administration. He bestowed much attention on society, travel and sport. He was an ardent supporter of the turf, and in 1889 he won the Oaks with a mare named the Abbesse de Jouarre. In 1891 he went to South Africa, in search both of health and relaxation. He travelled for some months through Cape Colony, the Transvaal and Rhodesia, making notes on the politics and economics of the countries, shooting lions, and recording his impressions in letters to a London newspaper, which were afterwards republished under the title of Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa. He returned with renewed energy, and in the general election of 1892 once more flung himself, with his old vigor, into the strife of parties. His seat at South Paddington was uncontested; but he was active on the platform, and when parliament met he returned to the opposition front bench, and again took a leading part in debate, attacking Gladstone's second Home Rule Bill with special energy. But it was soon apparent that his powers were undermined by the inroads of disease. As the session of 1893 wore on his speeches lost their old effectiveness, and in 1894 he was listened to not so much with interest as with pity. His last speech in the House was delivered in the debate on Uganda in June 1894, and was a painful failure. He was, in fact, dying of general paralysis. A journey round the world was undertaken as a forlorn hope. Lord Randolph started in the autumn of 1894, accompanied by his wife, but the malady made so much progress that he was brought back in haste from Cairo. He reached England shortly before Christmas and died in London on the 24th of January 1895.

Father: John Winston Spencer-Churchill
Mother: Frances Anne Emily Vane
Brother: George Charles Spencer-Churchill
Sister: Anne Churchill
Brother: Augustine Churchill
Brother: Charles Churchill
Sister: Cornelia Churchill
Sister: Fanny Churchill
Sister: Georgiana Churchill
Sister: Rosamund Churchill
Sister: Sarah Churchill
Wife: Jeanette Jerome (American, "Jennie", m. 15-Apr-1874)
Son: Winston Churchill (b. 30-Nov-1874)
Son: John Strange Churchill (b. 9-Feb-1880)

    High School: Eton College (1863-65)
    University: Merton College, Oxford University

    Chancellor of the Exchequer (1886-87)
    UK Leader of the House of Commons (1886-87)
    UK Secretary of State for India (1885-86)
    UK Member of Parliament for Paddington South (1885-94)
    UK Member of Parliament for Woodstock (1874-85)
    Carlton Club 
    Conservative Party (UK) 
    Risk Factors: SmokingAlcoholismDepression

Author of books:
Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa (1892)

Winston Churchill, his mother and the philandering Prince - Life & Style - London Evening Standard

These remarkable assertions are made by husband-and-wife historians Celia and John Lee in their new biography of the Churchill family, based on thousands of documents kept secret for years in a locked room by Winston's late nephew, Peregrine Churchill. 

Celia Lee had agreed to help Peregrine on a family biography, restoring his father Jack to what he considered his rightful place as the pragmatic, helpful heart of the spendthrift Churchill clan. When Peregrine died of a heart attack in 2002, Celia spent seven years sifting through the goldmine of papers entrusted to her by Peregrine's widow, Yvonne. The cache, she discovered, included scores of intimate notes from the King when he was Prince of Wales to Peregrine's grandmother.

Lady Randolph — the vivacious, resourceful American socialite and heiress née Jennie Jerome — married Lord Randolph Churchill, the third son of the Duke of Marlborough and a maverick Tory MP, in April 1874. She gave birth to Winston that November — of his "premature" birth, more later — and Jack, christened John, was born in 1880.

The Churchills' position in London society, and Jennie's ambitions for her husband and sons, brought them into regular contact with Prince Albert Edward, Queen Victoria's heir, known as Bertie. The Prince was renowned for his sexual appetite and a string of mistresses, and reportedly held wife-swapping parties in his London home. Jennie, a dark beauty who has also been characterised as a sexual adventurer, did not escape his attention.

Following long discussions with his father before his death, Peregrine Churchill was able to tell Celia that, as early as 1889, Lord Randolph had returned home to find the Prince and his wife together, scandalously unchaperoned, and angrily threw the Prince out. The Lees' book notes that the first condolence letter Jennie received after her husband's death in 1895 was from the Prince, headed "My Dear Lady Randolph". But within a year, he was addressing her far more intimately as "ma chère". She, in turn, christened the portly Prince "Tum Tum".

Bertie's later missives ask if he can visit her for a "Japanese tea", where she would apparently wear a loose kimono (a note from a dressmaker relating to such a garment is in the collection), or promise meetings where Jennie would have her "entertainments". He teases her, suggesting that she should stick by "old friends" rather than chase after new amours, and wondering "where your next loved victim is". Jennie's own notes back to the Prince are lost as he ordered all his private correspondence to be burned after his death, although other letters she wrote openly referring to other affairs survive.

But notes from Jennie to her schoolboy sons — including one where she suggests the Prince will name a new puppy after Jack, and another written on the Prince's Sandringham notepaper — indicate a familiarity beyond that of a widow and a royal "friend". The Lees suggest Jennie enjoyed a privileged position as official mistress, "La Favourite", above criticism, as Celia puts it. John adds that Jennie never made the mistake of falling in love with the Prince, unlike another mistress, Alice Keppel.

"It was not a love affair between Jennie and the Prince but a matter of sexual convenience for both of them," says Celia. "The way the Prince wrote to her, asking her to serve him tea in her geisha dress' — geisha means concubine — would have been a totally inappropriate way to address a woman, married, widowed or single. This, and the amount of time they spent together, marks her out as having had a sexual relationship with him." Celia points out that the two were even photographed together by the Daily Mirror, on a walking tour of the Tower of London, Jennie looking "for all the world like the Queen of England".

It might be thought that the Lees are trying to smear the mother of England's greatest hero but the opposite is true. Jennie, who married twice more to much younger husbands after Randolph's death, was vilified in the 20th century for having an alleged 200 lovers, and in 2009 was the subject of a prurient Channel 4 documentary called Lady Randy. Through close examination of Peregrine's papers and other documents at the Churchill Archives Centre in Churchill College, Cambridge, the Lees put the figure of Jennie's partners at a dozen or fewer, only one of them — the Polish count Charles Kinsky — possibly overlapping with her marriage to Randolph. They pay tribute to her talents as a fundraiser, hostess and writer.

The Lees also debunk rumours that Winston was conceived out of wedlock, that Jack was sired by another man, and that Lord Randolph died of syphilis. They claim a fall from a horse which left Jennie with a pelvic injury resulted in both boys being born a few weeks prematurely (Jack told Peregrine that he had been a "blue baby"). Jennie's nephews, Shane and Seymour — sons of her sister Leonie Leslie — claimed to have witnessed an affair between Jennie and Evelyn Boscawen, 7th Viscount Falmouth, in Ireland at the time of Jack's conception but Celia has proved that neither Leslie boy had actually been born at the time.

The persistent story that Lord Randolph's long years of ill health and early death were caused by syphilis seems to have been an invention designed to discredit Winston when he contentiously rejoined the Conservatives in Parliament in 1920. Celia recovered Lord Randolph's doctor's records and showed them to medical expert Dr John H Mather, who concluded after two years' study that Randolph died of an inoperable brain tumour. Peregrine also told Celia that he believed Randolph's condition rendered him impotent from 1882, which may explain Jennie's need to find physical affection elsewhere.

The Lees' book also debunks the canard that Jennie and Randolph were unaffectionate parents. It is full of generous, loving letters from both parents to the boys during their schooldays, and details of their attempts to get them a position in life. Since Jack was an exemplary and impeccably behaved scholar, it is possible that the headstrong and ill-disciplined Winston resented his parents exhorting him to be more like his younger brother.

Certainly in his first memoir, My Early Life, Winston offhandedly refers to his parents as distant and makes little reference to his brother. He tells a self-aggrandising childhood story of saving "another boy" from drowning in a lake in Switzerland. The boy was, in fact, Jack, and Winston was responsible for getting him into difficulty in the first place. Later in life, Jack would manage the family finances, help research his brother's books, and support his political career — none of which Winston ever acknowledged.

The Lees believe Winston played down his happy family life to suggest that he succeeded by the strength of his own will — "alone I did this" — and that subsequent biographers swallowed the line. They also believe that Winston "airbrushed" Jack out of family history in part because he was ashamed of him.

Aged just 15 when Lord Randolph died, Jack was forced to make a living in the "ungentlemanly" profession of stockbroking (as the third son of the Duke of Marlborough, Randolph did not receive a substantial inheritance). Winston may not have wanted it known that he had a brother in "trade", especially during his days as Prime Minister.

Jack seems to have borne this neglect with equanimity, even when his financial nous uncovered a genuine betrayal by his mother, which was to Winston's disadvantage as much as to his own. In 1914, while sorting out Jenny's divorce from George Cornwallis-West (he had run off with actress Mrs Patrick Campbell) Jack read his father's will. He discovered that he and his brother should have been paid £600 a year on Jennie's remarriage. She had kept the clause, and the money, secret from them. "It makes a considerable difference finding that Papa's will was not made — as we were always led to suppose — carelessly and without any consideration for us," he wrote angrily to his mother.

Nevertheless, the bonds of maternal affection proved strong. Four years later in 1918 when Jack was fighting the Germans in France as an officer in charge of Anzac troops, he heard of his mother's third marriage, to Montagu Porch, a man scant years older than Winston. "What a surprise!" he wrote to Jennie. "Whenever I go to war you do these things!" He signed off with the words: "And so I send you my best love and wishes, and pray that all will be well."Jennie, Lady Randolph Churchill, died three years later of a haemorrhage after her leg was amputated following a fall down some steps. Jack died of an aneurysm on the heart in 1947. 

Winston, having seen the nation through two world wars, died in 1965. He was given a state funeral and enshrined by popular acclaim as Britain's greatest leader.

The Lees' book is the first to consider Winston Churchill, his brother and his parents as an affectionate family unit, albeit one prone to financial mismanagement and royal peccadillos. "We certainly weren't trying to take anything away from Winston's greatness," says John.

The last word goes to Allen Packwood, director of the Churchill Archives Centre, where Peregrine's papers now reside. "There have been biographies of Lord Randolph, Lady Randolph and Winston, but what this does is to draw all that together and show you how they interacted," he says. "If you really want to understand Winston Churchill you need to understand the family environment."

The Churchills — A Family Portrait by Celia Lee and John Lee, is published by Palgrave Macmillan on 12 February.

The title: “Costs for the genetically ill — Social Consequences.”

The left frame notes that an institution that houses 130 feeble-minded costs about 104,000 Reichsmarks a year. The right frame notes that that is enough to build 17 houses for healthy working class families.

The text in red at the bottom: “The genetically ill are a burden for the people.”

These posters were intended for use in schools to teach Nazi racial doctrines. I include nine of the posters in the book. The material stresses Nazi eugenics doctrine, and makes it clear that Germany would be better off if the “inferior” population was eliminated. 

The source: Alfred Vogel, Erhlehre, Abstammngs- und Rassenkunde in bildlicher Darstellung, 2nd edition (Stuttgart: Verlag für nationale Literatur Gebr. Roth, 1939).

Thursday 26 February 2015

Haaretz : Israel's Very Own Mafiosi

The car bomb that killed a Jaffa man linked to a local crime family passed almost unnoticed last week, as the tragedy of the three youths kidnapped in the West Bank unfolded.

One could think that the country was justifiably distracted, had it not reacted with similar indifference to much of the brazen gang warfare Israel is experiencing.

In the last year there have been dozens of bombings and gangland shootings, which have largely stumped police and attracted little interest from the media and politicians. Even the February murder of Tha’ar Lala, 26 – shot by gunmen while driving along the tourist-packed Tel Aviv beachfront – quickly faded away and remains unsolved.

It seems easy to think that outside security threats deserve more attention, or dismiss the deadly feuding because so far only criminals have been killed.

But clearly a state cannot renounce the rule of law and its monopoly on violence even when it comes to score-settling among criminals, just as it is obvious that with bullets flying and cars exploding, sooner or later innocent bystanders will also lose their lives in the violence.

As other countries who deal with endemic organized crime have learned at their expense, Israel needs to act swiftly against this creeping threat.

How far has Israel already gone along the road to mafiadom? According to most estimates, there are half a dozen major criminal organizations in Israel, active in drug trafficking, prostitution, loan sharking, gambling and other fields. In recent years, many veteran bosses have been arrested or assassinated by rivals, but their clans survive under new leadership and continue to prosper both at home and abroad. Last year, The Guardian named the Abergil family as one of the world's largest drug cartels despite the imprisonment of the group's leaders, brothers Itzhak and Meir Abergil.

Already in 2009, Italian journalist and anti-mafia activist Roberto Saviano visited Israel and warned that the mob could pose the "ultimate danger" for the Jewish state.

Saviano has lived under police protection since 2006 following the success of "Gomorra," his book, later turned into a movie, on the Naples-based Camorra crime syndicate. Walking through south Tel Aviv, he said the area reminded him of his native neighborhood in the outskirts of Naples. He was not talking about the scenery, but of the mix of poverty, social neglect and lawlessness that allows mobsters to take control.

In his book, the 34-year-old journalist describes how the Camorra filled the social and economic void left by the state and took over most aspects of life in Naples and its surrounding region. "Il Sistema" – the System, as the syndicate is known locally – is no longer content with running drug trafficking and other underground operations. It has grown to control everything from clothing stores and pizzerias to waste disposal, medical supplies and public works contracts. The clans hold local politicians in their pockets and children in the suburbs are recruited as lookouts and drug runners, dreaming to grow up to become hit men or bosses.

Profits from the Camorra's activities are laundered and reinvested far from Naples, in legitimate businesses in northern Italy and abroad. Estimates of the yearly income of Italy's criminal organizations vary wildly, but all range in the tens of billions of Euros, or between 3 to 10 percent of the country's GDP. The largest share goes to the Camorra, which has become Italy's most powerful criminal syndicate, also thanks to the arrests that have weakened Cosa Nostra – the Sicilian Mafia.

The Camorra's "business model" has been replicated by other southern Italian mob groups, especially the 'Ndrangheta, based in the Calabria region, and Cosa Nostra itself. It would be foolish to think that Israel's homegrown mob, if left unchecked, will not go after similar results once the strongest and most vicious clans emerge victorious from the current gang war.

In Sicily, it was precisely a bloody feud between the clans in the 1980s that paved the way for the rise of Salvatore "Toto" Riina, arguably the most ruthless "capo di tutti i capi." Over the next decade, Riina launched an all-out attack on the Italian state, murdering top prosecutors and terrorizing Italy with bombs placed in major cities.

Imagine what a similar scenario would mean for the security and economy of the Jewish state.

Israel's mafiosi may not yet have the resources and manpower of their Italian counterparts, but the open way in which they have been feuding is a worrying sign.

Organized crime does not like to make headlines: It prefers to operate quietly and rely on intimidation to keep victims and witnesses silent.

Here, it is mainly the public's indifference that is allowing mobsters to kill in broad daylight in the heart of the country. They will continue to expand their reach until the potential for unwanted attention and a consequent crackdown remains low.

While Italy has largely failed to eradicate the poverty that plagues the south, it has had some success in fighting the mob, especially in Sicily, by passing laws that specifically target its members and establishing witness protection programs and incentives for turncoats. But first Italy had to bring the issue into the public discourse by learning to openly talk about and condemn the mafia. As part of this strategy, for example, last week Pope Francis travelled to Calabria, the stronghold of the 'Ndrangheta, and declared in front of thousands of faithful that all mafiosi are excommunicated in the eyes of God.

Only strong moral voices, like the pope's or Saviano's, and increased public awareness will put the issue on the agenda in Israel and force politicians to create the social, legislative and enforcement tools needed to target the mob in Israel before it is too late.

Ariel David is a Tel Aviv-based foreign correspondent for Italian and English-language publications. He was AP correspondent in Rome for five years, covering Italy and the Vatican. Follow him on Twitter: @arieldavid1980